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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Hyugo, Kazama

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Kazama Hyugo
Kazama Hyugo
Posts : 36
Ryo : 25500

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Hyugo, Kazama Empty
PostSubject: Hyugo, Kazama   Hyugo, Kazama EmptySun Aug 05, 2012 3:02 am

Hyugo, Kazama 180px-Chara11

Hyugo, Kazama Whoare14

First Name: Kazama
Last Name: Hyugo
Alias: none

Gender: Male
Age: 21
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 243lbs
Birthday: may 19
Sexuality: straight
Relationships: single

Affiliation: Hyougagakure
Rank: genin
Element: fire, lightning, wind
Specialization:kenjutsu, taijutsu, medical jutsu

Hyugo, Kazama Tellme11

Personality:Hotheaded, headstrong, and stubborn, though surprisingly friendly. Isn't afraid to meet new people or have the spotlight on himself and will try leading a group until someone points out why he shouldn't. He is very loyal and quick to name someone friend, and once he has they gain his undying loyalty, right up until he dies. He gets very quiet around women he likes however which makes it hard for him to get into relationships.

Likes: He likes smoking his own personal cigarettes made from tobacco he grows himself. He also enjoys intense training, pushing himself harder and harder against whoever he can to grow stronger to prevent a reoccurence of an event in his past.. He also enjoys spending time with friends, though he can often annoy them with his apparent lack of another life.

Dislikes: Kazama dislikes insects, snakes, and boredom. Insects he simply finds annoying. Snakes however are another matter. Not only does he dislike them, he is afraid of them, andhe is taken by a compulsive need to destroy them whenever he see's them. He also dislikes being bored, well, simply becase he is bored and will bother people in circumstances such as this.

Motivation: Kazama lost interest in advancing his career as a ninja a long time ago and is now mostly content to go on whatever missions come his way. He puts alot in his friends however, compounded by a past event, pushes him to protect those around him with unmatched ferocity.

Fears: Kazama would like others to believe he has no fear, but his two main fears are apparent. He is afraid of snakes and is taken by an instinctual need to destroy them when he see's them. He is also terrified of heights and will take the long way to avoid them.

Hyugo, Kazama Blood10

Place clan name here

Bloodline Name: none

Bloodline Ability: none

Location: none

Clan History: none

Hyugo, Kazama Histor11

History: Kazama is from a family of cloth merchants in Hyougagakure and is the first ninja his family has had in generations.This is partially due to how large his family is, having seven brothers and nine sisters, he realized from a young age that his fathers business could not possibly be split between them all equally. So he instead followed a different path. Being a ninja quickly lost its appeal to Kazama, not for a lack of challenge or things to do, but because everyone seemed more focused on thier career than having any sort of fun, which did not appeal to the young Kazama. Watching everyone work so hard towards this goal and seeming to ignore all the fun passing by made Kazama despise the very idea and so he became very unambitious. For this reason it became hard for Kazama to work with other ninjas and so he moved from team to team for years.

Eventually he started taking on missions without a team, having the experience to advance as a ninja, if not the drive. He always struggled with ninjutsu and so uses the alone time of missions to practice his own ninjutsu styles, focusing on fire for a variety of reasons. He also trains hard with his bo staff ad has become quite formidable with it.

During his time as a ninja Kazama has made, and lost many friends. Most notably among them were Pow Tonn, Ryo Jegino, and Masamura Tomamachi. Ryo Jegino and Masamura Tomamachi were fellow genin, though younger, assigned under the jounin Pow Tonn, a powerful warrior who focused on crushing his opponents with his bare hands. These four ninja were assigned to a simple sounding mission, deal with a small and of bandits terrorizing a village. It should have been easy for the squad, all having varying levels of experience. However, they had been misinformed about the size and power of the bandit force, which they later found out was the begining of a small rebellion. Pow, realizing his team was ill prepared, decided to send one of them back to warn the village so they could send people better trained to handle this situation. Kazama was chosen for this, being the fastest of the group, and the most likely to outmaneuver the enemy. When he returned with the reinforcements however he found he was to late. His team had fallen in defense of the village. The village had again been enslaved by the small army and their ruthless leaders and had also suffered many casualties as punishment for fighting back. The ninja he had brought back made quick work of the rabble however,who had gained there strength through sheer numbers. This proved little comfort to Kazama however, and it was some time before he came to terms with the fact that it had not been his fault and that had he stayed, he would have also died. He has now forgiven himself and strives harder every day to be able to protect those he calls friends.

RP Sample: (This is a scene from when Kazama was seventeen, on the mission where pow tonn and his team died. Before Pow realized what they were really up against they had put up a valiant defense. Kazama, defending one side of the village, has come up against one of the bandits sergeants. This is the fight)

Kazama leaned heavily upon his bo staff, breathing hard as he eyed the bandits in front of him. Dozens of the bastards had already fallen and lay scattered through out the village, but he was tired. The villagers had been wrong about the bandits numbers. Already he was berating himself for his lack of foresight and planning and wondering what Pow had in mind. But he still had a job to do and his skill had already pushed the interloping marauders out of the village on his side and given them pause. None seemed overly eager to charge him now, giving Kazama the momentary break he so desperately needed. Or so he thought. As he stood there in a stand off with the bandits a ruckus formed at the back of the group and soon it grew louder and louder, men parting to let the moving sound of curses and shouting through. Finally they parted before him and before Kazama stood a tall, burly man, covered in scars, tattoos, and a disturbing amount of body hair, which made the man look a lot like a bear. He glared down at Kazama and pulled the gigantic axe down from his shoulders. "So you're the one giving me boys so much trouble? Your the one interferein with the rowdies?" he snarled.

Kazama eyed the man before him with contempt. Another boisterous oaf who thought size gave him power. Though, that axe looked rather nasty....still, this village needed him. Kazama stood straight and grinned boldly at the man. "Sure am! Names Kazama, from the village hidden in the leaves! Wandering warrior, defener of the weak, bane of bandits, seeker of lost treasures, I could continue all day but we don't have the time, food, or drink for that. And you must be the leader of this babbling, bumbling, band of baboons! Which makes you the king of the apes I guess." he said, appreciating the way the mans face reddened. He may not understand what was just said but he knew enough to know he and his men had just been insulted. Good. "Now then monkey king, are you and your men going to gather your wounded and leave, tucking your tails between your legs and heading to the hills never to return, OR, do I get to crack your skull?" he asked.

Kazama really should have seen the bandit leaders reaction coming. The man let loose a monstrous roar and charged, swinging the axe to decapitate Smokes. But Kazama was experienced, and agile, and threw his body backwards, bending at the waist to dodge the hit, then launching himself forward again and crashing his forehead into Tabrinovs nose, causing the big man to stop his charge and reverse it, putting a hand to his bloodied nose. Kazama immediately pressed the attack, realizing that if he allowed his opponent to regain his footing he would be in trouble. He snapped his staff up into both hands and quickly began snapping end after end of the staff at the big man, beating him around the head and shoulders with it, forcing tabrinov to raise his arms and pedal backwards on the defensive. Just as the young ninja wanted. As Tabrinov pedaled backwards, Kazama quickly dropped to a crouch, spinning and smashing the heel of his foot into Tabrinovs feet, kicking them out and causing the man to fall. Kazama continued to spin however, lifting his leg high, and on the next pass slamming his heel down onto the bandit leaders neck with a rather gut wrenching snap.

As Kazana stood up the remaining bandits backed up. Kazama had beaten their leader cleanly and none of them had the courage to challenge him. Kazama, exhausted himself, turned and stared at the bandits for a moment before lunging suddenly, causing the bandits to panic. They ran over each other trying to escaped and scattered to the hills, leaving Kazama to fall over onto his rear end right there in the blood and mud, wondering to himself how the others were fairing, and if they might need his help. Not a pleasent prospect.

Hyugo, Kazama Extra10

Source: Bleach SS forum, which is now sadly dead

Face Claim: Teruyama Momiji from the anime needless

Hyugo, Kazama Accept10

Last edited by Kazama Hyugo on Mon Aug 06, 2012 11:06 pm; edited 11 times in total
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Kazama Hyugo
Kazama Hyugo
Posts : 36
Ryo : 25500

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Hyugo, Kazama Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hyugo, Kazama   Hyugo, Kazama EmptySun Aug 05, 2012 6:57 pm

Allright, if a mod or admin will please look this over and tell me what they think ten it should be done. I hope.
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Male Posts : 847
Ryo : 142304

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Hyugo, Kazama Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hyugo, Kazama   Hyugo, Kazama EmptySun Aug 05, 2012 7:10 pm

Hi, unfortunately the template is completely wrong. Go to the character template post and copy the text within the coded section (black). That should be your template.
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Kazama Hyugo
Kazama Hyugo
Posts : 36
Ryo : 25500

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Hyugo, Kazama Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hyugo, Kazama   Hyugo, Kazama EmptySun Aug 05, 2012 7:25 pm

OK, how is that?
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Male Posts : 847
Ryo : 142304

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Hyugo, Kazama Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hyugo, Kazama   Hyugo, Kazama EmptySun Aug 05, 2012 7:36 pm

Much better. Please run the app through a spell checker to correct some spelling mistakes and you're ready to be approved.
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Kazama Hyugo
Kazama Hyugo
Posts : 36
Ryo : 25500

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Hyugo, Kazama Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hyugo, Kazama   Hyugo, Kazama EmptySun Aug 05, 2012 7:51 pm

Spell check complete!
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Male Posts : 847
Ryo : 142304

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Hyugo, Kazama Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hyugo, Kazama   Hyugo, Kazama EmptySun Aug 05, 2012 9:15 pm

You need to place an image of your appearance at the top of the application.
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Kazama Hyugo
Kazama Hyugo
Posts : 36
Ryo : 25500

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Hyugo, Kazama Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hyugo, Kazama   Hyugo, Kazama EmptySun Aug 05, 2012 9:22 pm

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Male Posts : 338
Ryo : 94000

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Hyugo, Kazama Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hyugo, Kazama   Hyugo, Kazama EmptyMon Aug 06, 2012 3:13 am

[Squints at Shy.] Do you even run anything through a word counter...?
History: 313/400
Likes/Fears/Motivations/Dislikes: List formatting does not count for a paragraph, nor does it count as sentences.
Alias: Take it out. You are not a special Jonin, so you do not have an Alias.
Affiliation: You do have an affiliation. That is what ever village you grew up in/are currently living in.

Kazama, you can't just leave a village after becoming a genin. That would make you a missing nin.

"... On his journey he learned many things, including several new fighting styles, including, boxing, muay thai, tae kwon do, wrestling, and jiu jitsu. He also..."
No. Pick one style only and use it.
Foreign taijutsu... Taijutsu is taijutsu. Nothing foreign about it.
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Kazama Hyugo
Kazama Hyugo
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Ryo : 25500

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Hyugo, Kazama Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hyugo, Kazama   Hyugo, Kazama EmptyMon Aug 06, 2012 3:20 am

Allright, so I cant do the wandering ninja thing, ok.....I will work on it.....
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Kazama Hyugo
Kazama Hyugo
Posts : 36
Ryo : 25500

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Hyugo, Kazama Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hyugo, Kazama   Hyugo, Kazama EmptyMon Aug 06, 2012 3:38 am

Allright, gotta change alot of my history....is it allright if I just change the scenario and alias in the rp sample or do I have to totally redo that as well?
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Kazama Hyugo
Kazama Hyugo
Posts : 36
Ryo : 25500

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Hyugo, Kazama Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hyugo, Kazama   Hyugo, Kazama EmptyMon Aug 06, 2012 4:57 am

Ok, altered. Approved?
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Male Posts : 338
Ryo : 94000

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Hyugo, Kazama Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hyugo, Kazama   Hyugo, Kazama EmptyMon Aug 06, 2012 6:34 am

Konohamaru is not a village, it's a cannon character.
Konohagakure is not a village on this forum. Please pick an existing village.
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Kazama Hyugo
Kazama Hyugo
Posts : 36
Ryo : 25500

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Hyugo, Kazama Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hyugo, Kazama   Hyugo, Kazama EmptyMon Aug 06, 2012 9:11 pm

Ok, I have replaced it with Hyougagakure, which would make the color of his outfit more sensible, if not the cut. But someone who specializes in fire should be able to withstand the cold. How does it look now?
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Hakumei Shinkirou
Hakumei Shinkirou
Male Posts : 799
Ryo : 2371000

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Hyugo, Kazama Left_bar_bleue290/290Hyugo, Kazama Empty_bar_bleue  (290/290)

Hyugo, Kazama Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hyugo, Kazama   Hyugo, Kazama EmptyMon Aug 06, 2012 10:43 pm

Hm, are you sure you only want one specialization and element? You can have up to 3 of each. Also, remove the WIP from the title. After that, this should be ready for approval.
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Kazama Hyugo
Kazama Hyugo
Posts : 36
Ryo : 25500

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Hyugo, Kazama Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hyugo, Kazama   Hyugo, Kazama EmptyMon Aug 06, 2012 10:49 pm

I have three specializations, and yes I only want one element. Focusing on one element instead of three means he is better with that element than others.
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Hakumei Shinkirou
Hakumei Shinkirou
Male Posts : 799
Ryo : 2371000

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Hyugo, Kazama Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hyugo, Kazama   Hyugo, Kazama EmptyMon Aug 06, 2012 10:51 pm

Erm, no, it doesn't. At least, not here anyway. According to the Character Rules all the elements are equal, so having more won't hurt you.
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Kazama Hyugo
Kazama Hyugo
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Ryo : 25500

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Hyugo, Kazama Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hyugo, Kazama   Hyugo, Kazama EmptyMon Aug 06, 2012 11:06 pm

Ok, chose two others.
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Hakumei Shinkirou
Hakumei Shinkirou
Male Posts : 799
Ryo : 2371000

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Hyugo, Kazama Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hyugo, Kazama   Hyugo, Kazama EmptyMon Aug 06, 2012 11:26 pm

Hyugo, Kazama Approv10
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