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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Jiga Zanno

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Posts : 2
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Jiga Zanno Empty
PostSubject: Jiga Zanno   Jiga Zanno EmptyFri May 17, 2013 11:24 pm

Jiga Zanno 54cfa99e-0ae4-4f93-86ea-4cd28efd60ac

Jiga Zanno Whoare14

First Name: Zanno
Last Name: Jiga
Alias: F.R.A (Full-Rebuilt Alchemist)

Gender: Male
Age: 15
Height: 5'7''
Weight: 140lbs
Birthday: July 31
Sexuality: straight
Relationships: N/A

Affiliation: Tsukigakure
Rank: Genin
Element: Futon, Raiton, Jiton(Magnet Release)
Specialization: Ninjutsu, chakra control, Fuinjutsu

Jiga Zanno Tellme11

Zanno is a quiet & nervous person- easily embarrassed by attention and would much rather be unnoticed. He obsesses with comrades, to the point of stalking them on their "off-time" If looking closely enough, one could probably find him hiding behind a tree in a comrades backyard, just listening to family talk from within.
Where it would be appropriate to clap and yell in excitement, Zanno would hesitate and probably be ready to cry instead- very emotional.

  • Stalking comrades

  • Constructing his puppets

  • Performing with his puppets(whether in combat or play)

  • Imitating his emotions with his puppets

  • Hearing gossip

  • Attention

  • Responsibility

  • People insulting or harming his friends

  • Cold-logic people

  • Fighting without proper cause

  • Protecting his comrades

  • To create the "perfect puppet"

  • To learn as much about his comrades as he can

  • Punishing the men involved with his parents death

  • Reclaiming the stolen White doll

  • Losing people close to his heart

  • Being discovered when stalking/spying on people

  • Losing his puppets

Jiga Zanno Blood10

Clan Jiga

Magnetism Release:

Bloodline Ability: Allows to magnetize anything he touches, thus fully manipulating objects at his discretion and allowing him a variety of attacks against his enemies. He can activate or deactivate his own body's magnetism, ensuring that he is not affected by his technique.

Location: Tsukigakure

Clan History:
His clan has been a very small clan within tsukigakure, very little is known about their life-styles; however they have been relied upon by the council to often be the work force for complex building projects within the village. The members of this clan use their natural affinity to magnetism in their daily lives and also incorporate it in their combat- each varying to his own area of expertise.

Jiga Zanno Histor11

Zanno has long since been a member of the renowned puppeteer family; a family dedicated to providing entertainment to the village through their skills with puppetry. He was raised by his kind mother and father, who taught him violence was never the answer to violence- instead he was taught to be a peacemaker and use his puppets to make people laugh.

Every night growing up as a child, he would watch his mother and father on stage, entertaining a great sum of people- when he was old enough, he was allowed to help backstage. Being an only child in the family, he was relied on a lot help with the family business. Once he had grown older still, he had even taken up puppetry and looked forwards to his big debut of the show when he joined his parents in the family spot-light.. however his debut would be quite different than how he had dreamed.

RP Sample:

Father look! See what I have done!

Zanno was quite happy with himself when he showed his father all of the hard work he had accomplished, the silver body of a humanoid being lay on a knee-high table. The body was closely resembled to a night in shining armor, a engraved sword & shield lay close beside, resting against the wall of the puppet workshop.

His father was quite impressed, not only had his son had a natural knack for puppetry, but also the delicate and artful designing of the puppets. He guessed that it must have been from all the time Zanno had spent in his shop, watching him create and repair puppets for their live performances.

That's very good son, he will make a fine addition to the show- what is his name or title by chance?

It was apparent enough by looking at the incomplete puppet that it was going to be a hero, a knight in shining armor; used to save the "White Doll" the protagonist princess of their famous plays.

This is going to be a knight, a hero to save the White Doll, so I think I'll name it Lance, but I'm still not too sure yet..

His father nodded in approval and tussled Zanno's hair, Zanno had grown up into a fine young and respectable man. A proper Genin in all ways, he had gone through the ninja academy and graduated- yet he still kept his respect for himself and others; unlike how some ninjas lost who they were when given power.

That's a good name, your mother and I will look forward to having you and the puppet to the performances,

Shattered Dream

For the last two weeks, Zanno had been working on his first puppet and now it was nearly done; he wanted his mother's approval on the puppet, however she had been so busy lately with preparations that she had not yet seen his puppet. He would go and see her later that day, but first he needed to check with his father to see if anything needed to be prepared for the performance later that night.

Zanno left the workshop and went into their house, a small quaint building- full of warmth and fond memories. He called out and searched the whole house, but could not find his dad; he figured they were probably working at the theater. He patiently waited and worked on his puppet until the hour his parents were supposed to come get him for the play, but the hour was coming close and he had not yet heard from them.

He decided they had been too busy to call for him and expected him to be there on time, it was still a little early so he wanted to check all the preparations were complete at the theater. He walked a short distance to the theater; already the seats were filling up with spectators, looking forwards to the famous puppeteer's son being introduced.

He pushed through the people gathering- some were talking about the excitement of the night, others complaining about a hard days work. He opened the door to the backstage and set his silver puppet on a workbench. He called out for his mother and father, but still heard no response; he had not seen them onstage with any preparations or with the crowd... anxiety began to build up in him. He decided to look around back.

He paused when he turned the corner to the back alley of the theater- it was more of paralyzed with fear than a pause. Both of his parent were lying on the ground, two gruff-looking men were scavenging their corpses and pulled a knife out of his mother's back. Neither of them had noticed Zanno appear around the corner, they were somewhat careless in their dealings.

Zanno leapt back around the corner and ran into the theater backstage, he grabbed his puppet and fled back to the house. He hid in his room and mourned in hushed anguish behind the locked door. He dreaded going back to that scene, he had barely been able to force his legs to move him from the murder before the murderers saw him.. Later that evening though, he would have to go to the theater and tell the gathered crowd that there would no longer be any performances.

He made his way to the workshop and threw his silver puppet on the bench, now looking at the knight in shining armor only filled him with pain and hatred. It served as an enigma for his past happiness that would never return- his innocence had been lost when his parents had been murdered before his eyes. He wished no longer to look at the hopeful appearance it gave; in rage, he grabbed a bucket of paint and dyed the knight pitch black. No longer was it a night of justice, but vengeance and darkness: the black knight- Chaos.

He hid and grieved his parent's death until the appointed time; carefully he left his house and watched every stranger he passed, wary. He arrived at the theater a short time later to see the benches full and the spectators were getting impatient. Zanno walked through them, few of them knew who he was because he had never been in the spotlight before. He neared the front of the crowd when suddenly the two men appeared on stage.

They made several excuses about the delay, but Zanno had not mistaken their faces; those faces would be engraved into his mind until he avenged his parents. He made his way backstage, and noticed the white doll had been taken on stage with the men... apparently they were also puppeteers, possibly wanting to take over the family's business and turn it into a big money-maker.

That was their mistake, he unstrapped the black knight from his back and attached his chakra strings.

Big Debut

So there you have it folks, as of tonight- there is new management of the theater.

Anything else he was going to say was interrupted by the appearance of Zanno and the black knight, the crowd seemed to notice the change in atmosphere and assumed it was the opening of the play. The two men seemed surprised and took note of the audiences reaction- they looked at each other and thought they could play this interruption into a ploy.

Well, if it isn't the Black Knight- what brings you here?

The man flexed his fingers and a dark tan puppet in black robes jumped down from somewhere unseen- this caught Zanno somewhat off-guard, this puppet was often the villain in their plays, the one who would kidnap or fight the White Doll; the princess. Zanno flexed his fingers and the Black Knight tightened its grip on the sword and shield it held in both hands.

I've come to take the White Doll, by force if I have to- and kill you if you try to stop me...

The crowd seemed to love his response- to him, it had been revenge... but the crowd had heard it as conviction and a much darker meaning. Zanno smiled to himself, it seemed to the crowd that the play involved two great evils, fighting for the captivity and torture of the White Doll... was that what he was now? No, he was a revenger, but what was to say he had to appear wholly good? Chaos would serve his purpose as a darker side to justice.

The man seemed to sense his intent to kill and glanced at his accomplice, who timidly walked backwards with the White Doll; ready to make an escape. Zanno noticed this and willed his puppet to attack the second man, but the man with the villain doll intercepted him and clashed puppets.

Kunai against sword, sparks flew off their weapons as the puppets danced back and forth- it was common acceptance between puppeteers when fighting, that most of the battle would be left between the puppets, to see who was the better puppeteer. Zanno said no other words, the only thoughts on his mind were the cold & frozen faces of his parents- dying with ghastly looks on their faces, probably thinking of what would become of their son after they were gone... a face of regret..

Zanno's intent to kill was so strong that his skill in puppetry had been taken to a whole new level; skill he had not known he had. His puppet's blade slipped past the enemy's puppet's kunai and bashed the puppet in the face, the chakra strings went taught and knocked the puppeteer off-balance.

Zanno took the opportunity and had the puppet rush in closely and plunge the sword deep into the murder's chest. The man's finger's stopping moving and he stared dumbly at the sword protruding from his chest in disbelief & horror. Zanno and his puppet turned in unison towards the undrawn curtain without saying another word- which threw the reaction of the audience off; was it still a play or had they witnessed something terrible?

Blood poured from the man's chest as he struggled with the handle of the sword; a flick of Zanno's hand and the sword returned to Chaos' hand- blood gushed out of the wound and rapidly covered the floor as the man stumbled to the wooden floor and fell to his face. As a last effort, the man used his ever-fading chakra strings & consciousness to use the villain puppet to explode from a packed explosive he had planted into the puppet in a situation like this. He knew that his explosion would tell his partner in crime, that he had died and that he needed to escape on his own.

Zanno had not expected something of this level and was standing only a short distance from the puppet and corpse. The explosion knocked him off his feet; debris flew everywhere and board bashed him across the face. Both he and the murder's consciousness's faded together- Zanno's temporarily and the murderer's permanently.

The crowd had gone wild when they realized the scene was real and the explosion had injured a few of the front viewers. They fled in every direction and local law-enforcement shinobi began to appear.

Zanno awoke the next day, to find out that the other murderer had escaped the village and taken the White Doll with him. Zanno swore then and there that he would find this man and avenge his parents. He would look for clues and listen to rumors to the whereabouts of the White Doll- that is how he planned to track the man down.

Jiga Zanno Extra10

Source: Semasu Rankujo

Face Claim: Cloud Shinobi custom art(Edited by Semasu Rankujo)

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PostSubject: Re: Jiga Zanno   Jiga Zanno EmptyThu May 23, 2013 5:02 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Jiga Zanno   Jiga Zanno EmptySun Jun 16, 2013 5:40 pm

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