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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Hashimaku, Sozen

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Hashimaku, Sozen Empty
PostSubject: Hashimaku, Sozen   Hashimaku, Sozen EmptyTue Apr 23, 2013 9:18 pm

Hashimaku, Sozen 307810-gildarts_super_zps089e191d
Clothing: Sozen generally tends to wear very little, much like his son though he has no real idea. He tends to wear a pair of baggy black martial artist pants that are tucked into heavy Leather boots with large steel buckles. Around his waist he wear's a thick black leather belt with a large steel buckle in the shape of a Dragon's skull on it. As far as his torso itself he wear's nothing but some white cloth wrappings around his waist up to mid-stomach level, multiple scar's coating his exposed tan skin. On his hands he wear's a pair of black leather gloves with large metal plates on their backs used to defend against anything that his Taijutsu and general physical abilities cannot handle, or he doesn't feel like using to parry weaponry, on the backs of these metal plates is the design of a large crimson oriental dragon. The only other accessory he wears is a pitch black cloak he is never seen without, torn and shredded around its edges but still holding up fairly well, thick black obsidian buttons shaped like dragons skulls hold it together around his shoulders and throat. His headband is worn generally wrapped around his right arms bicep at about mid-way, though it is occasionally moved to his forehead during more serious times.

Appearance: Sozen is a tall, darker skinned man- though to be noted not nearly as dark as those from the lands of Cloud. He is in fact similar in many ways, standing at a much taller seven foot two inches, he is incredibly tall by normal standards, though not nearly as tall as some sub-species of humans. Fitting his height, he is extremely well built- with broad shoulder's, that slope down into large well-muscles arms, it is to be noted that despite his size he has been known to toss giants with ease, despite his build he is far stronger then any human ever truly should be. He is extremely broad, nearly built like a football player fullback but not quite to that degree. From his neck he posses a hairless body for the most part unlike his son, being built like a tank as he is often put with a full eight pack and a broad strong muscled chest, however he is covered in scar's- the most notable being a large crescent shaped wound from his left side all the way to his right shoulder, as if he was nearly bisected at a ninety degree angle. Another is one that starts on his right shoulder and stops at mid-chest, both of these are stitched, marking that they were extremely deep that they needed stitched closed instead of just wrapped. Smaller scar's coat his body and arms, however they are obviously far less serious wounds as they are not stitched unlike the two main ones.

His body itself is fairly easy to look over, his legs and muscles of his body being well defined and without any real flaws, although he does posses some thin body hair on his legs and his for arms, as well as very thin 'happy trail' going down his abs that is usually covered up by the cloth white wrappings he tends to wear. As far as his face goes, he is quite handsome for someone his age, possessing what many call 'aging gracefully'. He has minimal wrinkles these are simply on the corners of his eyes for the most part marking his growing age. His eyes are a very bright blue, almost silver tinted with blue, contrasting highly with his bright crimson hair he wears at shoulder-length, almost always slicked back out of his face, as well as the slight beard that he always seems to have, though its mostly just stubble there is some thickening around his chin and his sideburns, but he at least tries to keep it as just stubble. His hair however is as well showing off his age- starting to turn grey around his ears and in some parts of his hair he still looks fairly young but it is obvious that he is starting to get on in his years since his clashes with Roger so long ago. Despite this however, it is obvious he could still very easily get woman to fall for him- and sadly abuses this trait as well as his well-known reputation, although it rarely ever lasts for more then one to five night stands because of his personality.

Hashimaku, Sozen Whoare14
First Name: Sozen
Last Name: Hashimaku
Alias: "Sozen the Dragon"

Gender: Male
Age: 44
Height: 6'6''
Weight: 219 lb's
Birthday: July, 17'th
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationships: Single

Affiliation: Kusamurakagure
Rank: Jounin
  • Primary: Raiton (Lightning Style)
  • Secondary: Doton (Earth Style)
  • Tertiary: Suiton (Water Style)

  • Primary: Ninjutsu (Ninja Techniques)
  • Secondary: Taijutsu (Body Techniques)
  • Tertiary: Fūinjutsu (Sealing Techniques)

Hashimaku, Sozen Tellme11
Personality: Sozen is a laid-back, easygoing person. He's also warmhearted and kind, and has great interest and faith in the new generation of the world, often calling them 'Adorable Children' even if their older then he is, as he measures age by your power and is well known for calling even his fellow YJounin often simply 'Damn Teenagers' instead of fellow High-ranked individuals. He is well respected by the whole world and is registered as the host of the Kyuubi and a powerful Jounin, and is well respected for the many lands that he has visited, fought over, fought for, but over all, also by being extremely protective of innocents in general, considering it his duty to use his power to protect others oddly enough for a Shinobi, however he believes far to much in freedom- and hates taking orders to be anything else such as a Samurai. He also appears to be a bit absent-minded and oblivious, and apparently doesn't pay attention to what he's doing, such as not recognizing someone he was close to many years ago, or realizing where exactly he is- despite his ability to be an excellent navigator on a mission, when he isn't actually on a mission or in a serious situation, or really when he isn't trying to navigate, he has a tenancy to walk in the completely wrong direction because he just doesn't pay attention enough. He also has a tendency to break through walls with his well, face or body in order to pass, rather than simply using the door.

When he enters a fight, he often points out that he is bad at and dislikes holding back, and many opponents have made it clear that Sozen is well known for obliterating his opponents. When fighting, Sozen would often employ exclusively hand-to-hand combat while using his combination of Raiton Jutsu and his own Fuuinjutsu specialty to bond and combine them into deadly half-second actions and decisions to put his opponents off guard, he does however try to not attack or fight with anyone that is weaker then him, he hates to kill- and also does his best to avoid human casualties. Should he be pushed to the limit, or choose not to hold back, his ambitions power would react similarly to the fear and sheer spirit's power that he holds. His fighting spirit is similar to a samurai, as he himself admitted, in that he respects his opponents, neither taking them too lightly nor overdoing. He also won't turn down a fight challenge offered to him, but he may ask to fight later after some urgent business is first dealt with. Sozen is also quite a womanizer, having been with at least thirteen women, and has roughly twenty children he doesn't know about, since the death of his wife Nineteen years ago. Although few realize that this is because he tries to fill the massive hole in his heart, to no avail.

Likes: To be Written

Dislikes: To be Written

Motivation: To be Written

Fears: To be Written

Hashimaku, Sozen Blood10

Bijuu Name: Kyuubi no Seiryu

Bijuu Abilities: The jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi has the innate ability to use lightning jutsu more easily than most (E-rank = D-rank in power), and has tough skin that allow it to be unhurt by simple punches or kicks. At chakra cloak level, the jinchuuriki can use lightning jutsu even more easily (D-rank = C-rank in power).

  • At first tail, the jinchuuriki's chakra becomes more dense, as does the skin, allowing D-rank taijutsu to glance off.

  • At second tail, the jinchuuriki can actually charge the chakra around their body with lightning chakra, causing numbness for any limb that comes into contact with it.

  • At third tail, lightning jutsu becomes much easier to use (C-rank = B-rank in power), and they gain claws on their hands and feet that can extend to ten feet away.

  • At fourth tail, the skin becomes covered with scales and becomes slightly longer, making the jinchuuriki appear taller and causing C-rank taijutsu to glance off the skin.

  • At fifth tail, the jinchuuriki becomes even taller, and they grow long teeth along with long, catfish-like whiskers that can cause a quick shock to an opponent who touches them. Their scales also become more thick, allowing the jinchuuriki to block B-rank taijutsu.

  • At sixth tail, the jinchuuriki's body has become serpentine, and they have to rely on their hands as well as their feet to move around at a much faster speed (2x faster).

  • At seventh tail, the jinchuuriki's skin becomes even harder, and can block A-rank taijutsu, and the Raiton jutsu become even easier (B-rank = A-rank in power).

  • At eighth tail, the jinchuuriki can fly or float in midair, and the whiskers can now cause major nerve damage to any limb it touches. Raiton jutsu at C-rank or lower can also be used without handseals or molding chakra, and using Raiton jutsu are much easier (A-rank = S-rank in power). Their scales are now so hard, that taijutsu is usless against them.

  • Finally, at 9th tail, the jinchuuriki becomes the Kyuubi himself, and can condense 50 chakra into a giant pearl that grants immortality to the holder until it is broken via an S-rank wind jutsu. Seiryu is immune to genjutsu, taijutsu, and earth and lightning ninjutsu.

Bijuu Personality: Kyuubi seems to value power above all else. He has no respect for the weak, or anyone of lower status, including his fellow bijuus, and normally uses any chance he can to prove that he is the strongest. Kyuubi uses his great amount of power to become a dictator for the other bijuu, and though he is often very aggressive and dominating, he is also a wise and fair leader, settling disputes between the bijuu quickly if they argue for too long. Kyuubi has great disdain for humanity, sharing the Hachibi's view on humanity destroying the world. However, instead of avoiding humans, Kyuubi often uses any means he can to destroy humans, though he never seems to succeed due to his apparent need to keep control the other bijuu.

Bijuu History: Unknown/Not on File

Hashimaku, Sozen Histor11

History: To Be Written

RP Sample: To Be Written

Hashimaku, Sozen Extra10

Source: One Piece Revival; FID - Advertisements

Face Claim: Gildarts Clive - Fairy Tail

Hashimaku, Sozen Accept10
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Hashimaku, Sozen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hashimaku, Sozen   Hashimaku, Sozen EmptyTue Apr 23, 2013 11:47 pm

Side Note: make sure you pick a different bijuu, as Ryouji said he was going to use Kyuubi for an event.
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