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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Krilal Dovahkiin

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PostSubject: Krilal Dovahkiin    Krilal Dovahkiin  EmptyMon Jan 16, 2012 7:01 am

Krilal Dovahkiin  4056

Krilal Dovahkiin  Whoare14

First Name: Krilal
Last Name: Dovahkiin
Alias: The Frozen Swordsman
Gender: Male
Age: 12
Height: 5'0"
Weight: 110Lbs
Birthday: February 28
Sexuality: Not Interested
Relationships: Rokrah(Father), Iizslen(Uncle)
Affiliation: Hyougagakure
Rank: Sp. Jounin
Element: Fuuton, Katon, Raiton
Specialization: Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu, Taijutsu

Krilal Dovahkiin  Tellme11

Personality: Krilal is an average preteen, yet not average at the same time. He is very disciplined in the art of the sword and is always very serious in training with his father or uncle. He will never do anything to anger or disgrace them in their presence. On the other hand, he is the exact opposite when out in public. He is a complete and utter brat, acting up and causing problems because his family members aren't around. He doesn't think about these actions before doing them, often having to deal with consequences when he gets home. Krilal is also known to crave the center of attention, preforming childish acts that more often than not get him in trouble.

Likes: Krilal loves swords, and has his sword with him at all times. Even though he is only twelve, he is very skilled in the art of the blade, being taught by his personal mentor. Along with this he loves to pull small practical jokes and getting involved in shenanigans. Often times when exploring the village, he sets up small traps and pranks. Because he is too immature to hide and gets caught, often getting punished by his father or uncle. He will do what ever it takes to avoid these punishments, even if he has to do something he doesn't like cleaning his room or some other ridiculous chore.

Dislikes: Krilal dislikes being punished by his father and uncle, who always either verbally or physically put down his shenanigans. Along with this he hates being called out on his size and his skill. He is always quick to draw his blade at anybody who insults him or his family. Krilal dislikes chores, constantly putting them off until threat of punishment.

Motivation: Krilal isn't motivated much. He just goes with the flow of life, trying to have fun before growing into an adult, inching closer to the position of Kage Protection or Fuubikage itself. Other than that, Krilal wants to surpass his father in rank, and with that, hopefully ending his punishments.

Fears: Krilal only has two fears in the world. One of the fears is his father's voice, which is his way of punishment. His other fear is his uncle's hand. Unlike his father, who doesn't beat his son, his uncle being a quiet man, prefers actions over words. Avoiding punishment is a must, if not, he always tries to justify his actions.

Krilal Dovahkiin  Blood10


Bloodline Name: Way of the Voice

Bloodline Ability: The Dovahkiin have the ability to focus chakra into their vocal cords and project jutsu into a vocalization. All members have ninjutsu primary or secondary and have the elements Fuuton, Katon, and Raiton.

Location: Scattered; Hyougagakure (Originally)

Clan History:

Krilal Dovahkiin  Histor11

The Birth of the Frozen Swordsman
One cold and dark night, Krilal's mother went into labor, soon giving birth to the child. He was cold at birth, so cold in fact, that he was believed to be dead. His mother, clenching onto the young boy, warmed his body, giving herself hypothermia. It was the honorable thing for a Dovahkiin to do, as all members would do for each other. Krilal laid in bed with his ill mother for days, as she slowly passed on from this life to the next. It was because of this that he never knew his mother and was raised by his father and the maid hired by his father to watch him when he was on missions and business. He was already high in social status, even at only a few days old. The Dovahkiin held high political power in the village, only second to the Shichiyou, who ruled the village.

...And So the Love of Swords Began
Krilal was raised mostly by his nanny, or as he called her mom. He had no clue that she wasn't his mother, but she couldn't bare to tell the four year old Krilal that she wasn't so she ran with it. Everyday she would help him with his chores, bathe him, and tuck him in, just as a mother would do. She acted as his mother, his love for her growing, like a child loves their parent.

One day, during the time when Krilal should've been taking his nap, he gazed out his window at the courtyard where his father trained and showed off his strength. It was in these moments that Krilal determined what he would do when he as older. There wasn't much somebody could do out in a rugged, snowy environment, but the one thing everybody wanted to be was a shinobi. His love for sword fighting and the shinobi way came from watching his father from his window. This went on and on for weeks, soon Krilal began to mimic his father's skills with a small stick he hid under his bed. Little by little, he grew, and on his 5th birthday, he was enrolled in the ninja academy, his true dream.

A Child's Dream Become Reality...
Krilal, now being 5, was enrolled into the ninja academy at his own request. His father obeying, hoping to see his son one day become a higher ranking shinobi or even Fubukikage. He started his training in the academy, learning the ways of the shinobi, quickly mastering the skills of academy students. He was only in the academy for a month, before graduating first in his class and becoming a genin at the ripe age of five.

As a lowly genin he didn't do more than petty missions for his father and Tenzou, who was the current Fubikikage. Many days he spent walking dogs, babsitting, and helping those who needed it. He didn't care, for all he knew its what everybody did. It didn't take long for the Chuunin Exams in Hyouga to arrive, in which Krilal's father took him to see. It was at this moment he knew what a real shinobi was. He began to train, wooden swords were broken and many bruises were given, but he was soon ready for the next set of exams, the exams that were to be held in the village of Nadregakure.

The Way of the Voice
Krilal looked back at his house that was high on the hill, close to the manor of the Shichiyou. He grinned a bit, he as only 6 and he was off to the Chuunin Exams to fight for his right to rank up. He knew this might be the last time he saw his home, but he didn't care. On his back he had his rucksack, and a cheap katana his father gave him. He walked from the village with his uncle and and made their way to Nadregakure, taking their time and arriving in a couple days. As soon as they reached the cit, the went and registered to the event.

In another day the tournament began. Krilal was paired with a shinobi from Kazangakure, a lava user. He found this interesting, but he didn't take the fight lightly at all. He drew his sword and ran to attack, slashing like crazy and trying to harm the teenager who berated him for being a small boy. He didn't mind this, only furthering the assault, making it out of the fight with no scratches, as the large teenager focused on mental rather than physical fighting.

The next day his fight was paired with a puppeteer, who gave him trouble fighting two people at once. Krilal fought like he never had before, first trying to destroy the puppet. He knew no jutsu, so his sword and taijutsu ere his only option. He quickly managed to immobilize the puppet, large gashes covered his arms were the result of close combat with a bladed puppet. Next he ran for the man who had controlled the puppet, smashing the hilt of his katana into his knee, causing him to fall and forfeit. He had made it to the finals, he was already a chuunin, now he had to become a special jounin from the final round of fighting.

The final day of the tournament had arrived. The final between Krilal Dovahkiin and Ritora Shichiyou. The two of them were in the same class, only Krilal as a lot younger. He was now 7, his birthday falling on the very day of the finals. He stepped up and watched the crowd roar as he appeared and his opponent appeared on the other side. The fight commenced as they had done before, it as a fairly normal match. Equal in talent and power, the two fought so hard that Krilal's sword snapped in the process. He became scared and unknowingly charging chakra into his vocal chords. As the Shichiyou encroached on the small child, a shout burst from his mouth, fire blasting the ice user straight on. Krilal had just discovered his clan powers, the way of the voice. He had won, but also discovered his true abilities as a shinobi.

A Celebration Help in Isolation
After returning from the Chuunin Exams as a Special Jounin, Krilal's father gave him a gift. A katana that had the clan crest and a charm tied to the hilt. Krilal was grateful of this gift and has held onto it ever since. That night, after the celebrating, Krilal packed his bags and walked off into the wilderness. He was able to hold his own now, so he had to train himself. He vanished into the night, his father and maid worrying when they woke. It as here that he stayed for 3 years, training his voice and his sword skills in the frozen sea. He live on a boat, fishing for survival, battling wolves and other animals to increase his skills.

The Rise of the Frozen Swordsman
At the age of 10, after living on his own for 3 years, Krilal returned into the village. Returning to his house, he was promptly met by his father and uncle, who greeted him and were grateful he was alive. He was then quickly punished for leaving and not informing anyone. In Hyougakure is were he has lived for the past 2 years, helping the village find the new leader after the departure of Tenzou.

RP Sample: Neji dusted off his knees as he stood next to the roaring boiler of the cargo ship. He smiled and walked out the door and looked around. Goal one: Find a uniform. He walked down the narrow walkways of the ship and found a cabin room. He saw a small vent above the room, but before he climbed in he heard voices. He jumped into the vents to avoid being caught. Crawling through the vent, he saw a sleeping sailor. Neji removed the vent plate and lowered himself down, and tied the man to his bed. He stole the mans uniform and put it on. Check.

Goal two: get to the bridge and commandeer the ship. He walked out of the cabin with the hat covering his face and his arms stuffed into his shirt. He climbed the steps onto the main deck. He was careful to not talk to anyone and keep haste in his steps. He finally reached the ladder and climbed. He stood outside the door and looked around. He saw another vent that he climbed into and crept into the captain's bathroom. Luckily nobody was there though. He kicked though the door and the two did exactly as he thought they would. He had cut the circuit board down in the boiler room to prevent any alarms. Now he had two captives. Check.

Goal three: Park the boat. Neji saw the boat was close enough to Shippuu that he could steer the boat home. He pulled the fog horn and slowed the boat, leaving the rest to the tug boats. He removed the uniform and dove into the water off the side of the boat. Swimming to shore he grinned at his handy work. He sat on the beach and watched the boat come to shore.

Krilal Dovahkiin  Extra10

Source: Alt-Haru Satsujin

Face Claim: Hitsugaya, Bleach

Krilal Dovahkiin  Accept10
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PostSubject: Re: Krilal Dovahkiin    Krilal Dovahkiin  EmptyFri Jan 20, 2012 2:42 am

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PostSubject: Re: Krilal Dovahkiin    Krilal Dovahkiin  EmptyFri Jan 20, 2012 4:02 am

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