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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Katsurou Arashi

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Katsurou Arashi
Katsurou Arashi
Posts : 11
Ryo : 2800

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Katsurou Arashi Empty
PostSubject: Katsurou Arashi   Katsurou Arashi EmptySat Mar 19, 2011 7:20 pm

Katsurou Arashi Black_Anime_Guy_by_Princess4Life09

I'm A Real Shocker
Ninja Application


First Name: Katsurou
Last Name: Arashi
Alias: The Dazzler
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Birthday: 7/4
Sexuality: Does it matter?
Relationships: None
Affiliation: Storm Village
Rank: Genin
Element: Suiton, Raiton, Ranton (Bloodline)
Specialization: Ninjutsu, Kenjutsu, Taijutsu

Personal v2

Personality: Laid back and carefree, is how I would describe myself. I am known for sleeping on the job and making fun of people who work too hard. I hardly consider myself a ninja, despite going through the whole process. I'm just a person who happened to get some ninja training and happens to get some jobs doing stuff ranging from helping harvest crops, to killing people. I generally feel out of place when put in a squadron of uptight all about ninja people. I mean, I'm a person, not just a 'ninja' or whatever the title goes as. I rarely take work seriously.

Now running things? I can keep things constantly going smoothly. Nothing I can't really handle in terms of reasoning with people. I am good to have as a friend. I suppose I'm tough enough to hold my own in combat, though strength is a matter of perspective. Relative to people stronger than me I am a worthy adversary still. Relative to those weaker, I am a monster on the battlefield.

I find beauty when I kill things. Not in that creepy necrophiliac way some evil psychos see, but in a way that I find peace in my mind and body knowing that a potential threat was just eliminated. I like making attacks look spectacular, and love to make combinations of arts and stuff to injure enemies in a beautiful way. My attacks look awe inspiring to look at mainly because of Ranton, being a beautiful element in its nature and is oddly named. I enjoy combat, to an extent. I don't like when things get to be a bloody mess, and like to keep things clean as possible.

Likes: Beauty, Pocky, People, Relaxing

Dislikes: Ugliness, Blood, Enemies, Overworking or Workaholics

Motivation: Keep my life running as smoothly as possible.

Fears: Large amounts of blood (gore)

Clan Information

Clan name Arashi Clan

Bloodline Name: Ranton (Storm Release)

Bloodline Ability: Ranton is one of the more decorative of the elemental releases, to the point where the jutsu's can be declared 'beautiful.' Of course, for a ninja, beauty and death are frequently combined, and people who stare slack jawed in wonder are always the first to fall. Despite its name, and its fusion of water and lightning, Ranton actually has little to do with storms. Instead, Ranton is often mistaken for light, with jutsu's and manifestations commonly appearing as a bright beam like substance, with the fluidity and adaptability of water mixed with the speed and destructive focus of lightning. Coincidentally, Ranton defensive jutsu's are almost non existent.

Ranton, or Storm Element, takes the form of laser-like attacks, that can be guided towards the enemy.

Ranton is made using Water and Lightning. Water is weak against Earth and strong against fire, Lightnig is strong against earth and weak against wind. This means that storm release is very strong against Fire, and weak against wind, and has average effect against earth. It is slightly stronger than normal against Water and Lightning, because both Water and Lightning elements are of equal nature with Water and Lightning but their power is combined in Storm.

People with this element cannot know any other elements except the two fusion elements, Lightning and Water. The people with this element themselves are susceptible to the weaknesses and strengths of the element, meaning no matter their elemental affinity, they will show the attributes of Ranton instead.

Location: Storm Village

Clan History: This style was developed by the ringmaster of a travelling circus who happened to be a retired elite ninja. His circus was rarely visited, and his acts were rather dull. Storms and rainy weather followed his circus anywhere it went. This caused bad lighting and overall disuse of the equipment. The ringmaster in desperation tried to make the storm go away by manipulating the lightning. However, he discovered that Lightning by itself was impossible to change direction accurately. So he needed something to help lead the lightning and the storms away from his circus. This gave him the idea of adding water to the lightning chakra that he used. After some years of training and perfecting this art he created, he was ready to get rid of the weather cursed upon his traveling circus.

He used perfect timing to catch a single bolt of lightning holding it with his chakra. Adding in the water element, he actually softened the lightning to something he could control far more easily. He threw away the entire storm with a current of Ranton chakra and ended the eternal plague of bad weather he had endured. Soon his circus became a hit, better lighting and better weather let his acts become more famous, the people at his circus became more renowned. He even started putting his Ranton style to showbiz use, creating beautiful laser light shows to fascinate the crowd. Travelling about he spread his seed and needless to say his powers were discovered in many of his many children. This was but into combat use and created a deadly combination.

Throughout the ages, a few prominent users of Ranton were able to track down their roots, and record all they needed to know about Ranton into a treasured scroll. This scroll, was called 'Arashi' which people in the clan named themselves. It meant storm. The clan itself is very scattered and there are users in just about every village. The scroll was lost, however the people who had children who also had Ranton as their elemental affinity, taught their kids to use the element from memory and know-how. Almost all Ranton users became well known powerful ninja.

However... they died off through some means, and disappeared for a while, very very few have even been rumored about in the last 50 years. However a new generation seems to have come along. Maybe even stronger than the previous ones. They were all noted to live in the Storm Village. Possibly because the Ranton users outside were ill suited for training for longer than a couple generations.


History: I was born and raised in Bufouugakure, making friends as they came along and enemies just the same. I suppose I have little clue as to why I wanted to be a ninja, other than it was one of the few occupational choices they had. My mother was a user of the Ranton style and tutored me from an early age to use multiple elements. Entering the academy, I had already known how to work chakra paper to show two elements. Also a third one. When I used my two elements together in one piece of chakra paper, it both crinkled and moistened, then combusted in a glorious light.

Knowing my elements from that early age I was in, I spent more time focusing on the harder aspects of being a ninja, those being my clan jutsu, than the basics. Of course, I took time to learn the basics, but that came later. I learned as many of my clan jutsu as I could. Soon, my mother, the one who taught me everything I knew, rather died spontaneously of an aneurysm. I had no teacher and so I perfected what I knew, and went on to learning the basics so I could be a ninja. Emotions about my mother's sudden death drove me to perfect them even faster. I graduated soon and then became a genin. That is about where I am to this day.

I haven't been assigned a team yet. I don't know if I ever will be.

RP Sample: I figured I was a little lost. Taking a nap on that cargo airship while it was off... may have proven a little too calm. I figured I just napped through a whole day. Of course as it stood, I was up from my nap with my full energy reserves. I smiled lightly, satisfied with a wonderful nap. So here I was walking some ways out of the city. I figured it was three at the time but my watch only worked properly on good ol' Cocoon. I stretched a bit until I heard a loud, satisfying pop.

With that I figured I was prepared for the wilderness now more than ever. With slightly advanced skills since my last adventure... well my skills were almost doubled really. I felt leveled up or whatever the people here called it. Back on Cocoon people got stronger through experience, not levels. Whatever though.

I was out here wandering and searching for something to hold me over until my next nap. Adventure... a battle... conversation. Anything really. My appearance wasn't anything to look at in awe, unless you are one of those sadistic goths who love getting piercings. I had an eye disease which caused rings around my eyes made of the pigment which was supposed to color them. I figured it wasn't anything too bad though, I mean, I was still pretty smokin' with my build in all. But that was just my opinion of myself.

I remember then looking into the distance... and seeing someone. It was a girl. She looked quite upset at the time, and I heard something that triggered this feeling in my stomach that it had been a while since I last felt. Hunger. Just the resonance though and I was nowhere near as hungry as my stomach was quiet about it. However I heard this girl from a distance. It was quite dark outside though... I wasn't too sleepy. I figured I may as well check it out.

Walking over to the small campfire she was near... I'm pretty sure the first sight in this lighting would startle her good and scared. As if not really caring about the reaction, I sat down across from her by the campfire. I stared into the blaze for a moment and then attempted to strike up a conversation. "Hey," I said in a nonchalant way. It was then I remembered my blade on my side. It was wrenching this horrible angle and was jabbing my side. It was a bother...

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Kouri Ten'nou

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Katsurou Arashi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Katsurou Arashi   Katsurou Arashi EmptySun Mar 20, 2011 12:59 pm

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