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The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
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 Monogatari, Shiro

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Male Posts : 30
Ryo : 3000

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Monogatari, Shiro Empty
PostSubject: Monogatari, Shiro   Monogatari, Shiro EmptyFri Sep 28, 2012 4:53 pm

Monogatari, Shiro Portgas_d__acei6ix

Monogatari, Shiro Whoare14

First Name: Shiro
Last Name: Monogatari
Alias: Oushi

Gender: Male
Age: 20
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 205 lbs.
Birthday: Oct. 4
Sexuality: Straight
Relationships: Mother: Hinada. Deceased Father: Raka. Sister: Shina Uncle: Shotatsu

Affiliation: Kusamuragakure
Rank: Jounin
Element: Fire, Wind
Specialization: Taijutsu, Kenjutsu,Ninjutsu

Monogatari, Shiro Tellme11


Personality sometimes is developed through experiences and such in the case with the young Shiro who through his short lifetime has had some changes in his mindset. A hopeful big dreamer as most academy students are, young Shiro excelled in leadership and was a very friendly kid. Willing to go out of his way to assist others earned him favor amongst his peers and superiors. As a genin not much had changed in his demeanor other than he started to take things more seriously. His goals and dreams depended on his actions so failure in even the easiest of missions was not an option. At the age of fourteen the young shinobi took his exam to become a chuunin, and another personality alternating moment occurred.

During the trials of the exam the young Shiro was forced to make a tough decision. The decision was whether to help a group of fellow kusamura genin and fall behind or continue on and pass that portion of the exam. Helping them could have resulted in failure and that just wasn’t an option for him or his team. Many thought this was a somewhat cold and calculating decision to turn his back on comrades and so he took on the role of calculating strategist after passing the exam. As a jounin not much has changed for the young man. His decisions are based on reason not feelings and he does what has to be done which is what earned him his rank. He simply regrets nothing and will follow orders using the best tactical plan.

However over time he has become slightly deranged in his own mind. Making his choices a little off when it comes to missions. Early in his career he aimed to avoid killing but now it seems he likes the feeling. Who knows what this may lead to down the road.

Shiro likes to be surrounded by friends when he isn’t on missions or headed somewhere. He is a very lively person so he always likes to meet new and interesting people no matter their background. The young man is also very fond of games and music, choosing to dabble in both during his spare time. One could say that the jonin always has something going on to keep him occupied. Also he is never one to turn down a beautiful woman even if she is just walking by him. He always finds a way to hit on them. Shiro some days though, finds himself alone in which he likes to go and think about his goals and plans somewhere peaceful

Being bored is the worst thing in the world to Shiro. It is absolutely the worst thing for him because he constantly likes having something to do however he will settle for meditation or thinking time. He also dislikes people who talk about their accomplishments because Shiro is a man of action. Bragging to impress people to him is just dumb because he would rather show his amazing talent than tell people about it. He also dislikes super-hot weather because it tires him out quicker.


Shiro’s motivation is to fulfill his ambition of becoming a legend who is both loved and feared. To attain this he has decided to do anything necessary regardless of the cost. So far everything has worked in his favor as he is becoming a well-known Shinobi.


He won’t admit to it but his greatest fear is dying alone and being forgotten. The thought sometimes keeps him up at night and so he tries his best to keep pushing to become better and better to not die vain. He also has a small fear of drowning because of an incident when he was young.

Monogatari, Shiro Blood10
[center]Monogatari, Shiro Histor11

Shiro wasn’t born into some prestigious clan so he worked hard for everything he ever earned and that started early on in his life. From the young age of four the young boy was in love with martial arts so he practiced every day from dusk till dawn for two years with his friends. By the time he entered the academy at age seven he was able to understand and use basic taijutsu. His ability to work hard and learn with proficiency helped him move through the academy with ease and no one was too surprised when he graduated a 2 years early at the age of ten. Transitioning from a student to a genin wasn’t that hard of a task for him either even given his somewhat age difference with his fellow squad members.

As a genin his squad was given simple tasks for missions such as cleaning elderly homes, helping farmers plant their seeds and even helping them harvest their crops when it became that time of the year. During this time in his life nothing seemed too serious yet unlike his peers he set to make every mission a success and even go beyond what was required of the mission. People were drawn to this quality about him and knew he would make a good squad leader one day. His actions time and again proved that he was a good shinobi and his peers were envious. It wasn’t long before there was talk among the higher ups of nominating the young genin for the chuunin exams. However at the request of his overseeing jounin Shiro’s nomination was put off for two whole years until he was fourteen.

During his time as a genin his father had been killed during a mission and the details were untold to his family but they were told he died a hero. His Uncle took it upon himself to teach the young boy about how to hone is fighting skills and become an even greater fighter. Shiro learned how to take his opponents momentum and use it against them. These techniques took years of practice but by the time the genin was fourteen years of age he was able to execute the movements and use the techniques with ease. After all this training his Uncle began to train him on how to attack distance targets and teach him how to survive in the jungle. Shiro didn’t understand the training at first but he was happy when he was able to put it to good use in the chuunin exams.

The Chunin exams were rough for everyone especially at the start. The mental aspect of the exams is where the snuffed out the weakest of the competitors. A lot of groups were eliminated early on because they failed to see the point of the exams. Shiro’s group however, was able to get by easily as their information gathering techniques were good enough for them to pass the test. With that portion out of the way the field of teams had dwindled considerably, from seventy groups to the remaining thirty-two. When it was announced that half of them would be eliminated in the second trial nerves amongst the teams began to stir. However Shiro was determined to make it through.

The second portion was an obstacle course area where teams worked together to make it through and could fight and eliminate other teams to better their chances. Shiro knew they would undoubtedly run into trouble so when they entered they began to plan right away on how to best take care of any unwanted attackers. Their team consisted of an Inuzuka with great tracking abilities, a genjutsu specialist, and Shiro was considered their Strength and combat specialist. The plan was simple they would take out units without being seen. Toshi the genjutsu user and Shiro would use the high trees to attack while Tagna used his tracking skills to find enemy units. Ear plugs were necessary because of Toshi’s genjutsu used music and sound to catch his opponent. Once entranced, Shiro would use his speed and strength to take out the opposing teams. Using this method they eliminated six teams. However on their way to the finish they noticed a fellow team of Kusamura genin in trouble. Shiro made the hard decision of not to help them so that it wouldn’t cost them a place in the finals. In the end his teammates agreed to his decision and they advanced to the finals and all still had hopes of attaining Chuunin.

The final round was simple to Shiro. One on one combat was the final round and Shiro knew then that this was his for the taking. In the first round he dispatched his opponent using just his taijutsu skills hoping to reserve his best tricks. The second round was much harder as he was forced to use more jutsu then he thought he needed to. However in the end his opponent fell to his better technique. For the finals Shiro was pitted against a shape shifter who hailed from Tsukigakure. Shiro had to use his better skills and wit to over-take this foe and it would prove to be a challenge. He used his speed and strength to punish his opponent with hit and run blows until he noticed a weak point. Instantly noticing it he went in for the finishing blow to win the fight. With the win Shiro was promoted to the rank of Chuunin and managed to impress many people with the skills he possessed.

Shiro found great success as a chuunin helping his new team succeed in many dangerous and less dangerous missions alike. His talents didn’t go unnoticed as he was asked to apprentice under a a taijutsu specialist known as Takeshi Wadahiri. Amongst his peers Takeshi was known as kind of a madman as he would take on task that seemed impossible. Takeshi was great with taijutsu and kenjutsu so Shiro quickly agreed because he would need to be better and learn kejutsu if he ever want to become a member of an assassination squad. He quickly picked up the skill and found it to be harder than anything he had ever done. Another skill that was taught to the young shinobi was that of the Eight inner Gates and how to unlock them. After learning of them he was determined to unlock them. By the time he turned seventeen the young Shiro was promoted to special jounin, a great honor in his eyes.

He quickly found a place on the battle fields with his swordsmanship as he was able to cut down countless victims. He continued this trend for two and a half years until he was nineteen years old. Then a mission came that would forever change and shape him as a shinobi. The mission seemed simple enough as they were to find and kill a high rank nuke-nin from their village. Intel from another country said he was alone but when they found him he had friends. Forced to take defensive action after the nuke-nin managed to kill two squad mates, others in the unit began to panic. Shiro was able to seize the situation and get everyone to listen to him. They used a strategic approach to kill the enemies with Shiro using his sword charged the man and was able to catch him off guard resulting in the mans death. No other casualties in their unit were found after the fighting was done. Impressed with his ability to take charge under pressure Shiro was promoted to Jounin just a week before he turned twenty. Now the rest of his destiny is in his hands and the actions he takes from here on out.

RP Sample:

Ever wonder why life sometimes seems so dull? Shiro often caught himself wondering about things like that when he had time to sit and think. Today was an off day for the jounin as he sat under a tree that was lake side. This was one of his favorite spots to relax and he sometimes found himself here asking himself questions about anything from life to meaningless thoughts. It was here as a young boy he discovered his love for the martial arts and here as well that he learned to swing his first sword. Time sure had flown by him since those days and his life had went from simple to chaotic quick. It was nice for him to have days like this where he could sit back and enjoy the small things.

As the sun began to set and Shiro’s day of rest was over he stood up and looked at his current sword. He unsheathed the weapon and looked at it carefully for a few moments before moving towards a tree away from the lake. The jounin took a fighting stance with a determined look on his face. In a quick motion he slashed at the tree that stood before him. The blade was only able to cut through half of the tree in the one motion. Shiro was very displeased to say the least. “I must find a blade strong enough to unlock my full potential. Until then I will never become a legend.” The jounin mumbled to himself. In an instant flash of rage he began to hack at the tree until it had fallen.

As he recollected his mental state he sheathed his sword and headed home. For now he was stuck with the sword but he was determined to find something much stronger with better capabilities. His day would come he thought to himself as he walked through his village. People loved him here and it showed as people greeted him left and right. This wasn’t enough for him though because he wanted to be known everywhere but he would never be known as Shiro to the world. He would become known as Oushi.

Monogatari, Shiro Extra10


Face Claim:
Portagas D. Ace - One Piece
Monogatari, Shiro Accept10

*Questions I was wondering what exactly does an open starter rank start with other than just the ranking itself? I couldn't find anything on it so I thought I would ask here. What I mean is do I stat with a certain amount of ryo so that I may purchase jutsu so that I am at my rank with proper knowledge and skill of jutsu?

Last edited by Shiro on Fri Sep 28, 2012 8:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Monogatari, Shiro Empty
PostSubject: Re: Monogatari, Shiro   Monogatari, Shiro EmptySat Sep 29, 2012 11:49 am

This application is approved. Please get an avatar.

You can create them and once they are approved you aren't required to train them, they're automatically yours to start with. Yes, canon jutsu are allowed as well.
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