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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
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 Tekiou Kobushi - Kinniku

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Male Posts : 7
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Tekiou Kobushi - Kinniku Empty
PostSubject: Tekiou Kobushi - Kinniku   Tekiou Kobushi - Kinniku EmptySun May 15, 2011 7:55 am

Tekiou Kobushi - Kinniku Kurogane

Tell me something about yourself.
Ninja Application


First Name: Tekiou
Last Name: Kobushi
Alias: Kinniku
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Birthday: May 5th
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationships: N/A
Affiliation: Kusagakure
Rank: Chunin
Element: Earth (Won't Use It)
Specialization: Taijutsu, Taijutsu, Taijutsu

Personal v2

An incredibly strong young man, who even without his super strength has a big heart. He is usually someone headstrong, and goes on his own word not relying on others well he usually secludes himself from being with many people. He usually doesn't talk about himself in the light of being stronger, and hates it when he is talked down to because he feels that real fighters don't need to talk big. Often one of the more reliable individuals he is loyal to a fault towards comrades, and would never hurt an innocent or companion for personal gain without a good reason.

The worse qualities of him, are his not so good use of electronics, thanks to him constantly training his fighting skills, he rarely uses computers and thus is at a loss with technology. He is constantly quiet about anything personal about himself, and thus is more of a silent individual, however when he actually does talk its either to call out a technique or to place in a good word for a situation. He has an incredibly competitive streak, and can hold a grudge very easily, and thus if he is defeated he usually gains a one track mind towards the opponent who defeated him.

Overall, he is a compassionate man, who doesn't allow his comrades actions to go unsettled if they should fall, he helps with great courage and vigor following his own ideas. He is friendly when he speaks to people, often more polite than rude, and is someone that values honor, over his own physical strength. He hates to see tears or sadness from his comrades or innocent people who were affected by a situation and will do almost anything to stop such a situation. He often uses "Oi" in his sentences, and it can be used whether he is mad or happy.

Fighting and gaining strength, he is usually seen training.
Great theme music, because a man needs a good theme.
Competition, it only makes him better
Watching wrestling, how do you think he got his moves.
Obstacles, when he overcomes them, he feels he gets stronger each time.

People who brag about themselves.
Too much homework cuts his training back.
Pollution, it gets under his skin.
Death, when people die in front of him or get severely injured to the point they could die, he gets incredibly angry.
Smug people, they talk too much.

Surpassing the Kobushi lineage.

He fears the deaths of his friends more so than his own death, his father taught him to not fear the likes of death. Someone that is strong enough to defeat any and all his wrestling techniques. Being alone with women he thinks are beautiful or cute.

Clan Information

Clan name

Bloodline Name:

Bloodline Ability:


Clan History:


Born on May 5th, Tekio was birthed to his parents Tetsuka and Umisha Kobushi both proud parents in their early twenties.

At a young age, he was already decided to become someone of the ability in taijutsu, his father excited for him to learn about the instincts of becoming something great, a new generation of blood would brace the path. He would take his son going through rigorous trainings in order to set him on the path of being a shinobi of taijutsu, teaching him the tricks of the trade and beating the fighting instinct into him. He would enter into the academy at age eight.

Academy Days:
Everyday, in the academy, he would prove to have greater ability in body arts then the rest of his comrades, the only thing he had a true knack in really thanks to his fathers improvement of his skills, no one could beat him in close-range combat. At a later age, while still within the academy, his father told him that he would need to progress into an individual art, after showing him some of the things his father had known, and having a wealth of results, he chose freedeom fighting of which his father would approve due to his sons creativity and ingenuity in combat.

Dreams Weep?
He learned the basic techniques of the academy, he decided to stop learning or trying to learn any more ninjutsu techniques, or aspiring to be a specialist in these. His fathers influence and training were all he truly needed and with them he would be a "Badass" taijutsu master. This was what inspired him for his dream, after being laughed at by his class, he would announce to becoming the strongest most powerful taijutsu specialist around.

Surviving the Trade
Leaving the academy at age 12 and going through his fathers harsh training, he would be admitted into a team, passing the test with a battle against one of the academy teachers to pass, and showed off a move he had not yet perfected. Joining with his team, the road was cut as he was one that would normally be perceived as an idiot, and thus was reacted to as such. Usually, he would survive by either dumb luck or his incredible will, also combining his ability to fight with his reflexes and physical prowess as a fighter, he was one of the best taijutsu users of his generation.

Onward with Strength
Within a year of training, he would become much stronger as a fighter, he went through the subsequent phases of his masters training, and created and perfected a move that he made his own style, a style that showcased his abilities to the fullest. He also created expansion utilizing a technique he learned through training against his comrades to also make it another unique move to his own style. He became stronger due to tenacity and his ability to fight and naturally adapt to situations and think up solutions on the spot with his instincts (he is stupid).

Chunin Devil Days
Due to a special mission, and after two years of service, he would create valued techniques, and take forth the rank of Chunin at 14. He would become strong enough to take on his father in a fight with him using an intense deal of physical strength and ability, though it was a tough act to follow.

RP Sample:
"Muscle Driver!" A roaring sound came from within the boys voice, taking up the strong weight of his physical processes, his muscles showing through the use of such a technique, in a body that was very lean.

He gripped the dummy, making a straight ways towards the ground in a flash, taking his time with the strength he had proceeded to drop, causing a great crash, towards the ground, a small crater developed underneath his bottom as he released the dummy, its body was crushed by both the gripping force and the effects of the man's physical strength thanks to height. He looked back, and took a small huff, turning his head a bit.

"That won't work, I need to place a bit more oomph to it..." He told himself, as he began to tap his foot against the ground watching the large crater for a second. He took his hand to the dummy, and then watched the broken pieces, it didn't have a chance of even surviving that attack, Tekiou was too much of an idiot to hold back his physical strength in that situation. He paused for a second, and turned his body, looking for a decent replacement. He began to run towards a boulder, that he saw close by and nodded to himself.

"This should be good, it may not have legs or a body, but me gripping it should be enough." He told himself, beginning to smooth it over his shoulders, placing it to his back. As he did, he moved back into the swing of things and clenched his fingers into the boulder he would think for a second, taking a serious look on his face. "OK, here goes nothing." Tekiou threw the massive boulder into the air, showing his physical strength, he would jump and then go towards it, twisting himself in the air, as he went for the simultaneous grab, the twisting of his body stopped for a moment, as he would flip it upside down, and begin to spin rapidly. "Kinniku B-" He stopped as he began to feel himself start to get dizzy, gasping as he would make the shift of his body into one that was about to crash.

"Ahhh!" He screamed, his body falling towards the boulder, as he slammed his head into it, his eyes going white as he fell off and rolled to the ground, drool coming from his mouth. It took him a bit of time, he lifted himself once more, posturing, he rubbed his head, gasping with sounds of pain. "That hurt..." He would say to himself, looking at the boulder with a maddened expression. "I can't get the timing right..." He growled and screamed as he kicked the boulder, punting it towards the other side of the training field, he huffed. He then sat Indian style, as his eyes closed, beginning to eat some jerky he had saved earlier. "Come on, theirs gotta be something I'm doing wrong..."

He silently ate to himself, beginning to talk to himself about some things he could do but to no avail. He took the jerky bag and stuffed it into his pockets and then led himself to the boulder once more, putting his hands on it. "Maybe I could spin upside down... no... that would be crazy... oh wait." He tapped against it, and then nodded to himself with a large grin. "That could work!" He began to laugh, a "shishi" had been heard from this stunning laugh, he would begin to place the boulder upon his back once more. "Lets try it again!"

Source: Unknown

Last edited by Kinniku on Sun May 15, 2011 8:30 am; edited 1 time in total
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Male Posts : 889
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Tekiou Kobushi - Kinniku Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tekiou Kobushi - Kinniku   Tekiou Kobushi - Kinniku EmptySun May 15, 2011 8:13 am

Hmm picture does not seem 14 but at any rate, your rank is approved. One thing you need to change though, Nadagakure is closed so you can't join that village.
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Male Posts : 889
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Tekiou Kobushi - Kinniku Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tekiou Kobushi - Kinniku   Tekiou Kobushi - Kinniku EmptySun May 15, 2011 8:30 am

Approved unless stated otherwise.
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