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The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
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 Kenkaku, Sengoku

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Kenkaku, Sengoku Empty
PostSubject: Kenkaku, Sengoku   Kenkaku, Sengoku EmptySat Nov 24, 2012 10:16 am

Kenkaku, Sengoku Saito_hiraga-jpg

Kenkaku, Sengoku Whoare14

First Name: Sengoku Rance
Last Name: Kenkaku
Alias: Silent Killer

Gender: Male
Age: 15
Height: 5 feet
Weight: 56 kg
Birthday: April 4
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationships: N/A

Affiliation: Shippuugagakure
Rank: Jounin
Element: Fire, Lightning, Wind
Specialization: Kenjutsu, Genjutsu, Ninjutsu

Kenkaku, Sengoku Tellme11

Personality: Normal days : During his lazy, normal days, Sengoku would just act like a happy-go-lucky kid. He’ll try his best to mix with others. He also attends shinobi school, like normal, a school that teaches boring history. After school, he would either study in the library, or go home to his dojo and train. If his training goes well, he would end early and go to the academy school and teach. At night, he would go to the bar and meet up with some other Jounins, or maybe even with his fellow seven swordsmen too. Of course, he would either get a mocktail, some orange juice, tea, or his favorite; milk.

Battle : During a battle, Sengoku would always analyze his surroundings, his team mates, and his enemy. He would never let his guard down. He would always prepare 3 steps ahead before diving to the enemy. He would also put his friend’s lives as the to priority. Also, Sengoku has a weakness; it’s hard for him to kill. No matter who it is, even a mass murderer, his heart would ALWAYS hesitate. Plus, in battle, he’ll be totally serious and no joke. He knows when to be serious and when to joke.

Likes: Sengoku loves playing pranks on people. His pranks varies from placing a fart-balloon on the teacher's chair to setting the science lab on fire. Without his parents' high position, he would've been kicked out of school long time ago.

Other than that, Sengoku loves training in Kenjutsu. He's been training in Kenjutsu ever since he was a child. He's also a representative of Shippuugakure in the Under 15 Kenjutsu Cup.

Sengoku loves drinking tea. Since his dad is a boss of a shipping company, his parents deals with tons of merchants. Being the prankster Sengoku is, he stole some tea from a merchant. As he tried some of it, he got addicted to this tea. Nope, not marijuana, but Oolong tea. Ever since then, he's been drinking this tea where ever he goes.

Dislikes: Sengoku dislikes detention. He has been spending a quarter of his life in detention, and he hates it. Being the prankster and active person he is, he is always sent to detention, the quiet, enclosed place, where no laughter is found. He would usually be sitting beside a smelly buffalo that only humor seems to be smashing things, and the teacher seems to be half dead.

Motivation: One of his motivation is to be the best ninja in Kenjutsu. Most famous ninjas are those who masters either ninjutsu or genjutsu. He wants to be a ninja that can conquer enemies with his trustworthy partner, his sword.

Fears: One thing Sengoku fears are white serpents. This started when he was in the woods in Shippuugakure. As he was wandering around, he saw a big, huge serpent. He then took out his sword and jumped at the snake. To his amazement, the serpent regurgitated itself the moment Sengoku strike its tail. The new snake looks deformed, and its face slowly changed. Sengoku then sprinted from that place at the speed of light. Ever since then, he's afraid of white serpents.

Kenkaku, Sengoku Blood10


Bloodline Name:

Bloodline Ability:


Clan History:

Kenkaku, Sengoku Histor11

History: There was once a legend. The Savior of the world would appear at the time of distress. This Savior would defeat all the "demons" of the world, rid the world of evil, and regain peace for the world. Well, to Sengoku, he believes that he is the Savior. Sengoku was born in Shippuugakure in a luxurious mansion. His dad named him Sengoku, due to the period of war. What war, you may ask? When Sengoku was born, his father was fighting with Sengoku's uncles to see who would be the head of the family. His family then decided to settle this dispute in a spar, kendo style. His father fought through the spars victorious until he reached the finals. In the finals, his dad, Nozuki Kenkaku, was fighting against his uncle, Azrael. They were fighting, and Sengoku's dad was about to lose. Nozuki was on the ground, and as Azrael was about to land the finishing blow, baby Sengoku started crying. Everyone, including Azrael, turned to look at Sengoku. Taking advantage of the situation, Nozuki striked a blow at the unsuspecting Azrael. Turning the tides, Nozuki striked rapidly at Azrael. As you know it, Nozuki won the title of the head of the family, and Sengoku became the proud child of Nozuki.

When Sengoku was 4, his dad realized that Sengoku had a talent for Genjutsu, NInjutsu, and Kenjutsu. His dad found out his talent for Genjutsu when he could manipulate the maids to give him candy. For Ninjutsu, he turned water into ice just to cross the river to get his ball. As for Kenjutsu, his dad just forced it to him, and through sheer luck, Sengoku ended up being a great swordsmen. Without further delay, his dad hired the best teachers to teach young Sengoku.

Genin life-
While other 6 years old were in academy school, Sengoku was in Team 5, as a genin. His dad managed to convince the old Kage to allow Sengoku to become a genin after seeing Sengoku’s talent. His life as a genin was fine. He attended his team meetings and mission in the morning till 3 pm. After that, he had private training at home.

One of his favorite mission was to deliver a message to Tsukigakure. His dad sponsored the trip, so that means more ryo as reward. As they were on their way there(through a carriage), they were stopped by 5 bandits. Their sensei went against two bandits, he and his teammates each took one. The bandit Sengoku went against was a strong one. Sengoku pulled out his katana and aimed at the bandit’s left leg. The bandit blocked the hit with ease and striked Sengoku in the guts. Sengoku was pushed back a bit. Sengoku analyzed the enemy and smiled. Throwing a smoke bomb, he performed some handseals and whisper, ”Bunshin no jutsu!”. His clone charged towards the bandit through the smoke. His clone was aiming at the bandit’s right leg this time. The bandit snickered and was about to block the clone before Sengoku whacked the bandit’s neck with the blunt side of the sword. This blow made the bandit lose balance. Sengoku then attacked the bandit non-stop till the bandit blacked out. When he was done with the bandit, his sensei gave him a pat on the head and congratulate him. They tied the bandits and brought them to the police station. They delivered the message and returned home, without any action. This was Sengoku’s first time in a real battle.
After knowing his weakness in real battle, Sengoku decided to train extra hard. He started to stay up late to train. By the time he was 9, he became a skilled Chunin who passed the Chuunin exams without any trouble.

Chuunin-Jounin -
When he became a Chuunin, his teachers has taught him all they could. Sengoku was on his own now, he has to train with his own skills and knowledge. He started to on missions, since experience is the best way to train. He would usually train for only 2 hours a day, and go on missions all day long. Soon enough, when he turned 10, he was promoted to Special Jounin, and due to lack of shinobi, he had to pick up some students and go on missions with them. This gave him the opportunity to train on his basics with people around his age. He went on missions with them, trained them, and watched them become skilled shinobis. They were like his best friends, whom he spend all day long with them. He watched them pass the Chunin exam with ease, and he decided not to pick up a team and just go solo for a while.
When he was 12, he was promoted to Jounin and joined the ANBU. He was paired up with a guy called Takeshi. This is due to him not being able to finish off his enemies. Takeshi became his big brother, caring for him and listening to all his problems. However, this happiness does not last forever. Soon after he turned 13, tragedies after tragedies afflicted his life. One is the death of his best friend, Takeshi. He and Takeshi was sent to hunt down a missing nin. Takeshi who was a tracker, found out the missing nin’s location. As they reached the destination, they were ambushed by a group of infamous people. Some were mass murderers, and some were missing nins. They fought their hardest against the gang. They managed to annihilate half of the gang members.
However, Sengoku got careless and did not see an incoming fire projectile being shot towards him. Takeshi, who saw it coming, pushed Sengoku away, but he was hit by the jutsu. The jutsu did a huge blow to him. Taking the advantage of this moment, 3 of the gang members charged and attacked the defenseless Takeshi, hence destroying Takeshi’s body. Sengoku, who saw all this happen, could not hold his emotion back. For the first time, his heart was filled with killing intents. As he allowed his emotion to take over him, he unleashed all his power against the gang and it ended up annihilating the gang members, and not a single trace of them were found. As he returned to the village, he reported to the kage and decided to take a break.
Right after he recovered from the trauma, he found out that his father had given-in to a deadly disease and died. After a month of mourning, his clan appointed Sengoku as the next clan leader. His life became busier, due to his clan matters and because of his feat of destroying the whole infamous gang.

RP Sample: It was one in the afternoon, and most of the students would be changing for P.E. Well, except for Sengoku. Sengoku was outside in the hallway. Turning left and right, he sighed and thought, "Good, no one's here. This is a mission where if I succeed, I'll be considered a real man. It's a mission that decides my fate. It's a mission that will make my goal to be the best swordsmen in the world closer!" As he opened his eyes, he crept to a door opposite of him. As he peered into the crack through a wall, he saw a breath-taking view. He saw a heavenly sight of girls changing. Some of them were already changed, and some of them were still changing. Some of those who already changed were groping other girl's breast. " Damn....If only I'm a girl....." As he sighed, his eyes sparkled. As he performed some handseals, he then said, "Henge no jutsu!". As he muttered those words, a puff of smoke appeared and Sengoku turned into a girl. He then opened the door, and charged in. He began to grope ALL the girl's breast and started flipping skirts. As he was nose-bleeding, he did not realize he turned back into a guy. The next thing he knew, he was being slapped and punched by all the girls in the room. He then blacked out and he was found half-dead by his classmates in the storeroom the next day.

Kenkaku, Sengoku Extra10

Source: Google

Face Claim: Saito-Zero no Tsukaima

Kenkaku, Sengoku Accept10

Last edited by Sengoku on Mon Dec 03, 2012 7:01 am; edited 8 times in total
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Kenkaku, Sengoku Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kenkaku, Sengoku   Kenkaku, Sengoku EmptySat Nov 24, 2012 11:38 am

Done, I think. Do we get other jutsu other than our KKG and academy jutsu? If I choose Weaponry as my specialization, will it include Kenjutsu? Since Weaponry isn't a specialization in the rules section
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Male Posts : 338
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Kenkaku, Sengoku Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kenkaku, Sengoku   Kenkaku, Sengoku EmptyWed Nov 28, 2012 9:18 am

Hello again~

I'll be running through you app with you. Please excuse my horribly late response, I have been sick lately.

Genin do not have Aliases.

You can only have three elements. That includes your clan's element.

Your history... doesn't make sense? No offence, but unless the upper staff has approved it, you may not be a prodigy child(correct me if Shy has given you permission). Also... You were a flock of crows? What? Forgive me but that makes no sense. Would that later in life give you the power or ability to magically turn into crows to get away? That won't work.
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Kenkaku, Sengoku Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kenkaku, Sengoku   Kenkaku, Sengoku EmptyWed Nov 28, 2012 9:28 am

Genin do not have Aliases.


You can only have three elements. That includes your clan's element.


you may not be a prodigy child

It won't affect my RP.

Also... You were a flock of crows? What? Forgive me but that makes no sense. Would that later in life give you the power or ability to magically turn into crows to get away? That won't work.

Can you please refer from where you assume that I'm a crow?

Sorry for all the mistakes. I would like to apply to be a Jounin of Hyougagakure, if that's possible. If it is, I'll change my whole app, and boost up the quality :)
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Kenkaku, Sengoku Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kenkaku, Sengoku   Kenkaku, Sengoku EmptyWed Nov 28, 2012 10:26 am

"...Sengoku was born in Hyougagakure in a luxurious mansion...
...when the crows turned to the crying baby Sengoku..."

I'm not sure what you mean by this. Did your dad and uncle bring you outside to watch them fight? Where did the crows come from?

Also, to be a Jounin you must have 1,000 words or more for your history. If you are apping for Jounin you may add your Alias back and change your rank to Jounin.
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Kenkaku, Sengoku Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kenkaku, Sengoku   Kenkaku, Sengoku EmptyWed Nov 28, 2012 11:37 am

Lol. I meant croud. Sorry. xD I have a totally new history though. All this about prodigy and about my awesome jutsu; it's just my history. Won't affect my RP life at all. No prodigy thingy will make me OP. No powerful jutsu that annihilate gangs.
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Kenkaku, Sengoku Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kenkaku, Sengoku   Kenkaku, Sengoku EmptySun Dec 02, 2012 12:04 pm

Mother Eff-ing bump
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Kenkaku, Sengoku Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kenkaku, Sengoku   Kenkaku, Sengoku EmptySun Dec 02, 2012 3:22 pm

Alias: Blizzard of Hyougagakure

No, Genins don't have aliases.

Element: Fire, Lightning [Ice]

No, your elements are Hyouton, Suiton and Fuuton because the ice element is created out of the water and wind element.
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Kenkaku, Sengoku Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kenkaku, Sengoku   Kenkaku, Sengoku EmptyMon Dec 03, 2012 7:00 am

Err, If possible, can you approve my character before the clan is approved? Since I would like to increase the activity of this site ASAP.
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Kenkaku, Sengoku Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kenkaku, Sengoku   Kenkaku, Sengoku EmptyMon Dec 03, 2012 7:36 am

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Kenkaku, Sengoku Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kenkaku, Sengoku   Kenkaku, Sengoku EmptyMon Dec 03, 2012 11:18 am

So "Alright." means approved? :D
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Kenkaku, Sengoku Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kenkaku, Sengoku   Kenkaku, Sengoku EmptyTue Dec 04, 2012 11:15 am

No, finish your clan first.
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Kenkaku, Sengoku Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kenkaku, Sengoku   Kenkaku, Sengoku EmptyTue Dec 11, 2012 1:14 pm

Clan done. Approval please.
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