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The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
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 Shichiyou, Toshiro

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Cloud Strife
Cloud Strife
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Character sheet
Shichiyou, Toshiro Left_bar_bleue225/225Shichiyou, Toshiro Empty_bar_bleue  (225/225)

Shichiyou, Toshiro Empty
PostSubject: Shichiyou, Toshiro   Shichiyou, Toshiro EmptyFri Apr 06, 2012 4:47 am

Shichiyou, Toshiro 466px-ToshiroHitsugaya

Shichiyou, Toshiro Whoare14

First Name: Toshiro
Last Name: Shichiyou
Alias: "The Ice Dragon"

Gender: male
Age: 13
Height: 133 cm (4'4")133 cm (4'4")
Weight: 28 kg (62 lbs)
Birthday: Feburary 14
Sexuality: straight
Relationships: none

Affiliation: Hyougagakure
Rank: Jounin
Element: Ice, wind, and water
Specialization: Ninjutsu, Medical Ninjutsu, and Kenjutsu

Shichiyou, Toshiro Tellme11

Toshiro usually refers to others with the noble honorific of "-dono" He carries himself with an air of amicable temperance, politely conversing with the people he encounters and freely giving his meager services to those who need a hand. Toshrio doesn't hesitate to put himself in the path of harm to shield those around him and often attempts to diffuse contentious situations with soft, calming words and a somewhat clownish personality involving feigned clumsiness and his trademark interjection "oro" These traits lead those unfamiliar with Toshiro to view him as ineffectual or easily exploitable, but more perceptive people become aware in short order that his gift for placatory eloquence and veiled redirection of disagreeable situations suggest a deep wisdom belied by his youthful, unassuming visage.

Though as polite as he is certain actions like when other shinobi belittle him for being so young he'll personality will change from polite to that of a little kid. He'll start shouting or make smart-ass remarks back to whoever makes fun of him. His childish act will even occur in a heated battle when his opponent questions whether he is truly a Jonin or not. This will lead to Toshiro to make careless mistakes and drop his guard for a few short brief seconds. Though most of the time it's just harmless playing around as some shinobi around the village call him shrimp or midget which always leads Toshiro to kick their ass. Often ridiculed for his small stature Toshiro is constantly trying to prove that even how young he is he can hold his own.

Still as polite and childish as he is when a battle starts to get intense Toshiro will become incredibly flippant, mouthing off to even the most powerful of enemies, and will tend to rub them the wrong way on purpose. During an intense fight Toshiro rarely shows any seriousness. He can be serious when the situation calls for it, but he still maintains a fairly laid-back demeanor during such situations and is never without a witty taunt or comeback. He can seem at times to be uncaring or even callous, to those around them but always reassures them that they'll all come out of the situation alive.

1.Strawberry Ice Cream-Toshiro has developed a particular fondness to a desert known as Ice cream particularly Strawberry flavored Ice cream. Whenever he gets the chance Toshiro will head to the desert shop and order ice cream which is everyday. Toshiro constantly is stating that it's the perfect dish for any day of of week. People close to him know of his love for strawberry ice cream and will often use it to bribe him.

2. Cooking- Toshiro has become sort of chef and whenever he gets the chance he'll cook all sorts of pastries and meals. When Toshiro discovered he had a passion for cooking he decided that he was going to open up ice cream/ pastry shop in a village. Though this would happen once he retired from being a ninja.

3. Books- In order to overcome his fear of being useless and being wrong Toshiro will read educational books such as medical text and scrolls to help further his knowledge. At night though these books are no where to be seen as he ready smut books often with women in barely any clothing. He tends to hide these books in his room and read them on his own time fearing all the jokes that the other jonin would make about him if they found out what he truly read.

4. Women- Toshiro is at that point in his life where he is starting to notice women for their features. At times he can be caught starring at a women's chest or butt. When caught his face will turn dark red and he'll stumble with his words trying to make an excuse up. Even though he knows all about the women body from his medical training Toshiro can't help but ask questions about it.


1. Annoyance- Toshiro can't stand annoying people. He can't stand when people constantly hound him to do something or keep badgering about a subject. The thought of an annoying person makes Toshiro want to punch someone or use his medical knowledge to put the person to sleep for a while. He hasn't yet done it but the though of doing that always remains in the back of his mind.

2. depressing personalities- Toshiro hates when people constantly feel sorry for them-selves. Depressing people bother Toshiro more than annoying people. The moment someone starts to doubt their-selves a loud; he won't hesitate to tell people to shut up. He believes that if someone can suffer then they can be happy.

3. Gambling- he has extremely bad luck with gambling, and loses at any game. His gambling habit started when he became a jounin. He uses it as a way to escape reality and the pressure he faces from his clan leader, even though he's only 13 Toshiro knows if he just throws a little money to the owner they'll look the other way while he gambles. Toshiro also gambles because the sense to win it all or lose it all is like life or death in a fight.

1. Eliminating the unknown clan- Toshiros main goal is stopping this unknown from attacking Hyougagakure. Though he's not sure how since he doesn't know who he can trust in the village. He can at times seem hell bent on this due to the fact that they killed his parents and mocked them for their weakness

2. Becoming stronger- To accomplish his main goal Toshiro is striving to become more powerful than the leader of the fake clan. This means that he is striving to create powerful jutsu not only for fighting but also for medical purposes.

3. starting a special shinobi group- Toshiro doesn't plan on stopping the fake Hattori clan alone though. Toshiro is looking to assemble of squad of ninjas to help him aid his fight against the unknown clan, but it's going to prove difficult since he can't ask help from ninja in Hyougagakure because he doesn't know who he can trust in the village at this point.

4. Happy Life-Not all off Toshiros goals are blood and guts. Once he eliminates the entire unknown clan he plans on finding a women to marry and open up a pastry/ ice cream shop with her and start a family with her. One he accomplishes that he plans to start working his way to become known as the greatest Medical Ninja the world has known.

1. helplessness- Toshiro has the fear of not doing enough to help his patients especially when he knows they are going to die. The sense of feeling helpless shakes Lucario to the very core since he feels as a medical ninja that he should be able to save all his patients but in reality he knows he can't.

2. being wrong- Toshiro also has the fear of being wrong. This fear developed due to the fact since he's a medical ninja if he is wrong about something it could lead to the death of someone. Due to this fear it pushes Toshiro to become more knowledgeable in all areas.

3. Not accomplishing enough- Toshiro has the fear that when he dies he will not have accomplished enough in his life time. He constantly states that it's not dying that he fears it's not doing enough with his life. It is this fear that keeps pushing Toshiro to become a better shinobi but most importantly a medical ninja.

Shichiyou, Toshiro Blood10


Bloodline Name: Hyoutsuki 'Frozen Moon'.

Bloodline Ability: This unique bloodline is the ability to create ice on the whim and to travel through it. They can also perform jutsu only using one hand.
Location: Hyougagakure

Clan History: Generations before the rise of Hyougakure, the Shichiyou was ruled by a man, Shichiyou Tenzou with an aptitude amount of knowledge of how water worked. He developed various skills and techniques that involved ice and all aspects of it. He was famous in his power and capabilities for the area was covered by a frozen tundra. He started to built a shinobi village in the Blizzard Country to create place that provided security against enemies. It was going to be a long long road. Unfortunately, he passed away before he could finish his life's goal.

Luckily, he had a son that continued his legacy. There isn't much information about this. Just that he signed a pact with a demon to gain more power, to increase the speed of his work. There was a certain price though. The demon's power shall run forever through the main family's first son of each generation, giving them red eyes. And the demon would be able to use their body's sometimes causing them to have a split personality disorder.

This man gave birth to three children. Three boys. And indeed the first son had red eyes while the other two had regular blue eyes. These three men eventually finished their grandfather's work. They founded Hyougakure together. All the residents of the local villages moved to Hyougakure. It was a beautiful and amazing place, just like a fairy tale. An enormous village that provided security to everyone.

The three created Shichiyou's Monarch which is Hyougakure's outer wall, the city's thickest layer of protection. The wall was huge. Easily a hundred meters tall and perhaps fifteen meters thick. The wall encircled all of Hyougagakure. It is considered indestructible and is commonly drawn on maps as a terrain feature. It has never been breached. The council mandated that soldiers and sentries would be placed on the wall at all times, with many of them even living in built-in homes inside the wall.

A couple of years later one of the branch family leaders died during the war with Kazangakure. He was leading the a small shinobi squad, nothing more. Kazangakure wasn't a match since they couldn't handle the cold. Heavy winter blizzards constantly pelt the tundra, and unstable ice sheets often gave way under the slightest pressure. The man died with a smile on his face as he crushed several platoons at once saying "You never managed to enter our village." The two remaining brothers were saddened by this tragedy. Shichiyou was left with a main family and a branch family.

Decades later the Shichiyou clan was increased in numbers. The amount of the main family could be counted on one hand. The amount of the branch family was a bit bigger. The main family lives in a palace and are referred to as the royal family of Hyouga.

Shichiyou, Toshiro Histor11

A babies cry echoed around the small house as a proud mother had just finished giving birth. Her eyes wear watery and her face dark red from the struggle of giving birth.She held her new born son in her hands for the first time. She looked up to see if her husband was there; she glanced at all the faces from the doctors to her best friend but none of their faces were the one she wanted to see. She was hoping that her husband would be there but deep down she knew that it wasn’t possible because her husband was on duty keeping peace around the land. The mother glanced back down at her child wondering what she would name him.

Many names bounced around her head from Snow to Kenshin. She had even thought about naming her child after her husband but she decided that Tenchi wasn’t a name that would suit her child. Over the next several days she pondered on what to name her child. She hadn’t really thought about because she planned on talking it over with her husband.Finally on the fourth day after that baby's birth a name came to here that sounded more than perfect. She had decided to name her child Toshiro Shichiyou. She hoped that with that name he’d grow up to be a strong charismatic, happy man just like her husband. She walked over to the Toshiro crib picking him up holding her in her hand.

“Toshiro Shichiyou.. do you like that name?”

He seemed to giggle at that name as he liked that. She held her child close when the door to the house opened. It’s hinges creaked as it opened and closed. The mother went out of her room still carrying her child to see someone she wasn’t expecting. It was her husband Tenchi Shichiyou. Tenchi stood there wearing the shinobi uniform stunned as what his wife was holding. At first glance he thought it was a big pink pudgy ball but he quickly came to realize it was his new born son.

“Amelia why didn’t you send word that our son was born?” he asked.

“You were away on a mission and I didn’t want to bother you.” she replied.

Tenchi walked over reaching out for his child and held him. The sense of being a father over whelmed him as a tear managed to make its way out. The Shichiyou family was finally reunited. Once word had finally spread through out Shichiyou clan. Tenchi had decided to take the new born baby Shichiyou the royal family just to let them know that his child would protect them much like how Tenchi and Amelia had. Even though Tenchi and Amelia were from the branch family they had made great friends with the royal family and were always welcomed guests.

It was here that Toshiros destiny would be set in motion. When Tenchi arrived he was welcomed with open arms because Tenchi and Amelia had undying loyalty to the royal family. Tenchi and Amelia always protected the family and on more that one occasion were willing to put their lives on the line. Tenchi approached Tenzou the clan leader at the time asking him one huge favor. Tenchi had a fear that if Amelia and him were to die in the line of duty that Toshrio wouldn't have anyone to take care of him so he asked Tenzou that if both he and Amelia were to die would he adopt Toshiro into his family. Tenzou nodded in agreement for the sole fact that Tenchi and Amelia had fought along side him countless times and he knew them to be caring people.

It was good that Tenzou agreed because the next mission Tenchi and Amelia went on was going to be their last. Their mission was to escort a royal convoy from the village to Shippuugakure. Everything was gong smoothly and the royal convoy had arrived at Shippuugakure with no problem. That was until the convoy headed back to the village. On the way back they convoy was attacked by an unknown group of shinobi. Tenchi and Amelia quickly went into action fighting of the shinobi telling the royal convoy to make a run for it. Knowing they would get far without protection Tenchi pushed Amelia onto the convoy telling her to protect them and take care of Toshiro when they arrived at the village. Amelia told him to stop being an idiot and that she wasn't going to leave him. Tenchi shook his head saying that the mission needed to come first and that they needed to split up. Amelia again rejected the notion of leaving Tenchi but Tenchi yelled at the convoy leader to get going. The convoy began to go forward and Tenchi stayed behind holding of the ninjas.

Amelia kicked and screamed as she tried to get out of the convoy to go help her husband, but she was held back by the other shinobi. The convoy traveled as fast as it could heading back to the blizzard country but again it was cut off by the unknown group of shinobi meaning that Tenchi had died. Ameilia was enraged at the thought of her husband dead and quickly jumped into action. One by one just like the attack before the shinobi protecting the convoy were falling one by one and Amelia yelled at the convoy to get going. The convoy again began to move forward and Amelia was left behind like her husband before her. Finally the royal convoy finally arrived at Hyougagakure.

When word spread about the attack on the convoy people assumed it was one of the village most likely Shippuugakure since they were the only ones that knew of the convoy. Tenzou as he promised adopted Toshiro into his family and now Toshiro was part of the Royal family even though the branch families blood ran through his veins. Now Toshiros fate would begin.

Academy Arc-
Growing up Toshiro was often regarded as a genius by his teachers and classmates. He was constantly surpassing the standards that people had set out for him. In the academy he was able to master all the basic jutsus with very little practice. Still he felt like it wasn't good enough, his academy life and personal life were great.

Even though his life with the royal was good overall but there were some bumps in his life. First even though he was adopted Tenzou treated Toshiro like one his own, making him participate in training with the other children. This caused some conflict with between Toshiro and some of the other children. Some of them accepted him with open arms while other avoided him completely, which was good because this created a bit of a rivalry between Toshiro and them. This rivalry fueled Toshiros ambition to become stronger so that way the entire royal family would accept him.

During their training the children who avoided Toshiro expected him to fail and not be able to keep up with them. They said that due to the fact that he was a branch family member his power was always going to be weaker than theirs. With that in mind they didn't see him as much as sparing partner but Toshiro quickly proved that he was able to keep up with them and their training. Not only was he able to keep up with them but in some cases he even surpassed them most notably in kenjutsu. During the training sessions Toshiro was always the last one to leave as he kept trying to push him-self. All his hard word payed off because by the age of 7 Toshiro graduated from the academy.

Chunnin Arc-

Toshiros didn't stay a genin for long as one became a genin six months later on his birthday at the age 8 had passed the Chunin exams. Over the year he had focused on mastering his Kekkei Genkei. His skill had improved over time but what happened next would show him that he still had become more powerful.

It was a calm night and it was a standard recon mission Toshiro and his squad were sent into a fortress to find out what some rebels were planning. Everything was going smoothly until one of the guards spotted them. It wasn’t because they weren’t careful or anything it was just one of this things that fate had played its hand in. The alarms were going off as the the whole fort went into defense trying to find the intruders. The team quickly abandoned the mission and were retreating.

Though one by one each team member were slain one by one. Five shinobi had started the mission but now only two remained. It was Toshiro and another shinobi by the name of Katsumi. Explosions were going off all around them the the guards of the fortress threw hand bombs and firing arrows. Toshiro turned around putting his hands together forming three quick hand signs making a wall of ice rise up blocking the whole hall. By the time the explosions had settled and silence had over taken the fortress Toshiro and Katsumi were long gone. Toshiro sighed at how the mission had failed but then heard something. Toshiro looked over to see Katsumi laying on the floor.

Toshiro ran over noticing the large chunk of muscle missing from Katsumis back. The spine could be seen clearly and Toshiro just starred. There wasn't anything that he could since their medical ninja had died into the fortress but then something came to Toshiros mind. Maybe he could use his ice jutsu to stop the wound from bleed and getting infected. Though he wasn't sure if it would buy him enough time to carry Katsumi back to the village. Toshiro put his hands together again forming the same three hand signs he did earlier and put his hands on Katsumi wound. Quickly the wound began to be filled with ice and before long the entire wound was covered. Toshiro picked up Katsumi carrying him on his back. He sprinted forward moving as fast he could back to Hyougagakure.

He was stopped by a man covered in bandages from head to toe and he wore a purple kimono. Toshiro looked at the man knowing that he wasn't going to let him through so he decided that he'd engage in the fight. Toshiro put katsumi down and unsheathe his sword. Toshiro charaged at the man slashing downward. The man easily blocked his sword with a kunai knife. Toshiro then began to slash over and over and the man just simply kept deflecting his attacks like they were nothing till finally. The man just caught the blade with his bare hands. He spoke aloud saying that Toshiro was weak and this was a joke of a fight. Toshiro pushed with his all his might on the swords hilt to cut the man but to no avail. The man smiled and broke the sword in half then impaled Toshiro in the stomach. Toshiros eyes widened as he fell over grabbing the blade that impaled him. The man gave a chuckle saying that he wasn't going to kill him since he was so weak. The man vanished and Toshiro closed his eyes in pain. He grabbed the swords sheathe and bit down on it as he pulled out the blade. He quickly covered his wound in ice limping to Katsumi and picked her up heading back to village once again.

By the time Toshiro arrived back at Hyougagakure it had been a whole two days. The medical ninja quickly took both Toshiro and Kastsumi the Hospital. Toshiro laid in the hospital unconscious. He awoke several days later with the doctors saying that the wound wasn't going to leave a scar but Toshiro didn't care. He asked about Katsumi and they told there that she had died long ago before he had arrived at the village. Toshiro was shocked to find out that she died before he had even arrived at the village. The medical ninja told Toshiro that he should get so down about it that he still had the village to protect.

Toshiro shook his head saying that he couldn't even save one person so how was he going to everyone else. Toshiro unsheath his broken sword which was like a symbol of how his spirit was. Even though he was suppose to be strong he still let his whole time died. Toshiro went to the roof and sat down in the snow with tears falling from his eyes. He tossed the broken sword to the side burying his head into his lap. He sat there the entire night in utter depression about he was a failure. He was so lost in his mind that he didn't even notice that someone had walked past him and taken the broken sword away. Toshiro finally got up leaving the hospital and headed home where he stayed locked up in his room for a week.

Over the week people tried to get him to eat and go into his room but Toshiro just laid there. Finally a girl by the name of Sakura Shichiyou just entered into his room holding something wrapped in a cyan cloth. She told Toshiro to stop feeling sorry over the people who died. Toshiro just looked at her but she could tell that he wasn't really listening. She sat down next to him and went on to say that him being all depressed was an insult to their father Tenzou who raised him. Toshiro looked up at her some emotion coming back into his eyes. She went on to say that there were going to be missions like that and that he needed to accept it. She told him that people were going to die in the line of battle like his real parents did and to sulk around was to insult them. Instead of feeling bad he should keep becoming stronger so that he can protect everyone around him. She stood up putting the gift on the bed walking to the door. She stopped and looked over her shoulders saying when people die protecting someone that person they died to protect become their legacy. Sakura left and Toshiro closed his eyes nodding.

It was here that he promised not to be depressed ever again and live his life to the fullest. He took the cloth off the gift to see that it was a brand new sword. This was almost to perfect because his spirit had been fixed and the sword represented it. Toshiro stood up smiling and knew what he wanted to do now.

Toshiro decided that he would become a medical ninja to make a bigger impact. So the next day Toshiro approached the kage and asked to be pulled from active duty. When the Kage asked why Toshiro replied that he was going to become a medical ninja and that he needed to focus on that instead of missions. So Toshiro was pulled off active duty and soon began his medical training.

In one years time Toshiro had completed his medical training. The reason for this was because during the entire year Toshiro would spend his day reading texts, be in class or practice his medical techniques. Every day he would on sleep between 3-4 hours and then be back to training in the medical ways. Once he had completed his medical training Toshiro was assigned to work in the Hospital. Though he only worked there for six months it would have been shorter but Toshiro was using this time to refreshing his fighting skills. Once he felt he was back on top of his game he asked the Kage to be put in the field once again this as a medical ninja.

Special Jounin Arc-
Toshiro at the age 10 had become a medical ninja and he had been promoted to Special Jonin since his medical ninjutsu was starting to surpass that of even doctors. He had developed the title of "The Ice Healer" around the village, and he said to be a prodigy in the medical field, but the title never stuck and faded with time. The next big mission Toshiro would be sent on would be a life change. Due to being an excellent medical ninja Toshiro was sent in after a squad of shinobi that vanished during their mission. This was going to be a standard rescue operation so Toshiro was paired up with two other shinobi.

Quickly the squad moved out to the last known location of the missing ninja. When they arrived there they saw crystals everywhere. The team quickly spread out to look for any clues to see what happened. As Toshiro searched he saw someone on the ground laying in a puddle of blood. Toshiro quickly approached the man realizing that it was on of missing ninja. Toshiro examined the mans body to notice that his back had been broken in three different place making it impossible for the man to use jutsu or even move.

Toshiro quickly began to heal the man. The man began to speak asking who it was that was trying to heal him. Toshiro stated his name and the man smiled saying that it was good to have a Shichiyou there. Toshiro asked why. The man coughed up blood and spoke again saying that everything he needed to know was in the scroll in his left pocket. Toshiro pulled out the scroll asking the man what it was. The man just kept saying everything is in the scroll over and over. Toshiro put down the scroll and began to heal the mans wounds again but the man shouted for Toshiro to stop. Almost instantly Toshiro stopped but wondered why. The man went on to say that he was dead either way. The mission was guaranteed death from the start the man stated.

The man asked Toshiro to kill him because he didn't want to live like a vegetable. Toshiro looked at the man taking a deep breath nodding. The only reason Toshiro agreed to it so quickly was because the man was paralyzed from the neck down. That was no way for a shinobi to live in Toshiros eyes. Toshiro put his hands over the mans nose and mouth prevent air from entering his lounges. Several minutes later the mans eyes widened as he tried to breath but it was useless. The life in the mans eyes slowly began to fade till he finally died. Toshiro made a fist wanting to yell but he had to control him-self since if he did scream then he could give away his position.

Toshiro reached down grabbing the scroll and opened it up reading what was on it. His eyes widened as he kept reading then he looked around. There was apparently a clan hiding out in the tundra that was going to try and destry the village and they had all ready infiltrated the village. Toshiro quickly rolled up the scroll and tucked it away looking around. Then the reason the shinobis had gone missing was because this unknown clan had killed them for finding out to much. He stood up signaling for the other shinobi in his group to come to his position. When they arrived they asked what was the emergency. Toshiro started to explain everything about how this unknown clan was building up forces and going to try and destroy the village once they had enough people inside the village to launch an attack on both fronts.

Toshiro and the two other shinobi quickly headed back to the village to warn the Kage but something happened that Toshiro wasn't counting on. The two other shinobi in his group were actually part of this clan. They had posed as regular ninja of the village so that if Toshiro did find out the truth on this mission they were to put a plan into motion. One ninja moved up and was asking Toshrio a series of questions to distract him. Then suddenly the other ninja appeared behind Toshiro and stabbed him with a shot in the neck. The ninja injected Toshiro with a sleeping drug and it was potent since it quickly kicked in as Toshiro fell over unconscious.

When Toshiro awoke he was in a pool of blood but it wasn't his own blood. He looked around and he saw the dead bodies of Jonin, Chunin and Genin all around him. Toshrio heard the defense sirens going off . Toshiro heard the shinobi hunting him saying that he attempted to kill the Kage and that he had massacred 50 member of his own clan and several other Hyougagakure villagers Toshiro realized that he was holding something. Toshiro looked down to see it was kunai knife covered in blood. He discarded the knife knowing that he had been set up by this unknown clan and he would have to flee the village now. As he fled the village Toshiro vowed that he'd come back and stop this clan.

Toshiro awoke again this time he was strapped to a chair and saw a man in a white cloak and Toshiro just assumed him to be the elder of this unknown Clan sitting across from him. Toshiro gave the Elder the death stare realizing everything he just saw was a genjutsu. Toshiro asked why he showed him this and the Elder responded by saying that that's going to be what happens to Toshiro if he should let out any word out of the attack that was going to happen on the village. The elder went on to say that he looked much like his parents who they killed several years earlier. Toshiro started to laugh and told the elder he was an idiot The elder asked why. Toshiro smirked and responded this is why. Toshiro leaned forward standing on his two feet. It seemed that the shinobi that tied him up forgot to tie up his feet which meant he had caught them off guard.

Toshiro pushed him-self back ramming into one of the shinobi then spun around hitting another ninja. Still tied down at the wrists Toshiro threw him-self against the wall and the chair shattered from the force. When He gave a smirk and began to run to escape from his captors. As he ran the ninja pursued him but stopped when the elder told them to let him go. The elder commented that Toshiro would return to them eventually.

When Toshiro finally arrived at the village he told the Kage exactly what happened and requested that he'd be allowed to mount an attack on the fortress of the of the clan but the Kage told Toshiro that they couldn't spare the ninjas at the moment. Toshiro took a deep breath and told the Kage that he'd do the mission alone then. The kage rejected saying that going on a suicide mission would pointless. Toshiro shook his head saying that he'd come back. The kage again rejected Toshiros notion but then Toshiro just starred into the kages eyes and right then and there. The kage knew that either way Toshiro was going to go on the mission so the kage just agreed.

Toshiro smiled and set out the same day to the fortress. Finally after Toshiro arrived there were only a handful of shinobi left. He quickly dispatched them and cleared the fort in a matter of hours. It seemed that the elder of the other clan members had moved out not to long ago. Once Toshiro secured the the fort he returned to the village and from there on out he was sent on A rank missions by him-self and on some occasions S rank missions. So finally the kage just promoted him to Jounin rank at the age of 12

It's been a whole year since Toshiro had discovered the existence of the this unknown Clan intention and been promoted to Jounin rank. Though Toshiro is Still trying to become more powerful and focuses on eliminating this unknown clan. It has now become sort of a personal battle since this clan had captured him, threatened his village, were supposedly the ones who killed his parents. With that in mind Toshiro has the intent to wipe them from the face of the earth. Over the past year Toshiro developed the nickname "The Ice Dragon" from the sole fact of his signature technique.

RP Sample:
It was another typical morning in Hyougagakure. The night before there had a been a snow storm which laid freshly new soft snow over the village. The village almost seemed as if there was no signs of life with no tracks in the snow. The sun began to rise into the sky illuminating the snow village and the snow reflected the suns light causing a bright glare

Toshiro woke up with the suns light hitting against his eyelids. He opened his eyes then quickly closed them from the blinding light. Toshiro rolled over putting his face into his pillow. He laid there for a few minutes till he finally sat up on his bed. His hands moved up to his eyes rubbing the crust off while letting out a loud yawn. Toshiro shook his head not really wanting to get up. He slowly stood up walking to the bathroom. Along the way he undid his pajamas so by the time he got to the bathroom he could just do his business.

Once he finished his business Toshiro didn't bother doing his pants back up. He just took of his pajamas completely and walked back into his room. He looked to the end of his bed starring at the top of his desk. In order from top to bottom was his white under shirt and black shorts that he wore underneath his daily clothing. Followed his white obi sash and his usual black Shihakusho (kimono) and underneath his sleeveless white Haori with the Shichiyou clan symbol on the back. He quickly slipped on his clothing and ran his right hand through his white hair spiking it up. Toshiro sat down on the chair as his desk slipping on his knee high socks followed by his sandals. "Well time to start my day." he thought. Toshiro stood up shifting his turquoise eyes to the katana that rested against the wall next to the door.

Toshiro walked forward grabbing the sword and slid the sash around his body so that the handle of the blade stuck out past his left shoulder. He moved his right hand to the door knob turning it. There was a loud click and he pushed the door open. When the door opened the cold air from outside blew against his face. To people who didn't live here it would have been freezing but to the people who lived here it was just the perfect temperature. He looked the door behind him and headed down the street to the standby station. Toshiro looked around to see the shops opening up and people waving to him. Naturally he waved back making small talk with the shop owners not wanting to go to work.

Toshiro then got a childish thought through his mind and it brought a smile to his face. He jumped up the the side of a building then pushed him-self off the wall and landed on the roof of another building. When he landed on the roof he walked to where no one could see him then fell backwards landing with a thud. He closed his eyes moving his arms up and and down and his legs from side to side making a snow angle in the new fresh snow. It had been years since he had done and it felt kind of nice to act like a kid. "Snow angles... have to be one of the funnest things to make." he said allowed. When Toshiro finished making his snow angle h e just laid there starring into the blue sky.
Shichiyou, Toshiro Extra10

Source: google

Face Claim: Toshiro Hitsuguya from Bleach

Shichiyou, Toshiro Accept10

Last edited by Toshiro Hattori on Wed Apr 11, 2012 4:02 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Shichiyou, Toshiro   Shichiyou, Toshiro EmptyFri Apr 13, 2012 11:30 am

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