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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Hideaki, Denrei

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Male Posts : 187
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PostSubject: Hideaki, Denrei   Hideaki, Denrei EmptyWed Apr 17, 2013 7:21 pm

Hideaki, Denrei Azuma_Genkaku

Hideaki, Denrei Whoare14

First Name: Denrei
Last Name: Hideaki
Alias: Kuroi Kamakiri – Black Mantis

Gender: Male
Age: 27
Height: 5 ft 8 inches or 1 meter and 75 centimeters
Weight: 148 lbs or 67 kilograms
Birthday: August the 30th 
Sexuality: Straight
Relationships: None

Affiliation: Kusamuragakure Ouraborus
Rank: A-rank Missing-nin
Element: Doton – Earth Release, Fuuton – Wind Release and Raiton – Lightning Release
Specialization: Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Sensory

Hideaki, Denrei Tellme11


For a wanted criminal, Denrei generally displays a pretty laid-back persona. Not one to get worked up easily, the Hideaki enjoys providing situations and organization meetings with some much needed dry and sarcastic wit. He's even a bit of a jester, wisecracking about and even making a pun or two.

His somewhat oaf-like font is actually used to hide an absolutely sadistic man. Denrei doesn't particularely enjoy fighting as much as he enjoys killing. He enjoys seeing the terror in someone's eyes as they realize their deaths. He enjoys rubbing someone's face in the dirt after defeating them.

An utter nihilist, he believes life to be completely meaningless and thinks madness to be the the only proper response. He is not “insane” in the traditional meaning of the word as he's perfectly aware of his actions and their consequences. Its just that somewhere in his life he stopped giving a shit.

Denrei also enjoys luxury and comfort. He's likely to tackle high reward assignments both for the money and the fun of the kill. The money will be spent on articles such as silk, fine foods, fine liquors and women. A sadistic, greedy predator is what best sums up Denrei.

Likes: The fact that Denrei likes money and bloodshed should not come as a surprise to anyone. His hobbies are fishing and the paranormal. Whenever he can afford to, he might retreat to a calm river and fish for salmon, which he will then take home, clean, smoke and eat. He has a strange interest in horror movies and stories and anything involving ghosts, despite people often telling him he's too old for that kind of crap.

Dislikes:  Ikuchi hates red beets, his least favorite food. He dislikes his former village of Kusamuragakure, as well as high bounty targets getting away from him. A somewhat impatient man, he also hates it when his battles draw out too long. He dislikes the color yellow, and the rest of his clan. Especially Itazuma, his brother and the current clan leader.

Motivation:  Denrei's motivation is rendered purely by impulse and enjoyment. He doesn't believe his own life to be of any particular meaning, but he doesn't feel like dying just yet. He also wants to kill his brother for being the prodigy he is, and can easily be motivated into taking action at the promise of a hefty sum of ryo.

Fears:  His biggest fear is attachment. He fears the pain of losing someone or something truly important to him, so he makes sure no such attachments are made in the first place. He also secretly does fear death, or rather the unknown property that comes with it. He is fully aware that if there is truly heaven and hell, he will be cast to the deepest pits of hell for his crimes.

Hideaki, Denrei Blood10

Hideaki Clan

Bloodline Name:  Godai Myoo

Bloodline Ability:  Godai Myoo is the ability to manipulate various tattoo’s on the body. These tattoo’s are made of a special kind of ink, its key ingredient being the fungus known as Semei. Semei is a fungus that feeds on chakra and expands at a very rapid rate when exposed to it. The Godai Myoo uses a “path” system. A path is a series of tattoo’s consisting of one “main” tattoo, which is usually small and visible on the skin’s surface, and multiple “branch” tattoo’s that are connected to the main tattoo and are invisible unless the respective path is activated. When chakra is channeled through the path’s main tattoo, it causes the branch tattoo’s that are connected to it to surface. These branch tattoo’s can then be hardened, expanded and manipulated. A simple example would be a path that forms a club around one arm. The club can be manipulated to make it longer, bigger, thicker etc. Each path has its own set of attacks that come with it. When expanded into solid weapons, the ink is as tough as steel, but still light enough to wield without any visible trouble. Each path is based on an animal, though mythical creatures such as dragons are also common. 

A Hideaki clansmen typically gains mastery over a new path every rank. Genin are typically limited to one path, chuunin possess two, special jounin three etc. A shinobi can only possess four paths at most, something that is rarely achieved. A shinobi having mastered four paths is usually considered to be S-ranked in terms of skill. The Godai Myoo is known to be able to cover a large amount of ranges and roles depending on the focus of the path, so in its respective village the Hideaki are considered a “jack-of-all-trades” clan, their members widespread and fulfilling many different roles in standard teams. 

Each path has to be registered as a jutsu, the rank of the jutsu determined by the paths power. Rules about what rank of shinobi can learn what rank of jutsu applies to these paths. The user is allowed to upgrade paths by adding tattoo's and abilities to them, but must register them as a jutsu and pay for them depending on their rank. 

Users can only have up to 1 S-ranked path. The allowed amount of paths per rank is:

Genin = 1 Max
Chuunin = 2 Max
Spec.Jounin and Jounin = 3 Max
S-rank = 4 Max

Location:  Kusamuragakure

Clan History:  There isn’t much history concerning the Hideaki just yet as they are still a young clan. The first Hideaki, Shirano, founded the family a mere fifty years ago and only recently passed away. Hideaki Shirano did have a very large family, though, and the clan quickly increased in number becoming one of Kusamura’s largest clans. Nowadays the Hideaki are as active as ever. Their versatile Kekkei Genkai has caused most of Kusamura’s older clans to look down on them as common jacks-of-all-trades, but the clan continues to try and prove their usefulness to the Sakurakage and village elders. Its current clan elder, Hideaki Itazuma, has managed to gain a vast amount of infamy within the village becoming a revered shinobi in his own right, adding to the Hideaki’s fame. All things considered, the Hideaki are a young clan with a bright future. 

Hideaki, Denrei Histor11


RP Sample:  

I've added a post from Red Clouds, a site where I'm currently at. I play the original character Ruuji on the site. In this particular thread, Sasuke's Hebi, where Ruuji is a member of, is taking down the Gobi.

Hideaki, Denrei Extra10

Source: Been here before

Face Claim: Azuma Genkaku - Deadman Wonderland

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Female Posts : 2298
Ryo : 1597319

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PostSubject: Re: Hideaki, Denrei   Hideaki, Denrei EmptySun Jan 05, 2014 6:06 am

Archived until member comes back to become active.
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Hideaki, Denrei

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