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The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
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 Kimiko Kinzoku

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Kimiko Kinzoku
Kimiko Kinzoku
Female Posts : 7
Ryo : 1100

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Kimiko Kinzoku Empty
PostSubject: Kimiko Kinzoku   Kimiko Kinzoku EmptySat Jul 23, 2011 10:56 pm

Kimiko Kinzoku GothicAnimeGirl

Ninja Application


First Name: Kimiko
Last Name: Kinzuko
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 124
Birthday: October 1
Sexuality: Bi
Relationships: None
Affiliation: Storm Village
Rank: Genin
Element: Lightning, Fire, Earth
Specialization: Puppet Mastery, Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu

Personal v2

Personality: Kimiko is a bit too playful despite a somewhat tragic past few years. She is the kind of person to always be looking for a game, all things are a game, including combat. At least to her, she holds back a lot while playing games, generally not using her powers unless she finds it absolutely necessary. While being a master of puppetry, and an avid user of swordplay, she isn't very serious, and usually toys with her opponents before even letting them think she's done with them.

Being a fun-lover, when she finds a game she wants to play, she'll play it. She is extremely childish, usually even treating them as equals or like toys. She has this aura of comic relief when trying to play a game, usually completing feats thought impossible, such as climbing that one tree... in the time it takes one to explain how impossible it is to climb. Aside from this, she often does other child-like things, chewing on stuff, bouncing. When she's serious, rare as it may be, it is a truly scary thing. Serious, she is the definition of serious, nothing can distract her, sometimes, nothing can stop her, games are stopped, and her full power is unleashed.

Dancing~ Kimiko, being childish, has two main things on her list of things to do. The first of these two, is dancing, mainly because she and others find her to have a good sense of rhythm. She enjoys dancing because it is fun, she's good at it, and more so, it is like a game she can play with herself. She can't lose!

Fighting~ Fighting, to her, is a game. She finds herself to be very good at it, and because she is good at it she has very good reasoning for all bad things that could happen because of it. If she kills the opponent, they were worse at playing than her. If she is killed, she was worse at playing than the opponent. This is all that she really thinks can go wrong really.

Any kind of game~ Second on her list of two main things to do, is playing games. This is a very wide variety of things, stretching over an endless sea of types. She finds herself to be something of a Jill-of-all-Trades for games. She is good at strategy games, dice games, strategic dice games, actual playing games (like hide and seek, or red rover), and full contact games (like fighting and rugby).

Candy~ Ah yes, the child's dream is a land made of this stuff. One of the things that she absolutely loves is candy. Any kind of candy, she doesn't differentiate. As long as it has sugar and tooth-decaying goodness, she loves that candy. Of course to avoid the tooth decay, and have normal-looking teeth, she has great dental hygiene.

Making friends~ This one is a little hard for her, mainly because she takes playing games and a lackadaisical attitude to an extreme. She is a loyal friend, and doesn't betray unless someone she knows she cannot deny orders it, or she is betrayed. A little sad fact, a lot of her friends ended up being worse at playing combat with her though. Just about all the ones she had. She learned her lesson for the most part.

Playing with her puppets~ Puppets are like friends who are as good at any game as you want them to be, they are very flexible in combat, and she knows a variety of strategies with them, and against them. The strange part is that the puppets always seem to know what strategy she is planning against their strategy. Games of combat with puppets, her own or otherwise, are her favorite kind of games, as they last quite a while. The only downside to a game of combat with puppets, is that she misses the bloodshed, puppets don't bleed.

Fighting with friends~ As said while describing why she likes making friends and why it is still difficult, she learned her lesson. After killing most of her friends in fun little games of combat, she found herself with a strange lack of friends. She is quite sad that this happened, and for that reason, she stopped playing combat with friends, unless specifically challenges.

Mean people~ Well, she is childish, so this would actually be her way of describing 'assholes' and 'douche-bags' and most things in between. Anyone who is constantly angry at something, or scolds her for the reason that she needs to 'act her age' is not a well liked kind of person. She does enjoy, however, playing a little game with these kind of people. Usually something simple, like chess, because meanies like them don't deserve a fun game of combat.

Trees~ They are big, wooden, and worst of all, don't move. She really doesn't like them, mainly because they are for people who are cheaters in her games of combat. People hide behind them, and throw items like little cheaters! People who use trees for cover (or anything) are considered not only worse at combat than Kimiko, but killjoys who make her feel like she should just stop playing combat for a while.

Reading~ What child enjoys reading. They say that books can take you to many places, different universes, times, and dimensions within those even! All of this in words? Kimiko does NOT see this, and as such thinks that real life is way cooler than those little blocks of paper, which come from those stupid trees!

Wasting time~ In her opinion, at any time that she isn't actually doing anything she considers it wasting time. Wasting time is boring, which she fears and as such she is spending as much time as possible doing something at least. Other things that fall under this category are oversleeping, and traveling alone. Sure traveling is cool and all, but the journey itself is pretty dull without someone to talk with at least, pretty wasteful without someone to talk to as well.

Anything wood~ One little thing that all members of her clan may as well not be able to stand, is wood. It is sharpen-able to the point of being able to cut, it leaves splinters, it comes from trees, and worst of all she cannot manipulate it with her clan abilities! What good is being able to manipulate metals if that wood isn't metal, it is so weak, and yet, she actually has to fight against it!

Motivation: Fun~ Kimiko is in it for the fun of it. If she was in it for anything else, it isn't fun anymore, and she loves to have fun. She plays her games for fun, whether it be chess or real ninja combat. If she were to retire she would want a fun retirement! Some things to note about her, is that she has a horrible case of sadism, meaning that people crying and squirming under her boot while they bleed a ridiculous amount of blood is also considered fun. If fun stopped happening as a ninja, she would stop being a ninja.

Fears: Boredom~ Kimiko, having lost the majority of her life to the streets as a boring young crime boss, and only recently finding the will to live the childhood that she lost, boredom is the one thing that she simply does not want to feel. When she is bored, she will sometimes flash back to horrible times from her being raised in and by the streets. She isn't afraid of her past, but she was afraid of things like death and loss back then, and when she remembers them like flashbacks her mentality reverts to that time for the duration and becomes so scared, she is paralyzed. Of course it takes a good long while of being bored to make her remember her past, but she hates to stay bored for any longer than she needs to.

Clan Information

Clan name Kinzoku

Bloodline Name: Kinzoku Kogei

Bloodline Ability: Kinzoku kogei grants several abilities to select members of the clan. Firstly the only members of the clan able to use these abilities must first be of at least age fifteen and been pierce through the heart by a piece of steel without knowing that he is activating his powers, thus the secret of how the powers are activate are well kept from everyone and talking about it is a high crime like treason against the clan as a whole. Those who are lucky enough to gain access to the powers of his clan’s bloodline are granted the following powers.

~Steel Skin: Taijutsu used by people of their own rank are only half as effective, physical blows used by those at least two ranks below them are completely nullified. This however is not effective against weapons for an unknown reason.

~Metal Craft: Members are able to bend metal up to the strength of steel with ease; this is not a showing of strength however but instead a subconscious restructuring of the items molecular structure. This also allows them access to the metal nature of chakra.

~Lightning Rod: The bits of the anatomy which are extremely similar to metal granted by Kinzoku kogei grant a higher affinity for raiton jutsu. This allows them more power for jutsu of those elements so that the power of raiton techniques are treated like they were one rank higher as well as the ability to be struck by natural lightning and shove the energy into the ground where it is nullified (note: This ability is not able to nullify lightning chakra and is only able to be used by A-rank and higher clan members).

Location: Storm village

Clan History: Early on in the history of the ninja world the Kinzoku clan was a feared force among the ranks even before a village structure was established. The clan leader Hagane Kinzoku was a man of military mindset and craved a large amount of power, so when messengers from the land’s government came to him about combining all the local clan’s into one to create one of the first village’s similar to the one being put together in the far south, he agreed quickly since he knew that even his powerful clan would not stand a chance against multiple powerful families in an alliance. Along with a handful of other shinobi clans in the land the village of Boufuugakure was formed and Hagane’s lust for power increased even more to the point where he was willing to kill for it. Going against the wishes of his clan’s members Hagane pushed further and further toward village leadership and to overthrow the first village leader. In the end he snuck into the kage’s residence at night and instead of empty corridors and a sleeping ninja he was greeted with angry members of the Kinzoku clan.

Feeling betrayed Hagane fought his fellow clansmen brutally, killing nearly half of the clan before he was finally struck down by his own fifteen year old son with a steel spear through the skull. Since then the Kinzoku clan’s actions that day have been viewed as a great service to the village and as such have been looked at as trustworthy shinobi who will forever remain loyal to Boufuugakure.


History: Kimiko Kinzoku's mother died giving birth to her on October first, causing her to have to grow up only under the guidance of her father, who left her as well at the age of 5. Her father had died on a mission, causing Kimiko to have no real, solid knowledge of her clan, since she was thrown to the streets after the death of the only person she had left.

Her life on the streets was harsh, cold and unforgiving, causing her to grow up fast and her lack of wisdom had her falling in with the wrong crowd soon after she began living on her own. She eventually joined a gang called "Arashi Kira", where she advanced within the internal ranks of this secret underground gang quickly. Due to her ruthelessnes and her insatiable bloodthirst, the gang leader eventually decided she could be a problem, and sent out the order to kill her. This, unfortunately, made the young Kimiko angry.

When the gang members sent to kill her finally tracked her down they found her in the boss's quarters, playing with the poor man's severed head, splashing it around in the growing pool of blood she was in. This gruesome scene terrified the so-called cold, hard Arashi Kira members, and they accepted her soon as their leader. She had rose to power, controlling the undercity within 2 years, striking awe into most of the older gang members. Her age only served to make her a more frightening image, having killed and lived the life of a gang boss already.

Once she was bored with the "game" of gang life, she decided to join the ninja academy to spice things up a bit. She became very interested in the puppet master jutsu and showed great talent in the area almost as soon as she had joined the academy. Her life in the academy was full of mischief, and she was responsable for many rules being broken, even though she could never be linked to whatever it was she had done. Eventually at the age of 13, she decided to give up her life as a gang leader, forsaking crime to become a ninja. However, she never quite recovered from her time on the streets, and she pretended to be quiet and childish to make up for her lost childhood.

At the age of 15 she had gone out into a field to "play" with her puppet, practicing to get better at controlling it. Eventually she had the puppet begin to attack her, so that she could practice fending it off and dodging attacks, but as the puppet dashed towards her, kunai in hand, a butterfly floated into her periferal vision and she dropped her guard, looking at the butterfly happily just long enough for the kunai that the puppet was holding to pierce he skin, going deep and shoving itself inbetween two ribs, stabbing into her heart, thus awakening her bloodline limit. After recovering from this wound she began to learn how to use her new-found powers. She gradually became darker and colder until finally she began to love playing games with her victims, much like the one she had "played" with the gang leader she brutally murdered.

RP Sample: It was a hot day in the Storm village. I would be sitting in a field playing with my puppet, flicking my fingers in rhythm with my favorite song. I would be dancing the puppet around the clearing, cutting down flowers and slicing up trees. But as I expected, it was boring as usual. "If only I could find someone who wanted to play with me", I would say quietly in an annoyed voice. But no one would, they always complained that my games were too dangerous. "I mean so what if a few people die when I play, that just means she played better than them" I grumble, still annoyed due to the boredom and the dullness of other people. "Besides most games aren’t fun without some blood". My voice as I say this would quickly change from its previous annoyed-sounding state and begin to sound playful but very much insane, and at the thought of what I said, I would smile darkly and giggle in a strange, maniacal tone.

Source: How did you get here? Refered to by a friend

Last edited by Kimiko Kinzoku on Sun Jul 24, 2011 6:51 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Kimiko Kinzoku Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kimiko Kinzoku   Kimiko Kinzoku EmptySat Jul 23, 2011 11:39 pm

due to a new rule being enforced your history needs to be at least 400 words long; current word count: 186

Also even though its your first RP just add in a short little example of your current ability, we dont need anything super fancy for the rank you want but something will be nice.

Other than these things its all good to go

PS; w00t someone is finally joining my clan
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Kimiko Kinzoku
Kimiko Kinzoku
Female Posts : 7
Ryo : 1100

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Kimiko Kinzoku Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kimiko Kinzoku   Kimiko Kinzoku EmptySun Jul 24, 2011 1:43 am

i fixed the stuf :D
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Kimiko Kinzoku Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kimiko Kinzoku   Kimiko Kinzoku EmptySun Jul 24, 2011 1:58 am

Approved, welcome to the klan lol
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Kimiko Kinzoku Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kimiko Kinzoku   Kimiko Kinzoku EmptySun Jul 24, 2011 12:32 pm


Increase likes to a paragraph.

Increase dislikes to a paragraph.

Increase motivation to a paragraph.

Increase fears to a paragraph.

Use spaces when necessary > Height:5'7"

Use capitals when needed > Fears: kimiko is afraid of boredom

Divide your history into paragraphs.

Bump when it's fixed.
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Kimiko Kinzoku
Kimiko Kinzoku
Female Posts : 7
Ryo : 1100

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Kimiko Kinzoku Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kimiko Kinzoku   Kimiko Kinzoku EmptySun Jul 24, 2011 6:38 pm

Aaaaand done!
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Kimiko Kinzoku Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kimiko Kinzoku   Kimiko Kinzoku EmptySun Jul 24, 2011 6:44 pm

Divide your history into paragraphs and we're ready to go!
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Kimiko Kinzoku
Kimiko Kinzoku
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Kimiko Kinzoku Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kimiko Kinzoku   Kimiko Kinzoku EmptySun Jul 24, 2011 6:52 pm

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Kimiko Kinzoku Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kimiko Kinzoku   Kimiko Kinzoku EmptySun Jul 24, 2011 7:01 pm

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