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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Renzo Zeppeki (Finished)

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PostSubject: Renzo Zeppeki (Finished)   Renzo Zeppeki (Finished) EmptyFri Oct 28, 2011 3:12 am

Renzo Zeppeki (Finished) F02e1e8778a9f0_full

Renzo Zeppeki (Finished) Whoare14

First Name: Renzo
Last Name: Zeppeki
Alias: N/A
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 175 lbs
Birthday: 1/24
Sexuality: Straight
Relationships: N/A
Affiliation: Sabakugakure
Rank: Genin
Element: Fuuton, Raiton
Specialization: Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu, Ijutsu.

Renzo Zeppeki (Finished) Tellme11

Personality: Renzo is a very normal guy. Although he is normal when it comes to guys he is quiet and distant, however when it comes to girls he is very boisterous and friendly. Because of this he is know as one of the towns womanizers. However he only has a few friends that are very close and he rarley gives out his trust and is a very closed person. While he is lazy and just goes through life he trains extremely hard and takes missions very seriously.

Likes: Renzo only likes a few things. Some of them are Girls, Corny jokes, Fighting, Training, and long walks on the beach. He enjoys spending time with his friends, but only those who he is really close too. He also likes meeting girls and spending time with them. He loves to spend his time just alone thinking and he also likes to fish and enjoy music.

Dislikes: Renzo hates a few things and dislikes a lot, but some of the things he dilikes the most are Gays, Ugly girls, Cocky guys, and School. He does not at all like meeting new friends. He hates when people try to show him new people and only likes to meet new people on his own. However, one of the things he hates most are girls that get to emotionally attacthed to guys.

Motivation: His only motivation is to appeal to his clan, stand out for girls, and possibly stand out to someone that would personally train him and take him out of Sabakugakure. He trains hard everyday trying to be the best person possible enable gain a personal trainer who will eventually make him one of the most skilled ninja in the world. He wants to become the very best and will do almost anyrthing to be it.

Fears: Although he is a very courageous young man he is ver afraid of Deep water, Spiders, and Snakes. He will face anything even someone five times his size but when it comes to water he cant see through and is over his head. He isnt deathly afraid of snakes, but they scare him if they come up and surprise him. However he is very afraid of spiders, he will kill them but would rather just stay away from them.

Renzo Zeppeki (Finished) Blood10

Place clan name here Zeppeki

Bloodline Name: Farao no chi

Bloodline Ability: The ability of this clan is a direct link with their gods, who grant them their special abilities. Each member of the clan worships one god above all others, and that god gives that clan member there elements.

-Horus: Fuuton, Raiton

The true ability of the clan is that they are able to call upon the Gods, and manifest them in their own bodies for limited periods of time. During this time all clan jutsu are fifty percent more powerful, while they become twenty-five percent increased physically. This only lasts for eight posts, and can be used only once per topic.

Each God also grants boosts to whomever is linked to them. Each God gives a different boost.

Horus: All worshippers of Horus are naturally able to ignore any injury received in battle, and are very good strategists.

Location: Sabakugakure

Clan History: The clan started out as a small nomadic family who lived off of what the desert in which they resided provided. They never stayed in one place too long, always moving about the desert, treating nature with the greatest respect. They were unique, due to their religion, which consisted of hundreds of different gods, each one being a personification of an element or object. The clan made many shrines to these gods, praising their powers. They even had a group men devoted to the worship of their gods; their preists.

The clan grew over time, slowly progressing into a small villages worth of people. They finally were forced to settle into a permanent settlement, unable to move about with so many people. They built large shrines to the gods, building idols of them to worship. The clan was happy with their lot in life, giving the gods many sacrifices to keep them favourable. The clan lived this way for not a handful of years, before the famine came.

The famine demolished the clan's pastures, killing off all of their cattle, causing many of the clan to die off. The high priest began to pray to the gods, asking for their aid, praying to them, hoping that they would send them food, or a way out, some way to survive. No answer was forth coming, the gods were silent, for many days. The high preist began to fast, making all of the priests under him follow his lead, allowing the ordinary people of the clan larger portions of their dwindling food supplies.

For a week he fasted, then that night, he recieved a vision, a dream as he sat in the shrine, chanting. The gods showed him a valley, a valley so lush, so green that it hurt the eyes to look upon for too long. A winding slash of blue crisscrossed through the center of the valley, providing the much needed water that provided life out in the dessert. The high priest was shown a safe path to the valley, he awoke from his dream, and spread the good news telling the entire clan of his dream.

The next day they had packed everything they could gather, and began to head towards the safe path the gods showed to the high priest, the Nile river, which lead directly into the valley. So the clan set forth, heading off for this new land that was to be their own, in order to start their new lives. Many more died on the two day journey to the river, but five infants were born, within days of each other. Though these five children all shared a birth defect. Each one of them was born with only one working eye. The other was dead and milky white.

The high priest prayed to the gods, asking them about this strange defect, and again the gods gave him a vision. They appeared to him, telling him of the power of the path of the Shinobi, of the power of chakra, and how they themselves could access this power. The Gods went on to explain that the children who were just born would be able to learn elemental chakra, though only if they devoted themselves to one god above all others. The dead eyes were a sacrifice to the gods for this power they had been granted.

They gods also told the high priest that his generation would be unable to learn to use chakra, but that each child from now on would be born with only one working eye, and that future generations would have the ability to use chakra. Shortly after this vision the clan set off again on their journey through the desert, towards the lush greenery that was to be their new home. The high priest never saw it, as he died shortly after his second vision from the gods. His finaly act was to promote his right hand to high priest.

By the time the clan reached the valley their numbers had been halved, though many of the surviving women were pregnant, and each of them knew that their children would be born with this odd defect, for the high priest had told the clan of his second vision, before he died. The surviving members of the clan were frail and starving, many of them suffering from malnutrition. Luckily for them fruits, vegetables, and animals were in great abundance in this valley.

once more the clan settled down, their month long trek through the desert finished. Slowly the elders of the clan who had survived began to receive strange messages in their dreams, and awoke with odd knowledge; the knowledge of a shinobi. They had been instructed to teach the young children the way, teach them the essential skills of a ninja. Slowly more and more of the clan gained this knowledge, and were able to create an academy, to teach the youth of the village how to be a shinobi.

Years later the clan has once again returned to the size of a village, now with a strong bond with their gods, all members missing one eye. The clan now knew of the shinobi villages, especially of the closest, Sabakugakure. They did not pose a threat to the village, so the two had a tentative peace, neither attacked the other, though they would not assist each other either. The two villages have been this way for a while, in a stale mate. Until the new leader of the clan, one Anaguma Zeppeki, has tried to do the unthinkable, he is trying to make an alliance with the village. Only the future will tell what happens to those who dwell in the lush green valley known as Egypt.

Renzo Zeppeki (Finished) Histor11

History: Renzo was born into a very large family for his clan. With four brothers and five sisters and him being the oldest he never really recieved that much attention from his parents. Because of this fact he sort of just glided through life. Not really paying attention to school he was in the lower section of the class however he was very smart and just put forth very little effort.

His training was te complete opposite This was one aspect of his life that was extremley important to him. He put his heart and soul into everytraining session. Each day he worked hard and it paied off. he was one of the most accomplished young genin in the clan.

Years past and life was going great for him until it happened. He heard a lot of yelling and a door slam and the last thing he saw was his father leaving, he never really understood why b his father had left his famliy alone leaving Renzo to be the male leader of the family.

The blow of his father leaving was devastating. He became less social wtih most guys only talking with the close knit group of friends he had always belonged with, however after that he had less trust for all men. It was after this moment that he became a womanizer he spent most of his time hanging around girls and because of this he was involved with many fights with other guys because of girls.

About three more years passed and Renzo was 19. It was about this time that his mother fell ill. The doctors tried everything but within three weeks she passed away. She was survived by ten children, but no one really suited or mature enough to raise them. Renzo, now with his mother dead and father gone, became the sole provider and leader of his family. Renzo took on this challenge and did a poor job his sibling were eventually taken on by another family who the kage believed was more suited to raise children.

Renzo was alone and used all of his time to train. He wanted ever so badly for a stanger to come in from far away lands and train him and take him away from the town. Renzo now spends all of his days training and in the evening he can be found watching the sun set praying to Horus to send him someone to train him.

RP Sample: The beads of sweat rolled off his face. He was exhausted. Todays training session was one of the most intense he had ever had. He was used to hard days but this was different. He needed to slow down and know a limit. He started to stand up when something blinded him. He realzed it was his sword. It was his only valuable possesion. It was his familys sword that was passed down since before the time the clan could use chakra.

He got up and walked through town everynow and then seeing someone stare at him in awe. He just chuckled to himself. He was used to it. Most people didnt know him and they normally didnt see a man walking through town dressed in such extreme clothing. Today he was in all Purple. He did this so people would start to remember him.

He started walking home and decided to take the long way home. Half way home He stopped in the middle of the sttreet. He started sprinting. He was used to running long dinstances very quickly buth this was different His heart was pounding and his breathes were comming in ragged bursts. Because of his bad eye he couldnt see aroudn him to see who it was but he didnt care. He jolted down an alley and drew his sword, called upon the power of Horus. He quickly went out to the street and faced his assailant and prepared for a battle.

Renzo Zeppeki (Finished) Extra10

Source: Rosuto Dokuta

Face Claim: Vincent Valentine Final Fantasy 7

Renzo Zeppeki (Finished) Accept10

Last edited by Renzo on Sat Oct 29, 2011 8:02 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Renzo Zeppeki (Finished) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Renzo Zeppeki (Finished)   Renzo Zeppeki (Finished) EmptyFri Oct 28, 2011 9:49 pm

likes, dislikes, motivations and fears need to be atleast a paragraph long and in full sentences.

History needs to be atleast 400 words, not sure what the word count is now
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PostSubject: Re: Renzo Zeppeki (Finished)   Renzo Zeppeki (Finished) EmptySat Oct 29, 2011 8:03 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Renzo Zeppeki (Finished)   Renzo Zeppeki (Finished) EmptySat Oct 29, 2011 9:26 pm

Renzo Zeppeki (Finished) Dom_ap12
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