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The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
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 Nii'gata, Rin

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Nii'gata, Rin Empty
PostSubject: Nii'gata, Rin   Nii'gata, Rin EmptyThu Apr 18, 2013 11:28 pm

Nii'gata, Rin O0witd

Nii'gata, Rin Whoare14

First Name: Rin
Last Name: Nii'gata
Alias: Chi no Ryū ~ 龍の血

Gender: Male
Age: Eighteen
Height: 5'11” (180cm)
Weight: 164lbs (74kg)
Birthday: June 21st
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationships: /

Affiliation: Shippuugakure no Sato
Rank: Chūnin
Element: Katon / Fūton / Doton
Specialization: Taijutsu / Ninjutsu / Kenjutsu

Nii'gata, Rin Tellme11

Rin is very complex. His personality couldn't be summed up in as few words as possible, as that itself could fill a book. On the outside, he acts friendly. He has a positive demeanor and a warm smile that immediately makes him seem approachable and talkative. He speaks cleanly and calmly with only the slightest hint of an accent that seems foreign no matter where he goes, though his vocabulary seems to be quite limited in terms of complexity or quality. But once you delve further into the depths of his character, you find that he is much more intricate.
He is honest, but very blunt. His honesty is often misplaced and ill-conceived, as he would rather tell the truth and unknowingly hurt somebody than lie or keep information from them. His upbringing and culture was bred for honour, and he had been taught from a young age that this type of behavior was very dishonourable.

Beyond these traits, Rin is also quite the skeptic. He is naturally paranoid for seemingly no reason, but something about his demeanor would give the impression that he hides the cause well. This transitions well into another aspect of his personality, which is his secretive nature. His clan is shrouded in secrecy and, as such, revealing information about them is something that he is not voluntarily capable of doing.

Despite his innate secrecy, Rin is both an optimist and a realist. He is capable of identifying threats with ease and comes to terms with things, such as death, that would otherwise cripple him emotionally without much hardship. Rin likes to think on the "bright side" while still being able to be realistic, if only for his sake. Because of this, Rin is also naturally calm. Very little can actually rile him up or enrage him, though he does have his weaknesses.
Rin is a very focused and collected individual. As a Pragmatist and Perfectionist, his ability to dedicate himself to a task and see it through to the end is something to be admired. This is, again, partially due to his upbringing, though it is also a natural trait that he possesses.

There are much deeper, and much darker depths to Rin's personality. Although he may seem like a truly happy and optimistic person, various things that occurred in his past have lead him to have depression. It's severity is situational and Rin doesn't display it well, but it is definitely present in his life. Although Rin is a genuinely passionate person, he often displays signs of being detached or unresponsive. It's his nature as a secretive and calm person, he just doesn't like to display his emotions openly without the proper motivation.

Rin's demeanor can change dramatically depending on the situation. While he may seem happy and content walking around the village, he might adapt to a more serious behavior whenever the occasion permits. As an example, Rin tends to use a logical process of thinking whenever he's out of combat, but when in combat, he acts purely on instinct which makes his advances naturally difficult to predict. So while some may view his actions as random or make the assumption that he's dimwitted, Rin is actually quite intelligent, even if it is situational. He is also very open minded and willing to learn, so new concepts are comprehended much easier than normal.

There are a plethora of different things that Rin likes, and similar to his personality, the list could fill books. The most common to be spoken of are his food preferences. He typically enjoys most types of meat and fish, as his diet is primarily carnivorous. He especially enjoys Deer Venison and Copper River Salmon, which are both common foods from his homeland. An almost comically innate preference that he has inherited from his clan is his love for spicy and hot food. On the topic of food, Rin likes to cook. One of the roles he held in his clan was hunting and preparing food, a task that would have normally been handed off to some of the followers of his clan had he not held such great skill and experience. As a self-sufficient individual, Rin views what others see as a chore or annoying task to be a rather enjoyable and pleasurable experience.

Moving on from his love for food, there are various other activities that Rin enjoys. Sleeping is arguably the most notable, as he does enjoy his fair share of lazy days. Although it is a bit hypocritical, he also likes the rain, though his opinion on it remains situational. As long as he's not in the rain and there isn't any thunder, he holds no qualms against the natural occurrence. Rin also enjoys the warm weather, but despises humidity, which he very quickly grows sluggish in. The heat is something that he naturally likes, and the nature of fire is also enjoyable. Its presence calms him almost immediately.

When it comes to romance, Rin is very indecisive. The nature of the women of his clan had left a bad taste in his mouth prior to leaving his home land. Many of them presented themselves to him as very dominant or overbearing. Given Rin's rather sheltered lifestyle, his opinion of women has been distorted. Because of this, he has begun to prefer the romantic company of a male over a female, but he can sway in either direction if convinced.

There are plenty of things that Rin dislikes, but as a fairly optimistic person, the list of dislikes does not outweigh his list of likes. Purely for the sake of contrast, Rin doesn't like the taste of bitter or sweet foots. His preference for spicy and hot food influences this. Rin also dislikes most vegetables, but he's not against eating them and hasn't excluded them entirely from his diet. On the topic of food, Rin hates the smell of burnt food and hates when things go to waste. His upbringing taught him to use everything from the things they hunted and gathered, often leaving absolutely nothing to waste.

As with most members of his clan, Rin has a natural dislike for water. Large bodies of water such as lakes and oceans make him very uneasy, and he tends to avoid water however he can. Bathing, though done as often as any, is very uncomfortable for Rin. Oddly enough, Rin enjoys the sound of the rain. He hates being forced to be out in the rain, and has a childish fear of thunder, but a lightning storm just seems to calm him down without much reason. Rin also dislikes cold weather, typically snowy climates or the winter months in areas that do actually experience them.

Possibly the most severe "dislike", assuming that the word severe is applicable to describe this extension of his secretive personality, would be speaking about his origins, particularly his clan and their traditions. He is secretive by nature and if there was any information he would ever withhold, it would be anything relating to his back story.

Proving himself has always been Rin's motivation. But to whom does he want to prove himself to? His clan perhaps, as his origins and ancestors are amongst the most important things to him. He recognizes that he exists in the way that he does today because of their sacrifices and hardships, and wishes to respect them by proving himself worthy to be the result of their experiences. Perhaps to his God as well, who motivates him to prove himself. It's very common for members of his clan to strive to prove themselves to their superiors, and leaving a lasting impression on their divine deities is an action that motivates nearly every member of his clan.

There isn't much else that motivates Rin. He only gets up in the morning to see the sun rise, and endures the day to better himself. He doesn't strive to see somebody meet their end, or have a specific title or goal in mind. He simply lives his life day by day, and enjoys himself while doing it.

Presently, Rin possesses a moderate case of Nihilophobia and legitimately fears nothingness more than anything. Inherently, he also fears death by a technicality, as life after death is unknown to Rin. He believes that the potential for nothing to exist after death also frightens him to some extent. As a whole, what is unknown to Takao is generally something that he fears. He no longer possesses many of the trivial fears that haunted his childhood, though there are a few that linger which cause him some level of discomfort, as his minor case of arachnophobia would demonstrate. Rin also has a moderate fear of the ocean and open water, which can be attributed to his Nihilophobia and how little he knows about it as well as a natural trait earned through his heritage as a Nii'gata. Unrelated to his other fears and discomforting phobias, disappointment upsets Rin to a degree that it could be considered more of a fear than a general dislike. Disappointing others and the potential inability to live up to their standards is something that discomforts Rin enough to be compared to a legitimate fear. Doing so makes him very anxious and worried, as he genuinely likes to keep himself up to the standards of others, especially those he shares a blood relation with.

Although it is quite hypocritical for Rin to despise water, yet like the rain, he still has a very childish fear of thunder. The presence of lightning doesn't both him, but the loud boom of thunder frightens him with ease.

Nii'gata, Rin Blood10


Bloodline Name: Ryū no iki (竜の息: translated to; "breath of a dragon")

Bloodline Ability: The Nii'gata have particularly potent chakra and an innate ability to mold their primary and secondary affinities. Due to this peculiar mutation, and as an added effect, the Nii'gata are capable of channeling chakra through their lungs and mouths without the usual hand seal requirement.
  • Primary Nature Affinity deals the same damage as a technique one rank higher.
  • Breath-based techniques do not require hand seals to be completed.
Location: Shippuugakure no Sato

Clan History: 

Nii'gata, Rin Histor11

Rin was born into the elusive and secretive Nii'gata clan as a direct descendent of Katsuro Nii'gata, the second of the Three Sons of Tatsuo. Like his parents Shinta and Hui, Rin was born with blood pure to their ancestors. His blood was especially pure in comparison to both his parents and most other living descendents of Tatsuo. This was the sign that he was the next in line to lead the Nii'gata and their Followers, and he was to replace the current individual who oversaw the clan whenever they passed. But until then, Rin was just another pure blooded Nii'gata kid. He was able to enjoy all the spoils of childhood. At the tender age of six, Rin was taught how to eat fire and gladly endured it. He was a natural by the age of seven. A year later, the eight year old boy was already meditating within the clan's ring of fire. This particular activity was normally only presented to the older children of the clan, but Rin was.. different. The Followers recognized him as prodigal, whereas the elder pure blooded simply viewed him as both very enthusiastic, but very reckless.

Rin viewed himself as neither. He simply viewed himself as... well, himself. Just a kid enjoying his life. As he aged further, Rin began to be trained by his father. As part of his training, he meditated within a circle of fire and afterward, claimed to have survived using the natural energy that the fire around him gave off. By now, at the young age of nine, fire was nothing to be feared. He walked amongst it like he did his clansmen and did not fear it, he respected it rather. It's presence in his life was so influential that he could do nothing but have respect for the emotionless flames that seemed to consume everything in their path.

Rin was ten when he was already being considered for the Nii'gata's rite of passage ritual. Although he felt ready for it, his father wanted to continue to instruct him. It may have just been selfishness on his Father's part, but Rin didn't particularly care. A few years of intensive training passed. During this time, Rin learned a lot from his father. He learned how to hunt and prepare an animal, as well as how to cook and fend for himself. Rin was almost completely independent and self-sufficient at this point in his life. He no longer relied on his parents for support. It was now that his father saw that his son was ready.

So there he sat, amongst the circle of dancing flames that he had grown so accustomed to. Flames that he knew as well as he did his own family, perhaps even better. As the fire raged on, they slowly crawled closer to Rin. It only took a second for the flames, made from chakra, to gather on the fourteen year old boy and begin to burn. But he sat there as if the flames weren't bothering him, and they weren't. Those flames burned for two hours until they naturally died out, the chakra inside them no longer burning as fuel. As they turned from fire to air, Rin opened his eyes and stood. His body steamed and smoked as the ring of fire disappeared around of him.

He stepped away from the flames and faced the clan's elder who oversaw the entire meditation session. He had saw how Rin didn't move whatsoever, even as the flames crawled onto his body, the body sat as motionless as a corpse. A small smirk came to his face as the boy, no older than fourteen, had passed the ritual most adults couldn't even begin to consider. The following week, Rin was set to travel to the mountain across their land, to meet with the clan's leader. The journey was brief and only took about two days, though scaling the mountain was a challenge. One Rin reached the summit, he was greeted by Taiyu. She didn't look much older than hear, probably younger than twenty five years old. She was known as Doragon chōrō, or “Dragon Elder”.
It was under her guidance that Rin was able to unlock his Kekkai Genkai. Her training was more intense than he could ever had anticipated, but he endured each trial. For months she tested every fiber of his being, not only testing his bodily abilities, but the purity of his bloodline. When she learned everything there was to learn about Rin, she brought him to the resting place of Tatsuo, his sons, their sons, and the rest of the leaders of the clan. Each of them had been carved into the wall of a large cave, with Tatsuo being the only free standing sculpture in the middle of the cave. On the back of the cave, Rin was introduced to a large wall filled with bloody hand prints. She instructed Rin to cut his hand and place his mark upon the wall, which he did without hesitation. As his blood dried and stained the stone surface, Rin admired the other marks. His blood now shared the same resting place as his ancestors.

Rin was taken to the peak of the mountain, above where the clouds touched. Taiyu instructed him to meditate, and when Rin asked for how long, she only smirked and nodded to him. She departed and left the fourteen year old boy to his meditation atop the mountain. About two weeks later, he made his way down the mountain. When Taiyu asked him to demonstrate the fruits of his labour, Rin released a roar of flames into the air. His time on the mountain and he returned to the Nii'gata settlements. As with all pure bloods who were successful on the mountain, a festival was held for Rin. The festivities went on for a week, celebrating the newest heir to the clan.

But something was dwelling within Rin. He couldn't describe it, it was unlike a feeling that he had ever experienced before. On one particularly cloudy night, a storm was brewing in the distance. Rin traveled to the Follower's settlement, which was located directly beside the pure blooded, and slaughtered seven of the Nii'gata Followers. He beat each one to death in cold blood with his bare hands for a reason he couldn't even comprehend. His time on the mountain bestowed something very particular upon Rin. It wasn't arrogance, but it filled him with the insufferable desire to prove himself. To who though? He didn't know, he just needed to prove himself. He didn't even know what he needed prove. All he knew is that he had to do something.

Rin faced his punishment the next day. He became known as Tero o nenshō, "The Burning Terror". This type of behavior had never been exhibited by any member of the Nii'gata, both living and dead. The Nii'gata elder who oversaw Rin's meditation in the ring of fire delivered the harshest punishment that any of the clansmen could have imagined. Banishment and exile. Rin wasn't just ordered to leave the settlement, he was ordered to leave the mountain range entirely. He desperately tried to contest the ruling, but his pleads went unanswered and he was forced to leave. Rin scaled the mountains again and as he reached the peak, he gave his home one last glance.

It was this event that resulted in Rin discovering shinobi villages. As a fourteen year old boy, Rin traveled the land, slowly learning about everything that had occurred outside of his sheltered lifestyle. He learned of shinobi villages the first after accidentally encountering Kusamuragakure. Although still hundreds of kilometers away from his homeland, it was still the closest at the time. In Kusamuragakure, he learned about shinobi, chakra, hand seals, and many other important concepts that Rin had previously been ignorant to.

During his time in Kusamuragakure, Rin learned of a particularly legendary weapon that had been stolen by what the residents called a “Rogue Shinobi”. Rin did not possess a sense of justice that would drive him to immediately volunteer to apprehend said shinobi, but rather a hint of greed that motivated him to take it for himself. So he traveled to their encampment a good ten kilometers away from the village. Rin, although inexperienced at the young age of fifteen, took special care in beating each of the supposed Rogue Shinobi to a bloodied pulp. He approached the would-be leader of the gang of ruffians and the two exchanged very few words, but many blows. Their battle went on for an hour, with injuries sustained by both sides. Rin was left with a gash in his chest, which later healed to be a very faint scar, and the leader was left without his head. Rin took the blade he'd been looking for from the man's corpse and admired it. It was strange, unlike anything he had ever seen before. It was large and heavy, but he could lift it with ease. The blade was wrapped in bandages and it had a very odd shape to it. Thicker than any metal he'd seen in his lifetime, and shaped like some massive animal's tooth. But the strangest part about it was the feeling it gave off. It was his weapon now, and Kusamuragakure would have no idea, or at least that's what Rin believed. (Pending Intro Event reward.)

With his new weapon in hand, Rin continued his travels. His time in Hyougagakure was very brief and unpleasant, as the boy naturally hated the cold. Rin then moved across the sea with his eyes set on Shippuugakure. When he arrived, he was actually quite interested in the village. It was unique compared to the others that he had seen. Although the weather wasn't completely to his liking, he was able to listen to the rain a lot more than he did in the other villages. Rin decided that he would stay there, for a while at the very least, if for nothing else but to see what it would be like.

A week had passed. Then a month. Then six months. Rin never left, the village grew on him. He found himself enrolled in the shinobi academy for only two months before he was promoted to genin, purely for his pre-existing combat skills and tactical prowess. When he was paired up to spar with other genin, he was quite ruthless, and the addition of his special weapon did not help the fact. Rin was then promoted to Chuunin again due to his above average ability. Rin now operates as a Chuunin ranked shinobi under the Umikage, despite the fact that he has very limited experience with anything relating to being a ninja.

RP Sample: 

Nii'gata, Rin Extra10

Source: Google Originally, rediscovered the site through an ad on Saga.

Face Claim: Okumura, Rin ~ Ao no Exorcist (Blue Exorcist)

Nii'gata, Rin Accept10

Last edited by Arata Kimura on Mon Apr 22, 2013 4:05 am; edited 24 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Nii'gata, Rin   Nii'gata, Rin EmptyThu Apr 18, 2013 11:36 pm

Please add the [WIP] to your topic title until you are done with the app. Thanks!
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Nii'gata, Rin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nii'gata, Rin   Nii'gata, Rin EmptyMon Apr 22, 2013 4:12 am

I've finished this application.
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Nii'gata, Rin Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nii'gata, Rin   Nii'gata, Rin EmptyMon Apr 22, 2013 4:14 am

You are good to go! Your history is fantastic, by the way. Very well done.

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