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The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
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KUSETSU, Mouko Left_bar_bleue0/0KUSETSU, Mouko Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

KUSETSU, Mouko Empty
PostSubject: KUSETSU, Mouko   KUSETSU, Mouko EmptyMon Aug 06, 2012 8:11 am

KUSETSU, Mouko Akihiko_Idle_P4Ugif

KUSETSU, Mouko Whoare14

First Name: Mouko
Last Name: Kusetsu
Alias: Kentou

Gender: Male
Age: 18 years old
Height: 5 foot 9 inches
Weight: 168 pounds
Birthday: January 6th
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Tenma "Tekken" Kusetsu - Father
Shinsa Kusetsu - Mother
Taifu Kusetsu - Grandfather

Affiliation: Himself, Kusetsu Gym, Family
Rank: B Class Threat - Civilian
Element: N/A
Specialization: Taijutsu

KUSETSU, Mouko Tellme11

A friendly and helpful spirit, Mouko is an individual that helps others when they may need it. He is someone who doesn't sit back when someone is in trouble and holding back his true feelings are hard when he sees an innocent person messed with because they are weak. He is a soul gifted with helping people when they need such help and has a strong distaste for prejudice and oppression.

Mouko hates prodigies and snoddy people, and is someone who has a strong dislike towards those who consider themselves better than others due to their unique skills or their gifts. If he meets someone such as that he usually ignores them or tells them to be quiet due to his distaste, not having any tendency to hold back his voice even if the opposition is strong. He thinks they deserve to be knocked down a peg and thus doesn't hesitate to fight them when need be. This can even sometimes cloud his judgment on good and bad.

Due to his modesty and earnest understanding, Mouko is simple to appease as he prefers to earn what he is awarded and is someone who doesn't ask for prizes if it is the right thing to do though he is not above turning down meals or a night of rest or both though usually nothing like money or expensive items as he likes to live by his own means normally. He takes time in trying to understand people and their cultures. Though sometimes his earnest nature can lead him to be a bit too trusting to people than he should.

Mouko has an incredible willpower in that he wants to prove that boxing is not a useless sport and that he is not to be seen as weak because of his reliance on it. Although people called him a "prodigy" while he was young due to his mastery of the basics at such a young age, he resents such a thing and is often angered at the prospect of others doing so. He values hardwork and taking the long and winding path instead of the short and easy path.

In combat Mouko is always serious, always thinking and understanding what he may or may not need to do to achieve victory. He is also quite stubborn in that he will always use his fists even if an opponent is on the ground not because he's dumb but because he says "his fists are his main and only weapons along with kaiser knuckle" and thus only uses those items.

Mouko is hard to anger in normal means, and is someone who doesn't get mad easily towards people if they bad mouth him or talk about him. He doesn't even get mad when someone bad mouths boxing as he usually says he'll "prove them wrong" with showing it instead of saying it is the best. It is interesting to note that he also holds no ill-will to opponents after a fight and if they are wounded to a great degree he usually tries to help them.

He is an honorable fighter and will not ask for help against a one-on-one opponent unless they are too dangerous. He will also never use dirty tricks to combat opponents.

Boxing - He has been around it all his life and loves to fight powerful oppositions to not only gain greater strength but because he likes the feeling of getting better and improving. He has no problem teaching people the basics of how to use boxing to defend themselves and also sees it as something to be used to protect others.

Modest Living - He is someone who didn't grow up with a lot of wants or needs and is someone known to travel after leaving the "nest" that was his mother and father. He prefers to do things with his own hands and fists and can be stubborn. He doesn't take valuables or items from people and says its "my policy to do the right thing" though he doesn't mind meals, temporary residence when needed or both.

Hard-workers - The only way to improve in Mouko's mind is to practice and train and when he sees someone training and becoming stronger he takes a liking to them because they see the value of learning and growing. He is also taken to women that understand this as well and prefers women that don't wait on being protected and "saved" from their lives but makes a way for themselves.

Snobs & Prodigies - A strong distaste borne from being called a prodigy himself he hates when people think they are superior to others even though he trained himself so profusely to gain his abilities. He also hates people that think they are above everyone who has no such abilities and thus won't hesitate to speak his mind to them.

Thugs - Those who use either numbers, attack innocents, or use their power to oppress others aren't friends to him and he sees them more as threats. If he sees something happening to such people, he will speak his mind or attack them with no hesitation and without warning.

Power w/o Purpose - He hates those that use their abilities to their own benefits more so than to help others. Understanding that power without purpose but to crush and gain is nothing but a waste of time as a man.

Prove Boxing Abilities - He would like to prove that boxing is strong and that due to its limitations it is stronger than most perceive it. To do such he has decided to take up the challenge of traveling around the world showing how strong his abilities are with his own fists.

Travel - He is training and traveling the world in order to gather strength and also to site see. He wishes to see every inch of the world as a result.

Dojo Takeover - He wishes to grow strong enough that he takes over his families dojo. By this inclination, he needs to face off against his father and defeat him as Tenma did his father. Thus one reason Mouko began to "walk the earth".

Weapons of Life - Losing his fists and never being able to box again.

KUSETSU, Mouko Blood10

Place clan name here

KUSETSU, Mouko Histor11

Mouko was born to his mother named Shinsa and his father Tenma who was known as an elite combatant and nicknamed "Tekken" due to his amazing boxing sense, abilities and techniques. These of which he gave to his son who he began to train at six years old in order to take over his legacy. He would found a gym in the Land of Waves in order to teach boxing to others but would only give his son the "Training From Hell" which was the regimen he was placed under.

Mouko was given explicit training, of which his father called "Hair on the Chest" training even though he wasn't even old enough to have such things. It almost seemed like child abuse to his mother even though she knew that Tenma only meant the best for their son and that what he was going through was no small action towards becoming stronger.

Mouko was awarded with an advance in his physical abilities being capable of fighting against even full-grown adults with his physical abilities. Because of this he was called a "prodigy" though no one knew the actual extent of his abilities and why he was such. He came to despise the word "prodigy" growing up due to the frequent use when it was him taking the pain, sweat and tears of getting stronger. Though he kept to his opinion and was considered anti-social towards others. Two years had passed since then.

Mouko often got into fights with other kids due to his "apparent" superiority over others. Often getting himself into fights and rambunctious actions. Due to this and the excessive amount of punishment Mouko was instilling by defeating his peers, Mouko was moved to his Grandfather "Taifu" who was a powerful fighter and the one who was defeated by his son, Tenma.

Mouko knew nothing about his grandfather as his grandfather was highly anti-social just like Mouko. But he was even more demonic with his training methods than Tenma, which placed a fear into Mouko as each training session was an "almost" rendezvous with death. But Mouko and his grandfather came to an understanding after he taught him how to survive in the wilderness, and how to become a better fighter understanding natural instincts and talent were both important to become a fighter. As such even though he learned no new techniques his overall abilities considerably improved over the three years. His personality also changed to becoming much softer effecting and making Taifu much "softer" as well due to him seeing what a "fine man" his grand son would turn out to be.

He moved back to his dojo, and was considered all grown-up and thus his father would begin to teach him advanced techniques in combat. His mother would give him his wrist and ankle weights so that he'd grow in combative strength. His father had gained a good deal of teachers and trainers in the dojo allowing his son to take on the next phase of his training which would be more training, in the mountains.

Due to the high altitude trainings in some of the highest mountains in the land, it was a harsh environment that he had to survive by himself through the mountains and forests. It was basically survival of the fittest for two months in which he trained through it all and lived off the land all thanks to his grandfathers teachings. He had also gotten used to the atmosphere. Next would be training in a large lake in which he would have weights on his body holding him down while he practiced his punches and maneuvers underwater. The mountain training was made to allow for him to gain more speed in his blows. He did this until he could move at exceptional speed in the water as he would on land which was three months of training by himself. He became fourteen after this, and didn't celebrate his birthdate.

After all of this went through and he had proved himself, Mouko had finally gained the notion of learning a killer technique from his fathers arsenal. However, his father would instead not teach him such a thing telling him to make his own "killer techniques" as it was the only way he could truly become stronger. Mouko would go through his own training and start to begin to carve his own path much like his father wanted. Thus the path to a new killer technique would begin.

Through vigorous training and sparring with everyone he was trying to show and improve his techniques. The burning in his soul as he gained a greater set of training weights and trained with them. One day while running through the town Mouko would find a vagrant that was on the verge of killing a woman, known for his skill at fighting Mouko would stop him from killing the woman but the man was a martial artist with an incredible combat skills. Thus Mouko would have to unlock his training weights. The battle was incredible and through constant fighting, he unlocked a new power in his techniques, in which he carved a huge blunt forced wind into a near by wall from the force of his hook. A hook with exceptional power, the "Boomerang Hook", he refined it and showed it to his father. Who called it "brilliant" as it was his first step to becoming a stronger warrior.

He liked how his son began to train so much with such strength that he would become one of the new trainers to showcase his skills teaching others who were both veterans and rookies alike. Mouko was excited towards the prospect and thus began to train with more vigour due to his fathers and mothers trust in him towards his becoming a stronger man. Two years (16) would pass since this day, Mouko would begin making techniques for himself through applications in combat and would improve more through harsher training which he made for himself.

However, Mouko wanted to ask the important question of what he wanted to do in his life. Thus, he began to want to live his own life and take over the dojo from his father through rite of passage. They would fight near constantly by one another and through the years Mouko would constantly test himself in combat by fighting his father, improving through fighting such a strong combatant as his father and would steadily improve due to it. Time had passed as he'd been fighting against his father for an entire ear and although he gained more abilities and skills he still fell short. His father commented that he only needed to use about thirty-five percent of his power to beat his son, thus he needed more training and the only training Tenma could think of that was remotely effective was more battle application.

He used this in order to make him visit his grandfather once again for more training. After about five months with his grandfather he would once more leave this time on his own journey after he felt his training was complete. Leaving a note for his grandfather he would embark on his own quest. He always wanted to travel and see the world, to prove how strong boxing was after hearing comments and mocking towards it, and also resolve to one day defeat his father. He traveled on.

Fighting Style:
Boxing. It is a form of combat that was made through pugilism, an ancient style made even before the age of the Samurai came, a style that was created through hand to hand combat in which their were no swords. Before their were weapons their were the fists, this style is basically an advanced for of violence from so long ago. Mouko practices this art profusely and wants to prove that he can beat any other style, any other opposition with just these fists.

Due to practicing the style with such harsh training underneath his belt, Mouko has superhuman abilities when it comes to his body. His physical strength, perception, reflexes, and stamina are all high enough to show that he can combat and compete with those who utilize taijutsu as their main weapon and is capable of going against masters of the art. His punches and foot-work are "lightning fast" and he can easily take on groups of individuals with his high combative strength.

He is ambidextrous and has the ability to switch from his right and left hands, he also has enough physical strength to bust through stone and leap great heights from his legs as well as enough footwork to seemingly disappear in short bursts and appear around opponents.

Mouko is not a ninja and was born in the Heat Country, a place which is not known for housing ninja due to natural defenses. Though he has faced off and beaten ninja due to them misjudging his abilities in combat and is thus knowledgeable of ninjutsu though only to be wary of such tactics. He is also intelligent and a knowledgeable combatant understanding the ballistics and dynamics of close-combat.

In terms of boxing, Mouko has a natural ability that changes during the course of his fights in which he can change his stance to suit the situation. He is a capable technician and is capable of hitting accurate killing spots in battle in which he can hit places such as the temple of the head, liver, solar plexus, the back of the neck, the jaw... just to name a few. His perceptions are also fast and accurate as well keeping up with opponents and using counter tactics if they are using such things as close-range combat in which case he's capable of countering their attacks with his own.

Mouko has a variety of techniques made for different situations and has learned "illegal" boxing in order to combat opponents (using punches anywhere on the body, except the crotch) this is in order to have the ability to use punches from any angle, even though the combatant can't use their feet. Mouko is also quite intelligent with his mind as well and is capable of understanding and adapting in a different amount of situations.

RP Sample:
His fist landed against the wood releasing a forceful jab, the power of which tore through the wooden exterior and went inward to the softer underbelly of the tree, as large as it was the bark was only to be considered its own armor. Progressing further as he made a hole, holding his fists clenched and ready he got into stance. His left fist was forward as his right fist went backwards in parallel position standing with a firm and solid stance. His eyes seemed ready as he relaxed his breath.

His fist roared against the atmosphere as he released it through the sky zipping forward the pressure of its energetic striking made way for it. However, the wood would only progress and stop a few inches from the bark. With this, pulling back his fist, he began to punch forward with his jab quicker, accelerating it further his jab disappearing from sight as he did. He stopped it with a sudden gesture shown through his lips. He stepped backwards now, and took his eyes to the bark in the split second. Within his came an array of strikes against the wood.

The wood was being carved through by the power of his jab, over and over it showed through with such power releasing more powerful cuts given that he accelerated his jab further and further. The tree slowly creaked, Mouko taking his eyes on its bark as it fell, a huge crash made it fall and the impact of the tree smashed against the ground. Mouko went over to it and picked it up with apparent ease over his shoulder.

After a few minutes he went into an open spot going into the large area where he could focus on this process of cutting the wood. He placed the wood upward and positioned it. He went back into stance and watched the tree once again smiling. His fist roared through the air once again, he attacked with his left jab once more, now focusing on combinations as he progressed through the different pieces of wood. It was much like shaving, sharpening through the flow of his fist as the pressure once again shaved through the armored bark. He arose himself with the progressively fast jabs stopping abruptly as the barks would splinter away cutting through falling towards the ground.

"Now!" Mouko focused himself into a backward position as he pushed his elbow and right arm into tandem. A hook sliced through the air as he did, cutting through the bark as if butter on a burning knife. He would do so again, as he took his time to fire off another one of these within a three second frame.

Slice.Slice. Slice. Slice.

Cleanly he sliced through with each and every attack of his right arm. Now it was time for the next phase. Punching the pieces of wood with such force that he'd break them apart using the pressures of his punches to slice cleanly through the wooden underbellies, each and every straight punch bashing the wood against another tree.

He pressed his hand towards his forehead after such a show of his own force. He had now had fire wood smiling as he began to pick it up one by one. After this he would finally do his morning exercises, as that was only a warm-up.

KUSETSU, Mouko Extra10

Source: Forgot.

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PERSONA 3 - sanada akihiko

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PostSubject: Re: KUSETSU, Mouko   KUSETSU, Mouko EmptyMon Aug 06, 2012 4:56 pm

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