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 Kashaku Kagone's Technique List

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Kashaku Kagone
Kashaku Kagone
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PostSubject: Kashaku Kagone's Technique List   Kashaku Kagone's Technique List EmptyWed Jan 12, 2011 6:31 pm


Name: A Great Many Punches
Rank: D
Element: N/A
Type: Taijutsu
Range: Touch
Description: The clan member makes his/her own hand vibrate at such speeds that when they strike, the punch is much more powerful and can even tear or burn clothes from the friction caused by the quick vibrations causing the hand to move about instead of staying in place. The downside is that any damage caused to the opponent is also caused to the hand used to punch, unless the user has some kind of protective covering. Precise punches are nearly impossible while using this technique. The strength of the punch is also partly determined by the amount and the density of the protective wear:
0 layers of protective wear- 2x strength of normal punch, 20% of damage is done to the hand itself.
1 layer of protective wear- 1.5x strength of normal punch, 10% of damage is done to the hand itself.
2 layers of protective wear- 1x strength of normal punch, no damage is done to the hand.
This is because although the hand vibrates, the protective wear does not carry the vibrations well. Metal gauntlets, even gauntlets made from the clan's special vibration metal, would work even worse, as the hand would vibrate inside the gauntlets and cause much more damage to the hand, despite the increased friction power, even possibly causing broken bones. Handseals are not required.

Name: Vibration Repression
Rank: D
Element: N/A
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: Self
Description: Requires handseals. After completing the handseals, the clan member can stop all sounds coming from their own bodies. They dampen the vibrations normally caused by sounds coming from their body, making them almost soundless. This does not stop other sound jutsu from being effective. Jutsu lasts for one post; 5 post cooldown. This jutsu does not have any effect on other jutsu.


Name: Sonar
Rank: C
Element: N/A
Type: Skill
Range: 100 feet, divided by 2 for every friend within range.
Description: The clan member using this jutsu must first have their bare feet touching the ground. They will then push a single, low-frequency vibration through and along the ground. The vibrations will bounce off of anything inside of or on the ground, allowing the clan member to be able to know where something or someone is. It takes an entire post (the post after this skill is used) to interpret the rebounding vibrations. This leaves the ninja open for attack while he/she is focused on deciphering the huge amount of information. Requires handseals. Only useful once per topic.

Name: Vocal/Sound Mimicry
Rank: C
Element: N/A
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: Self
Description: By listening to a person's voice once, the clan member can imitate their voice exactly. They use the exact frequency, pitch, and sound of their voice and duplicate it into their own vocal chords, making a perfect replica. This is mostly used for confusing a foe or even just to annoy an opponent. This can also be used to imitate certain noises. Noises captured electronically cannot be used for this jutsu (the static behind the voice throws off the technique). This mimicry only lasts for two posts, even in non-battle situations, but the clan member can remember the voice or noise for their entire lives. Cooldown of three posts; during this cooldown, the clan member loses his/her voice and cannot speak.

Special Jounin

Name: Forced Disarm
Rank: B
Element: N/A
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: 10 feet
Description: The clan member using this jutsu must first wrap their special vibration wire around an opponent's weapon within ten feet of the user. He/she will then push vibration through the vibrating wire and vibrate the sword itself, causing it to vibrate at a very high frequency. It takes one entire post (the post after the wires are strung to the weapon) to find the correct frequency before the sword is extremely difficult for the opponent to hold on to, much less utilize correctly. This jutsu is normally used to either make an opponent drop their weapon or to make the weapon difficult to handle. The wire is easy to break, however, making it easy to escape within the single post of focus.


Name: Earth Shaker
Rank: A
Element: N/A
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: Up to 20 feet around the user.
Description: There must first be at least twenty kunai stuck in the ground with either a single wire connecting them all together or each with one wire connected to the clan member's hands/fingers. Putting the hands into the Snake handseal, the user focuses for two posts to push the vibrations along the string(s) and into the kunai, causing them all to vibrate at the same time and at the same frequency, which causes the ground to shake. The more kunai there are, the higher the power of the localized earthquake.
20 kunai - Noticable ground shaking. No other effects.
30 kunai - Slightly more foreceful ground shaking. Causes small particles to shift back and forth, making footing difficult at times.
40 kunai - Even more forceful ground shaking. Can cause skyscraper-tall structures to crash.
50 kunai - Impossible for a human being to stay upright.
This localized earthquake also affects the clan member, so the user's footing also becomes difficult (30 kunai), or it is also impossible for them to stay upright (50 kunai). This only affects the ground within twenty feet of the kunai, which are usually placed underground for maximum effect. They are normally in a large spiral pattern, maximizing the vibration. The user must also remain stationary during the jutsu.


Name: Destruction Focus
Rank: S
Element: N/A
Type: Ninjutsu
Range: Within 10 feet of the user
Description: By focusing all the atomic vibrations of an object's atoms to stop, the clan member can entirely freeze the object to absolute zero, and by suddenly forcing the atoms to vibrate at a higher rate than normal, the object breaks apart at an atomic level. This requires maximum focus, meaning that the user can only do this to small objects, and only a single object at a time. Also, the time it takes for the clan member to actually stop the atoms takes about three posts, and the object in question must remain within the ten-foot range of the clan member. Larger objects would take too much time to break apart, meaning that the clan member cannot use this skill on an entire person. They can, however, use this technique to destroy an enemy's hand or foot. This jutsu may only be used once per topic, and comes with a huge cost: the clan member can no longer control vibrations for the rest of their life.

Last edited by Kashaku Kagone on Wed Feb 02, 2011 7:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Kashaku Kagone
Kashaku Kagone
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PostSubject: Re: Kashaku Kagone's Technique List   Kashaku Kagone's Technique List EmptyWed Jan 12, 2011 10:32 pm

Custom Jutsu (effective after my spar against Neji)


Name: False Handseal Technique
Rank: E
Element: N/A
Type: Skill
Range: Self
Description: This is a skill where the user's hands seem to perform a jutsu correctly with the incorrect handseals. This is intended to deceive opponents, making it impossible to discern what the true jutsu being performed is by handseals alone. It can even be used to make the handseals look like the correct seals for a jutsu of the same rank the user knows. Obviously, the user is still performing the correct seals, but their opponent can't see that. This technique requires no handseals and lasts long enough for one jutsu.

Name: Hallucinogen Technique
Rank: E
Element: N/A
Type: Genjutsu
Range: Eye Contact
Description: After performing the handseals and looking into the opponent's eyes, the natural colors will shift quickly, making everything appear to be the wrong color and usually causing people to become disoriented. This technique lasts for five posts.

Name: False Trail
Rank: E
Element: N/A
Type: Genjutsu
Range: Anywhere the user touches
Description: This genjutsu allows the user to hide his/her tracks or to make a completely new set of tracks that lead in a different direction. This genjutsu does not hide the user's smell, chakra trail, etc., only affects the footprints. Requires handseals and non-metagame knowledge that the user is being followed.

Name: Grotesque Odor
Rank: E
Element: N/A
Type: Genjutsu
Range: Touch
Description: This genjutsu allows the user to hide their own scent by making an object nearby smell like a rotting carcass. This normally throws off anyone who tracks by smell. The user of the genjutsu must first know without metagaming that the opponent tracks by scent to use this genjutsu. Requires handseals.

Name: Many Slashes
Rank: E
Element: N/A
Type: Genjutsu
Range: Eye Contact
Description: This jutsu requires a bladed weapon of some sort and one handseal beforehand. After making eye contact, the user of the genjutsu will slash at an opponent. The attack does not need to land, nor does the slash actually need to be within range of the opponent. The opponent's clothes and skin will appear to be cut in a similar way, but there is no pain associated directly with the apparent slash. Normally, this genjutsu is used in conjunction with Numbness, especially if the opponent has found out about the first genjutsu. This is normally used to intimidate, as it might take the appearance of an extremely long Flying Swallow technique. Lasts fifteen posts.


Name: Numbness
Rank: D
Element: N/A
Type: Genjutsu
Range: Touch
Description: After making eye contact with the opponent and using the handseals, the opponent will no longer feel pain for five posts. They still have their sense of touch, but the brain temporarily recieves no message of pain. If the opponent sees a wound on themself that was caused during the five-post period that the genjutsu is active, they will obviously catch on to the genjutsu. This is normally used in conjunction with Many Slashes to confuse the opponent.

Name: Imaginary Object
Rank: D
Element: N/A
Type: Genjutsu
Range: Eye Contact
Description: This genjutsu creates a small, handheld object of the user's choice out of thin air after the opponent makes direct eye contact. The object does not actually exist and does not change the environment around it in any way. Requires handseals. This technique can last an entire topic, though it will disappear when the object is "touched".

Name: Invisible Object
Rank: D
Element: N/A
Type: Genjutsu
Range: Eye Contact
Description: This genjutsu allows the user to make a small, normally handheld object of the user's choice disappear into thin air after the opponent makes direct eye contact. The object still exists, but it simply does not draw the opponent's attention in any way. The opponent would actually have to look for the object specifically to be able to see it. The object still affects the environment, despite appearing nearly invisible to the opponent. This can last an entire topic, though it will end when the object is focused upon or touched.

Name: Akatsuki Mind Eraser
Canon/Custom: Custom
Rank: S
Element: N/A
Type: Genjutsu
Range: Touch
Description: Requires handseals. Requires OOC permission from the opponent in order to use this technique. After doing the handseals and placing their hand on the opponent, the user of this technique can wipe any information regarding Akatsuki from the mind of the opponent and momentarily knock them out. The opponent regains consciousness in the next topic, but has no memory of the Akatsuki, and will only have memories up to the day before they first gained any information on the Akatsuki. (If any non-Akatsuki jutsu was learned/bought after the day they heard of the Akatsuki, they will retain those jutsu.) This genjutsu is special in that it is not a mental block, but an actual erasing of the memory that cannot be disrupted by Kai or pain, and is unaffected by Time Reversal Technique. This may only be used against ninja defecting from Akatsuki.
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Kashaku Kagone
Kashaku Kagone
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PostSubject: Re: Kashaku Kagone's Technique List   Kashaku Kagone's Technique List EmptyMon Apr 04, 2011 2:25 pm

Name: False Hill
Rank: D-C
Element: N/A
Type: Genjutsu
Range: Eye Contact or method used in Sly Mind Effect Technique
Description: This genjutsu makes the opponent feel as though they are climbing a hill, even on flat land. The strength of the genjutsu can vary from tiring the opponent out only slightly more than normal, making the illusion of an incline of about five degrees, or tiring the opponent out extremely quickly, making the illusion of an incline of about thirty degrees. This can last for an entire topic or until the genjutsu is broken.

Name: Field of Ghosts
Rank: C
Element: N/A
Type: Genjutsu
Range: Up to 25 meters
Description: Kashaku must first have five kunai on the ground in a pentagram, and must either be connected in some way or be within ten feet of Kashaku for the jutsu to be in effect. After making the Snake handseal and focusing the kunai to vibrate at a specific frequency for one post, the jutsu takes effect, the vibrations coursing through the ground and affecting anyone within the pentagram of kunai who doesn't have the same chakra signature as Kashaku. Kashaku will then appear to shift quickly around the opponent, though only in five places, corresponding to the five kunai knives. None of these "clones" can attack directly, but neither can they be hit. Instead the opponent will pass through them without effect. One of the illusions is actually Kashaku, but he is indistinguishible from the others. After the first post used to focus the jutsu, the only way to end the jutsu is to either move one of the kunai out of place, hit Kashaku directly, or to step outside the pentagram. Because the genjutsu is caused by focused vibrations through the ground and not directly caused by chakra, Kai does not work to end it, though pain will break the illusion.

Name: Field of the Nightmare
Rank: C
Element: N/A
Type: Genjutsu
Range: Up to 25 meters
Description: Kashaku must first have five kunai on the ground in a pentagram, and must either be connected in some way or be within ten feet of Kashaku for the jutsu to be in effect. After making the Snake handseal and focusing the kunai to vibrate at a specific frequency for one post, the jutsu takes effect, the vibrations coursing through the ground and affecting anyone within the pentagram of kunai who doesn't have the same chakra signature as Kashaku. The genjutsu makes it appear as though Kashaku is a full foot forward or back from his real position, so that the opponent will attack an illusion and be left wide open for a counter-attack or step right into Kashaku's weapon. After the single post of focus, the only way to end the jutsu is to either move one of the kunai out of place, hit Kashaku directly, or to step outside the pentagram. Because the genjutsu is caused by focused vibrations through the ground and not directly caused by chakra, Kai does not work, though pain will break the illusion.

Name: Field of Nightmarish Ghosts
Rank: B
Element: N/A
Type: Genjutsu
Range: Up to 50 meters
Description: Kashaku must first have ten kunai on the ground in a decagram, and must either be connected in some way or be within ten feet of Kashaku for the jutsu to be in effect. After making the Snake handseal and focusing the kunai to vibrate at a specific frequency for two posts, the jutsu takes effect, the vibrations coursing through the ground and affecting anyone within the decagram of kunai who doesn't have the same chakra signature as Kashaku. This jutsu combines the power of Field of Nightmares and Field of Invulnerability, making ten illusionary clones that can neither cause pain nor be attacked with the real Kashaku hiding among them. Kashaku, however, is also protected by appearing to be one foot forward or one foot back from his real self. This is Kashaku's ultimate genjutsu and has never been defeated. After the two posts of focus, the only way to end the jutsu is to either move two of the kunai out of place, one from each pentagram, hit Kashaku directly, or to step outside of the decagram. If one of the kunai are pulled out of the ground, the genjutsu reverts to either Field of Nightmares or Field of Invulnerability. Because the genjutsu is caused by focused vibrations through the ground and not directly caused by chakra, Kai does not work, though pain will break the illusion. Which genjutsu Field of Nightmarish Ghosts reverts to is decided via 6-sided dice roll: evens are Field of Nightmares, odds are Field of Ghosts. If two kunai are broken/removed, the entire genjutsu fails.

Name: Bloody Carcass
Rank: B
Element: N/A
Type: Genjutsu
Range: Any object the user touches, including themself.
Description: This genjutsu causes an object roughly the same size as a human body to look, smell, and feel like a recently dead body. This genjutsu is normally used to simply scare away any nosy civilians or ninja who do not easily recognize genjutsu so that a main base of operations or a camp of hiding ninja will not be discovered very quickly. The user can also lay the genjutsu on themself and allies to make it seem as though they are dead. This allows for a quick surprise attack. This can last an entire topic, but can be broken by Kai or by attacking the "carcass".
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