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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Lilinette Hachūrui

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PostSubject: Lilinette Hachūrui    Lilinette Hachūrui  EmptyThu May 30, 2013 12:43 am

Lilinette Hachūrui  0D6vaWd

Lilinette Hachūrui  Whoare14

First Name: Lilinette
Last Name: Hachūrui
Alias: Scarlet Snake Tamer

Gender: Female
Age: 16
Height: 5’2”
Weight: 113 pounds
Birthday: March 28
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationships: n/a

Affiliation: Tsuki
Rank: Chuunin
Element: Wind, Water, Earth
Specialization: Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Medical Ninjutsu

Lilinette Hachūrui  Tellme11

Personality: Lilinette is a pretty secretive girl. She doesn’t talk much to others, and for good reason. Her clan likes to keep to themselves, so no one can really blame her for her not having very many friends. Its not as if it is her fault, her clan is almost unheard of, her family, and even herself havn’t been seen by very many people.
She is a quiet girl who rarely speaks to people, however, she is easily frightened. She always listens to her seniors, and even her fellow pupils. She is a bit of a push over and is afraid of disappointing people. She never uses slander or insults to get the upper hand in a fight, and she takes insults fairly bad. She never retaliates unless she is told to fight, or has no other choice but to fight.

As for emotions, she doesn’t really have them. She really only has one, depression. Seeing as she has a trouble-sum past, sense the age of 6 she has had a crippling depression, and problem with dementia. She swears she can hear the voices of the snakes that she can summon speak to her, even when they go unsummoned. At least this means she is never truly along, because she can not stand the silence. However, the voices in her head make her wish it was always silent, or at least mostly.
The depression interferes with her eating habits, and causes her to go into long periods of sleep. When she is awake, she is mainly sloth like, unless she is required to move at a faster pace, she will try and take it slow and easy.

Likes: Obviously Snakes. With seals decorating her body, snake seals, how can she not love the little devils? She considers them to be her children, but mostly she thinks of them as her master. Without them, she would be fairly weak, in fact, without her snakes she would be nothing more than a simple little Medical Ninja, and what use are they?
However, she loves to help people out. Even though she dislikes people, she loves the satisfaction of helping them out. She loves to receive gratitude, however, she rarely accepts it. She usually manages to flee the scene before people even recognize what she has done.
Her favorite color is yellow, however she hates the fact that she can’t wear that much of it. It’s not very sneaky to run around after someone, trying not to get caught, yet to be wearing a color like yellow.

Spiders. They don’t terrify her, but she doesn’t like them either. She won’t stop dead in her tracks in fear, but she will let out a little squeal, and try her best to avoid it or them. However, that is her way with people too.
She hates people. They are loud, obnoxious, and usually just rude. Unlike snakes, humans will go out of their way to harm someone, snakes will only harm those who deserve it, or who she tells them to harm.
The color pink is with out a doubt her least favorite color. Especially the color of her hair. She tries to cover it up with a black bandanna but it can never hide the whole thing. A few times she has thought about shaving her head, but she loves long hair and a lot of people seem to think it is very flattering, so she keeps it even though she has a hatred for her curled pink hair.

Motivation: She wants to be freed from her Clan. She feels restricted, no pun intended. She wants to be able to bloom into the new world that she has witnessed grow around her, and she can’t do that unless she manages to find a way to slip through the cracks. However, with the snakes coursing through her body as part of the Naga blood line, she can’t very well get away without the little snakes telling the others.

Fears: She is terrified of death. Even though she wishes nothing more than to be freed of her chains as a member of the Naga bloodline, but she is also afraid of leaving them. She has never been alone before, and she knows if she ever leaves the snakes will leave her body, causing her to go from never being alone, to being constantly alone.

Lilinette Hachūrui  Blood10


Bloodline Name: Naga

Bloodline Ability: The clan has an apparent affinity with snakes that, in addition to impacting the appearance and composition of their true form, has caused them to learn a number of snake-related abilities. One such ability is being able to summon giant snakes to fight alongside them in battle, made possible by the summoning contract tattooed on their arms.

Location: Tsuki

Clan History: Not much is known about the history of Hachūrui due to them being a highly secretive clan, their need to keep secrets is the main reason that they moved the entire clan into Tsuki where very few know of it's existence much less how to enter and discover those within.

Lilinette Hachūrui  Histor11

History: Most children cry when they are born, or are taken to an infirmary to get checked. No, not Lilinette. She was implanted with hundreds of little “snakes” by her clan. As they crawl through her blood stream, they remind her of what clan she is apart of. Of course, she didn’t know that when she was just an infant. As things go, Lilinette was born into the clan and as things stood, and still stand, she had an incredible amount of chakra. Of course, those of the Naga blood line aren’t heartless, even if they do have snake hearts. They let Lilinette stay home, and act like a normal child for the first 4 years of life.
At the age of 4, it was determined, her training was now to commence. Every day, she didn’t go to school, or play with other children, not that there were very many others, but she was forced to train. First it was just talking with snakes. A difficult task, yes. However, she managed to learn it all in less then a year. However, learning combat was the hardest. Lilinette wasn’t/isn’t a big fan of combat, let along hand to hand. Before they taught her any Jutsu, they had to teach her combat. Day after day she trained, no sparring, just simple techniques that she would use when she was old. It was plenty of repetition. Even when Lilinnette was sick, they made her train. 12 hours a day. They called Lilinette the clans “Throwback”. It sounds as if it is an insult, but it means that she was the tool they were going to use to become strong once again.
After 5 years of training with the Naga bloodline she wanted to start to do other things, but they didn’t let her. At the age of 7, her mother passed. She was trying to give birth to Lilinette’s brother, however, they both ended up dyeing. As Lilinette struggled with this knowledge, trying to determine whether or not to be sad that her mother was dead, or happy that she had fewer distractions. It was then that the depression started to really kick in, and then something different, she felt nothing. Her mind and soul became an empty vessel for chakra, and a “doll” for the clan.
With no more distractions, such as emotional baggage, she began to become more focused. She no longer was feeling love for anyone, and that was making her stronger. At the age of 10 she began to duel. She beat person after person, and when she turned 11, her clan leader spoke. He announced Lilinettes progress to the rest of the clan, and then explained how she would then move on to learning jutsu. She would now learn how to use the snakes which had been coursing through out her body sense birth, and use them defeat and even kill her opponents, or more like the Naga bloodlines opponents.
She knew now that she was nothing but a tool. A pawn used to scare off the enemy. As she grew sick and tired of this, she realized she was nothing more then a simple drawback. She wasn’t loved by her father, and her mother and brother were dead. As she thought more about this, her emotions slowly creeped back. Even though the depression never lifted, but she began to feel something. As she began to feel emotions towards and about other people, she no longer felt like an empty vessel, even though she was still just a pawn.
At the age of 13, she had managed to summon her pets, and even manipulate her own body to even more effective at attack. After she managed to get the basic Idea around her clans ideas, it was time. She had to go to the academy. They needed to show the world what there little “throw back” could do. Within the first few days of being in the academy, she was considered top of her class, and had already mastered the jutsus the others were still trying there hardest to even grasp. She began to fight solo, and complete her villages tasks with out any help of a master, or of a squad. It was then that she caught the attention of an old women, who had came to the academy to search.
Lilinette saw this as a chance to get away from her clan. Not forever, but for awhile. As the women saw Lilinette, she wanted to take her in as a pupil. Of course, the snakes in her body informed the clans leader of Lilinettes plans. However, the women had a special plan in mind. As the Master of the Naga blood line confronted the women, she informed him that she saw the potential of Lilinette becoming a great medical ninja. The clan master saw this as a great opportunity. Not only would Lilinette be there trump, but she would be able to heal her wounds. He hopes one day she will become truly indestructible.
Lilinette left the village for 3 years. Training and training, it seemed as if this training was harder. No violence was needed, her and her new “master” simply walked around, finding wounded animles to heal. After a year of this training she moved onto people, and began to heal them as well. As she returned at the age of 16, she was confronted by the Tsuki villages Kage. The kage told her that they were aware of her potential, so, he wanted to see her in battle. She was confused about a battle, not knowing what her clan master would think, but before she knew it, she was in a battle. After a few minutes passed, her opponent fell onto the ground. As she looked up, the kage smiled, and announced to her that she was now a chuunin, and that he was very impressed.
RP Sample: (I was told it didn’t have to be naruto related)
Lilith walked around the tiled floor. She could practically feel the eyes on her back as she continued walking, still not having a care in the world about the people looking at her. Lilith was in the magic council, pretty new to it actually, to be honest, she had only been in it for about a week or two, and already she was C-rank. However, that wasn't what people were starring at her about, what they were looking at was the fact that she was only 15 and she looked to be 12 or 13.

She walked over to a mirror which had been placed on the wall nearest to her. As she looked in it, she looked at her self. Her bubble gum pink hair laid down in there pig tails as her ruby eyes sparkled in the florescent lightning. Her black suit was one that made her smile. it made her look professional, and it made her feel important. She even had on a white colored shirt, and then her favorite piece, the sapphire blue tie. She reached up and grabbed her tie, making sure to straighten it up a bit. as it hit the perfect spot, Lilith turned around.

For now, she was done with the mirror. As she walked around the Magic council some more she looked around. Everyone was dressed... differently then her. Most were guards, and they were wearing there normal attire, the armor, decorated with the Ankh. A symbol of the Magic council.

It didn't take long for Lilith to realize that she had to do something. She wasn't assigned anything, and Aoi, the member of the council who she was the "junior officer" for, was busy. Well, Lilith was bored. She had to do something! She had no idea why she hadn't done this "something" for awhile now. She shook her head as she continued walking."Hungry..." She muttered, continuing to walk down the hall way, taking her attention away from where she was walking and to the lolipop she had pulled out of her pocket. It was then that she stuck it into her mouth, and began to suck on the lolipop. *Thump. Lilith bumped into a random stranger as she wasn't paying attention. the lolipop fell on the ground, and as lilith bent down to pick it up, she spoke in an emotionless tone, "I'm sorry..."

Lilinette Hachūrui  Extra10

Source: I googled “fun RP”

Face Claim: Meredy (fairy tail)

Lilinette Hachūrui  Accept10
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PostSubject: Re: Lilinette Hachūrui    Lilinette Hachūrui  EmptyThu May 30, 2013 9:34 pm

and complete.
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Lilinette Hachūrui  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lilinette Hachūrui    Lilinette Hachūrui  EmptyFri May 31, 2013 12:59 am

Good to go.

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Lilinette Hachūrui  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Lilinette Hachūrui    Lilinette Hachūrui  EmptySun Jan 05, 2014 6:23 am

Archived until member comes back to become active.
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