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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
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TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
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 Nami Doragonhāto (Revamped)

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PostSubject: Nami Doragonhāto (Revamped)   Nami Doragonhāto (Revamped) EmptySat Nov 03, 2012 5:55 am

Nami Doragonhāto (Revamped) _noir_10

Nami Doragonhāto (Revamped) Whoare14

First Name: Nami
Last Name: Doragonhato
Alias: The Burning Light

Gender: Male
Age: 26
Height: 5'11
Weight: 189
Birthday: December 25th
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationships: N/A

Affiliation: Nadaregakure, Kusamagakure, Yuugure Sukaigakure
Rank: Kage/ S-Rank
Element: Katon, Fuuton, Raiton, Doton
Specialization: Kenjutsu, Taijutsu, Ninjutsu

Nami Doragonhāto (Revamped) Tellme11

Personality: Nami is one of those chilled and laid back kind of people usually letting people do what they please until shit gets out of hand or he needs them to just chill the hell out. Nami isn't one to let his authority to be trampled over and he hates to be challenged and have his authority put in question unless it is by someone ranking over him. Other then that Nami is chilled he would let the people around him enjoy themselves unless it's shit they have no business doing or he doesn't think is right, and sometimes he himself may join the endeavors around him and enjoy himself.

Nami generally is off chilling by himself as he enjoys the quiet and sometimes he is seen as anti social because of it. He himself has often thought of himself as an anti social person sometimes and yet he is social all at the same time. He loves being around others and being by himself so to him it doesn't matter.

Entering combat, Nami personality doesn't really change all that much, at least not until he is injured in some kind of way it is then that his inner demons become known. It is as if something has possessed him, his voice becomes deeper, his actions more bold, and his personality to everyone and everything has grown slightly harsher maybe due to his Dragon blood. This also happens when he is enraged by certain things but he is learning to control it.

Likes: Respect, Its a big thing when it comes down to the better man which is why Nami treats it in high regards. He believes should be earned and never demanded. Women, Like any other man Nami has those feelings toward woman. He is attracted to them as if it were some sort of magnetic and he was the metal. Although he does know not to cross the boundaries and respect a woman's wishes. Friends or Allies, Nami is a peaceful enough guy he is always willing to encountered new people and makes new friends which makes him easy to get along with. good comments about himself, Nami is always willing to listen to people who praise him on good decisions or things such as that it boosts his confidence and morale. Smart Decisions, Nami isn't as calculating as you would think but he isn't one to be brash and hot headed unless it is a sensitive subject. Besides that Nami reads the situation and decides what must be done from there. Reading, Nami is one of those guys that actually calm down, sit in one place and just read unlike most of the males around him. Relaxing, Is something that Nami does on a daily basis once all his duties and chores are complete its nothing but smooth sailing for Nami.

Dislikes: Petty arguments, Nami sees these as unnecessary and pointless especially if the issue isn't resolved in the end. When things like this appear Nami tends to get slightly irritated and may or may not intervene. Paper work, Nami can not stand it, at the sight of it you can tell Nami's frustration is setting in. Annoyances, These instantly set Nami off, when people are constantly calling his name or something annoying such as that Nami tends to rage off on them, not because he's mad more or less it's because they need to STFU. Retarded questions, I mean com'on there is no real need to be asking something that you already know or someone else already knows, hearing these sends Nami straight into a face palm.

Motivation: Nami has had many goals and motivations throughout his years and so far has accomplished them. Now his newest motivation to date would be to bring peace to the land as he sees fit and lead his clan through a prosperous time.

Fears: As Nami soon found out one of his greatest fears and weaknesses is death but not the fear of his death, no it is the fear of death of someone close to him weather it be a friend or family. This fear/ weaknesses takes a lot out of Nami's spirit and tends to hinder him.

Nami Doragonhāto (Revamped) Blood10


Bloodline Name: Doragon supiritto [Dragon Spirit]

Bloodline Ability: Members of the supposed Doragonhāto have the distinct ability to transform any part of their body into that of a dragons, with all the benefits as well. Benefits being if you were to change your arm their strength would increase 20%, or your eyes perception and visual Prowess 20% and so on and so forth, changing forms costs 5 chakra per change. Other forms that can be shifted are as follows, Nose and Tongue - Scent and Taste, Tail - no special abilities, Ears - Sound. Gaining mastery over the clans KKG ( S - Rank and SS Rank) gives the user full mastery over the abilities allowing him/her to use the abilities, allowing him/her to use all the abilities at once (10 Chakra) or separately without changing the form or appearance.

Location: Formerly Nadaregakure

Clan History: The Clan that is the Doragonhāto has been around sense that of the creation of the very earth we humans walk on today. The first Doragonhāto ever to walk this earth is that of the Earth Doragonhāto she herself created the land and would be the guardian of the land. With the birth of her children she would pass on her legacy to the next generation. Back then the Doragonhāto clan was widely known throughout the world and was a thriving clan indeed. The clan was headed by three Representatives who would lead the clan and make group decisions for everyone. This process worked for years that is until the newest Reps ensued into intense indecision between each other. As they argued day in and out and not reaching an agreement on anything the clan began to fear that they would began fall apart.

Their ideas didn't fall far from the tree the 3 Reps finally reached their climax and began ensue into battle, separating the clan into their own little militias. The clan, now engaged an in internal struggle over power began losing members quickly. For months the battles raged throughout the lands until finally it was time to take control of the situation. Tana Doragonhāto would be the one to stand up to the might of the Reps as she over powered them all and forced them to listen. She explained what this petty fight was doing to the clan, she continued on to say that there would no longer be Representatives for the clan, no there would be only one person to lead the entire clan as a whole and she would be the first to accept that role. As the battles subsided and soon became nothing but distant memories that now road along the winds of change. Years passed and soon Tana was married and bore a child his name, Nami Doragonhāto the first heir to the throne. As Tana soon enough passed on to the next world, Nami inherited the clan as he was supposed to and now leads the clan through the new age of the shinobi, what new secrets are held in store for the young Doragonhāto and his family only time will tell..........

Nami Doragonhāto (Revamped) Histor11

The DNA Decedent of the First Doragonhato
Nami was born on December 25th or Christmas as it know for. Nami was underestimated child or so he was labeled by not only the village but by his own father as well. Being the son of Tana, the first female Dorgonhato clan leader high expectations were to be meet even at birth. Being smothered by his mother always put Nami at ease though so growing up wasn't to bad. Nami had to learn fast that there would be many challenges placed before him and he would have to over come them all. At age 10 he was to fight his father in an all out dual, Nami was over powered easily. His father always seemingly looked down upon Nami, his own flesh and blood and now Nami had enough.

The Rise to Power begins
Nami entered the academy a little later then the other kids but progressed through his courses all the same. Nami easily was given the rank genin at age 11 and assigned a squad. Nami enjoyed the time spent with his squad then he did at home. Nami now of age 15 challenged his father to another dual, right before he was to enter the chuunin exams. The battle was fast paced and heart pumping, Nami matched his father speed now and parried his attack blow for blow. As the decisive ending came about, Nami stood tall over his father. The battle was hard fought and worth the rewards that came after, and now Nami faced his next challenge, the chuunin exams. The challenge wasn't far down the road a came up upon Nami and his family all too soon but none the less he would enter. The first few rounds were easy enough as he and his team over came them, but once the team was to be separated Nami knew the challenge was only just beginning. Nami barely got by his opponents and yet he was in the finals against a fairly powerful looking opponent, In the end Nami was to lose this battle. This did not affect Nami at all he had already planned preparations for the next chuunin exams but they would not be needed. Nami even though defeated was deemed chuunin by the proctors of the exams. Nami could hardly believe it himself but now that he had achieved that it was now time to set himself up for the next level.

The Heir Claims his Throne
Nami had progressed far in the years that have passed becoming Jounin was a big leap for him but now there was an even greater leap ahead. With the death of his mother creeping up upon the clan there would have to be a new leader and through birth rites Nami was to be that leader. Nami knew of the impending role ahead but didn't know if he could over come the obstacles that were to be thrown his way. As his mother passed Nami didn't accept the leader position as everyone thought he would, instead he had given it to his father explaining to everyone that he was not yet ready. It took time for Nami to finally over come the death of his mother A year in fact bringing him to the age of 18 and with that brought new insight on who he was and what he was born to be. Returning to his village he would stand before everyone and openly declare that he would now be taking back the throne as the leader of the Doragonhāto and no one would stand his path. His father whom had seemingly disregarded even the thought of Nami being his son nodded his approval and stepped down without a second thought. Nami now being in charge has promised not to fall short of everyone's expectations. The clan has many hardships and now have found their way to a new home where they have found a new village and are now thriving as a clan and a family. And so now we continue the story threw the eyes of the young Doragonhāto as he pursues his goals.....

Out of the ashes a Dragon rises
Nami ended up in Sukaigakure, wounded and torn from his sins, and decided to take care of him. As he healed and resided in Sukaigakure he grew fond of the place and felt this would be his new home. The kage of Sukaigakure had lost his son due to an illness. When he saw Nami, he reminded him of his son, even his terms of personality. He was also a hothead like him, he decided to train Nami in the art of meditation to get rid of his temper.

The old man became like a father figure to Nami, he was the kind of guy Nami wanted as a father when he was young. After many years the old man became ill himself, and since he had no successors he requested that Nami be deemed his successor and become the fifth kage of Sukaigakure.

RP Sample: Nami was now crouched down low to the ground and he served certain spots and areas that had been clearly been marked by a bijuu's rage. He arose from his current spot and continued on to the next. The area was marked with giant footprints and markings who knows what could have occurred in this area. He stopped as he looked at yet another marking, it wasn't recent {More or less a couple of weeks old} Nami sighed the bijuu could be long gone by the time they caught any sign of it {unless of course it hadn't left the area and was still in the Cherry Blossom country}. Nami had thought of the idea but there was no way to confirm this and now officially Nami was stuck.

Nami felt something moving in his shirt soon afterwards a black and white head popped out of the shirt hole it turned to look at him and bit his nose "You seem like your having trouble comprehending the situation Little one". Nami rubbed his nose " Little looks who is talking". Nina pushed herself out of Nami's shirt and proceeded to stretch once she landed, she gave him an elongated look before proceeding to speak "your little in a mind's eye your not fully developed so your mind isn't able to comprehend all of the questions you give to it". Nami twitched a little "and yours does" Nami knew he was asking for it questioning Nina's Intelligence was not something he usually got away with. "Listen Child I shall not be playing these games with you for I'm not in the mood catch my drift" Nami smirked "I caught that you just called me a kid again". Nami had now finished messing with the little cub and now would finish what he was doing all though Nina might throw in a few comments here and there.

He took a seat where he stood and just sat there staring up at the sky as if in a trace. After a couple of minutes Nami groaned out load and fell backwards onto his back. It wasn't that he couldn't find the bijuu that frustrated him, it was the thought of knowing that it was loose doing whatever it pleases and that would stop. Nami stretched and arose from his spot touching the Magatama that lay around his neck, he had yet to unlock the potential that lay inside but planned to soon but for now he would let it be. He started walking again, a few more minutes of researching and it was off to get some food for him.
©Nami Doragonhato

Nami Doragonhāto (Revamped) Extra10

Source: Former Member

Face Claim: N/A

Nami Doragonhāto (Revamped) Accept10

Last edited by Nami on Mon Apr 29, 2013 1:37 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Nami Doragonhāto (Revamped)   Nami Doragonhāto (Revamped) EmptyMon Nov 12, 2012 4:54 am

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