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The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
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TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
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 Sanda Mina

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Sanda Mina
Female Posts : 28
Ryo : 1700

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Sanda Mina Empty
PostSubject: Sanda Mina   Sanda Mina EmptySat Apr 23, 2011 4:29 pm

Sanda Mina Snj_ga10

Ninja Application


First Name: Mina
Last Name: Sankuro Sanda
Alias: Torrent's Sand
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Birthday: April 3rd
Sexuality: Bi
Relationships: Looking
Affiliation: Missing Nin from Sabakugakure
Rank: B-rank
Element: Sand, Wind & Earth
Specialization: Ninjutsu, Genjutsu Detector & Healing Arts

Personal v2

Personality: Mina is a lonely child since birth. Because of this she doesn't see many people as people but in a sense as animals. They are all pitiful beings who should rot in her mind and for this she plans the destruction of most of them. She was mistreated and always saught after respect and due to this she is mentally scarred to never form close ties with anyone, unless it is someone she can get to know on a more personal level. With her as she is she plots the deaths of many as though they are pawns and issues out as much harm as possible to many of these said "peoples."

She likes sand for it is clingy to the sweaty foo, due to her always being bear footed, and is always warm to the skin. Reminding of her pleasant memories as they should have always been. Death is a second favorite due to her having killed many of the old and new ones of the world. Death is a friend and will always be their to guide those who are horrid. The third favorite is pain. Since being raped the average pain is not that bad anymore as now it is so much nicer to feel the body being harmed and teaching others of how it can help you in your lives just to know some pain.

Her dislikes are pretty oblique but there are reasons to them much like her likes. She hates those who are happier than can be. Happiness is an illusion of what there should be and that is pain. Happiness diludes the senses and to have it is demeaning to one's own self. Her second is remorse which could also mean guilt. To feel guilt is beyond the sense of human as it shows that those who feel it are so low and bottled inside themselves that they can never get back out. Now the third dislike can be reasoned by saying she hates watching a loved one parrish while she would much rather be the one to end that loved ones life but if he/she dies then it is just their fault for not being strong enough.

Likes: Sand, Death, and pain.

Dislikes: Happiness, Remorse, and watching a loved one parrish by others and not herself.

Motivation: "I will destroy the Sabakugakure Village and all of it's inhabitants and allies!"

Fears: Being raped again (refer to history)

Clan Information


Bloodline Name: Sunahebi

Bloodline Ability: To enfuse chakra with surrounding sand in a diameter for an extended period of time.

Location: Sabakugakure

Clan History: The Sankuro clan was one of many different clans among the Desert Village, and one of the popular ones at that. by using their method of enfusing chakra into the sand around them, they would then manipulate the sand into amusing shapes in the air entertaining the other villagers. The elders whom had great chakra reserves and control would gather the villagers into a fire lit sand pit and use the sand to act out tales of epic battles, or stories of the villages ancestors. The clan would also use their control of sand in battle to halt an enemy or to attack an enemy whom is slightly out of reach. However, to use the sand in a battle would cause a large deal of bodily stress due to the reaction time of exerting the chakra from the users body in compliance with what the sand would do.((EX: if an enemy is charging at you with a spear, within seconds one must exert chakra from the feet or hands into the surrounding ground, any loose dirt/sand would adhere to the chakra, and the user would command it as a physical substance to smack away the spear or spear weilder. again all of this happening within seconds.)) Each rank of ninja can administer a different diameter of sand control
Genin: 10-15 yard radius
Chunnin: 15-20 yard radius
S-Jounin: 20-30 yard radius
Jounin: 30-45 yard radius
Anbu-Srank-Kage: from 50-100 yard radius


History: Mina Sanda was born of a family in the Desert Village's village where she lived quite well. This family was a runaway couple from the Sabakugakure Village as they changed their name from Sankuro to Sanda to live in peace. The child, Mina, entered the Academy at four years of age, though this was a young age her parents felt it would bring out her gift. Her gift was sand. Able to turn most earth substances into sand where none of it would pester or diminish her own well bing but bring out her helpfulness to others with it. She would effortlessly use it well and when there is a time that she didn't there was always someone taking care of her.

She got in a lot of fights while in the academy and was teased a lot for her red hair and sickly green eyes. Mina would soon realize that crying from some words and punches were not becomeing of a ninja as she would use her abilities to get her revenge. This was at the age of five as she would use the ability of sand to completly destroy a boy's hands as well as all of his partners feet. They were crushed and could no longer sustain themselves. Since then the boys have been in the hospital. Four days later was the exam and she failed it since she could not perform a transformation jutsu.

One year later, she is now 6, she will go for that examination again and this time it was a clone/fight exam. She was to beat all the others into submission before they could get her. Likewise they all targetted her first but she was by far ahead of the game since their clones were all just illusions hers was actual sand clones as they would topple over the other academy students making her and two others the only ones to pass this academy exam. She would be put on a team with Shinji and Motoko. With these two partners they would go and be tested by a jounin to see teamwork.

Sadly the Jounin was in agony after the fight as they had used their teamwork to escape out of a trap and then fight the jounin. The jounin was referred back a rank as they were now led by a jounin by the name of Gonjet. Gonjet would examine their past fight and deem them worthy of genin as they all advanced and he was now their leader as they would all go on several missions together. These missions were things like dog walking, guarding a caravan, picking herbs, and watching the village gate. With all of these missions together Mina felt as though she were finally happy.

Four years later, now 10, Mina would enter the Chunnin exams with her partners as they would go to the Hidden Hurricane Village for the Chunnin exam. While in the exam hallls they were tested mentally, emotionally, and physically. The mentally was a test on how well you could go about to cheat without getting caught. Of course Mina didn't bother with this as she already knew the awnsers of these questions for her being a wiz of studies and intellectual facts. The emotional challange was the next thing and that was if you believed you had failed the test you were to leave with your partners.

Many squads left but Mina's and seven others did not leave as they all stayed put. They would all go in a tounament against each other while being watched by three kage's. The Umikage, the Takekage, and the Sakurakage. Mina had proved her skills as an all around ninja as she protected her team with sand while they would use their techniques to throttle the enemy into submissions. Mina would be perfectly fine with harming the foes but she chose to do a smaller thing and leave them in submission where they couldn't walk or use handsigns.

Out of the three only Mina was chosen as a Chunnin and had been given her first assignment. She was to train in the deserts of the south while the village would await to call on her for other adhering tasks. She failed to grasp the fact that this was a trap as she would dumbly walk into it as she would be given a home inside a desert cave with furnishings that went all too well. Mina would find her troubles would just begin as her chakra was sealed while inside the home from unknown seals and when she realized it happened it had already been too late as she was attacked by three ninja who would rape her and almost kill her.

While being raped she had peeled one seal away that was hidden inside the sand of the cave as she would instinctively use her jutsu to send spikes out of the ground as they would peice through two of the three. The third would try to perform a sealing art but he was already dead when it had happened to him as his body was cut in two halves by a torrent of sand that made him nothing adn the other two nothing. At this day she claimed revenge on the hidden village of the Desert.

You may be wondering what happened to the child by now and this tragic child's life is snuffed by his mother. She kills him after she bears him. She thinks the child is a horible curse and for that the house she lived in for nine months became that child's grave as she would then head towards the village in long awaited destruction. She would train in the desert now for five more years as this training would bolster her ninjutsu and healing arts on herself as she would use the healing arts to heal her scarred body from the rape she has had.

She would cloak her body as she infiltrated the village's outskirts where she was born and with her power she would find out where the village's kage and ninja were all at due to them all being there for the week. She would lift up mounds of sand that covered this village's sky like a cloud of plauge as she would funnel chakra into the sand to begin raining sand shurriken down on their heads. These shurikan would awaken the night with screams of painful death as many who groggily look out side would be cleaved by these many shurikan. There were only three ninja who would end up dodging death and fighting her on top of the sand pile she had that then slammed into the earth to crush the village at long last.

The ninja who would die fighting her were her old team who constantly begged her to stop her rage but it wasn't so easy for the 15 year old Mina to stop killing more ninja of this god forsaken village as they each died horrifically and for her she would make this village only dust sized so it could never rise from the sands again as she would now have murdered countless ninja. The kage of the desert village was the only one who lived the purge and had escaped with her life out of the village and lived in a village of a distant land on her own. It was with that kage's voice that Mina was named traitor and ordered to be killed on site.

For the next six years Mina has trained in the desert of the Desert Village's outskirt massacre killing all who entered and all who attempted to kill her. She became known as the "Torrent's Sand" and was fond of such a name that could strike fear. She had already begun shaping the village anew to her own welcoming as people would begin to gather and live in the adobe-like homes she made out of her sand. She would rule these people's lives and with that start training warriors of her own in a befitting Hidden Adobe Village...

RP Sample: "Who are you and what are you doing to this village?" asked Shinji, her old teamate who would be wielding two puppets. Behind him was the girl, Motoko, and beside her was the S-ranked Gonjet. Mina would laugh as she would use the sand to crush down on top of the village as her eyes burned with a firey hatred as she looked at the three saying in a deep dark voice, "You who had betrayed me now face the punishmental wrath of of the Sanda Clan!" She would have a fire in her eyes as her acidicly green eyes scanned them for all their weapons.

Gonjet would tell Shinji, "Get behind me. I will take care of this traitor." He had seemed to have groan in power as her eyes circled to meet his as she then jumped in the air performing handseals, "You can never defeat me you disgrace of a ninja!" And with that when she landed and her palm hit the ground their were several beings shot out of the ground and up at Gonjet as they would be wolves made of sand as they would claw at Gonjet who didn't realize that he was duped by the distraction as Mina's sand shot a pillar out of the ground at him.

Something unexpected happened though and that was when Motoko had rushed out saying, "He mustn't die!" Yet at that moment the sand pillar cut into her body and stabbed through her soul as she would be killed. Unknown to Mina was that Motoko was bearing a child inside her and both lives were lost. It was Shinji who was angered by this as he used a puppet to rush at her but the sand rose up blocking the puppet's projectiles as the sand guard then shot them back at the puppet with an intense speed and a quaking destruction to the metals of the mechanism.

Down to only one puppet Shinji would use it would start throwing poison bombs at Mina but each was inevitably in effective as they were shot at by sand senbon as her eyes were focused on the stunned Gonjet who was holding Motoko in his arms. Mina was not feeling sorry as she launched a sinkhole attack at Gonjet who would sink into the sand only to be crushed to molecular size of diminished rot as Shinji was the last one left to murder. "Why? Why did you have to destroy the village? Why did you have to kill Motoko!?"

Mina would stand there in front of him with uncarring eyes as her own eyes would trail to see the difference of his muscles from the start of the fight. He was down to mentally controlling the puppet and himself as she had then decided to say her peice, "I am here to wipe you all out. Your village that chose to send rapist at me my first night in my training oasis. The village that bore ill will towards me since the very begginning. It is for that... For that reason that I will kill you all." With that she said what was needed as she would now use the sand to rise and collapse on Shinji who would now feel the torment pain and suffering needed for his body to collapse as now his body would be crushed by the sand as blood rained down. This was the end of the village and the start of a new.

Last edited by Sanda Mina on Thu May 05, 2011 9:57 pm; edited 9 times in total
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Koga Sankuro
Koga Sankuro
Male Posts : 323
Ryo : 4500

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Sanda Mina Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sanda Mina   Sanda Mina EmptySat Apr 23, 2011 4:32 pm

i'm in the process of a sand controlling clan already.....just a forewarning.
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Male Posts : 2435
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Sanda Mina Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sanda Mina   Sanda Mina EmptySat Apr 23, 2011 4:45 pm

please refrain from posting in applications unless you are a staff member
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Koga Sankuro
Koga Sankuro
Male Posts : 323
Ryo : 4500

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Sanda Mina Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sanda Mina   Sanda Mina EmptySat Apr 23, 2011 4:47 pm

my apologies, last time i promise.
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Sanda Mina
Female Posts : 28
Ryo : 1700

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Sanda Mina Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sanda Mina   Sanda Mina EmptySun Apr 24, 2011 5:22 pm

Let me know if there is anything I need to change. I would like to point out that at the time she performed these jutsu was due to extreme hatred and can not perform them again (Refering to the gaara like mound jutsu in the history) Till she successfully learns the techniques.
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Male Posts : 5756
Ryo : 12100

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Sanda Mina Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sanda Mina   Sanda Mina EmptySun Apr 24, 2011 5:47 pm

I will now be changing your last name to Sankuro. However, before I do that, I need to make sure you know I am, and approve of this, ao you can remember to log in under the new username. Do you approve of me changing your username?
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Sanda Mina
Female Posts : 28
Ryo : 1700

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Sanda Mina Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sanda Mina   Sanda Mina EmptySun Apr 24, 2011 5:49 pm

Have you not read my chara's history? Their names were changed.
Quote :
Mina Sanda was born of a family in the Sky Village (For story arc purposes) where she lived quite well. This family was a runaway couple from the Sabakugakure Village as they changed their name from Sankuro to Sanda to live in peace.
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Male Posts : 5756
Ryo : 12100

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Sanda Mina Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sanda Mina   Sanda Mina EmptySun Apr 24, 2011 5:58 pm

Ah, but I have to make sure Shy will be ok with that. He has a way about usernames. However, I'm ok with it myself. Now, one thing I do see, is you needing to go to your affiliation and adding to it, what village your missing from.(Technical Purposes). Also, you are required to change your lightning element to earth, due to you wanting the sand element.(Tenzou has made Koga and Auska do this as well.)
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Sanda Mina
Female Posts : 28
Ryo : 1700

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Sanda Mina Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sanda Mina   Sanda Mina EmptyTue Apr 26, 2011 8:54 pm

Ok. I will await shy to awnser. on the mean time I have added in the affiliation and the lightning element has been changed. Anything else?
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Male Posts : 5756
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Sanda Mina Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sanda Mina   Sanda Mina EmptySun May 01, 2011 11:08 pm

Now the issue with the sky village. It doesn't exist on here, thus even for plot, you can't be from a village that isn't on the map/ in a thread.
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Sanda Mina
Female Posts : 28
Ryo : 1700

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Sanda Mina Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sanda Mina   Sanda Mina EmptySun May 01, 2011 11:15 pm

I used that village since it is the one I obliterated in my history. There is no other way to say it but I am from desert country and that is the village I obliterated. I figured I couldn't obliterate a single already known village so I had the Sky village take it's place.
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Male Posts : 889
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Sanda Mina Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sanda Mina   Sanda Mina EmptyThu May 05, 2011 2:17 pm

Obliterate = complete destruction but i dont think one can obliterate a whole village by just being at your rank.

At any rank, if you want B-rank, improve your personality.
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Sanda Mina
Female Posts : 28
Ryo : 1700

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Sanda Mina Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sanda Mina   Sanda Mina EmptyThu May 05, 2011 9:58 pm

Ok, I expanded the personality by explaining her likes and dislikes better in two paragraphs. Was there more you wanted?
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Male Posts : 847
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Sanda Mina Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sanda Mina   Sanda Mina EmptySun May 08, 2011 7:15 pm

Sanda Minda has been approved as a B-rank Missing Ninja from Sabakugakure.
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