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The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
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 Etai (Technique List)

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Etai Takagura
Etai Takagura
Male Posts : 681
Ryo : 20854

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PostSubject: Etai (Technique List)   Etai (Technique List) EmptyThu Jul 28, 2011 12:20 am

Name: Ice Cream Lovers Delight
Rank: E
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: Non-battle
Description: Handseals. Etai can turn any inanimate object he desires into Ice Cream. He can turn it into Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry, Rocky Road, Mint, Dulce De Leche, Peanut Butter Chocolate, and Cookie Dough. It does not work on humans or animals, as it only lowers their body temperature slightly.

Name: Sprinkle Cherrybombs
Rank: B
Element: None
Type: Genjutsu
Description: Handseals. The enemy sees many hundreds of spirnkles appear from thin air, and cover every incho of their body, and start exploding, making the opponent feels burns and stings that feel like being burned alive. The area where you see sprinkles is in a 10 foot radius, but the victem doesn't know that, does he?
If leaving the 10-foot radius, the genjutsu wears off. Lasts 5 of my posts, 6 post cooldown. It can be broken by Kai or immense pain.

Name: Wind Slash
Rank: D
Element: Wind
Type: Ninjutsu (Requires Sword)
Range: Close to Long
Description: A crescent shaped wind attack. By channeling chakra and wind into a sword and slashing, the attack is possible. It can be thrown in various sizes. One really large attack which is about 3x larger than the user's body, two medium sized which are 2x the size of the user, and three small sized which are the same size as the user. The damage done isnt fatal, but if the slash is in its large state it can cut up to a 1/4 inch. Otherwise the damage is moderate, causing surface scratches. Handsigns not required. 1 post charge.

Name: Hawk Stream Blast
Rank: D
Element: None, strictly chakra
Type: Ninjutsu (Requires Sword)
Range: Close to Long
Description: The user must have both hands on the blade to perform. The user must charge chakra into the sword and start the sword at the bottom of the ground. They must bring the sword up, then thrust it back down. By doing so, the blast emitted is a streaming attack shaped like the outside of a bird, leaving an after image stream as it makes its way to the opponent. If contact is made, it damages much like a moderate kii blast in DBZ, doing as much as 3rd degree burns if hit unexpectedly and as little as bruising if blocked properly. 1 post to charge, the next post to launch. 1 post charge. No handseals required.

Name: 10,000 Talons
Rank: D
Element: Strictly Chakra
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: Close to Long
Description: The user charges chakra throughout their body and jumps into the air and spins like a tornado in place. Emitted in all directions are chakra shards the size of kunai. They cannot be aimed, just scattered in all directions. It can be used as a desperation attempt when being overwhelmed or a way to put an end to multiple weakened enemies. The name 10,000 Talons comes from them feeling like thousands of bird claws ripping through when making contact to the opponent. No handseals, 1 post charge.


Name: Hurricane Slash
Rank: C
Element: Wind
Type: Ninjutsu (Requires Sword)
Range: Close to Long, also Wide
Description: The more violent version of a Wind Slash, slashing with a sword and combining gale force winds with multiple micro wind slashes. It has the power to blow opponents several yards away if they aren't firmly planted on the ground using chakra. It can cut through skin easily but doesnt deliver a lethal type blow. The only lethal part to this jutsu is if the opponent slams heavily into a boulder or tree from the force. Think of Kagura's Dance of Blades in Inuyasha and Tamari's fan attack. 1 post charge

Name: Wind Dance Barrage
Rank: C
Element: None
Type: Kenjutsu/ Taijutsu (Requires Sword)
Range: Close
Description: Etai (Technique List) L_440129e6922d49dbb4ace5423ca9422f
No handseals required. By charging chakra into their sword/swords, the user releases the chakra in the shape of the blade(s) which surround the enemy. The blades then become a travelling component for the user to attack. The user travels between the chakra blades and slash at the opponent upwards to 15 times as they 'circle' the opponent. The users slashes are coordinated and positioned for both perfect offense and defense, and seem illusionary during this attack. 4 post cooldown.

Name: Feather Sword Jutsu
Rank: C
Element: None
Type: Support/ Enhancement (Requires Sword)
Range: -
Description: Sword becomes as light as a feather giving greater capability of multiple high speed swings and attacks. Great for fighting multiple opponents or gaining the advantage on a single opponent. Can only use once per fight and only lasts for up to 20 seconds. However the longer used, the weaker the muscles will become, making the sword seem heavier after using. One post charge of chakra.
Genin to Chuunin - 3 slashes per second
S. Jounin to Jounin - 4 slashes per second
S rank+ - 5 slashes per second

5 seconds - 10% muscle loss
10 seconds - 20% muscle loss
15 seconds - 35% muscle loss
20 seconds - 55% muscle loss

Special Jounin

Name: Feather Clone/ Substitution
Rank: B
Element: -
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: Short to Medium
Description: Requires Handseals and feather(s). Upon activation of this jutsu, the user creates a clone(s) out of a feather. The clone(s) can perform attacks and can be destroyed in a single hit. However, instead of solidly disappearing upon contact, it instead reforms into a feather that simply falls back to the ground.

The feathers to help perform this technique were crafted by the Eagle Clan, and originated in Mt. Myria. Each clan member starts with 30 Eagle feathers and once the clone(s) are created and destroyed, the feather becomes useless, and deducted from the inventory. This jutsu can make 6 clones max per use and has a four post cooldown.

Name: Luminaire
Rank: B
Element: Lightning compressed to the max
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: Close to Long
Description: Shaped like a kii blast from Dragonball Z. A burst of compressed lightning energy, this blast can be fired in rapid succession or in one major blast. The lightning must be compressed into a closed fist for atleast 1 post. The longer the hand stays compressed, the larger the blast can be. The rapid fire requires both hands to be used, each charging atleast one post in repeated succession. No handseals required. Each post you hold the charge, the attack become larger and more lethal. The blast is originally after one post, the size of a basketball. The blast doubles in size after each extra charge.

Name: Wind Annihilation Jutsu
Rank: A
Element: Wind, Lightning
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: Close to Long
Description: Extremely dangerous on the hosts body when used. Possibility of death when used. While being cast it peels off the flesh of the user, slowly or rapidly, depending on the size and magnitude of the blast. It can be used at one target or to destroy all targets. It is summoned in the palm(much like a rasengan) and cast down. Fires a 360 degree wind blast followed through by streams of lightning. The winds shred through the body and flesh of the enemy like a paper cutter and the lightning dissinegrates it leaving no trace of even the smallest hint of blood behind. This attack destroys the enemy without destroying geography. This is mainly a last resort jutsu but if charged lightly does damage around the same as a rasengan but it keeps the shredding feature of tearing through the opponents body. Can only be used once per topic. 2 post charge.


Name: Hurricane Annihalation Slash
Rank: S
Element: Wind, Lightning
Type: Ninjutsu (Requires Sword)
Range: Close to Long
Description: This is a mix of the Wind Annihalation and the Hurricane Slash. It is channeled through a sword and it takes 3 VERY DETAILED posts to charge. It has the same effects as the Wind Annihalation when it comes to defeating an enemy, except this attack destroys geography, leaving nothing in it's wake. Ultimate Desrtuction. Meaning it can wipe out entire blocks or even massive villages like Konoha, leaving not an ounce or spec of dirt. That is IF the user is willing to kill themselves to accomplish the feat. It has the same effects as the wind annihalation as well. However, the peeling of flesh is much more rapid and much more painful. instead of starting at the skin, this peeling starts at the inner muscle tissue and can reach the bone if not careful. What good is the jutsu if your arm cant hold the sword?? That is this jutsu's major drawback, meaning you cant overcharge the attack or you will lose your arm for no reason and making matters worse you wont even be able to perform the jutsu. Only used once per fight. No handseals required.

Name: Bunshin No Jutsu
Canon/Custom: Canon
Rank: E
Element: None
Type: Ninjutsu
Description: Hand Seals; Bunshin no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique which every ninja learns at the Ninja Academy. The Bunshin technique creates a copy of the ninja without substance and thus this clone can do absolutely no damage at all in any way. The copy resembles the ninja in every way. This clone can function as a distraction or as means to confuse one's opponent. As soon the Bunshin gets attacked or comes into contact with an opponent, it will disperse. The number of clones able to be produced is determined by the user's rank as follows. D Rank; 2 Clones. C Rank; 3 Clones. B Rank; 4 Clones. A Rank; 5 Clones. S/SS Rank; 6 Clones. 4 round cool down.

Name: Kawarimi no Jutsu No Jutsu
Canon/Custom: Canon
Rank: E
Element: None
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: 50 feet
Description: One round charge up rather than hand seals; Kawarimi no Jutsu is a basic Ninjutsu technique. When in danger the ninja will quickly substitute themself with another nearby object, this object must be something like a log or stone roughly the same size as the user. The size doesn't have to be exactly the same as the user but what this means is a person can't replace themselves with a leaf or a twig, nor could they replace themselves with a giant boulder, if questions arise over uses of this technique contact an admin but any decision they make is final. In addition this can not be another person unless that person is willing. This allows the ninja to quickly flee and hide while the original object takes the brunt of their opponents attack. These objects or other people must be within 50 feet of the user when the technique is performed. There is a 5 round cool down between uses of this technique and it can only be used a maximum of 3 times per topic.

Name: Henge no Jutsu
Canon/Custom: Canon
Rank: E
Element: None
Type: Ninjutsu
Description: Hand Seals; Henge no Jutsu is a ninjutsu technique which every ninja learns at the Ninja Academy. Henge allows the ninja to transform themselves into any person or object. This allows the ninja to move with stealth or to trick their opponents. However, while transformed only the user's shape and appearance changes. Meaning that if say the host turns themselves into a sword they won't be able to cut anything unless their body could do so naturally. This technique lasts for 4 posts with a cool down of 2.

Name: Eagle Eye's Evolution
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: Myself
Description: A post of handseals. Etai grows to about 8 feet tall, and becomes a giant Eagle. At this stage, he has every aspect of a regular eagle. His clothes don't meld into him, though. This jutsu lasts approximatly 6 posts, with a 5 post cooldown.

Name: Dragon Breath
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: C
Element: Katon
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: About 15 feet
Description: Passive. Etai opens his mouth and wherever he breaths, a horrible stench is overcoming that area. This breath can kill plants from it's heat and disturbing smell. When breathed on a regular person, the jutsu can burn clothes, blister skin and give first degree burns, and clog nostrils. If blown in their eyes, this jutsu can make their vision blurry and maybe even reduce their eyesight capabilities for 2 posts. It can also heat up metal, and, if breathed on long enough, render someone from being able to hold onto it any longer. The only thing that stops it's terror is Katon-resistant clothes. If hit against another Katon jutsu, the attacks will resist each other, and will not backfire or anything. Lasts 7 of my posts, with a 5 post cooldown.

Name: Eight Inner Gates
Canon/Custom: Canon
Rank: A
Element: n/a
Type: Taijutsu
Range: self
Description: The Eight Gates are eight specific points on a person's Chakra Pathway System. They limit the overall flow of chakra within a person's body. The basis for the idea of the chakra gates comes from the body's limits on the functions within it. This makes the body much weaker, but it keeps the body from expiring too soon. By opening these gates, the user can surpass their own physical limits at the cost of extreme damage to their own bodies.The state of having all Eight Gates open is known as Eight Gates Released Formation (八門遁甲の陣, Hachimon Tonkō no Jin; English TV "Eight Inner Gates Formation"). Any shinobi who activates this state will temporarily gain powers greater than a Kage, but they will die because of the damage done to their body. While the gates are active the use of taijutsu moves does not deplete the users chakra pool but they are limited to the use of up to two B rank or lower taijutsu per round or one A rank or above.

The Gate of Opening (開門, Kaimon), located in the brain. This gate removes the restraints of the brain on the muscles allowing twice the normal strength of the body of the user. Unlocking this gate allows the user to use the Front Lotus.

The Gate of Healing (休門, Kyūmon; English TV "The Gate of Rest"), located in the brain. Forcibly increases one's physical strength and temporarily re-energizes the body. Opening this gate allows the user to restore half of the overall chakra pool after it has been open for a round.

Gate #1. +100%
Gate #2. +150%

In order to activate this jutsu it costs the normal amount for an A rank jutsu (40cp), to keep the gate you are using open you must pay 10cp per round however if you wish to open the next gate in line it will cost an additional 10cp (so on rounds where new gate is opened overall cost is 20cp). If the user falls to the point where they have no chakra left when the gates are disabled then they are subject to having their body seriously injured, how badly follows as such:

If the chakra pool ran out and you went up to the...

First Gate: No noticeable damage other than muscle soreness

Second Gate: Intense Fatigue, moves at half speed for three posts
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