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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
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 Suikona Orodashii

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Suikona Orodashii Left_bar_bleue140/140Suikona Orodashii Empty_bar_bleue  (140/140)

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PostSubject: Suikona Orodashii   Suikona Orodashii EmptyThu Jul 19, 2012 1:20 am

Suikona Orodashii Naruto_nidaime0001

Suikona Orodashii Whoare14

First Name: Suikona
Last Name: Orodashii
Alias: The Walking Whirlpool

Gender: Male
Age: 25
Height: 6'2
Weight: 180 Lbs
Birthday: April 25
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationships: Kenvaris(Former Comrade)

Affiliation: Shippuu
Rank: Jounin
Element: Suiton, Raiton, Katon
Specialization: Ninjutsu, Kenjutsu, Taijutsu

Suikona Orodashii Tellme11

Personality: Suikona can be called many things, his personality being rather complicated due to the complications in the development stages of his life. Instead of having the normal life experiences that others have, which lead to mental maturity, he was presented with an endless buffet of pain(Duke Nukem voice. DUM DUM DUM). Suikona is courageous, never turning away from a fight if it means protecting himself, something, or someone he loves. When it comes to someone doing something evil, criminal, or wrong, he would be considered something of a vigilante due to his natural instinct to attempt to repress or capture all of said people. This is because of his memories that he had from when he was a child and was treated by those that would normally be considered criminal. He feels the need to stop them due to the fact he doesn't want others to suffer like he did. In short, he is a calm, clever, and collected tactician who has pulses of bravery, justice, and vigilantism. Over the course of the war, he lost many friends and comrades, and saw many people change. It made him a bit more mature, as well. His eyes have become accustomed to death, and he completely and totally sees no value in a human life if his intent is to kill them.

Likes: Friends: Suikona likes having friends due to the fact as a child, he only had one, and in the end had to kill him. It makes him feel special and privileged now that he can have a friend that he won't end up being forced to fight, injure, or even kill.

Justice: Due to the fact Suikona was so mistreated and beaten by strangers for his entire childhood, he has grown fond of the justice system. Punishing criminals is one of his best things to do, especially killing them. It brings back old feelings of rage for those who hurt him before, like he was punishing them for what they had done, even though he isn't.

Weapons: Suikona enjoys playing with different sorts of weapons due to the feel of each of them being unique in his opinion, giving many different styles and methods of using all different kinds of weapons, even those that weren't traditional. It just intrigues him in general.

Peace: Death has scarred his mind, and war has shown him true horror. Peace is the only thing he truly wants to see reign over the world forever.

Dislikes: Criminals: This is most likely his biggest dislike of all. Criminals and those who do wrong drive him insane because he knows that they're causing pain to others, possibly some like he recieved as a kid. It drives him insane knowing other kids are being treated like he was, and he wants to stop it.

Bullies: The fact that some younger children are mean to other younger children for little to no reason at all, and bringing sadness to each other is something that he dislikes. It bothers him greatly and he will change it if he sees it.

Pain: Another one of his big dislikes. He felt so much pain as a kid, feeling even the slightest amount of it sends him on a streak of mental alerts, though he was forced into the habit of not showing it, he still panics mentally, and sometimes finds it hard to contain it, and and drives him into a flailing rage.

War: Due to his most recent experiences in the great war, he has grown a large dislike of it. He has realized the destruction and pain that it brings. He has seen war for what it really is. It is your children or your grandchildren dying before they're even fully adults, or being maimed or mentally scarred for life. It is your brothers and sisters being taught to kill other people -- and to hate people who are just like themselves and who don't want to kill anyone either. It is your children seeing their buddies' limbs blown off their bodies. It is hundreds of thousands of human beings dying years before their time. It is millions of people separated forever from the ones they loved. It is the destruction of homes for which people worked for decades. It is the slavery of young men being sent to die in the military.

Motivation: Suikona's motivation is a rather simple, and common one, with a bit of a twist behind it. Suikona's motivation in life is to be come a very powerful shinobi, one of the strongest, and utilizing his abilities to remove the crime and wrong doers from the world once in for all, removing the pain and marks they cause on the world, making things better for everyone. Crime cannot be exterminated, but it can be repressed. It is also to keep peace wherever possible.


Pain: Suikona fears pain over almost anything else. He has felt plenty of it through out his lifetime, even when he felt he didn't deserve it. Despite his feelings of fear for pain, he has been taught to ignore it, and is courageous enough to delve into a fight, however, his mentality will be shaky throughout the battle, no matter how much he tries to repress it and remain calm.

Death: Like many others, Suikona fears death for the sheer fact that it is death. He sees it as a cut off for his life goal, and he has a goal that he wants to accomplish, therefore, he will fight for his life until he can no longer do anything about it, and only then will he give in. Til' the moment that he collapses from loss of all chakra and stamina, he will continue fighting for his own life. However, this fear does not only stretch about himself, but he also fears for death of others, especially those that are close to him.

Rage: Suikona fears one of his emotions. It's an emotion that flails about, storming around in your thoughts, and forces you to do things that you would normally ever do. Suikona is afraid of rage. He fears rage because of the fact that it pushes you to go overboard and do things that are definitely not needed. It can lead to him striking out mentally and physically at those he loves. He fears the loss of control it brings more than the actual emotion itself.

War: See above.

Suikona Orodashii Blood10

Place clan name here

Bloodline Name:

Bloodline Ability:


Clan History:

Suikona Orodashii Histor11

History: Birth

Suikona was born into a trading village in the ocean country. It was a very very minor village with but 5 original ninja in the entire village. Suikona was quickly dropped at the orphanage a day after he was born by his swiftly fleeing parents. He was but a baby, stuck at the orphanage for the early stages of his life....


Suikona was stuck in the orphanage the day after he was born. He was given the normal formula given to babies. The orphanage had pretty much gave up hope already. There was no hope of a baby being adopted, seeing as how the village was so small and they were rarely taken. He grew to the young age of 3, learning basic potty skills and that which children know at 3. He could already talk amazingly. A mysterious man came and attempted to adopt him, but was quickly turned down, leaving. The night of the same day, Suikona heard a grinding and creaking as the window to his room was pulled open. The same man from that day Grabbed Suikona, covering his mouth with a strange smelling rag as he took off into the moonless, starless night in the complete shroud of darkness. Suikona faded into unconsciousness.

Where am I?!

Suikona woke up in a dark, ancient oriental style home with paper windows and bamboo walls, symbols covering the wall, he woke up in the middle of the floor. He charged at the door he immediately caught site of, but as he opened the door he heard the wind whistle and felt a sharp pain in his side, he looked down to see a bleeding mark, he immediately fell over, squealing in pain as he looked at the man who had hit him. It was the same man who had "Adopted" him. The man held a switch as he smirked down at Suikona. "Welcome to ninja training you little brat." He said with an evil smirk. Suikona looked around to see other children his age and older laying in cots. They all had their eyes cracked open, obviously fearing to open them all the way. "Poor bastard" Kenji thought silently, Kenji being #1 of the class.

Training begins(ages 3-6)

Hakujoi Suikona was immediately put to his "Ninja Training" the next day. He was taken out to another house about 3 miles from his previous place. Everytime he began to pant or seem tired the man spun around and thwacked him with his switch. Suikona would fall back and yell the first few times, learning that would just get him more beatings he seemed to ignore it, or try. The man looked at him and he said "Growing tired after just a couple of miles of walking is pathetic. Be endurant, learn to ignore your fatigue. It'll kill you some day" he said. They reached the house finally out in the field. The master ran across the floor, it creaking extremely loudly. He said "That is what NOT to do." he said as he turned and walked across the floor again without making a single sound. "Now try it" he demanded. Suikona began to walk acrosst he floor, the floorboards shifting slightly but not making a noise, as soon as he felt prideful he stumbled. A board creeked loudly as the man walked over to him. "Lift your feet." He said. Suikona stood on his toes as the man whipped his feet so hard it left gashes in both of them. Suikona wiped off a quick tear as he started over. Repeating this so many times, he left bloody footprints all over the floor boards. But he soon passed it with no problem. Learning the tricks in fear of being hurt again, learning where to step by looking at the boards. He had made friends with Kenji on the trials they had together. At the age of 5 they put him up to a blending test. He had to wear all black and walk through the shadows of a large building while being observed by three adults, if they could point at him and say "Gotcha" then he got whipped with the famous switch. He cried and repeated this again and again for atleast a week before learning to do this flawlessly. The cuts on his feet scarring up.

Training(Ages 7-10)

Suikona was to endure the toughest training yet. Most likely the toughest training that any of the warriors of the group had to endure. He had to take the training that was to ignore the pain of most injuries completely. He would be whipped daily. If he was to show any sign of pain or being hurt he would be brutally beat by 3 people instead of the normal one. They only allowed him a try a day but after about a year he seemed to be able to completely and totally ignore the pain without any problem whatsoever. He could be whipped and cut and gashed by them but never show any sigh of pain on the exterior. He was the age of eight now, best friends with the boy named Kenji, they slept next to each other and often shared their meals. The boys had many sessions training together. Suikona had to tackle the training of general weapons. He was taught to use a sword extremely effectively, though often choosing greatswords over standard ones. He also learned to use many many kinds of projectiles, even some invented by the society. He turned the age of 10 after this, approaching the toughest task he would have had to face in this society, and in his life.

Training session gone wrong.

Suikona, Kenji, and all the other kids were awoken to the sound of the central bell ringing, telling all of them to gather in the center. The children were told they were carefully observed up to this age, and they would then be forced to fight the person they seemed to be closest to throughout the entire time in the society. He and Kenji glanced at each other knewing they were going to have to fight. They then listened to the instructor's final words. "You will be fighting to the death, if you refuse to kill the person, you will be beaten, and forced to watch us kill them. He watched people be killed, and people be beaten and forced to watch their friend die. They were told that only the strongest would survive, survival of the fittest in a way. Kenji and Suikona were one of the last two to walk up there. They were told to pick from 3 weapons. A sword, nunchuks, or two bokken. Suikona picked up the sword, while Kenji did as well. They were counted down both of them having tears in their eyes. They both ran forward as their blades clashed they both leaned into them gritting their teeth with effort as they pulled back and clashed many more times. Sparks flew from their blades. Suikona seemed to gain the upper hand causing kenji to back way up, He was swinging furiously as he finally got a lucky shot and disarmed Kenji, slashing down his chest. Kenji's eyes widened as he fell to his knees. Suikona had tears falling from his face like waterfalls but he swung his sword and decapitated Kenji, turning and walking back inside with the rest of the winners, all of them gasping in surprise at Kenji's loss.


Training suddenly got alot harder as all of these were the most skilled ninja of the initial group. They had to fight each other in hand to hand spars and everything of the sort. Perhaps the hardest of the training sessions were Advanced Weaponry training, and Manevarability training. Advanced weaponry training was simply like the first weaponry class, but they chose a special weapon for themselves and were assigned special teachers, Suikona picked the greatsword. Simply a giant two handed sword. He learned to pretty much dance with his sword, if someone who had no idea what they were doing attempted to do what he was doing, they would probably kill themselves three to four times a minute. The maneuvarability class was to teach you to fight in a dangerous enviroment. Metal balls were hung from chains on the cieling in random positions as oil was fed from the ceiling, the balls flaming. If the chain was hit flaming oil would splash on you. They were given bokkens and were told to fight in it. Suikona lost these several times by being lit on fire. Perhaps the most memorable time was the time he was fighting #1 in the class. The enemy hit the ball and splashed oil in his eyes, causing them to burn extremely Suikona fell backwards, wiping his eyes, his sensei picked him up from his collar and spoke to him "You think you feel pain? Now this is pain. " He said as he jabbed his hand into his diaphragm, grabbing it and twisting it up, causing insane pain. Suikona fell the the ground and began to scream in agony, staying like this overnight.

Returning Home.

Suikona was chloroformed again in his sleep, knocking him out cold without a single sound. He was drug off back to the road where the orphanage originally stood, but was now simply a pile of ash. He was left there by the shinobi, only waking up several hours later, not remembering where the old dojo was, or how he got in his current position. Regardless, he left and walked torward Hurricane on his sore feet, eventually arriving, and being accepted into the village as a lower ranking ninja, though knowing one day he would be great.

The Great War

The war came and went just as the human lives involved in it had. Suikona had learned what it was like to slay another person that he didn't know, and that didn't even directly offend him. The triad alliance breaking held little relevance to him, but he was drafted, and he had to do as he was told. The Samehada was his weapon in combat, working in collaboration with him to kill countless Suna shinobi. However, he was heavily hindered for a good portion of the war, there not being any water in a desert, made him as a Suiton expert rather low on the totem pole in combat ability. Regardless, he fought anyway. Dominic abandoning the village wasn't a surprise to Suikona, him having the opinion that he was only using the position of a place of power and an ability to get funding for whatever it was he was doing, rather than upholding the honor of the entire village and protecting it with his life like he swore he would. The Kenichi figure wasn't deserving either, in Suikona's opinion. He knew he was best for the position himself.. Or maybe it was his subconscious talking. Regardless, he'd just live out his days doing whatever it was that he was told.

RP Sample: Suikona would walk slowly down the boardwalk, torward the large village gates that crept their way into his sight, sitting on the sunset as simple silhouettes that slowly grew larger. Suikona reached the gates, exiting without the guards noticing the henge that he was in. He had taken the form of a tall, lanky male with short black hair and simple clothing on. He appeared as only a civilian. As he made his way out into the wilderness, the ground began to soften under his feet. He looked down at the waterlogged ground, looking around for the source. Black feathering clouds coated the sky ahead, lightning flashed, cracking the sky before quickly being followed with a sound to match. The rain began to fall. Suikona began to walk through this, there was no use in going back to the previous village now.

Suikona Orodashii Extra10


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PostSubject: Re: Suikona Orodashii   Suikona Orodashii EmptyFri Jul 20, 2012 11:02 pm

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