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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Yūdai Naito

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Yūdai Naito
Yūdai Naito
Male Posts : 19
Ryo : 3050

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Yūdai Naito Empty
PostSubject: Yūdai Naito   Yūdai Naito EmptySun Jan 23, 2011 12:00 am

Yūdai Naito BlindNinja-1

His eyes are a milky white and his skin is tan. ((I looked everywhere for a picture in which I liked that showed him being some type of blind guy and tan, but I could not find one. So this was the best I could do.))
I may be blind...But I am not one who can easily be fooled...
Ninja Application


First Name: Yūdai
Last Name: Naito
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Birthday: May 21
Relationships: None
Affiliation: Village Kazangakure
Rank: Chunin (if the profile is not up to par I am willing to change it.)
Element: Katon, Doton
Specialization: Genjutsu, Ninjutsu, Taijutsu.

Personal v2

Personality: Yūdai is not like other teenagers that someone would see in his village. Mainly because he was kept separate by those who are his fellow friends by his parents. He is usually silent around people, especially people who he does not know. He doesn't like needless confrontations with people but normally does not get into them since people are usually let him go since he is blind and know he doesn't mean anything if he runs into them. He is known through out the village as being a kind and soft spoken individual who shows respect for anyone, even if he does not know the person.

Yūdai is determined to prove anyone wrong that say that he is useless since he is blind. He is seen almost training everyday up at the lava dome to increase his skill. But just like his clan he is a tactical genius. He was the one who came up with an idea that you cover a forest like, or grassy terrian with vegetable oil and lead your enemy into it. Once they are in the grass use some sort of fire jutsu and set them on ablaze. Once someone gets to know Yūdai for who he is and what he does they will find out Yūdai is a kind, loving, and sweet boy. But it can change just like that if you make fun of him for being blind or belittle him for being blind.

Likes: Dreams of what snow looks like, spicy food, sweet food, hanging with friends, and walking.

Dislikes: Being pitied for his blindness, food that tastes sour, bitter food, and just sitting around doing nothing.

Motivation: Wants to prove that he maybe blind but can be a great ninja.

Fears: Swimming, he knows how to but since he can't touch the ground he cannot count how many steps until he is back on land. That is when he is truly blind.

Clan Information

Clan name Naito

Bloodline Name: Chakurasādoai

Bloodline Ability:The Naito are able to see chakra from far away distances and for what the cannot see they can sense. With that it gives all of the members of Naito, since they are blind; the ability to see. Along with this ability they can also drain their opponents chakra as long as it is through physical contact. But they do not take that much chakra just five points. They can only use that ability though when they are low on chakra. Anyone can tell that they are using their ability when their milky white eyes change to a light blue.

Location: Kazangakure

Clan History: The Naito are a noble clan of Kazangakure and have worked with the Atsusakage since the war. The Naito unlike other clans are the main tacticians of the village. The Naito believe that if you are extremely subtle, even to the point of formlessness. Be extremely mysterious, even to the point of soundlessness. Then you will be able to direct the opponent's fate. They have come up with such tactics like that of a special landmine called the Mechanical landmine. It consisted of a bowl filled with slow-burning incandescent material, which was attached to a number of bamboo tubes filled with black powder which led to powder-filled clay pots. The composition of the material allowed it to burn continuously for twenty to thirty days. The Mechanical Landmine was triggered by using a weapon's cache as bait. A number of spears were planted into the ground where the enemy was sure to find them. When the weapons were pulled upwards, it disturbed the bowl, which in turn ignited the fuses and set off the weapon. It was a deadly weapon against their enemies at a the time of war.

But now a days they are peace makers, trying to keep the rivalry between the Kazangakure and the Boufuugakure at least keep it at a friendly rivalry. The head of the clan is the one who works with the Atsusakage while the wife of the the clan head tried to keep the peace period by handling all confrontations between the two villages. The Naito are like any noble clan. The Naito have a Main family and a branch family. The main family works with the Atsusakage and the peace corps while the branch family are the body guards of the main family. But unlike the other noble clans all members of the Naito are blind which makes it hard for them to learn how to do hand signs. But thanks to the original head of the clan he has shown many ways to teach the clan how to make them. Since they are blind they have amazing smell and hearing that could even rival any animal's.


History: Yūdai was born into main family of the Naito clan. His father is the head of the clan and his mother is in charge of the peace corps trying to keep the Kazangakure and Boufuugakure rivalry a friendly one. So they have been teaching Yūdai that peace is the right way to go. Yūdai was babied all the way up till he was five years old. But once he was five he felt as if that there was more then just what his parents are teaching him. What if they were just protecting him since they were his first? Or was it because they want him to truly be a peaceful man when becomes the head of the clan when his father died.

When Yūdai was five years old it was time for his father to teach him how to use hand signs and how to form them. He had to first learn them blind since he knew he wouldn't be able to release his bloodline ability without it. But unlike others in the clan Yūdai wasn't catching on to it as well as others. His father did everything he could to teach Yūdai hand signs. He made dumps into a piece of paper that formed the hand sign he is supposed to make, he tried leading Yūdai's hand into making them, he even tried explaining it how Yūdai is supposed to make it. But nothing was working, until his mother came in and took over and didn't pressure Yūdai as much as his father did and eventually Yūdai was able to do hand signs pretty quickly even.

As Yūdai grew up he wasn't around his parents that much since his father was with the Atsusakage while his mother was working with the peace corps going around trying to make sure no battles started between the Kazangakure and the Boufuugakure. So Yūdai was being watched and basically raised by the branch family. Yūdai was treated as if they were one of their own and taught Yūdai most of his hand to hand combat techniques and most of his taijutsu, while his mother taught him his genjutsu and ninjutsu. The branch family and his mother were able to teach Yūdai how to use his bloodline ability. Yūdai couldn't believe it...For the first time in his life he could see. Then one day an outsider from Hyougagakure came to stay over the night since he was traveling. The whole entire time that the outsider was there with the Naito clan he would tell them stories of his travels around the world and he would tell Yūdai about snow. Yūdai thought that snow sounded so wonderful and one would want to actually feel snow. The man left the next day which was also the same day that Yūdai was going to start going to the academy.

Yūdai was able to graduate from the academy at the age of 12 with the class that Haru Satsujin was in. As soon as he graduated his father started telling Yūdai that he should start working with his mother at the peace corp and keep the peace. Yūdai told his father no saying that what his father was doing was great but after all of this peace talk what if a war starts up again and all that peace talk was for nothing. So he told his father he was going to keep up with his training so he can become a great ninja and some day along the road may be able to bring peace to the world. His father was mad with Yūdai but his mother was proud of him. She gave Yūdai a necklace that day, on it was a shard of obsidian and she said it was for good luck. Yūdai gratefully accepted it and promised his mother that he would make her proud. Now he is training almost everyday to get himself ready for the day that he would have to prove himself.

RP Sample: Yūdai was walk up the steps to the Lava Dome behind him was a classmate of his that was being very rude towards Yūdai. He was belittling Yūdai since he Yūdai was blind and calling him useless because of that. Yūdai didn't say anything anything and the kid soon started poking him. Quickly Yūdai grabbed the boy's arm and started twisting it but their proctor saw this. Since it was the day of the graduation test he came up with an idea of how to decide who was going to graduate and get this petty fight between them both out of the way. He decided that the both of them would fight each other to see who would graduate and who would stay one more year at the academy. As they entered the arena part of the lava dome. They would usually use this part of the Lava Dome for the chunin exams but the proctor decided to use it for their graduation bout. Soon Yūdai got into position as he counted his steps towards the middle of their battlefield. He soon starts to unwrap the bandages around his head. When he was finished unwrapping his bandages his classmate could see his milky white eyes. Yūdai soon got into a fighting stance as did his classmate as his proctor says, "Begin!"

Immediately as the proctor spoke Yūdai's classmate made the first move and started charging at Yūdai which made him smile. He made the first mistake when fighting at Naito, making the first move. Yūdai could hear every step that his classmate was making, he could hear his classmate's footsteps as he drew nearer, and nearer to Yūdai, and he could smell his classmate's stench. Now all Yūdai needed was for his classmate to get close enough for Yūdai to counter him. As his classmate was now in front of Yūdai his classmate went to punch Yūdai in the face. Yūdai just moved his head to the left and dodged the punch, and just like that Yūdai had him exactly where he wanted him. Quickly Yūdai grabs his classmate's arm and twists it as he knees him in the gut, as his classmate gasped for air Yūdai then goes to slam his elbow on the back of his classmate's neck. As it connected his classmate started to stumble forward,Yūdai then wraps his legs around his classmate's arm, and forces him to roll onto his back as Yūdai finally locked him in a armbar. His classmate started yelling and crying in pain as he never felt anything like that before. Yūdai looks at the proctor and says, "Sir...Call it...For I am about to break his arm and he cannot get out of it. Please do before it goes to far." The proctor waited a few more seconds to see what Yūdai was true. Soon Yūdai lets go as the proctor came rushing towards them. He looks at Yūdai and says, "And the winner is Yūdai Naito. Good job. You have passed." Yūdai smiled as he walks over to the boy and says, "I can take him over to my mom if he is hurt. she is good with this kind of stuff." So he helps up his classmate that he injured and starts leading him back to his home so his mother can treat him.

((I'll post the clan in a little bit. Everything was deleted and I have to retype some stuff.))
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Male Posts : 5756
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Yūdai Naito Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yūdai Naito   Yūdai Naito EmptySun Jan 23, 2011 2:19 am

Everything is ok so far except the rank and the clan. Thatll atleast get you started. So the rest of the staff will know. I dont consider myself high enough ranked in staff to say you can have chuunin. Leave that to the full on admin to decide.
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Yūdai Naito
Yūdai Naito
Male Posts : 19
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Yūdai Naito Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yūdai Naito   Yūdai Naito EmptySun Jan 23, 2011 3:50 am

Alright. Thank you. And yes I will wait. I had to type that twice today.
I finished everything at like 4 PM eastern and then my computer froze
as I was about to press send. Deleted the history, clan history, and
Bloodline ability. I was so mad, with a lack of a better word; since I
had to retype all of those. But for some reason I think their better
then the ones I typed before lol.
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Yūdai Naito Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yūdai Naito   Yūdai Naito EmptySun Jan 23, 2011 5:48 am

It's normally like that. Our minds then can edit our first typings and add in much more but i find this good. So you are approved and you cannot use your clan jutsu until it is approved.
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