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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Rioshi Uesugi

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Rioshi Uesugi Empty
PostSubject: Rioshi Uesugi   Rioshi Uesugi EmptySat Aug 11, 2012 5:35 am

Rioshi Uesugi Dissid10

Rioshi Uesugi Whoare14

First Name: Rioshi
Last Name: Uesugi
Alias: The Honor Bound Survivor

Gender: Male
Age: 21 Years
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 200 lb.
Birthday: 11th Day of the 11th Month
Sexuality: Straight
Relationships: Single

Affiliation: None. Formerly of the Daimyo, Land of Silk.
Rank: Seieibushi, hoping to be declared Kodenbushi
Element: Water
Specialization: Taijutsu [Bugei Juhappa: Samurai Taijutsu], Kenjutsu [Iaido]
  • Bugei Juhappa, is essentially the samurai version of Taijutsu, the eighteen martial arts of tokugawa japan.
  • Laido, is a must. It is the absolute technique *every* samurai knows in Naruto. A quick draw technique meant to overpower the chance for ninja to do handseals by lunging forward in a precision strike.
  • Inability to use offensive chakra. The famous chakra disruption of the Naruto samurai. They cant use chakra for jutsu, summoning... none of that. So they instead infuse their weapons and armor to shrug off offensive jutsu and genjutsu. Weakness being, that if a jutsu isnt targetted at you, and instead at your surroundings, Well, tree falls on you, you die. Chasm opens up underneath you, you're still trapped. Ninja have the option of flexibility, adaptation. Samurai, however, are the honor bound swordsmen of Iron country and have no such flexibility in the use of their chakra.

Rioshi Uesugi Tellme11


Uesugi is a cheerful man, meditating for long periods through martial arts, following the twofold exercise and standards of Bugei Juhappa to stay in peak physical performance much in the way of Bushido. He is extremely shy when disrobed of his helmet, feeling vulnerable to an even extent when the constantly chakra disruptive armor is absent. However, in the gradual stay of his lifetime he has reached a cynical, almost worrisome attitude and does not hesitate to state such on several occasions.

With his arts has come a sort of heavy emotional burden. On rare occasions or when drinking, he will open up and relay a bit of his nervousness at being around large swaths of shinobi- the kind his shogun decreed the walls of their chakra castles to be the strongest pinnacle against daggers in the night. Without his allies, without anything but the strength of his own arm, the idea of enemies seeking to take advantage of his resting hours leaves him some nights to stare at the ceiling till dawn.

Overall? He is uneasy. Cheerful, polite, but still with a voice riddled in unsurety. But honor compels his hand forward, and he is eager to seek a worthy lord.


Studying and bonsai gardening. He delves into fine rice wine, but feels at home when having men to command. He was a trained bodyguard, an elite Seieibushi! His own preference towards the fairer sex holds him to seek only a woman stronger than he is, but someday he'd hope to find such a lady regardless of profession. Once in a blue moon he may try to go to a sake bar and perhaps test his strength against the locals and make a point to not be attacked and have to waste his time against bandits.

Not that he minds being challenged, really. But it is rather fun to keep his fighting skill sharp even in times of peace, so a fair combat is much preferred than a stealthy mugging.


Monks. The idea of a monastery chills him to the bone as the general antithesis of a samurai. Even ninja posing as having martial training under a temple master leaves his grip tight and his killing intent open. Regardless, he also happens to utterly loathe the existence of taijutsu, holding it in complete contempt against bushido. His own experience with the art has been found lacking, and those rogue shinobi who have approached him with harmful attempt have found such flavorful fist fighting completely useless against cold steel. Maybe it is a rather biased outlook on an art which is essentially the kind of manpower to match a temple routine exercise, but it remains a dislike until proven otherwise.


The code of a samurai demands under bushido to find a worthy lord to serve and die for. It is a martial code spanning for generations, and with the fall of his own Daimyo he has reached the Elemental Countries thoughtlessly in the way of a wandering ronin. His own honor demands he preserves his skills in service to another, yet honestly he wishes to train and help another reach their potential. It is a lifestyle he has tirelessly spent his whole life in dedication to perfect the self, and with the constant reminder of his own mortality he seeks to leave a mark on this world to prove he exists.


Let me be clear. He loathes Monks, but he does not fear them. That exclusive distinction is held sacred after the fall of the Land of Silk. His daimyo is *dead*. He fears *failure*, to the point of honestly considering seppuku to make amends. He was helpless to watch his own lord die in his arms. To this day, he fears failure.... and what he will do if he ever finds out who was responsible.

For they will know his fear, and he will sheathe the sword only after his honor has been restored.

Rioshi Uesugi Blood10

Non Applicable. Samurai.

Bloodline Name: N/A

Bloodline Ability: N/A

Location: N/A

Clan History: N/A

Rioshi Uesugi Histor11


To understand his history, you have to understand a critical part of the feudal system. Ninja are the dagger in the night, the drop of poison in the soup. They harness the power of the elements, and can sink a dagger between the ribs with ease. Monks, who pride themselves so heavily on their bodies, are helpless against these assassins trained from a young age due to their mortality rate. The left hand of the Daimyo, the one cloaked in darkness.

The Samurai are the ones who have the inherent ability to defeat the rogue elements of the shinobi way. Their armor dents any hidden blades, their breathing masks rendering them safe against poisons and precision strikes. Their entire defense involves chakra disruption, quickly able to fend off any elemental attacks by simply maintaining their constant chakra exertion. The Ninja of the Elemental countries are peerless in their field, but against the open might of the Daimyo's armies they can be rendered ineffective. Even their swords exert their own chakras to disable any personal techniques and chakra flow in the main tekketsu. As the right hand of the Daimyo, their ability to turn the war to their favor is immensely useful.

But what if the Samurai turn? The ninja are countered, but aren't these masters of steel and armor unrivaled? Not really. Here the monks come into play, the inherent body of the Daimyo. Having trained to constantly exert their own innate chakras into bodily power, they use martial training to build up their own defenses in hand to hand combat; shredding stone and iron into pieces as they break through armor like crinkles in a leaf. No Samurai can stand against the monasteries, and in many ways it is their downfall.

Together, these three balance the strengths and weaknesses of a kingdom, and that is how... the Land of Silk fell.

It was the turn of a darker time. The constant squabbles of the city states inherent through the Elemental Countries had slowly diseased even the border lands. The Daimyo, once long popular in the Land of Silk, had finally reached the breaking point of his own nobility. Years slowly passed as the individual nobles riled up their people, pushing them to plead with the well meaning monks who then demanded a change in rule. When the Samurai, of whom Rioshi was one of the immediate guard of the Daimyo, rejected this claim in totality, the monasteries soon declared war on the presiding throne of Silk.

Besieged, Honni Castle became a battleground, lack of sleep and food slowly whittling down their resources as the monks had the country's people to support them. In a final act of desperation, the nobles were soon exiled, and the people began to calm down.

Yet it was too late. The nobility, having seen the resources of the ruling body of silk grow taunt with famine and facing their mortal foes, acted in harsh retribution. Appealing to a select group of rogue ninja, they foolishly offered half the fortunes of Honni Castle for the fall of the Daimyo. In an unsurprising act, the shinobi force agreed, and Silk's lax security was infiltrated all too soon.

Within a day, the monasteries, having reconciled with the Samurai forces, reported the complete silence of their monks bordering the Silk's northeastern roads- suspecting shinobi involvement to which they were weak against and still recuperating from the civil war. Sending one of his most trusted guards, Uesugi was immediately deployed to support the agrieved monks.

Yet it was all for naught. Upon arrival, the guard was ambushed by the missing 'patrol', radioing in as reports of a poisoned daimyo were scattered across the province. By the first day, Honni Castle was sacked from inside and out. By the second...

The remaining Samurai of Honni were executed.

Both the left hand and the body of the Daimyo had severed the head and cut off the right hand of Silk. Hounded out of the country by the two factions who sought to completely silence the hostile takeover, Rioshi left the borders and entered the main countries. Abandoned, lost... he vowed to regain his honor and become strong enough to honor his lord's memory.

What he would do from there... was anyone's guess.

RP Sample:


Rioshi Uesugi Extra10

Source: www.bleachdynasty.com

Face Claim: Jecht

Rioshi Uesugi Accept10

Last edited by Rioshi on Sun Aug 12, 2012 5:59 pm; edited 5 times in total
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Rioshi Uesugi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rioshi Uesugi   Rioshi Uesugi EmptySat Aug 11, 2012 5:41 am


I. Requesting approval or moderation review.

II. Noting the lack of samurai or monks that appear in the narutoverse, want to make sure I'm not breaking the rules. The moderator I spoke with earlier seemed unsure... so I did my best here to make sure I gave the right information.

III. Lack of clan, village, bloodline, and unable to use jutsu. In return, I would like to request the ability to make (1) set of samurai armor, (1) samurai sword, and (1) person willing to roleplay me into affiliation with a shinobi village.

IV. My favorite character is Tsunade. Make of that what you will!

V. Was reviewing the other applications, where a mod stated that genin could only have two skills. Confused.

Quote :
Specialization: What specializations? You can have three. First one can be used up to S, second up to A and third one up to B.

If not, I can review. >_<

Thanks for your time!
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Rioshi Uesugi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rioshi Uesugi   Rioshi Uesugi EmptyWed Aug 15, 2012 7:45 am

Very seldom do this, but its well over the three day mark as per the rules... and I may slightly be getting tired of reviewing posts and not being able to do much else.

Going to regret this, but... Bump. Can't even find any staff online lately... >.<
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Rioshi Uesugi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rioshi Uesugi   Rioshi Uesugi EmptyWed Aug 15, 2012 10:54 am

Enjoy RPing on Mirage. You have been approved!
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Rioshi Uesugi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rioshi Uesugi   Rioshi Uesugi EmptyWed Aug 15, 2012 11:33 am

Thanks! ^^ Any place in particular needing activity?
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PostSubject: Re: Rioshi Uesugi   Rioshi Uesugi Empty

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