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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Staz Charlie Blood

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Staz Blood
Staz Blood
Male Posts : 13
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PostSubject: Staz Charlie Blood   Staz Charlie Blood EmptySat Aug 17, 2013 2:52 am

Staz Charlie Blood Staz___blood_lad_by_ichigokurosakiluver-d3j4tmk

Staz Charlie Blood Appearance

Staz Charlie Blood Whoare14

First Name: Staz
Last Name: Charlie Blood
Alias: N/A

Gender: Male
Age: 19
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 120
Birthday: October 23
Sexuality: Straight
Relationships: N/A

Affiliation: Shippuugakure
Rank: Genin
Element: Fuuton, Katon, and Raiton
Specialization: Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, and Genjutsu

Staz Charlie Blood Tellme11

Personality: Very carefree, Staz can always get distracted easily. Very competitive though, he never says no to a fight and he loves to explore places of the world he has never seen. He loves hanging out with friends and is a not good team player and he is a good leader in some aspects. He isn't really responsible and he never cares if he does the worst possible thing in the universe, always gets in trouble and he is very stubborn. Staz is really good at getting what he wants he would do anything and completly reckless and always tries new moves in a fight when he is fighting an enemy. Very bad at tests but still trys his best at them he loves to play games especially card games. He loves learning new jutsu and can do anything when he puts his mind to it and he usually gets ideas at the last second and he exucutes it at the best moment and fails most of the time. Staz always protects his friends even to his death and never gives mercy even if it's his best friend or mom. He doesn't lose his temper a lot and hits everything but his friends.He would do anything to help a friend he would go the distance to help a friend in any situation. Staz can get really pissed off if something he loves more then himself gets insulted he goes on a rampage.

Likes:  He loves the color red and likes learning jutsu and practicing with weapons. Hanging out with friends and helping friends and cares for his village and does his best to protect it. His main weapons are kunai and swords because he likes their sharpness and how a sword and a kunai are good for any situation mostly because kunai are good for long and short range combat and swords are good for offensive attacks. He loves pizza and steak and pancakes!He eates pancakes for breakfast pizza for lunch and steak for dinner.He likes to sleep a lot and is really cranky when he someone interupts his nap.

Dislikes:  Dislikes the color blue and doesn't like when people lie because they break a promise which Staz thinks is terrible. He doesn't eat to much candy because he feels sick and takes time out of his training, which he dislikes because he always strives to do his best at everything. Staz doesn't like going to cold places because it's a very hard enviroment for him to train in. Gets cranky and mad when he has to do missions on his down time because he needs all his rest to do training and do missions when he is ready to.

Motivation: His motivation is to keep pushing himself to travel the world . Staz would do anything to go around the world! Staz also wants to meet pirates 'cause they get to have voyages all over the world. Staz has alsmost killed people to go all over the world even once he almost killed one of his friends! He practices in all sorts of fights even when he has never played a game he wagers in it and wins it like a boss. He once wagered with his life on the line and he almost lost but he used all the gaming knowledge he possessed and won! Staz actually tries to go around the world more than he trains.

Fears:  Fears spiders because he has had a horrible memory of them. When he was a kid he went into a cave because of his curiosity. He didn't know it was a spider cave but when he went deep in,a bunch spiders jumped him and he got bit by a lot of them he almost died but he survived he was in the hospital for months. Whenever he sees a spider he runs away from it and once a spider was on his arm and when he say it he fainted. He doesn't know if he can ever conquer his fear of spiders.

Staz Charlie Blood Blood10


Bloodline Name:  Kami no Tōken

Bloodline Ability: Every member of the Kagani clan has the innate ability to imitate and master any swordsman style with ease. This could take anywhere between a day to a year at most, depending on the level of difficulty of said style. When starting, a member of the Kagani Clan can adopt one of three basic swordsmanship styles which includes the swords themselves:
~Itoryuu (One-Sword Style)
~Nitoryuu (Two-Sword Style)
~Santoryuu (Three-Sword Style)

Location: North-East of Shippuugakure on a mountain.  

Clan History: Far to the North-East of Shippuugakure, a humble, blue-haired swordsman lived in a forest. His actual name still remains unknown to this day, however he went by the alias of the "God of Swords". The reason he was referred to as a god was because of his mastery of every swordsmanship style known to man. He lived his life fighting every challenger which would visit him, and eventually he found his match: a female shinobi going by the name of Kagani. After the battle ended in a draw the two decided to mate with one another in order to preserve such amazing natural abilities, and that's how the Kagani clan was born. Each and every descendant of the original pair has passed on their natural affinity for the blade. The village of the Kagani now resides on a cliffside to the North-East of Shippuugakure, in which the current members reside.

Staz Charlie Blood Histor11

History:  Staz's history is very odd and long. He doesn't like talking about his past because it brings back very bad memories which makes him go berserk. His father got murdered by a Boufuugakure Shinobi and Staz's sister got killed by a Kusamuragakure Shinobi. He holds a grudge against those 2 villages and will kill one if he sees one of their shinobi. When he was a kid he went into a cave because of his curiosity.He didn't know it was a spider cave but when he went deep in, a bunch spiders jumped him and he got bit by a lot of them he almost died but he survived he was in the hospital for months. When he recovered he had very bad eye sight and could barely walk so he had to stay in bed for most of the days. He hated it because he was losing all the time to train and practice. When he was fully healed everyone was ahead of him in everything so he trained day and night until he caught up to everyone. It took years because there was so much work to do a lot of people made fun of him for being so weak but he always challenged them and beat them. He protected his last part of his family, his mother. Staz protected his mother with all his life but his mother died from a disease. Staz was too depressed to do anything but he kept moving forward by himself. He made friends along the way he regained all his confidence and is best at everything. He trained in Fuuton, Katon, and Raiton
but he worked better at Fuuton. Then he tried to mix Fuuton with his kunai and sword. He ended up stabbing himself with a kunai in the leg and he kept trying but it wasn't working so he tried it with Katon. Staz ended up burning himself so decided not to mix Fuuton and Katon with his weapons. One day he was training and a bomb landed in his area! Staz tried to save as many people as he could but a lot of people still died, but he survived with the people he rescued. Then the people who launched the bomb invaded his area but he stood their to protect it with his life and managed to beat the enemy with Fuuton!  

RP Sample:Staz was walking in the cave shivering. "Hello! Anyone in here?"He could here the echos going down the caves while he was walking down it was getting darker and darker. "What is this place? It's too quite is it a secret base or somethin'?"He was soon getting near to a dead end but, when he heard a small crawl he froze!"What was that?! That's it I'm going home!"He started to run to the exit but in that second spiders came from everywhere and attacked him! "HELP!! SOMEBODY HELP!!!"The spiders were biting him but someone heard him and got him out and Staz could barely speak he was almost dead but he got into a hospital and he was safe.And that's the history for now.   

Staz Charlie Blood Extra10

Source: Other forum sites affiliation area

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Staz Charlie Blood Empty
PostSubject: Re: Staz Charlie Blood   Staz Charlie Blood EmptySat Aug 17, 2013 3:14 am

Ok, everything looks good. 

1/2 Approvals met.
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Staz Charlie Blood Empty
PostSubject: Re: Staz Charlie Blood   Staz Charlie Blood EmptyMon Aug 19, 2013 1:47 am

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Staz Charlie Blood Empty
PostSubject: Re: Staz Charlie Blood   Staz Charlie Blood EmptySun Jan 05, 2014 6:40 am

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