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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Vien, Alex

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Female Posts : 32
Ryo : 1750

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Vien, Alex Left_bar_bleue140/140Vien, Alex Empty_bar_bleue  (140/140)

Vien, Alex Empty
PostSubject: Vien, Alex   Vien, Alex EmptyFri Mar 11, 2011 9:45 pm

Vien, Alex Anime42

I like to rp so if you have RL problems keep them to yourself.
Ninja Application


First Name: Alex
Last Name: Vien
Alias: n/a
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Birthday: May 17
Sexuality: Strait
Relationships: none
Affiliation: Kusamuragakure
Rank: Chunnin
Element: fire, water & lightning
Specialization: Puppetry; Taijutsu [Speed], Ninjutsu

Personal v2

Personality: Due to his past history he has not led a social life. He still trains like crazy during the night perfecting his techniques, although he doesn‘t use the scrolls. He also has done volunteer efforts for the village by making puppets for future puppeteers and also doing his best to fix damaged puppets of others. He has opened a permanent repair shop in the Village Capital to earn money and experience. He has led a peaceful life since living in his shop and training with his own puppet Juan.

He has no friends and prefers to remain as unattached as possible to anyone in case the worst happened. He never cries in public due to this as a sign of weakness. For now he trains in solitude until he can find a proper sensei. Over all he is still hard working and a proper ninja citizen. His main flaws are his desire to kill the enemy, lack of sleep, solitude, and his dreadful past.

Likes: Alex likes many weapons but when it comes to a person he prefers to stay un-attached.

Dislikes: He dislikes people who prefer to call themselves the best of the best when he has yet to fight that person to prove if a soul is willing to fight then there is no way that a person can remain as they are.

Motivation: The only ones prepared to kill are those prepared to be killed!

Fears: Fears one thing... Laugh if you will but he fears girls. Especially the up close teenage girl who is flirtatious in all she does.

Clan Information

Clan name

Bloodline Name:

Bloodline Ability:


Clan History:


History: Alex loved puppets… as in toyed, gave names, and played with them. He was born in the Avalanche Village’s Capital during an avalanche that was so bad that for three years they remained in the hospital. But this had no fault to his growth. Instead, it increased his mental capabilities. He grew quickly to memorize and know how puppets were created, used, and repaired.

At age 5 he had his first puppet, which was an E-Class puppet with plain fiber wood material. It resembled a bird and Alex thought of it as a pet in a way. It was a large falcon with oriented wings. Alex picked up the art of chakra strings quickly and after two days of trying to figure it out he had made chakra strings from his finger tips. Once he learned this he always would have it fly shortly above his head. He once tried catching it while he had it fly only to learn each jump he made the farther up the bird went. But during his second day in the academy, the puppet shattered into an unrecognizable heap. It left the scar just like a dog dying for a young child would.

While in the academy he learned as much as he could in that small building during the day. During the night he studied his clan’s scrolls and puppets. He had a huge interest in these scrolls. One day he would never forget and probably the biggest scar on his own self would be the day his clan was annihilated. He had graduated the academy and as a treat from his mother went somewhere to hang out. They had a great time as his father was guarding the clan house that night.

Anyways, while his dad was on duty there was a murderous act about. The murder was made by an unknown clan leaving five dead bodies that framed the Storm Village by distinguishing themselves as Bofuu ninja. They were masters of poison bombing. Alex was given his graduation present which was Juan, a male human sized puppet. When he and his mother got home they were surrounded by blood of all their family members. They found Alex’s father clutching a small child tightly to his chest... It was Alex’s brother and his father was dead yet his might killed five of these ninja assailants.

Alex would begin doing stunts and other attributes of depressed and hazardous children breaking four ribs in the process. A week later surgery was performed by the village’s medical ninja. They surgically applied a preservation solution to his bones which would provide the equilibrium needed to keep the bone from shattering, while operating to keep the broken ones at bay. His mother paid for this surgery to be performed and under her supervision she watched it as she would then perform some punishment.

Alex’s arm and fingers would shatter due to his mother’s rage of his stunts. His own mother would go as far as to seal away his chakra while he was asleep. Due to the harsh abuse he now always wears bandages over his arms and he also had killed his mother with a kunai to the throat two nights later. He became a murderer and one of the last of his family and with his mother's death his chakra was restored. After traveling to the Jungle village he would then, for the next few years all the way to now, train in solitude. No one bothered him, no one worried, and yet everyone saw this young man shape more and more into an obedient tool just like the puppets that his family once made to be…

Flashback before the family of Alex's all died
[Genin Exam] Alex was inside the Genin hall for the exams as his father stood high above as a procter but not a teacher or a different judge. He was chearing Alex on from the inside as he had given Alex his puppet early to wow the whole room. He had been training his son to be a puppet master for a while. Alex was focusing on the three dummies in front of him as he was in a darkened hall lit only with a torch. This was the exam he had to pass to complete the genin training. The dummies were moved and operated by puppetears of Alex's clan but they wouldn't be easy to hit.

Since those who operated the three dummies had hated Alex since his birth he knew they would get pay back. Alex had his puppet move up a little as it was by far taller than he was by at least two feet at the time. Alex had the puppet willed with senbon as well just to be sure. Alex was then attacked from above by one of the dummies that had a wooden sword as a weapon. Alex had directed the puppet with his chakra strings to block off the attack well as Alex's known wind release chakra activated to swirl wind around Alex as his puppet had defended him well.

The other two dummies were long range ones as one shot a senbon into Alex's leg injuring him but he wouldn't give up now. He had his puppet rip the head of the puppet that he defended against off as he threw this head at the instructers controlling the puppets down below. They were mad but what could they really do since this was the exam. Alex was bleeding but he saw the next move coming as two... no three senbon launched towards Alex as he brought his puppet in front of him to defend himself. they would thunk onto the puppets chest as it had its move now.

Alex would cause the puppet to launch off four of it's senbon at the single launching dummy as they were lethal shots but this was an exercise so it wouldn't kill anyone. Alex only had one dummy left now. And it was an animal sized one that resembled a snake. Little did he know that it was a real summon. The instructors had summoned it earlier just for this young shinobi would die under it. Alex would not die though. Not now. He had his releases around him and his puppet too as he went against this snake. He had with him two kunai in his pockets as he was soon enough swallowed by the snake.

"ALEX!" His father would yell but little did they know that his own puppet had one of Alex's kunai in its hand as it was operated to sliced at the fourth membrane of the snake's back as Alex worked on it from the inside. Soon he emerged out of the snake as the summon was dead. He was victorious as he was given the head band of a genin and was congratualated a lot due to this whole event.

RP Sample: It was raining outside the small shack owned by Alex who conveyed the area as the created puppets for some owners. He would then look outside wondering if it wasn't just him but maybe the need to go out and train a little covered his eyes. He decided it'd be best to train. He would open up the door to the shack as the rain immediatly started soaking him. He would then grab his scroll of water jutsu since today would be the best day to train water jutsu was today. Especially when he had just found a newer place to train the jutsu with.

He closed and locked the door behind him as he would then look out the area as he would run outward to practice. He'd put off the training of regular jutsu as he would go to the hidden oasis he had scoped out while hiking for wood to use with his puppet shops wears. He would get to the spot as he performed handsigns and focused his chakra into the air. He had water pouring down everywhere which helped but in the case that they would stop pouring since rain didn't last long in the sand village he would go to this oasis to train.

While Alex focused on the air and water he would then fill it with chakra as the particals would begin to lesson their molecular structure as the water would then go on to spread out and fill the air with a high density. The fog was growing around Alex's core as it would spread. The mist is a site to see when it comes to this village but over all Alex would focus greatly on the mist that would grow intensly as he focused the chakra further on as it would expand and grow around him pressing down on him with it's preasure. The rain would slow down it's decent to the earth while this fog grew.

The air grew cold as the air focused immensely as Alex would focus his mind into the mist as his air chakra would swirl it but noticed that it would lessen the dense air of the mist at all as it grew to keep him from being able to blow it away. Alex would breath slowly to keep from ventilating. He had done this jutsu greatly but their was a few flaws as the mist was too dense as it felt much like he was in water as he would adjust the flow by spreading out the air as the chakra flow flew on and then thinned. The air was greatly imensed as he smiled about the area proud he did the training but knew it was far from over.

Alex would breath in lightly as he sat down meditating on this jutsu. He would have to note the flaws of difficulty of this technique. Yes it helped him alot in surprise motives but on the other hand it was also a horrid team work ability. But he'd train it none the less due to his friend Sato being a sensor he'd be able to pin point and help guide him and his Kaguya partner to the goal. Alex opened his eyes as he stood back up. He would walk out onto the water focusing his chakra into it so that he wouldn't fall in as he would then perform the necesary handseals as he would focus the water around him to then rise up and form around him and the goal of all things as he felt the density of the airs molocules rush around to the expanses of the area. Alex would breath in slowly at first.

Alex wanted nothing more but to feel powerful towards the defenseless beings. He needed skills of unrivaled ones as he would focus the air with his chakra surging it into the air as he would feel the air around him as he would then feel empowered to then test the air of the mist. If it was stationary then he would be pleased to then not worry about wasting the time on this ability. He then performed the handseals to perform the needles of wind jutsu as they would arc forward like petels as the airs seemed to be pushed from them causing tiny wholes to show. Alex knew this wasn't how it was supposed to work so he would then cause the air to grow denser with his chakra as he walked off the water as he focused on the air once more listening and testing the mist.

He would perform the handseals again to perform the Air senbon jutsu to race through the air as it would then form nothing but unseen trails. Alex was proud to have this technique figured out as the rain began once more around him as he would then sit down to meditate while listening to the pelting of the rain as it hit the ground and his own self in the air around him. Alex focused his eternal energy and focused on his inner self and they would peal away from each other in his mind and begin to fight each other in his mind. He would perform many hand signs fluidly and frequintly as they energized his core and his self as the chakra surged through his body. It felt like fluid zaps and electricity as it just went on and on in his body filling it more and more.

It then shot out of him in an expansion. It would surge outward slowly but significantly as it spread slowly out to all the tips he could make it. It was for sure that it was mist as it thickly pasted itself around the area of his mind as he focused and it occured out side his body as well as in his mind though much slower in the realler world of the two. Alex focused his attention on were his other half once was. He would then rush forward through the mist while it still thickened as he pulled out one senbon needle and blindly seached for his foe that had popped out of him. He would fight his other half soon and knew if he could do that he had the technique down for the better self of his own. He would trail forward and rush and run not knowing where his other half was though his other half was programmed with sensory techniques.

His other half prowled the zone and perfectly knew how to manuever around for the silent perfect kill. Soon Alex was caught in the bear hug from behind by his other half that resembled true potential. Except this thing that caught him was sadly an earth golem that easily crumbled. Alex didn't even know that technique but did know that in this mind world anything was possible from his other half. Alex would break out of this hold and then look around scanning with focus for this oppisite of himself as he guesed the position and jumping upward and through the senbon down on the spot he hoped was the oppisite half yet it ended up to be just a small leaf. The senbon needle sticking through it perfectly as he would land close enough to pick it up once more for another use.

One thing stuck to his mind... He had to focus.

Last edited by Alex Uchiha on Thu Mar 17, 2011 6:55 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Kouri Ten'nou

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Vien, Alex Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vien, Alex   Vien, Alex EmptySat Mar 12, 2011 7:08 pm

No puppets for people who have a clan.
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Vien, Alex Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vien, Alex   Vien, Alex EmptyMon Mar 14, 2011 6:27 pm

Ok, I added in that my chara's mother sealed off his kekkei genkei and was killed by Alex two nights later. Can I now have puppets?
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Vien, Alex Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vien, Alex   Vien, Alex EmptyTue Mar 15, 2011 12:39 pm

No. A puppet must be used by a puppeteer. Look at Kankurou. He specialized in puppetry thus only having jutsu's relating to puppets. Note, puppetry also takes years to master thus, you are given a choice of either being an Uchiha or make your own puppetry clan/jutsu.
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Female Posts : 32
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Vien, Alex Left_bar_bleue140/140Vien, Alex Empty_bar_bleue  (140/140)

Vien, Alex Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vien, Alex   Vien, Alex EmptyTue Mar 15, 2011 2:42 pm

So what you are saying is that Puppetearing must be my top specialty. I also planned on making my own selection of puppetry jutsu due to the fact that my chara's Kekkei genkei was sealed off and can not be used (much like Kallen Shey sealing off her kaguya kekkei genkei) and in which I also had the person who sealed it die (mentioned in the history) Thus also I mentioned how Alex loved puppets and started off at a young age to start learning how to use them.
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Male Posts : 297
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Vien, Alex Left_bar_bleue360/360Vien, Alex Empty_bar_bleue  (360/360)

Vien, Alex Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vien, Alex   Vien, Alex EmptyWed Mar 16, 2011 8:59 pm

Yes, puppetry has to be a top specialty, and you may just have to edit your application, and take uchiha out of the picture. Make your character just a puppeteer, instead of having uchiha qualities. So, if you still want to be a puppeteer, cool. If not, take that out and become an uchiha
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Female Posts : 32
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Vien, Alex Left_bar_bleue140/140Vien, Alex Empty_bar_bleue  (140/140)

Vien, Alex Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vien, Alex   Vien, Alex EmptyThu Mar 17, 2011 5:39 pm

Ok I have taken all the Uchiha out and left bhind the puppetear. Also I have made it so that puppeteer is the specialty.
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Vien, Alex Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vien, Alex   Vien, Alex EmptyThu Mar 17, 2011 6:49 pm

If your father was dead, how could he yell out your name at the genin exams?
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Vien, Alex Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vien, Alex   Vien, Alex EmptyThu Mar 17, 2011 6:50 pm

The genin exams were before the family died
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Vien, Alex Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vien, Alex   Vien, Alex EmptyThu Mar 17, 2011 6:57 pm

Vien, Alex Grimmyapprovalstamp1
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Vien, Alex Empty
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