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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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Zaeta-Done Empty
PostSubject: Zaeta-Done   Zaeta-Done EmptyWed Aug 24, 2011 5:03 am

Zaeta-Done 99350
Zaeta-Done Whoare14

First Name: Zaeta
Last Name: Tenso
Alias: Hagane bajirisuku (Steel Basilisk)
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Height: 6ft
Weight: 190 Ilbs
Birthday: 03/31
Sexuality: hetrosexual
Relationships: none
Affiliation: Kusamuragakure
Rank: Genin
Element: Wind, Lightning, Water
Specialization: Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Taijutsu

Zaeta-Done Tellme11

Personality: You could classify Zaeta as a lone wolf type, not being fond of most people believing that most will just get in his way. He can't stand people who are stupid or happy go lucky. He thinks that if your a ninja compasion can only get in your way and mercy is for people who don't know what it is like to really be hurt. HE does seem like a hard ass but really he has a soft side, you just need to know how to sweet talk him. He actualy is only nice to women for he is still a gentle man brought up to respect those of higher power and to treat women kindly for it is mandatory to take etiquette lessons in his clan.

Zaeta is a man that would rather sacrifice his own life then shame his clan, or at least thats what he is told by his uncle. He acctually feels that the bloodline he inherented is an annoyence, for the main reason being that it draws attention to him which he hates, well thats isn't the only thing that draws attention to him the amount of peircings he has also draws unwanted attention. Really he despises his uncle wishing that he would stop trying to make him what he is not, and let Zaeta live his life without having to constantly please someone. If it were up to Zaeta he would leave his clan behind and live in the middle of no where with no one to bug him, but he can't leave not after the promiss he left to his mother.

Likes: Zaeta likes the peace of being alone, he will go out to the middle of the forest just to get away from everyone. He likes being alone but he also likes women, the more gorgeous the better. He doesn't openly allow people to know this so he acts very cool and collect around women but in his head he is at the verge of bursting out and telling the woman how beautiful she is. though he won't let this affect him during a battle. In a fight Zaeta has well fun, he enjoys the thrill and rush of a fight and will try to make a fight last long for more fun.

Dislikes: Zaeta dislikes crowds for the reason that he feels that everyone is looking at him, though not all the time but very often people are staring at him for his piercings and odd looking eyes. He has even been known to start fights with people who stare to long at him. He also hates women who think the world revolves around them and think that the world will end if they don't get what they want, him being a gentleman will never say anything but inside he dispises them.

Motivation: The thing that keeps Zaeta going is the promiss he made to his mother a long time ago for it's because of her that he is still alive, so to honor her memory he vows to keep getting stronger. Also he wishes to surpass his uncle to be able to show him that he isn't as invinsible as he believes himself to be, he wants his uncle to suffer for everything he has done to him so he plans to grow strong enough to stop his uncle befor he runs their clan into the ground.

Fears: Zaeta's main fear is that his promiss will not be kept and he will fail his mother, her being the most important person to him he hope that this will not be the case. He also has a fear of being in crowds, for some reason he is paranode and believes everyone is staring at him though often people do stare sometimes he just pictures eyes that aren't there peering at him with a hate that makes him angry and is wondering why everyone hates him.

Zaeta-Done Blood10

Place clan name here Tenso

Bloodline Name: Bashirisuku no me (Eyes of the Basilisk)

Bloodline Ability: This Bloodline is a cause of the founder defeating and killing a Basilisk and having it's eyes fused with his own and it's chakra melded with his so he could pass his new eyes onto his childeren and so on. With the eyes of the Basilisk the user is capible to use genjustsu without hand signs as long as the enemy looks into their eyes And increase the reflexes of the user to, these eyes are always active and are like snake eyes but human like at the same time. This clan Are naturals at genjutsu. People fear the clan for they believe that if you look into their eyes that you will be traped in their genjutsu which is not true they can only use their genjutsu if they wish to use it other wise it would be draining to the user.

Location: The clan is located in the Elder Forest in Kusamuragakure.

Clan History: The clan was founded by Sunēkuaizu Tenso Many years ago when he killed a Basilisk and had his eyes and chakra fused with it's own so he could pass the abbilities on to future generations. With this power he wanted the name Tenso to be remembered in the history books and it was but not as he intended as one of his own sons decided to use his eyes to get what he wants. He attacked a near by village and trapped them all in a genjustsu causing everyone to go insain and not relize what they where doing, and that is why everyone fears the Tenso clan. Sunēkuaizu Despised his son and as punishment tore his eyes out and banished him to wander forever with a brand on his face to remind him and everyone around what he has done.

In the clan it is customary for the head guards to be covered in steal bar piercings ( see picture of charecter.) to signify their importance to the clan. The task of the piercings is long and painful but the more piercings you have the stronger a man you are considered. If you are part of the royal guard family your next born son would take your place and you begin training with them right away so to make them as strong as possible fot when they have to take the job. The training for the royal guard starts at the age of 7, you are made to fight kids sometimes twice your age just to prove you are better. The royal guard is carried on through the mans side so even if you have a daughter and she gets married her and her husband will not be able to do the training with their child unless the man is of a royal guard family to.

The royal guard is the clan leaders last and greatest defence capable of genjutsu that make even the strongest men cry for mercy. There are only three guards at a time and they are the top pick form the candidates the others carry on as normal guard captins so as to not waste their still high talent. The three royal guards have a specific jutsu type they are mastered in one in ninjutsu, genjutsu (even though all a good genjutsu users this one is the best user of the guards) and a taijutsu user, so as to keep the defences as strong as possible.

In recent years Salith Tenso has become the clan leader he is also Zaeta’s uncle he has become a dictator to all and people in his clan are starting to revolt. His uncle however being one of the best genjutsu users to ever be in the village has power over most of the weaker minded villagers. Luckily the revolution leaders are actually smart and well educated. The Revolution is due to come and anyone who dares to try over throw Salith must be powerful enough to with stang his arsenal of genjutsu.

Zaeta-Done Histor11

History: Zaeta was a bastard child, his mom had him out of wedlock with a man that her father didn't approve of, Zaeta was a happy child he is what you would call a moma suck because he loved her to death. When he was 4 his mother contacted her father and thought it was time he knew of his grandson. When her father found out about the birth of his grandson he ordered his son to go and kill his daughter and her man. The uncle being a royal guard didn't want the news of his sister getting out so he paid his sister a visit and it wasn't a nice one. Once the deed was done he brought Zaeta back to his father and asked what he was to do with him, Zaeta’s grandfather decided that Zaeta’s uncle Salith to raise him as a Royal guard Zaeta being 4 at the time had no idea what was hapening except that his mom told him "no matter what Zaeta don't become your uncle and one day show him that your stronger than him and teach him a lesson in humility".

At the age of 7 Zaeta started his Royal Guard training and showed much skill with ninjutsu and genjutsu, having a hard time knowing he would have to return home to his abusing uncle who despised him for his father making him raise Zaeta as his own and put him in the Royal guard program thinking Zaeta to be nothing more than trash his sister left behind. But Zaeta made a promising student so his uncle decided that at the age of 10 he would take on the piercing part of becoming a Royal Guard even though you don’t do this till your 15 due to the pain. But Zaeta’s uncle being a bastard made him due it to give him less satisfaction Zaeta didn’t shed a tear but yelled in rage at his uncle the whole time he was having it done. Receiving more bars them most men this is when his despise for his uncle started to fester.

At the age of 15 Zaeta met the first woman he thought he loved, sure he thought most women where beautiful but this was different he met her in a village when he was out for supplies and she was gorgeous, long black hair, hazle eyes and after a few weeks of getting to know her she was amazing she wasn’t one of those self centered women she was actually a real person. Unluckily Zaetas uncle did not approve of this distraction so he told Zaeta that he could either have her killed or never talk to her again. The choice was simple he would tell her that due to some unforeseen issues they could not see each other for a while but he swore that one day he will return and he hopes that she will wait for him.

RP Sample: As Zaeta was escaping the hussle and bussle of his clans men, he snuck off into the woods knowing he would regret it later for his uncle will surly punish him for his insolence. When Zaeta found the quiet spot he usually goes to. The peace and quiet was short lived unluckily, as his usual spot is now a home for bandits who were loud and well let’s face it gross. Luckily Zaeta wasn’t noticed and when one left the group Zaeta cornered him and held him on the wall and said slowly and clearly with a slight growl “Leave now and I swear no one will get hurt”. As the bandit looked Zaeta in the eyes it struck fear into him shaking he promised he would get the others to leave. When Zaeta let go of the man he ran off screaming yelling “we need to find a new camp site this one is plagued with monsters”! after that Zaeta headed back to his home where he knew there was a punishment waiting for him.

Zaeta-Done Extra10

Source: Searched for a naruto rpg on google

Face Claim: Gajeel Redfox-Fairy tail

Zaeta-Done Accept10


Last edited by Zaeta on Thu Aug 25, 2011 6:48 pm; edited 5 times in total
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Zaeta-Done Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zaeta-Done   Zaeta-Done EmptyThu Aug 25, 2011 6:13 pm

completion bump*
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Zaeta-Done Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zaeta-Done   Zaeta-Done EmptyThu Aug 25, 2011 6:51 pm

Character Approved.

Post your clan in the clan section to get it approved.
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