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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Luso Yamada

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Luso Yamada Empty
PostSubject: Luso Yamada   Luso Yamada EmptyFri Aug 10, 2012 12:21 am

Luso Yamada NinjaArt

Luso Yamada Whoare14

First Name: Luso
Last Name: Uchia
Alias: "Asura", Luso Yamada

Gender: Male
Age: 16
Height: 6'0''
Weight: 200 lb
Birthday: 1rd of Taurus
Sexuality: Polyamorus
Relationships: None Yet

Affiliation: Shippuu
Rank: Genin
Element: Fire and Water
Specialization: Genjutsu and Ninjutsu

Luso Yamada Tellme11

Personality: Luso has a fairly bright personality, choosing only to be hostile when ordered or if someone was to step on his pride. The island chain he was born on does a deal of fishing and it has affected his personality, "Some days you get the big catch, others you are the catch."

Likes: The peaceful waves of his country as they help lul him to sleep, resting between jobs, and providing his family honor through work.

Dislikes: Those who would dishonor his mother for settling down with a member of a different clan, bad service for his ryo, and people who mock his attire.

Motivation: Luso is motivated by the thing that drives a multitude of souls... money. He needs money for his goods, he'd like money to help out his father and mother who raised him on very little. There is only one thing that money can not get for him though... pride. His pride stems from honor and doing what he believes is right.

Fears: Luso has been on this rock for just over sixteen years. He has yet to come into contact with too many things he is afraid of. Death and being maimed would be two fears that come to mind, but with a little hard work and planning he avoids those.

Luso Yamada Blood10


Bloodline Name: Sharingan, Mangekyou Sharingan

Bloodline Ability: The first of the Sharingan's powers is being able to see the flow of chakra. The Sharingan can tell if a person is under a genjutsu because the person's chakra flow would be irregular.

The Sharingan's second-most prominent ability grants the user an incredible clarity of perception, allowing them to easily recognize genjutsu and different forms of chakra, though not to the same extent as the Byakugan. This also allows the user to pick up on subtle details, enabling them to read lip movements or mimic something like pencil movements. As the Sharingan evolves, gaining more tomoe seals, this ability extends to being able to track fast-moving objects before finally giving some amount of predictive capabilities to the user. However, even though the user may be able to see an attack or know it is coming, their body may not have time to react.

The Sharingan's third and most well-known ability is that it grants the user the ability to memorize any technique that he or she witnesses, apart from other kekkei genkai techniques. The user can memorize ninjutsu, genjutsu, and taijutsu with near perfect accuracy, allowing the user to use the techniques as their own, or even modify them to create their own new techniques. In order to reproduce a copied jutsu, however, one must have the necessary skill or ability to perform them. In addition to physical skill and kekkei genkai techniques, the Sharingan cannot reproduce jutsu dependent on other factors, such as summons that the user has not signed a contract with.

The Sharingan's final commonly-used ability is capable of inducing a unique brand of hypnosis that involves suggesting actions and thoughts to the opponent through genjutsu cast by simple eye contact. More advanced Sharingan users can take the hypnosis ability even further to the point where a powerful summons or even Bijuu’s may be controlled. When this was used against summons and the Bijuu’s their eyes took on the tomoe pattern of the users' Sharingan while under hypnotic influence.

The hypnotic ability coupled with the other aspects of the Sharingan, can make the user appear as if they can "see the future". First, the user must perfectly mimic every move their opponent makes and possibly their thoughts and words through careful observation. Then, they suggest an action to the opponent such as hand seals for a jutsu that the opponent and Sharingan user already know and copy that. With these things done, the user can complete the action even before the opponent does, possibly using the Sharingan's genjutsu to confuse or delay them. As with other genjutsu, genjutsu cast by the Sharingan are capable of putting an opponent to sleep, inducing paralysis, replaying memories to someone else, or creating various illusions to deceive someone. The potency of the Sharingan's illusion is dependent on the user's knowledge and skill with implementing genjutsu.

Although the Sharingan consumes the user's chakra while active, the chakra levels that the user must exert is so insignificant that they can keep it active constantly. However, when a Sharingan is transplanted to a non-Uchiha, the chakra drain is significant, leading them to cover it up when not in use, to stop the drain.

The Mangekyō Sharingan gives the user access to several powerful techniques, including the powerful fire jutsu Amaterasu and the almost unbreakable genjutsu Tsukuyomi. The Mangekyō Sharingan erodes the eyesight of its users, eventually causing blindness, which can be prevented by obtaining another pair of Mangekyō Sharingan from a sibling. The new Sharingan is dubbed the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan

Location: Shippuu

Clan History: The Uchiha clan descended from the elder of the two sons of the Sage of the Six Paths. The elder brother inherited the Sage's "eyes", powerful chakra and spiritual abilities. When it came time for the Sage to choose a successor, he questioned the two on what course of action they would follow to bring order to the world. The elder believed that might was the way to bring peace, while the younger believed love was the way. The Sage favored the ideal of the younger brother, and therefore designated the younger as his successor, causing the elder to be filled with jealousy and hatefulness. From the younger son descended the Senju clan who would be the eternal rivals of the Uchiha.

Before the founding of the ninja villages, the Uchiha were one of the many mercenary clans for hire. Because of their Sharingan, the Uchiha clan came to be known as one of the two strongest clans, the other being the Senju clan. As time passed the Uchiha grew stronger, conquering whatever clans they came upon, such that, whenever the Uchiha clan was hired for a job, the opposing side would hire the Senju, and vice versa.

The Senju clan, grew tired of the endless fighting, and approached the Uchiha clan with a peace treaty. The leader at that time feared that an alliance would lead the Uchiha to ruin, but his clan disagreed, and he was forced to accept. The two clans came together to stop fighting. The Senju settled in the Cherry Blossom Country, and the Uchiha moved to the Ocean Country to reside on its various islands. What happens next will depend on the generations to come.

Luso Yamada Histor11

History: Luso was born from a strange mingling of an Uchia woman and a Yamada man. His mother was the subject of ridicule for marrying outside of the clan, bearing a child, and then naming her son Uchia when the chances of him attaining the clan's trademark eyes. From a young age Luso was taught to fish, his father's career, and he lived his life many years out at sea with his father. During the time he spent with his father he would go by the surname Yamada. During his time along the shore his mother would teach him the basics of chakra control. After he was ten his mother worked with him to use some basic ninjutsu, knowing that in his life Luso would find a number of uses for it. When he had his elemental affinity tested it was apparent to the family that his Uchia blood did run through him as fire came very naturally to him. Upon hearing of the opportunities of riches and a more comfy life Luso sought out the village's shinobi academy. Though his life as a ninja would start very late, his life skills as a fishermen and his family's sense of honor would craft him into a fine genin.

RP Sample: Arikado was warped by anxiety which came with the genin exam; it was coming soon and fighting with this fists was always his weak point. In order to make sure he wouldn't have any problems with that in the upcoming trail, he had made his way to the training grounds. There was an intense feel about the air, which was normal for the area, but something felt off to Arikado as he made his way to the large field of polls. A thundering CRACK demanded the attention of the young ninja, and when he rushed forward to see what it was he saw a behemoth standing over a broken poll.

The goliath stood almost two feet taller than Arikado and had the muscle definition to prove his age was well beyond his class average. He remembered seeing the young man in his class once or twice before, but the two had hardly spoken before.

Unsure of why the monster had broken the worn poll, as he had seldom even taken chips out of them, he stood silent. Fear didn't grip his tongue when they locked eyes, his brain had simply taken his capacity to speak as it plotted out different methods of dealing with someone of that much physical power. His legs began to let out a fine blue mist and he spoke up, "Good afternoon."

Luso Yamada Extra10

Source: ?_? I wander the internet. I've no idea what this source means.

Face Claim: Brandt, Final Fantasy Four Heros of Light

Luso Yamada Accept10
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Male Posts : 338
Ryo : 94000

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Luso Yamada Left_bar_bleue250/250Luso Yamada Empty_bar_bleue  (250/250)

Luso Yamada Empty
PostSubject: Re: Luso Yamada   Luso Yamada EmptyFri Aug 17, 2012 6:48 am

Your title should be; 'Uchiha, Luso'
uchia is spelled 'Uchiha'.
You are a Genin, Genin do not have an alias.
'1rd of Taurus' I have not an idea in the world as to what month/day this is.
Polyamory is not a sexuality.
You can have up to three elements and three specializations. Are you sure you do not want to add more?
Personality: Needs two paragraphs with three complete sentences each.
Likes: One paragraph, three likes and three complete sentences.
Dislikes:One paragraph, three dislikes and three complete sentences.
What you have for likes/dislikes is a sentence that lists three likes/dislikes.
History: 211/400 words.
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Male Posts : 338
Ryo : 94000

Character sheet
Luso Yamada Left_bar_bleue250/250Luso Yamada Empty_bar_bleue  (250/250)

Luso Yamada Empty
PostSubject: Re: Luso Yamada   Luso Yamada EmptySun Aug 26, 2012 3:59 pm

You have until the 29th to finish/edit this or it will be archived.
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