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The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
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 Ra Marco

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Ra Marco
Ra Marco
Female Posts : 40
Ryo : 3650

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Ra Marco Empty
PostSubject: Ra Marco   Ra Marco EmptyThu Sep 01, 2011 1:24 am

Ra Marco 00110

Ra Marco Whoare14

First Name: Marco
Last Name: Ra
Alias: Phoenix De Luna
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Height: 6'3
Weight: 150
Birthday: July 7
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationships: Friends with Ch'iich', Luffy, Jack, and Finnik
Affiliation: Kusamuragakure
Rank: Genin
Element: Fire/Wind/Earth
Specialization: Taijutsu/Weaponry/Ninjutsu

Ra Marco Tellme11

Marco appears to be a patient and calm, mild-mannered woman with a hidden temper. She is knowledgeable in the sense that she was aware of others strengths and power and what would happen to her weaker comrades if they ever got on the bad side of people with such power. She cares deeply for her comrades and fellow shinobi. In fact, seeing her friends, gets hurt or betrayed is enough for her to lose her usually unshakable cool headedness that she would immediately attack someone who has hurt her friends. She appears to be somewhat playful, pretending to be hurt from attacks with obvious sarcasm, though he can also quickly become serious. Marco appreciates raw talent, even if it comes from someone whom she had never met before. she like to play pranks give her a thrill when she runs from the people she had pranked. She avoids conflict when she can, saying if you can't work it out with words then it won't work at all. She loves animals and often is seen with a different one everyday. though she is young she is very wise and mannerly.

Likes: Pranks, food, and children. She always had a mischievousness streak even when she was a kid. Unfortunately for those around her she loves playing pranks and always seems to want to push boundaries but never crosses them. She loves food almost as much as her friend Luffy. She has a fast metabolism and has to eat often so she doesn't wear herself out. She loves children because it reminds her of her friends Luffy and Ch'iich'. Though Ch'iich' may act mature she still is a kid,Luffy just has a childish personality and both of them are often being glomped by Marco when they do something that she thinks is cute.

Dislikes: Arrogant people, Violent people, and the fubukikage for her freezing her village. Arrogant people try and break others and consider themselves better because they can take on anyone. She dislikes violent people because she cannot get as to why some one would purposely try to harm others. Her hatred for the Fubukikage is obvious, he froze her village and she was forced to find another place to call home. Even though she hates him she can't bring herself to thirst for revenge.

Motivation: To find the Blood moon prince and protect the ones she loves. After her village froze she was separated from the other and her young friend Finnik, She only needs to know that he is alive and well. She couldn't protect her village but she can the very least protect her new one and if she ever comes across the Fubikikage she will wallop him one for her clan.

Fears: She fears ice because it reminded her of how she barley survived her village freezing. She hates anything cold because of that except ice cream. She also fear true darkness, the type of darkness that even if you were to light a match you still wouldn't be able to see anything.

Ra Marco Blood10

Blood Moon Dynasty

Bloodline Name: Blood Enchanted Eyes(Chishio Torokeru Metsuki, 流血が目に魔法をかけました)

Bloodline Ability:
1)Cellular/Spiritual Manipulation{Primary sword stalker clan ability}: Description: Throughout history members of this clan have been well renounced amongst the world of shinobi as the deviants of spirituality mainly because of the history of their clan and the ability well known as, Cellular/ Spiritual Manipulation. This technique passive technique works when a sword stalker has at least 5 points of chakra, and the sword stalker’s chakra makes contact with any form of blood(whether the person be living or dead). When this happens, the eyes of the sword stalker(Chishio Torokeru Metsuki) are forcefully activated( doesn’t necessarily mean their eyes have to be open) and causes the chakras to be automatically sent into the wound(s) of the opponent(s) or any form of blood, from that one moment of contact, to gain complete control over every cell in the wounded area. The chakra infected cells spread throughout the whole body like a virus, contaminating other neighboring cells as time passes. This ability among other sword stalker abilities many uses the blood cells, neural cells, and osteocytes of the opponent(s). This ability generally lives up to its name for the simple fact that by having control over cells in a giving area a sword stalker can reopen wounds that have been healed, or even increase its size over time.

By using the blood cells in the controlled area(s), a sword stalker absorbs the blood from the opponent(s) wound(s) and into the sword stalker’s Alma Buskador. By using the blood cells of his/her opponent(s) the user (the sword stalker)’s Alma Buskador’s aura becomes red and causes the body of the sword stalker to continuously increase in strength, speed, and reserved chakra. For this ability to reach its peak takes time and if canceled by the sword stalker before the technique is complete all control is lost. Another big weakness of this technique is that the sword stalker’s Alma Buskador gets heavier as the strength, speed, and reserved chakra increases, so basically the more blood absorbed the heavier the sword stalker ‘s Sword becomes, because that is where the excess chakra is stored. Note this does not add to the sword stalker’s chakra pools, its just a reserved chakra gathered and stored in the Sword Stalker’s Alma Buskador, so that the Sword Stalker may use the chakra for bloodline techniques only without taking any chakra from the sword stalker’s natural chakra pools. Due to the sword storing chakra every post it becomes harder for a sword stalker to wield his/her Alma Buskador lightly without increased strength. Although the weight of the Alma Buskador may increase it doesn’t effect the speed of the sword stalker ‘s strikes too much, since the sword stalker’s speed and strength are also increased, therefore making it possibly for a sword stalker to become faster, but the sword reaches up to 40% in weight until the end of the ninth post. Therefore the Alma buskador will become 5% heavier every post of cellular manipulation, and the Sword Stalker will become that much slower when striking with that weapon every post of cellular manipulation as well. The effects of this ability speeds up 0.2 inches x the users rank , therefore at the rank of Genin (first rank) a sword stalkers cellular manipulation speed is only 0.2 inches x 1 , which comes out to only 0.2 inch of contamination per post.

A sword stalker by the rank of chuunin(Second rank) would be 0.4 inches of contamination per post. Sword stalkers at the rank of special jounin(third rank) would have an increase of 0.6 inches per post; jounin(Fourth rank) would have an increase of 0.8 inches per post, while Kage( Fifth rank) would be an increase of 1 inches per post. This technique is not lethal and will continue at this rate, for as long as no one tries to heal the wound, with a regular healing jutsu(Contamination/ Poison curing jutsus or cell killing techs can rid this move in that area). By doing so the rate of cellular manipulation will increases its affects by one more inch on top of the current damage for the post the user’s next post(example 2 inches is contaminated, but due to the healing of the user in that area 3 inches is contaminated). Reason why is because, healing is a process that speeds up cells to repair wounds, but doing so in this situation will only speed up the number of cells contaminated. The blood cells absorbed by this clan ability can only increase the user’s current speed, strength, and chakra by 9% per 0.2 inches also causing the wound(s) of the infected person every post like mentioned earlier.

This use of cellular spiritual manipulation has proven to be very helpful to sword stalkers mainly because most techniques preformed by the Blood Moon clan requires large amounts of chakra so this serves as a small compensation for that. As hinted earlier this kind of infection can be done on more than one person, but unlike using it on one person, using this technique in such a manner costs chakra. So if more than one person gets infected the user automatically loses 6% of his or her gained chakra every 2 posts. This technique prevents someone from leaving a physical form, due to the contamination at a cellular level preventing the body from transforming along with it, unless someone is a swordstalker because sword stalkers are immune to this technique. Unfortunately for sword stalkers, unless the infected wound(s) is/are located in fatal areas, no one can be killed by this technique or forced to lose a limb. Cellular/Spiritual manipulation also allows a sword stalker the use of the neural cells in a contaminated area of the opponent. This technique allows the sword stalker to make the neural cells send false messages to the opponent(s)’s brain to make the infected area go numb, therefore also disabling the opponent from ever feeling any pain in that area no matter how serious. By using Osteocytes the sword stalker can cause the bone matrix of the infected area to begin to deteriorate causing the bones of the contaminated area to weaken. The user also cannot faint from this ability since this ability only causes the user to bleed slowly in the contaminated area, therefore losing drams per second and even so it would not be enough to reach the point of fainting. All effects of Cellular/ Spiritual Contamination are temporary, for all contamination(s) can only lasts 8 posts; after eight posts all contamination(s) will be auto canceled. All effects(gains) of this ability on the user wears off after the 9th post, then cellular contamination can be re-established after 3 posts in a different wound(can’t infect the same wounds after it had been canceled once).

2)Sword Stalking{ Chuunin level clan ability} Because of this clan’s well renounce –mature understanding of spirituality and the elements, this clan has been known to be able to talk to spiritual weapons. Their philosophy leans towards the fact that, where there is spiritual energy, there is a voice. This is why in order to be well viewed as a full fleshed sword stalker, obtaining an Alma Buskador is a must. With further advancement and practice, the ancient sword stalkers how to become one with their signature swords, and also speak to other weapons that they consider to be “alive” (weapons with spiritual energy, and /or abilities). This development not only gave sword stalkers the ability to speak to any spiritual weapon, but also to use the gift to salvage spiritual weapons. This is done by sensing the weapon’s durability, therefore preventing people from breaking valuable weapons. Because of this ability, if a sword stalker’s spiritual weapon(s) break, he/she can repair the spiritual weapon(s) or any weapon with her blood alone. This ability named after the tradition, Sword Stalking is necessary in order for a Sword Stalker to be able to use a technique known as, Dormant Swords Stalking.

3) Sinister Eyes{ Sp. Jounin level clan ability}: As mentioned earlier, the eye patterns for every user varies, and changes as they get stronger spiritually (chuunin and up). This ability is a sp.jounin level ability that allows the user to start and complete any jutsu without ever having to use his or her hands to do so. While this technique is in use the patterns of the user’s eyes begin to rotate around the center as if it was revealing a locker combination. By using this technique additional chakra is used on top of the amount used for the technique. Techniques that require hand signs can be done through the pattern shifting of the eyes, in exchange the chakra cost increases by 3%. Using this technique to perform a jutsu takes as many posts as the technique requires for completion meanwhile hands and feet can be used to serve other purposes. This technique can be used with the users eyes closed.

Location: Originally Nadaregakure

Clan History:
This clan originated from the Dainichi no Mangetsu( Great Sun of Full Moon), an old Indian –Shinobi - tribe which worshiped the sun and the moon. The members of this clan were not exclusive in the beginning therefore allowing members of any color, or race to become a part for as long as they convert into their religion. The members of this clan had a firm belief in the sun and the moon. They believed that the sun and the moon where the true gods and creator of the earth. The members perceived the sun, Dainichi (Great Sun) as the god who lights the path for his disciples and keeps the gravity and balance of the earth. The moon, Mangetsu (Full Moon) was perceived as the goddess that hides mankind from evils that lurks within the darkness. Mangetsu was also perceived as the goddess that kept the raging oceans from flooding the earth. These shinobi worshiped the sun and the moon religiously and by doing so they related a lot of their techniques to the way of both the sun and the moon.

By relating their religion to spirituality and ninja arts, the members of this clan rapidly gained better understanding of the elements and the “spiritual world”. More or less this clan was filled with ordinary, but highly religious shinobi that excelled in ninjutsu and weapon crafting. That is until a man named, Shikino Hota became the prince of the clan. The prince at the time was the leader of the clan because they believed that the position of king and queen belonged to the sun and the moon. Shikino Hota, believed in expansion of the clan and religion. Shikino believed that in order for one to save the world from the darkness, one must see the light but in order to see the light, one must first understand the darkness. This philosophy of his quickly changed the way most members of the clan would perceive their gods. The members of this clan began to believe that the Mangetsu was also the goddess of sacrifice, who protected them from evil by becoming a light in the dark to distract evil from them who lurked in the darkness. This started a rush for power that lead to Shikino’s request to began researching on humans. Most members of the clan strongly opposed against Shikino’s request to research on Humans, and soon later it became a political and religious issue, that caused most members of the clan to stop worshiping the moon, who they now perceived mainly as the goddess of sacrifice and solely worship Dainichi during the mornings.

The prayers to Dainichi became mostly prayers of forgiveness towards the moon and all who worship her. This caused a religious separation between the many worshipers of Dainichi and the few worshipers of Mangetsu. With the religious separation came new leaders of the sun religion such as Tenmia Roku, who became known as Princess of Dainichi. This separation in power had upset Shikino greatly. One night, while Roku premiered her movement of researching on plants a large meteor was said to have fallen from the sky, releasing large amount of chakras, which burned the temple of the sun and killed a few members of the clan. Those who served under Shikino believed that, the moon had taken her vengeance upon those who served Dainichi and that the meteor landing on the sun temple was a declaration of war. So the night after a group known as Moon Stalkers slaughtered most of the members that served the sun and beheaded the princess as a sacrifice to the moon.

Shikino then reunited the sun and moon clan and renamed the clan, Blood Moon Dynasty, in honor of the unforgettable bloodshed that happened under the full moon that night. From then on leaders of this clan became known as The Blood Moon Prince. Because of Shikino’s impact on the clan, there were much experimentation on human and animals done. The clan even began to conduct experiments with the use of the mysterious meteor, that later caused the death of more shinobi, and brought forth the creation of the clan’s bloodline, known as Blood Enchanted Eyes. The nick name, Sword Stalkers was shortly adopted by the clan, due one of their abilities, that allowed them to speak to weapons. Those eyes gave them incredible powers, but unfortunately the remaining history of this clan is still a mystery, since not much have been documented on the leaders after Shikino and Tenmia, and not much was documented about the research done with weapons, it is only documented that members of this clan referred to themselves as sword stalkers, and were mostly found talking to weapons.

Ra Marco Histor11



It was quite in the village and a peaceful night. A beautiful woman with white silky hair was in the middle of the room breathing harshly. She was covered in sweat and was in tremendous pain but she kept going on. The women of the clan surrounding her and watching with stone faces as she gave birth.
There was a loud yell and the woman slumped crying could be heard in the whole room. The nurse to the infant and started to wash her before giving her to her mother.

"How beautiful...Marco Soriano"The woman named her before passing out tired and with a smile as she got a good look at her baby before she was taken from her.


Marco sighed she was three years old and has been living with the orphanage since birth. Everyone teased her because her name was that of a boys,her white hair,and tan skin but she didn't care. She was pretty laid back and always had a tired expression and right now she was really tired. A boy from her clan who came in a years ago and became her good friend as he grew in the orphanage was hiding.

They are playing hiding go seek but because of his small size he was able to hide better than she would. "C'mon Finnik it's getting dark and dinner is almost ready!"She bluffed.

"You lie!"Said a little voice that was behind a large rock. Marco ran over jumped the rock and landed on the little boy under her. He was tan not as dark as she but tan and had white hair just like her.

"Gotcha!"She grinned. Even though she was just as playful as he she was a bit more mature but at least he made living here in the orphanage bearable. They laughed as she carted him off to the dinning room to eat they had a little table of there own considering they where constantly teased. She was convincing him to go along with a prank of her on the other kids.
A couple of days after there was a man coming in the orphanage to adopt someone. Everyone got excited, Marco didn't care so she fell asleep on her bed when he came. She woke up and it was the after noon everyone was looking at her strangely. She wondered why but she suddenly had a bad feeling and sprinted to Finnik's room hoping he would be there.......He wasn't. she ran to the caretakers and demanded to know where he was.

They looked at her sadly and that's when she knew that her little friend was the one adopted and now she was alone here.
Three years later and Marco had entered herself in the academy. She knew she was gonna find her little friend in there one day so she was gonna have to get stronger while she was waiting.

Teenage years:

Seven years later and was in genin team. Marco had started to develop earlier than most girls so she was constantly leered at by the boys and some girls of the village. She couldn't bring herself to care, sure most were cute but none where interesting enough for her. She heard her team mates talking about some intelligent kid in the academy with white hair and tan skin....wait...WHAT!

She rapidly turned and grabbed them by there collars. "A boy with white hair and tan skin! Is he playful by the nature and have a bit of laziness in him!?"She demanded. They nodded and she dropped them on there asses. She grinned at the prospect that soon she'll be seeing him in the genin field and wondered how far he has excelled.
The boys looked at each other nervously as she walked away with a wicked grin on her face while heading to the academy."She may be cute but her mood swings are scary" The first boy said in a scared tone. the second one agreed whole heartily.

They had begun to hang out and like she predicted he didn't remember her. She wasn't sad it was expected he was a baby when he was adopted. Thankfully she still became his friend again cause of there playful natures. Thus had begun a friendship that would be strong for life....or so they thought.

Destruction of Nadaregakure:

It's been four years Finnik was thirteen and she was seventeen. Marco was coming back from a mission and passing Shippu meeting her little friends Luffy and Jack, her Alma Buskador on her back and for once quiet. She made it two years ago after she found out about her parent's name and decided to do the ritual to get it. The soul seeker was always a lazy yet bloodthirsty and cruel,making snarky remarks about everything. For once it was quiet and it worried Marco, this only happened when something horrible was going to go down.

She sped up he pace hoping to reach the village soon only to slip and land flat on her back. She got up and groaned looking at what she slipped on she saw that it was a sliver of ice. Confused she got up and looked before her only to see more ice! She stepped onto the rock and started to jump quickly to the village hoping deep inside that her suspicion was wrong. The hope shattered as she reached the village and saw it completely frozen. She looked around frantically as she went in checking every where for survivors....She found none.

She felt something stir in her soul seeker almost as if to warn her. She heeded it and ran as quickly as she could without slipping. She ran till she was on on dirt road and lots of rocks again. She felt a shiver run up her spine if something cold had just passed her. She risked a peek and saw that it was the......Fubukikage! This shocked her to the core, then when the shock resided and he left pure fury clutched her!

How dare he freeze her village and kill everyone there! what they do to deserve it! She would have rushed and attacked him right then and there if it wasn't for her common sense saying he would have slaughtered her and a shadow in the corner of her eye. She looked and saw it was Finnik! She was relieved and was about to go after but her clothes got snagged. It took her a couple of minutes before she was freed and went after him.

Unfortunately that was all it took to lose track of him and she cursed under her breath before she guessed the direction he went and followed.

Coming to Kusamuragakure:

It was a couple of weeks since the freezing of her village and now she was in Kusamura. She lost Finnik's trail and was now facing a serious problem. She needed a place to stay and money for provisions. Sure she could live off the land but she doesn't like having human influence on nature so she went for the second option...she needed to join a village. She didn't want to too but she had to there was no way she was going to find Finnik this way.

She could join the village her friends was at but there villages was either over crowded with shinobi or it was the same village that was controlled by the man who froze hers. Kusamura seems like a good idea and she was already here. She may as well try and convince them to let her become a shinobi of there village. She sighed and swallowed her pride running to the village entrance.


She now lived in Kusamuragakure. The kage was kind enough to let her be as long as she started out as a genin. She may have been a chunin in her village but that didn't mean she was an automatic chunin in this one. She was gonna have to nearly start all over but she didn't care. She had a nice apartment and made quite a few friends here. Some where still wary of her but most warmed up to her being a shinobi here. Now she had a personal mission to find her little friend and some how convine him to join this village.

RP Sample:

It's been four years Finnik was thirteen and she was seventeen. Marco was coming back from a mission and passing Shippu meeting her little friends Luffy and Jack, her Alma Buskador on her back and for once quiet. She made it two years ago after she found out about her parent's name and decided to do the ritual to get it. The soul seeker was always a lazy yet bloodthirsty and cruel,making snarky remarks about everything. For once it was quiet and it worried Marco, this only happened when something horrible was going to go down.

She sped up he pace hoping to reach the village soon only to slip and land flat on her back. She got up and groaned looking at what she slipped on she saw that it was a sliver of ice. Confused she got up and looked before her only to see more ice! She stepped onto the rock and started to jump quickly to the village hoping deep inside that her suspicion was wrong. The hope shattered as she reached the village and saw it completely frozen. She looked around frantically as she went in checking every where for survivors....She found none.

She felt something stir in her soul seeker almost as if to warn her. She heeded it and ran as quickly as she could without slipping. She ran till she was on on dirt road and lots of rocks again. She felt a shiver run up her spine if something cold had just passed her. She risked a peek and saw that it was the......Fubukikage! This shocked her to the core, then when the shock resided and he left pure fury clutched her!

How dare he freeze her village and kill everyone there! what they do to deserve it! She would have rushed and attacked him right then and there if it wasn't for her common sense saying he would have slaughtered her and a shadow in the corner of her eye. She looked and saw it was Finnik! She was relieved and was about to go after but her clothes got snagged. It took her a couple of minutes before she was freed and went after him.

Unfortunately that was all it took to lose track of him and she cursed under her breath before she guessed the direction he went and followed.

Ra Marco Extra10


Face Claim:

Ra Marco Accept10

Last edited by Ariel on Wed Sep 14, 2011 8:10 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Ra Marco
Ra Marco
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Ra Marco Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ra Marco   Ra Marco EmptyWed Sep 14, 2011 2:27 am

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Ra Marco Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ra Marco   Ra Marco EmptyWed Sep 14, 2011 2:34 am

Permission to join the Dynasty ((Thought I should post this up))
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Ra Marco Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ra Marco   Ra Marco EmptyWed Sep 14, 2011 2:40 am

If you have a face claim post it if not just let me know now.

Genin is not a gender

Everyone starts a genin so no chunin
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Ra Marco
Ra Marco
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Ra Marco Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ra Marco   Ra Marco EmptyWed Sep 14, 2011 10:10 am

No don't have one
those where typos there fixed now
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Ra Marco Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ra Marco   Ra Marco EmptyWed Sep 14, 2011 2:32 pm

Kusamuragakure is misspelled
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Ra Marco
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Ra Marco Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ra Marco   Ra Marco EmptyWed Sep 14, 2011 8:10 pm

spelling fixed
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Ra Marco Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ra Marco   Ra Marco EmptySat Sep 17, 2011 11:10 pm

Your last thing is this, you have to have your name changed from Ariel to Marco. When you accept this, I will change it, then we will be able to fully approve it.
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Ra Marco
Ra Marco
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Ra Marco Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ra Marco   Ra Marco EmptySat Sep 17, 2011 11:58 pm

Okay change it to Ra Marco
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Ra Marco Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ra Marco   Ra Marco EmptySun Sep 18, 2011 1:29 am

Done. Please bump one final time and I will approve
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Ra Marco
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PostSubject: Re: Ra Marco   Ra Marco EmptySun Sep 18, 2011 1:33 am

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PostSubject: Re: Ra Marco   Ra Marco EmptySun Sep 18, 2011 1:43 am

Ra Marco Dom_ap12
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