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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Tenicon Luxas

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Male Posts : 21
Ryo : 1250

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Tenicon Luxas Empty
PostSubject: Tenicon Luxas   Tenicon Luxas EmptyTue Dec 20, 2011 5:53 pm

Tenicon Luxas Treyq

Tenicon Luxas Whoare14

First Name: Luxas
Last Name: Tenicon
Age: 16
Height: 5.8 feet
Birthday: April 1
Sexuality: Straight
Relationships: None
Affiliation: Hyougagakure
Rank: Chuunin (if I'm good enough)
Element: Wind/Water/Fire
Specialization: Taijutsu/ Kenjutsu/ Ninjuntsu

Tenicon Luxas Tellme11

Luxas can be described as down to earth, trickster, lazy, liar, over-thinker and self-confident. Luxas doesn't have a moral. I mean that he doesn't have any opinion of what is right and what is wrong, what he thinks is that everything that a human creature does is acceptable, but he is very well-mannered. Luxas is trying to look always happy even if he knows that he is in big trouble and he never breaks his promise even if he promised something many years ago. Luxas has terrible general knowledge and he is not the leader kind guy. He wears always the same clothes and he always I mean always has his snowboard with him even in shower. Luxas is really lazy guy who would do anything in his power to prevent him from work, but sometimes he gets so bored that he will do anything that he can. Luxas is a thief who prefers pick-pocketing from everybody.

-Music. Luxas loves all kind of music, especially he loves guitar music. Luxas is a kid who will pay a lot just for good music.

-Apples. Luxas adores apples. He even made a rule for himself which is that he has to eat at least one apple in day if he won't he will give half of the money he is carrying to the first person who he will see.

-Snowboarding. Snowboarding is something that Luxas began to do when he was small kid.


-Disgusting looking food. Luxas is a kid who doesn't want to try new food, especially when id does not look good. Even a mushroom is something he will not try to eat.

-Pain. Luxas doesn't want to feel physical pain. It's because pain makes him weak and if he bleeds he can't fight until he has tied his injury. For Luxas the physical pain is the worst thing that can happen to him.

Luxas didn't want to become a ninja at all but he became because it was his fathers last wish. And also Luxas is trying to become a person who can chance the attitude of other people. There is one more thing that is keeping Luxas progressing. It's a dream of being known. Luxas wants to be a human that everybody knows. And he realized that the best way of becoming known is to become a very strong shinobi.

Luxas is afraid of disgusting looking things especially if it moves, as example he is afraid of any-kind bug. He is not able to move in a room if there are bugs in sight. Then Luxas is afraid of sleeping outdoors. He is not able to sleep outdoors, he has to have at-least some kind of walls and a roof. Luxas has a Necrophobia which means that Luxas is afraid of anything associated with death like a corpse, graveyard or a skeleton.

Tenicon Luxas Blood10

Bloodline Name: N/A

Bloodline Ability: N/A

Location: N/A

Clan History: N/A

Tenicon Luxas Histor11

Luxas was born in Hyougagakure and lived there his childhood. In that village nobody seemed to like Luxas because of his stupid looking appearance. For villagers everybody had to look "normal". "Only travelers look abnormal and if one of us look abnormal then he is a traveler", that's what villagers said always to Luxas. However Luxas had one friend named Hohoro who accepted him. Hohoro was a kid who didn't suffer because of loneliness, instead he worked hard to create a Fuutonsaku in other words he tried to create something like an airplane. Hohoro told to Luxas that the blueprints which they used were made by his father who died in order to protect the Hyouga. Hohoro always said that if they'll manage to create a useful thing like Fuutonsaku then the village would admit that different is not worse than the others. So Luxas worked hard with Hohoro to create this Fuutonsaku until one day they made the prototype of Fuutonsaku. Luxas and Hohoro were quite sure that the prototype will work, so the climbed on mountain for the first flight. Before the flight Hohoro said to Luxas this:"No matter what will happen don't blame the villagers. Instead of blaming the villagers become a human who can change the attitude of other people", then Hohoro went into the Fuutonsake(Fuutonsake has only one seat), putted the engine on and drove of the mountain with high hopes. The Fuutonsaku worked! Hohoro could now fly freely in the sky and he did so. Then suddenly something hit Hohoro. It was a bird. After that one bird there flew plenty of other birds. The strange thing was that the birds flew from below the Fuutonsake on the Fuutonsake. Luxas noticed this thing and looked down to see where did the birds come from. Then he saw it. The villagers were releasing the birds from cages in order to make Hohoro crash into earth. And then it happened some birds got into the Fuutonsake and made the engine explode. When this happened Luxas fell on ground. He was in total shock. "My best and only friend Hohoro died because of villagers who didn't want that Hohoro would become a famous engineer". That thought just didn't make any sense for Luxas. "But he just tried to make villagers to accept him". After many hours Luxas got finally calmed and went into the village so he could get an answer into the question "why". But in the village nobody seemed to even know that Hohoro is dead and they even didn't care about him. Luxas knew that they were lying but he was too afraid to say that he saw what they did. Now he remembered what Hohoro said to him before his death. Luxas understood that Hohoro somehow knew that he will die and still he went into the Fuutonsake. Luxas was confused. He didn't know what to do. After some time of thinking Luxas knew what he wants to do. He pleased his parents to leave Hyouga for some years and travel to Shippuu. His parents agreed to go into Shippuu for few years.

When Luxas lived in Shippuu he became friends with local thieve gang. He got into the gang because he met a person who told him about it and got him in there. At first nobody respected Luxas. For them he was a "Usual Wanna be thief". Howe-ever Luxas didn't care what others said about him. He just kept training thievery until until he became a quick thief. The gang members were watching how Luxas was training nonstop and slowly began to accept Luxas as the gang member. They even tough Ninjutsu to him. Luxas was three years in Shippuu. His father died because of illness and his mother married a shopkeeper in Shippuu so she didn't want to go into Hyouga anymore, so Luxas left his fellow thieves and his mother in Shippuu and traveled into Hyouga to change the attitudes of all people of Hyouga. When Luxas reached Hyouga he became a shinobi who will make everybody to admit him.

RP Sample:
(I hope it's not bad if I'm used to write what my character thinks)
Luxas was walking around the Hyouga. He was once again bored of doing nothing.He walked into the grocery where he always goes. When Luxas stepped into the grocery he heard salesman talking to him:"Oh, it's Luxas isn't it? I guess you came to buy an apple. Am I right?" Because the salesman was happy it made Luxas happy too. He smiled and answered:"Yup, the same as always." Luxas paid for the apple and went out. He was walking again around the village but this time he was eating an apple. "So, what should I do?" He thought. While thinking Luxas didn't notice a traveler who was amazed by the houses of Hyouga. Luxas and the traveler bumped into each other which made both of them fall. When Luxas realized that he fell he quickly stood up and helped the traveler to stand up."I'm sorry mister,I was in my thoughts and didn't notice you.". When the traveler got up he didn't look like he cared why did he fall, it looked like he was way too amazed about the buildings that he couldn't even take his eyes of the buildings. He was watching the buildings for a while then he turned and looked at Luxas."Say kiddo,Is there any casino in this place?". Luxas though that it was strange to call him kiddo and then ask is there a casino. Luxas ignored the thought and answered the traveler who was again watching the buildings "Yes sir, I will take you there." and then Luxas showed the way to the casino. After the traveler went into casino Luxas was thinking again what to do. Suddenly he heard some sounds from casino."Why not?" he thought and went into casino and he was there the whole day(without a single win in poker).

Tenicon Luxas Extra10

Source:Some top list.

Face Claim:Trey from Shaman King

Tenicon Luxas Accept10

Last edited by Luxas on Wed Jan 18, 2012 1:01 pm; edited 8 times in total
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Shizen Suragawa
Shizen Suragawa
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Tenicon Luxas Left_bar_bleue220/220Tenicon Luxas Empty_bar_bleue  (220/220)

Tenicon Luxas Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tenicon Luxas   Tenicon Luxas EmptySat Jan 07, 2012 3:05 am

Hyouga no longer exists as a user village, you'll have to pick a new one
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Male Posts : 889
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Tenicon Luxas Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tenicon Luxas   Tenicon Luxas EmptySun Jan 15, 2012 12:41 pm

Hyouga is now reopened, you may enter it if you wish.
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Male Posts : 5756
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Tenicon Luxas Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tenicon Luxas   Tenicon Luxas EmptySun Jan 15, 2012 7:08 pm

There is a Global Announcement that is allowing Higher rankling apps for Hyouga. So if you lengthen your history and provide nothing less than Excellent RP Samples, you could make up to jounin or even Kage. Do that and you may be eligible
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Male Posts : 21
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Tenicon Luxas Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tenicon Luxas   Tenicon Luxas EmptyTue Jan 17, 2012 6:55 pm

It sure took some time to make this ready. But here you go, I'm ready.
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Tenicon Luxas Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tenicon Luxas   Tenicon Luxas EmptyTue Jan 17, 2012 8:34 pm

Ok, its Hyougagakure, so please fix your spelling errors. Secondly, is Chuunin all you want? You can go higher. So if you can give me a link to one of your old battle RP's, lengthen your likes and dislikes, then your app may be worthy of more than chuunin. If you accept, make the changes and provide the link, and Ill review it once more.
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Male Posts : 21
Ryo : 1250

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Tenicon Luxas Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tenicon Luxas   Tenicon Luxas EmptyWed Jan 18, 2012 1:00 pm

1. Oh, sorry I didn't notice that it was Hyougakure.

2. You know the problem is that I haven't role played for a long time, and the forum where I rp:ed is deleted from internet. So I think I'll go with chuunin because I don't feel like I could be better and I don't want to be a person who says to others what to do. I think I'm gonna make "Chuunin forever" and if needed I can lengthen my dislikes and likes.

PS: Am I really good enough to be better than chuunin?

Last edited by Luxas on Wed Jan 18, 2012 6:21 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Added P.S.)
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Male Posts : 5756
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Tenicon Luxas Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tenicon Luxas   Tenicon Luxas EmptyWed Jan 18, 2012 8:19 pm

Well if it was based on some of your past RP's, I would be able to judge your worth. However, Chuunin will be fine for now for you. Go ahead and agree completely with Chuunin, and I will stamp it with an Approval
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Tenicon Luxas Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tenicon Luxas   Tenicon Luxas EmptyThu Jan 19, 2012 12:35 pm

Sir, I agree completely with being a chuunin.
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Tenicon Luxas Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tenicon Luxas   Tenicon Luxas EmptyThu Jan 19, 2012 1:27 pm

Everything seems to be in place here, I dub ye...

Tenicon Luxas Takesh10
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