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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Shichiyou, Sona [finished]

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Female Posts : 10
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PostSubject: Shichiyou, Sona [finished]   Shichiyou, Sona [finished] EmptyMon Oct 03, 2011 12:48 pm

Shichiyou, Sona [finished] Renderbypau008gm8

Shichiyou, Sona [finished] Whoare14

First Name: Sonazakei.
Last Name: Shichiyou.
Alias: Sona.
Gender: Female.
Age: Thirteen.
Height: 151cm.
Weight: 41kg.
Birthday: 4th/May.
Sexuality: Straight.
Relationships: Single.
Affiliation: Hidden Storm.
Rank: Genin.
Element: Hyōton, wind, water.
Specialization: Ninjutsu, Taijutsu.

Shichiyou, Sona [finished] Tellme11

Personality: Sona has a laid back personality, caring and concerning. She has a will about her that seems to want nothing but interaction from the people she loves. She has a strong heart, usually more or less very intimidated by an opposing/alarming opportunity against someone she knows or cares about. She will usually come off shy, distant from people she first meets. Usually later on growing on people as the annoying loud mouth. she more or less comes off a bit strange and will often speak too lquite and appear when least expected. She doesn't have the whole, Nindo: believe in yourself, goals to dreams. She believes that all entities have a purpose that sooner or later has its end. She believes that a higher cause is in play, all pieces of the domino still standing. She reluctantly has a bit of a ego when it comes to food, as if a professional critic. In a squad based activity, she's usually the one to stay back and help out instead of engage and finish, more a support then a leader.

Likes: Sona has a profound love for food, confectionary. She loves nothing more then to relax and unwind from a mission, buying the largest bowl of ramen, or other. Sona's interests only follow towards Tenzou. If there is anything that could get her closer to her parents, then it is probably the only thing she will care about.

Apart from that, she's a normal regular teen girl. into boys, music and anything cute. The usual things you would expect from a girl.

Dislikes: Sona has a overgrown dislike for hot weather, she finds herself less active and less productive in heated temperatures. Often slower and crankier. Her type of hot weather is much more different to any normal persons description of "Hot weather". Sona also is petrified by spiders, as if will become rendered useless if she's come too close to a spider, becoming frozen like a statue. She dislikes anyone talking about her family, or the head family of her clan, Especially Tenzou. Becoming a bit unrational when the topic arises.

Motivation: Sona's Motivation would be to eventually show her squad, friends, family all of such falling in catergory. That she isn't the scrawny figure she looks to be. One day she will show everyone that she isn't to be trifled with; made to look like a fool. Greatest Motivation would be to wake up and eat a well cooked breakfast, odd i know.

Fears: Sona's fears would play into the childish and usual creep; Spiders. Her greatest, soul bearing fears would be more or less, losing a life, dying or being hated. She loathes the people that hate her, fearing of being overwhelmed as more of a phobia, which clings to her problem of being in a room too small(claustrophobia)

Shichiyou, Sona [finished] Blood10

Place clan name here Shichiyou

Bloodline Name: Shichiyoudou

Bloodline Ability: his unique bloodline is the ability to create ice on the whim and to travel through it. They can perform jutsu only using one hand.

Location: Hidden Glacier.

Clan History: Generations before the rise of Hyougakure, the Shichiyou was ruled by a man, Shichiyou Tenzou with an aptitude amount of knowledge of how water worked. He developed various skills and techniques that involved ice and all aspects of it. He was famous in his power and capabilities for the area was covered by a frozen tundra. He started to built a shinobi village in the Blizzard Country to create place that provided security against enemies. It was going to be a long long road. Unfortunately, he passed away before he could finish his life's goal.

Luckily, he had a son that continued his legacy. There isn't much information about this. Just that he signed a pact with a demon to gain more power, to increase the speed of his work. There was a certain price though. The demon's power shall run forever through the main family's first son of each generation, giving them red eyes. And the demon would be able to use their body's sometimes causing them to have a split personality disorder. The main family would be able to access the Demon Gateways and use one handed handseals, though only the first born son would be able to summon the demon.

This man gave birth to three children. Three boys. And indeed the first son had red eyes while the other two had regular blue eyes. These three men eventually finished their grandfather's work. They founded Hyougakure together. All the residents of the local villages moved to Hyougakure. It was a beautiful and amazing place, just like a fairy tale. An enormous village that provided security to everyone. The three created Shichiyou's Monarch which is Hyougakure's outer wall, the city's thickest layer of protection. The wall was huge. Easily a hundred meters tall and perhaps fifteen meters thick. The wall encircled all of Hyougagakure. It is considered indestructible and is commonly drawn on maps as a terrain feature. It has never been breached. The council mandated that soldiers and sentries would be placed on the wall at all times, with many of them even living in built-in homes inside the wall.

A couple of years later one of the branch family leaders died during the war with Kazangakure. He was leading the a small shinobi squad, nothing more. Kazangakure wasn't a match since they couldn't handle the cold. Heavy winter blizzards constantly pelt the tundra, and unstable ice sheets often gave way under the slightest pressure. The man died with a smile on his face as he crushed several platoons at once saying "You never managed to enter our village." The two remaining brothers were saddened by this tragedy. Shichiyou was left with a main family and a branch family.

Decades later the Shichiyou clan was increased in numbers. The amount of the main family could be counted on one hand. The amount of the branch family was a bit bigger. Currently, Tenzou Shichiyou is the leader of the main family. And indeed he has red eyes. He takes his job quite seriously, which would be required of him since he is the Fubikikage.

The main family lives in a palace and are referred to as the royal family of Hyouga.

Demonic Gateways: They are practically gateways to another dimension which can only be used the user, who has to be a main family Shichiyou. They signed a pact with a demon to access this realm. The monster that has extremely long wings with immense horns. The beast can be summoned through a Demonic Gateway by the main family leader.

Shichiyou, Sona [finished] Histor11

History: Shichiyou branch, proud Hyouga born. Her family were the apparent worshipers of the main Shichiyou family. Often doing anything just to have a chance to speak to them. Honourable to their name as a branch family. They were proud and noble. Her mother and father, brother. Were all proud of their heritage and their leader. Sona was only just young when she was first brought into the world that her mother and father adored. As if loyal servants to any whim that the head family asked. Just like any Shichiyou house, she was taken in by the fandom of the head family, instantly like her family becoming swept into being loyal, even at her age.

It was only just a short mid-day routine, actually just about to join up with her class for start of her academy. When her father eagerly swept her up. Meeting up as a family meeting inside their manor. As she could barely understand what was going on. Soon her brother had disappeared. Her mother, packing Sona's gear and clothes, soon gathered Sona, before anything was decided and anything was clear.

Her family and herself were on the road for weeks, months perhaps, before she was finally made clear, Tenzou had disappeared. The family knew something was seriously wrong. Her brother had also gone off in a seperate direction from the family, for clues. IT was only a short while longer they had arrived in Boufuugakure, Hidden storm. Staying in a local hotel, she'd awaken to find her parents had left her, few cash and her clothes laid on the bed where they slept. She had it made clear, she was slowing them down, finding the leader was the most important thing to them. She was a weight, they had to get rid of.

It took several weeks before she was finally acustomed with the village, joining the academy and becoming a Storm Genin fairly quickly due to her education back in Hyouga. She has her goal set, get strong enough to start getting clues herself.

Find the leader, Tenzou. find her parents and brother, rejoin with the clan. She cared for the Storm citizens for their kind and caring nature, she was clear as finding the leader was top priority and rejoining the Shichiyou clan. As if nothing else mattered.

RP Sample: "WHY!, shall i be plagued by this stupidity. I mean WHY i'm not even worth this complicated stuff." She'd fume at the man sitting behind a desk, infront of her.

"Well, take it this way, no squad, no missions needing squad based quality." THe stubb-nosed man seemed to gesture as he'd hold out a note like form infront of him. An angered look seemed to trifle her pissed off attitude. She'd been here in Boufuu for a while now. She'd been made a Genin but she'd still not been given a squad. Her level of intensed anger was rising. Her goal was simple, gain strength and get enough to be able to leave Storm insearch for her Leader, Tenzou. She had no clue why she had to find him, was as if like instinct was pushing her to go forward and find him, search him out. She knew he wasn't dead, it was only a matter of searching for him.

She'd taken the form from the man behind the desk, angrily mumbling the quest infront of her, 'find the cat'. She'd laugh, "This has to be a joke, i'ma kill this cat and give it to the lady as a platter for vultures.. " She'd jumped as soon as she'd as she'd spin as a man behind her started to laugh, landing a hand upon her head, ruffling her hair. Twirling the lollipop she'd have in her mouth, she'd crudely given him the stink-eye. "OK so you seem to be jonin ranked, what do you want.."

"I want you to just do your requested job, stop mumbling and get on with it." She'd step back a few. Almost astonished by the grinning mans words.

"I'm sorry, what?! no wise wisdom words, no keep your head in their, you'll get somewhere! Someday!? Some bullshit nindo shit!".. She'd seemed to explode, the whole room stopping to look.

"No? Only saying what you want to hear, and stop swearing or ill have to escort you out myself, now scram..." THe man seemed to say still grinning.

"You're an asshole.." She'd complain leaving the room, scrunching the note in her hand, jumping out of the window nearby the door, to the nearest roof. "Now, i know where this stupid cat will be, right here." She'd say as she'd slowly take her foot over the edge, slowly walking down the building straight to the ramen shop below, Extending her arm outwards, the ramen stool owner waving happily as she'd smile back, lifting up a cat from the trash heap. "Knew you'd be here, not only been the sixteenth time i've had to pull you out of here. Ohwell i do get paid for this five minute job i guess, no harm done."

She'd quickly made her way up the building, through the window to the mission tender. "Stupid cat delivery, give me my cash and i'm out of here till that cat runs away again."

She'd extend her arm out waiting for her payment as the mission tender laughed. "See wasn't so bad, i mean its your best time yet!?" He'd say handing over her cash.

"Please, next time just tell her where the goddamn cat goes so she can get it herself.. Honestly." She'd exclaim leaving.

Shichiyou, Sona [finished] Extra10

Source: BSRP.

Face Claim: Mizore Shirayuki - Rosario + Vampire

Shichiyou, Sona [finished] Accept10
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Genesis Garisha
Genesis Garisha
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Shichiyou, Sona [finished] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shichiyou, Sona [finished]   Shichiyou, Sona [finished] EmptyWed Oct 05, 2011 11:15 am


Since I don't know if you have, make sure you ask permission to actually join the Hyoton clan.
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Shichiyou, Sona [finished] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shichiyou, Sona [finished]   Shichiyou, Sona [finished] EmptyWed Oct 05, 2011 1:11 pm

Temporarily Denied, she also has to get permission from Tenzou to make a Shichiyou outside of Hyouga
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Shichiyou, Sona [finished] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shichiyou, Sona [finished]   Shichiyou, Sona [finished] EmptyWed Oct 05, 2011 4:03 pm

Well can someone please contact him? seeing as i can't post in the clan template and i can't pm him?? =[
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Shichiyou, Sona [finished] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shichiyou, Sona [finished]   Shichiyou, Sona [finished] EmptyWed Oct 05, 2011 4:09 pm

He will be informed

~PS; could you spoiler your signature? It's rather large and animation like that can cause a great deal of lag on some computers/phones
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