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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Itachi [Done]

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PostSubject: Itachi [Done]   Itachi [Done] EmptyTue Oct 25, 2011 2:29 am

Itachi [Done] Itachios

Itachi [Done] Whoare14

First Name: Itachi
Last Name: -
Alias: -
Gender: Male
Age: 13
Height: 6'2
Weight: 155
Birthday: June 26
Sexuality: Asexual
Relationships: None
Affiliation: Boufuugakure
Rank: Genin
Element: Suiton ~ Fuuton ~ Raiton
Specialization: Ninjutsu ~ Taijutsu ~ Ijutsu

Itachi [Done] Tellme11


It would not be unwise to say that Itachi is a living interpretation of the symbolic relationship between yin and yang - the polar opposites interconnected and interdependent in the natural world, and that give rise to each other.

Yang -- the most noticeable between the two of Itachi's personality. It is immediately clear to anybody who meets Itachi that he is a charmer. Whether it be the confidence he displays when speaking, or the twinges of quirkiness that display themselves upon his face, or a mixture of the two, there is a certain aspect of Itachi's that makes him an overall personable fellow. In public, one can always find Itachi smiling and enjoying himself, entertaining others with his bright personality. While some may find the happiness Itachi displays over what seemes to be nothing overbearing or annoying, most view it as a desirable trait in a friend, which has enabled Itachi to procure and retain mutual friendships with most people he meets.

Yin -- the more obscure between the two of Itachi's personality. While outputting a genuine, friendly demeanor, Itachi is never un-alert, knowing all too well how swift death is dealt to those who are complacent with safety. The quirky aspects mentioned before are a side-effect of this ever-present search for danger. Itachi was placed in a disposition towards bloodshed and killing one his first mission as a genin, in which he saw a civilian get raped and murdered in front of him. However, this goes against the most sacred doctrines of his beliefs, both religious and philosophical. To mediate between being pure and to keep from going on a rampage, Itachi only kills those who he deems are not worthy of their life. It is not unusual for Itachi to kill, torture, or maim murderers, rapists, or other serious criminals. In the simplest terms possible, Itachi is an honestly kind person with a dark occupation.


Itachi likes the heat, plain and simple. Growing up in the harsh conditions of Heat Country, Itachi is accustomed to intensely hot weather, and feels most comfortable when residing in a location that is warmer than others. Among Itachi's other likes are fish and ramen. Fishing for trout and tuna was a fun pastime before Itachi became a ninja, and Itachi has always enjoyed the flavor of a correctly-prepared fish. Ramen is more of a comfort food, and is one of the few dishes that Itachi enjoys hot and steaming. The final major like of Itachi is the opportunity to train by himself. Itachi finds it quite calming to quietly meditate, introspect, and push his bodily limits by his lonesome. It's not that Itachi is antisocial, but would rather have it quiet and peaceful rather than somebody disturb his mental processes.


Living in Boufuugakure for most of his life, Itachi is unaccustomed to great coldness. While traveling through villages like Hyougagakure, it is very noticeable that Itachi is not pleased with the temperature, preferring a warm temperature of 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Among Itachi's other dislikes are red meat and onions. While it does not mean he is totally opposed to eating them if he has to, one will not find Itachi wolfing down a streak, and not eating onions unless they are caramelized and treated as a garnish rather than a side-dish.


To be quite frank, Itachi doesn't really have a motivation. If there was one thing he would want to accomplish, it would be to settle down and raise a family when he retires from ninja life. Possessing no ulterior motive than to fight for his village, Itachi merely became a ninja because his immediate family became ninjas.


The one fear Itachi has is death, and even that is weak. It is not the act of dying the frightens Itachi, either; rather, it is the uncertainty of what lies beyond the shroud of death - wait awaits those who die. On one hand, there could be pearly white gates and an eternity of peace and tranquility, but on the other, there could be hellfire, brimstone, and eternal suffering. And worst of all: there could simply be nothing. The thought of his consciousness ceasing to exist is unfathomable to Itachi, and it is that very same thought that frightens him the most.

Itachi [Done] Blood10

Place clan name here

Bloodline Name:

Bloodline Ability:


Clan History:

Itachi [Done] Histor11


Unbeknownst to Itachi, he was born to a single mother who cherished the brief time that they were able to spend together. A result of a birthing complication in which only one soul could survive, Itachi's mother gave the ultimate sacrifice in order to assure her son life. The hospital staff, not sure what to do, merely left the infant in the cold arms of his mother, until several hours later, covered by the silent shroud of night, a masked man snuck into the ward and pried the baby from the mother's lifeless, rigor-mortified hands. The man, a criminal who worked for the black market, was seeking to raise and train Itachi to be a slave - to be sold once he became , as the man liked to put it, "ripened." As the years went on, the more the man was able to abuse Itachi, both physically and mentally, without worrying about harming his investment. This only persisted for so long, as on one cool summer's night, as the man was preparing to beat Itachi yet again, he was brutally stabbed to death with a crudely-made shank consisting of broken ninja equipment.

Fleeing the scene of the murder he had just committed, Itachi was unsure of where he would go next. He had overheard his captor speaking of a place to the west called "Boufuugakure" - the man had made frequent runs to the village for supplies and equipment, leaving Itachi literally chained like a dog. Making his way in the direction he had seen his captor make his way several times before, it was several hard days of traveling before, at long last, Itachi had arrived in Boufuugakure. His feet cracked and bleeding, he was taken in to the very same hospital he had been taken from, much to the chagrin of the staff who had recognized whose child he was through his distinctive blue hair and eyes. Feeling a need to repay a long-forgotten obligation, a hospital nurse took Itachi in as a foster child, teaching the boy how to write (the only skill taught to Itachi was language, mostly to follow commands), among other things. Itachi soon grew attached to the woman and could not help but tell her what became of the man who snatched him away when he was but an infant. The woman, noting his quick thinking and bloodthirstiness, enrolled Itachi in the Boufuugakure ninja academy, which he graduated in record time at the mere age of 8.

Thinking he had learned all there was to learn and not wishing to become a ninja, Itachi lived off of the land for several years in Fenrir's Grove, before coming face to face with the wolf himself. Realizing that he was still a child and needed basic facets of life such as a real shelter, food, and socialization, Itachi retook the genin exam and chose to be enlisted within the ranks of Boufuugakure ninja.

RP Sample:

The man wrapped his fists in the red-stained bandages Itachi had come to recognize over the past couple of years. So much blood had been spilled by the hands attached to that man, so many teeth knocked out, bones broken, and so much dignity robbed of the child that had constantly taken the abuse for as long as he could remember. Little did the man know, however, that within the boy's calloused hands was a crudely manufactured blade, consisting of a broken kunai blade tightly wound to the handle of a broomstick that Itachi had snapped over his knee earlier that day. Itachi's heart thumped, quickly at first, but soon in rhythm with the "thump, thump" of the man's footsteps against the wooden floorboards. As the man got withing lunging distance, Itachi carried out his attack.

With great strength and a defiant yell, Itachi rammed the shiny black blade in between the man's ribcage, sliding past the protective barrier of bone and piercing the man's heart. Not nearly satisfied enough, Itachi ripped the blade from the man and continued his assault, going after the man's neck, eyes, throat, abdomen, anything that was easy to cut into. The man was gurgling blood at this point, desperately trying to breath through the volumes of blood that had now occupied his windpipe and mouth. With a final cough that sprayed blood across Itachi's face, the man's nearly-exposed heart finally stopped beating, forever putting an end to both his and Itachi's suffering. With a triumphant roar, Itachi took off west, in hopes of a new shelter - a safe bastion that he had heard the man mutter underneath his breath several times:


Itachi [Done] Extra10

Source: Google

Face Claim: Saotome Satoshi (Naruto Eledia)

Itachi [Done] Accept10
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PostSubject: Re: Itachi [Done]   Itachi [Done] EmptyTue Oct 25, 2011 2:32 am

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