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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Toshiki Kinzoku

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Toshiki Kinzoku Empty
PostSubject: Toshiki Kinzoku   Toshiki Kinzoku EmptySat Oct 01, 2011 5:56 am

Toshiki Kinzoku Tidus14

Toshiki Kinzoku Whoare14

First Name: Toshiki
Last Name: Kinzoku
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Height: 5"0
Weight: 120 IB
Birthday: May 23rd of
Sexuality: Strait
Relationships: single
Affiliation: Boufuugakure
Rank: Genin
Element: Raiton / Doton / Katon
Specialization: Fuuinjutsu / Ninjutsu / Kenjutu

Toshiki Kinzoku Tellme11

Personality: Toshiki is a loyalist to the Kinzoku clan and is willing to do almost anything to uphold his family's honor. If one were to question the character of a family member he would take it offensively unless it was clearly meant to be a joke. The only other thing that can be done to really piss him off is to make fun of his height, he is short for his age and accepts this but when people bring it up and shove it in his face he wont hesitate to lash out at them but is intelligent enough not to be violent and stupidly attack people with the ability to easily kill him off. His days of working as a blacksmith have made him into a hard worker if nothing else, he is accustomed to hard work and does not mind it in the slightest because he knows that the harder the job, the bigger the pay out.

His years as a black smith have taught him many things, a sword can be a deadly weapon and used for evil just as much as good however armor is a different story. Armor exists to protect others and be there in times of need so he wishes to become the armor of those he cares for.
With his clan heritage the kid has learned many uses for metallic substances and just how versital it is on every level so he sees it as superior to other materials
Toshiki is a risk taker that lives in the present and is always looking for his next thrill so charging into danger is a fun way to spend his days.
Considering he is a teenage boy this is rather self-explanatory. Girls, girls, girls all day every day. The hotter the better in his opinion and he can't wait to get a girlfriend of his own
His love of danger and taking risks often falls into a sub category involving his love(and addiction to) gambling. He however is not known for his luck so he gets into trouble over this from time to time.

Once more, Toshiki is rather short and does not care to be reminded of it so the people who do just that do not have a very good social standing with him. If a person calls him shoret (or midget, shorty, tiny, little person...) he will probably hold a grudge for a while.
If there is one thing he can not stand it is a traitor, these people infuriate him with a passion and he wishes to take down any and every one he can get his hands on. When he was a child he witnessed numerous acts of betrayal on both sides and the damage that these actions caused to countless other people so it will never be tolerated in his mind.
Though this is mostly about his gambling addiction he hates losing at anything, the boy loves to play games and spar and every time he loses he gets depressed for periods of time. At one point this depression was known to last for days on end but that takes a rather serious incident now.

Just as his father did before him Toshiki wants to uphold the honor and pride of the Kinzoku people, he sees this as his given duty from birth and is deeply tied to it through the sacrifice of his father that died for his values.

Toshi has only one fear, to upset the balance in his clan and in some way dishonor the people he cares most about. He lives in constant fear of somehow making the metal benders lose face with the rest of the world even though it almost never shows.

Toshiki Kinzoku Blood10


Bloodline Name: Kinzoku Kogei

Bloodline Ability: Kinzoku kogei grants several abilities to select members of the clan. Firstly the only members of the clan able to use these abilities must first be of at least age fifteen and been pierce through the heart by a piece of steel without knowing that he is activating his powers, thus the secret of how the powers are activate are well kept from everyone and talking about it is a high crime like treason against the clan as a whole. Those who are lucky enough to gain access to the powers of his clan’s bloodline are granted the following powers.

~Steel Skin: Taijutsu used by people of their own rank are only half as effective, physical blows used by those at least two ranks below them are completely nullified. This however is not effective against weapons for an unknown reason.

~Metal Craft: Members are able to bend metal up to the strength of steel with ease; this is not a showing of strength however but instead a subconscious restructuring of the items molecular structure. This also allows them access to the metal nature of chakra.

~Lightning Rod: The bits of the anatomy which are extremely similar to metal granted by Kinzoku kogei grant a higher affinity for raiton jutsu. This allows them more power for jutsu of those elements so that the power of raiton techniques are treated like they were one rank higher as well as the ability to be struck by natural lightning and shove the energy into the ground where it is nullified (note: This ability is not able to nullify lightning chakra and is only able to be used by A-rank and higher clan members).

Location: Boufuugakure

Clan History: Early on in the history of the ninja world the Kinzoku clan was a feared force among the ranks even before a village structure was established. The clan leader Hagane Kinzoku was a man of military mindset and craved a large amount of power, so when messengers from the land’s government came to him about combining all the local clan’s into one to create one of the first village’s similar to the one being put together in the far south, he agreed quickly since he knew that even his powerful clan would not stand a chance against multiple powerful families in an alliance. Along with a handful of other shinobi clans in the land the village of Boufuugakure was formed and Hagane’s lust for power increased even more to the point where he was willing to kill for it. Going against the wishes of his clan’s members Hagane pushed further and further toward village leadership and to overthrow the first village leader. In the end he snuck into the kage’s residence at night and instead of empty corridors and a sleeping ninja he was greeted with angry members of the Kinzoku clan.

Feeling betrayed Hagane fought his fellow clansmen brutally, killing nearly half of the clan before he was finally struck down by his own fifteen year old son with a steel spear through the skull. Since then the Kinzoku clan’s actions that day have been viewed as a great service to the village and as such have been looked at as trustworthy shinobi who will forever remain loyal to Boufuugakure.

Toshiki Kinzoku Histor11

History: Toshiki was at the age of five when the revolution started with the Kinzoku clan. Toshiki's father Bane was a part of the of uprising revolution against the Hagane. During the few months of the revolution Bane would come home to check on his family. Toshiki's mother Sara was a merchant who sold armor that her father Cloud would make. Towards the end of the revolution Bane had stopped coming, Toshiki had lost hope for his father’s return until a strange figure came to the shop looking for his mother. The man told Sara the news of my father sacrifice to save Takeshi the future heir to Kanetsu Kaga. As the news was a tragic to the family they lived there normal lives to make armor as the blacksmiths for the Kinzoku clan. At the age of six Toshiki started his studies at the academy where he was a strait A student. Toshiki would spend his time his time with his books or in the shop helping his grandfather weld common things (Nails, horse shoes, for their customers. Life for Toshiki was always either work at the blacksmith or in his book’s studying for the academy. At the age of ten Toshiki started to progress from common items to weld to armor and basic weapons. Toshiki’s first hundred attempts to progress in armor and weapons were utter failure’s that he never gave up hope to become a great blacksmith like his grandfather. After years of practice Toshiki became more delicate with the art of blacksmithing. At the age of fifteen Toshiki’s grandfather thought that Toshiki was at the rightful age to receive the family knowledge of blacksmithing, the craft of Armor and Weaponry. Toshiki’s family for many generations has served as the top blacksmith for many of the royal family’s with the fine craftsmanship of armor and weapons. After a few weeks have passed Cloud gave Toshiki a test to prove that he was ready for the next step. To prove that Toshiki was ready he must make a delicate piece of armor and a deadly kunai for a commoner who was requested such fine work. What Toshiki didn’t realize was this was a test and that there was no commoner that the armor was for at all. After two months past Toshiki finished his work to be approved by his grandfather who was supposable at his home resting from a large order from a royal family. When Toshiki entered the house he was cautious to wake his grandfather up so he crept quietly to his room, after taking a few steps into the house Toshiki felt a sharp piercing from his back that exited from his chest from what looked like a steel bar that came from the shop. Without a word Toshiki collapsed to the floor where he couldn’t move but things were going dark around him and figures started to fade away into the black abyss. When Toshiki started to wake up from what seemed like a deep sleep he somehow came to his own bed with no recollection of how he even got there. Next to Toshiki’s bed was his grandfather who seemed asleep, when Toshiki tired to get up his chest started to hurt again like the bar stabbed him again, he then looked down to view the damage his body has taken. To Toshiki’s view his body didn’t seem the least bit damaged at all he then wondered how long he had been out cold from the wound. Cloud then awoke from his weariness to find that Toshiki was awake finally. Could then explained what had happened to him and explain that he had been dead for the whole day and now had came back to life because of his bloodline that he had now became a part of. Cloud also then explained everything that Toshiki needed to know about the bloodline and the family secret to the blacksmithing which turned out to be bending the metal into small but a more durable material that many wish to get their hands on for such a great gift. After the whole week to recover from the chest wound, which afterword’s Toshiki went back to work with the new metal bending for the rest of the year trying to understand and learn about this new ability he has now.

RP Sample: In the middle of a forest grove was a rather short young man, who was practicing with his kunai throwing "why can't i seem to get this right?" Toshiki yelled at the only log which had multiple hole's from his kunai. from the startling sound of a bush nearby Toshiki jumped back while grabbing another kunai from his bag ready to defend himself. After a few moments waiting for some attack Toshiki relaxed and walked towards the bush to find that a bird had fallen from a nest. "Stupid bird why couldn't you just stay in your nest and not scare me" he remarked himself has he laughed at the clumsy bird that fell from the nest.

Toshiki Kinzoku Extra10

Source: RL Friend of Takeshi

Face Claim: Tidus, Final Fantasy X

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PostSubject: Re: Toshiki Kinzoku   Toshiki Kinzoku EmptyThu Oct 06, 2011 10:23 pm

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