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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Jace Mochi

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Jace  Mochi Empty
PostSubject: Jace Mochi   Jace  Mochi EmptyFri Jul 12, 2013 12:28 am

Jace  Mochi 43042629023

First Name: Jace
Last Name: Mochi
Alias: N/A

Gender: Male
Age: 16
Height: 5'9
Weight: 183
Birthday: 5/29
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationships: None

Affiliation: Bouguugakure
Rank: Genin
Element: Water
Specialization: Ninjutsu

Jace  Mochi Tellme11

Personality: Jace has a very short temper, but he really tries to control it. He is very lazy for the most part unless it is something that interest him then he puts forth all his effort. He's protective of his loved ones because of how few he has. Once he has something he hates to lose and he won't lose it, ever. He's shy but when you get to know him his very kind and friendly. He hates to lose at anything and is extremely competitive. He'll never run from any fight no matter who the opponent is, and doesn't care about anyone's fame. He loves animals, and sometimes treats them better than he treats humans. He doesn't really like to fight but when he does he goes all out, pushing his body to its limits, and sometimes beyond them.He does what he feels is the right decision and is very immature. He's very self dependent and doesn't like depending on others. He has very poor social skills, so when he gets a friend he cherishes them.Jace is a usually a level headed person, unless you bad mouth his friends. He absolutely respects every woman he encounters no matter how much that woman might disrespect him. Jace loves to train and fight but hates to kill, he often leaves his opponents alive after he defeats them. He is a big dreamer and does anything to achieve his dreams but if he does not care much for something he'll often use every excusses possible to get out of doing it.

Likes: Jace loves animals, each and every one, maybe even more than people. He likes to sleep, day dream, and sleep. Also, he loves his little sister and ill mother. He likes making swords and weapons. He also enjoys farming, and planting seeds. He takes pride in seeing a plant/tree/animal grow to be stronger and reproducible. He enjoys sleeping even though he rarely dreams and does it at least 15 hours a day. Beloved spending time with his sister also no matter what they are doing. Last and never least he absolutely adores his mother and will do anything for her.

Dislikes: Jace dislikes many things for different reasons. He dislikes anyone who disrespects or mistreat animals in any form or way. He hate those who talk bad about his friends, sister, or mother. He'll kill for them. He dislikes it when he is aburutly woken up from his sleep, day dream, or daily nap. He hates people who underestimate him in any way, and also people who don't honor his achievements or give him credit for what he does. And he also dislikes anyone who point the finger at someone else or don't take blame on themselves and own up to it.

Motivation: What motivates Jace the most is anything that his sister or mother needs. He'll do anything to get that thing, no matter the cost. He is always motivated to be strong enough to protect them, any, and everything he wants to protect. He believes in the greater good, meaning he will do any evil to get the necessary good. He is motivated by karma also because of all the bad that was done to him he is determined that good will eventually come no matter what. And lastly he is motivated by sleep, his logic is that the sooner and harder he trains the more he will where himself out and the quicker he will get to sleep and the longer it will last.

Fears: Jace's ultimate fear is death. He loves to sleep but not forever. He is scared he will die in a ninja conflict that has nothing to do with anything with him, his sister, or his mother. He is afraid of the effects of his death, his mother will die leaving his sister on her own, or his sister will have to get a job or become a ninja, a fate he won't let happen, or both his mother and sister will die. He is also afraid to kill someone because he believes everyone deserves to live. He is afraid to take and have his life taken.

Jace  Mochi Blood10

Star Clan

Bloodline Name: Torrent release and Eye of Hoshi

Bloodline Ability: The user uses his chakra to infuse the wind element into a water jutsu to make the jutsu more destructive by rapidly speeding it up. In basic terms the style merges wind and water so that the jutsu has a slash effect to it. (How wind style move slash and leave cuts and etc.) Also at its basics it is the style to increase the rotation of water.

This kkg has three stages, at the first stage the user can share eyesight with any and everything that stares into the users eyes for 2 minutes (1post).

Location:  Kazangakure

Clan History:  
The Star clan's history is a simple history. The clans founder was a monk who adored animals. His temple was attacked one day by rouge bandit while he was away on n errand, thus giving him the motivation to protect his comrades. He saw that the bandits all had taken was food and money. Whitestar created a jutsu that helped identify the culprits. After a while he got word that someone saw the villains, and quickly jumped on the situation. He captured the bandits and feed them. He then raised them and took them in. He taught then the peaceful ways of the monk. Teaching then to settle conflicts with peace and not war.

Under new leadership his more aggressive son, Blackstar, took the clan into the opposite direction of Whitestar's goal. Also with the clan not being financial stable, Blackstar started training himself and his clan to become grade A assassins. He furthered the jutsu that his father had orinhinally created with sheer drive to be out of his fathers shadow. He became know around the world as the darkstar. He gave the fame and also a target in their back. This in years to come the clan would be hated by any and everyone.

Jace  Mochi Histor11

Jace was born and raised in Tengakure by his mother. Jace was always taunted and teased for having red eyes while his mother and most of his clan has icy blue eyes. This he had learned to hate being different always wanting to change his eye color. That is until he was 15, most of his clan, including his mother, had gone to the wild to fight off some beasts that were poisoning our food source. The beasts proved to be to much for most of the clan because most did not come back. Jace's mother came back with a strange and unknown illness. She was taken into immediate care by the elders and medical ninja in the clan. Jace was alone for about a month, while the elders did what they could to help his mom, so he went into they wilderness one day.

While walking through it he noticed a house. He had never seen this house before , even though he had taken this path through the woods many times. He crouched behind a tree as he heard a twig snap. There were three men with annual masks on walking towards the house. Jace then got curious of what they were looking for. He then saw a hog a distance away from his position. He knew that hogs loves blueberries and had packed some in his bag as a snack, so he carefully threw the berries towards a bush by the Anbu men and sure enough the hog ran wildly towards the bush. The men jumped at the wild motion of the hog and attack it. Jace took this time to sneak into the house and "borrow" some things. He was looking through the house when snook into a room that was stained in blood. Red deep blood on everything, the walls, the bed, and the floor. Scared Jace run towards the window planing to jump out of it and flee, until he saw a body on the floor. It was a woman holding a baby, with bright red hair. The baby was died, or so Jace thought until it opened its eyes and started to open its mouth to cry. Jace quickly put his hand over the newborns mouth and noticed that the died woman was clutching a jewel in her hands, a ruby of some sort. Jace heard the front door open and he panicked and fled with the jewel and the baby. When he got back to his clan's hideout he took the baby to the star clan eldest wise man. He then took the baby from Jace, and told Jace to go see his mother. Jace inquired what would happen to the child and the elder said "We will take care of it boy!"  Jace hated being called a mere boy and didn't know the meaning of "take care of it" either but he just went to see his mother eager to make sure she was fine. He swiftly went over to his home were his mother was. He opened the door and wildly ran to his mothers room, but alas she was asleep, Jace hoped. He went to her side slowly and noticed a note on her nightstand. It read" Jace you will have to take care of her now, she is terrible ill but will live at the maximum of 10 years. The beast several poisoned her but she's a trooper and will fight until her last breath. The medicine she needs is in the flowers by the dinning room table. Sincerely Elder Toph."

A few days later the Elder Toph came back with the baby, crying frantically. She says" I have know idea what wrong with her. She won't eat and has barely slept, I don't know how long she'll last like this." Jace reached for her and she suddenly stopped crying. Jace says " I'll take her in elder Toph, don't worry. I'll make sure she's just fine." A few days later It was Jaces birthday and he realized he had no one to spend it with. He had to provide for his new family, and he knew the best way for him to earn money and knowledge is to go to the ninja academy and become a full fledge shinobi.
RP Sample:  
"Boom!!" Jace awoke from his afternoon nap abruptly. He looked around and to his left a dust cloud was forming rapidly. He got from the grass plain he laid at, and slowly walked towards the disturbance. As he got closer he saw a group of kids sitting and watching a man jump around diving a large black bears claw attacks. With a closer look Jace saw a tornado village headband on the mans wrist. "So he's a shinobi" Jace thought. But rage quickly found Jace as he noticed the man pull out a kunai and leap towards the bear. Jace quickly jumped to intercept the man, and as he got closer he swung to knock the weapon out of the ninja's hand. Inexperience quickly showed its head as the man in mid air twisted his body to dodge both Jace and the bears attack. He landed on his feet while Jace landed on his stomach. The bear slashed a tree and turned to charge the ninja. Until Jace put his hand on its hind leg. The bear quickly reacted to attack so the ninja leaped to kill the beast, but at the last moment the beast stopped his attack and moaned. The man stopped. Jace said "So you do remember me don't you?" The bear moaned a familiar tone. Jace knew this bear before his mother got ill she would take Jace to the plains to pick black berries and three little cubs would always be near by. She would always leave the bears a little snack as they left. The bear must've recognized Jace because it seemed to calm down a bit. Jace quickly turned to the ninja and asked the a defiant tone "Who are you and why are you here!?" The ninja replied " My name is Minamaru and the Kage of the village hidden in the tornado sent me here to show me academy student how to subdue a wild beast." Jace snapped "Leave this animal alone or you'll have to deal with me." The man tried holding back a smile and calm said" of course we shall leave, excuse our rudeness we didn't think anyone cared." He quickly got the student ready to go as they gave Jace dirty looks. Jace said "Wait! I want to talk to this Kage." Minamaru said" Sure."

Jace  Mochi Extra10

Source: Found it in google

Face Claim: Huey Freeman, Boondocks

Jace  Mochi Accept10
" />

Last edited by Redstar on Sun Jul 14, 2013 9:30 pm; edited 16 times in total
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Male Posts : 126
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Jace  Mochi Left_bar_bleue250/250Jace  Mochi Empty_bar_bleue  (250/250)

Jace  Mochi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jace Mochi   Jace  Mochi EmptyFri Jul 12, 2013 2:15 am

I see some problems with your character appkication.

1. Your dislikes,motivations,likes, and fears need to all be at least an paragraph. Not listed.
2.Where it says "Place Clan Name Here" replace that with the clan name, it shouldn't be off to the side.
3. Something is wrong with your picture for "Who are you?". You might want to get that fixed.
4. Make sure to fill in your face claim and source.

After you are done making all the corrections please Bump.

If your still working on your character app put "[WIP]" in the topic title, thank you.
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Jace  Mochi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jace Mochi   Jace  Mochi EmptyFri Jul 12, 2013 4:09 am

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Female Posts : 2298
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Jace  Mochi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jace Mochi   Jace  Mochi EmptyFri Jul 12, 2013 5:17 am

Alright, just a few more things.

  • The picture at the top needs to be a picture of your character. What your character looks like. The little avatar is cute and all but it doesn't show exactly what your character looks like.

  • Your clan is fine where it is, but you need to make another topic in the clan area and follow the template. Once it is finished, post a completion bump on it and a staff member will look it over.

  • The faceclaim is basically what your character looks like, if it is taken from a certain anime character. Keep in mind that you cannot use characters from the Naruto franchise as your faceclaim.

  • The source is what brought you to the site. Did someone refer you (Specify who if so)? Did you find it on google? Did you see our advertisement? Etc.

  • Also, Kazangakure is not a village that can be chosen as an affiliation, since it is only ruins now. You may choose from the 5 we currently have: Hyougagakure (Glacier), Kusamuragakure (Jungle), Boufuugakure (Storm), Shippuugakure (Hurricane), or Tsukigakure (Moon).

  • In your specializations, you must have taijutsu and ninjutsu in order to have nintaijutsu, so please make the order in which you want those three.

  • Please take out your alias. Only Special Jounin (B-rank shinobi) and higher may have an alias.

  • As a side note, you may start with up to a maximum of 3 elements, so it is up to you as to whether you want to keep the one element or add another.

Please post a bump when these things have been fixed.
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Jace  Mochi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jace Mochi   Jace  Mochi EmptySat Jul 13, 2013 11:10 pm

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Male Posts : 126
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Jace  Mochi Left_bar_bleue250/250Jace  Mochi Empty_bar_bleue  (250/250)

Jace  Mochi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jace Mochi   Jace  Mochi EmptySat Jul 13, 2013 11:54 pm

Still some problems left mate.

1. Your avatar should not be a link. Get the URL of your destinated avatar and put it in the tags of [IM G] LinkHere [/IM G] but with no spaces at all. We do not allow a link for an avatar when you could simply show it.

2. Your village is spelt wrong. It is supposed to be Boufuugakure. Not what you put, please fix that.

3. Why did you center everything? There is no need for that at all.

4.The clan you have put has not yet been approved so I am not sure you could use it sadly.

After you have made the corrections please bump.
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Female Posts : 2298
Ryo : 1597319

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Jace  Mochi Left_bar_bleue500/500Jace  Mochi Empty_bar_bleue  (500/500)

Jace  Mochi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jace Mochi   Jace  Mochi EmptyWed Jul 17, 2013 5:22 am

Uhmm...that was fine Matsuo, but as far as the clan goes, I can allow him to get his character approved first and then let him finish his clan afterward. However, Redstar, you will not be able to RP until you have finished your clan as well.
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Female Posts : 2298
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Jace  Mochi Left_bar_bleue500/500Jace  Mochi Empty_bar_bleue  (500/500)

Jace  Mochi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jace Mochi   Jace  Mochi EmptySat Oct 05, 2013 12:41 am

Archived. PM me if you would like to get this moved back out to be finished and approved.
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Jace  Mochi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jace Mochi   Jace  Mochi Empty

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