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The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
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TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
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 Honō Kōri DONE

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Honō Kōri
Honō Kōri
Posts : 20
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Honō Kōri DONE Empty
PostSubject: Honō Kōri DONE   Honō Kōri DONE EmptyMon Apr 16, 2012 12:00 am

Honō Kōri DONE Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTP7aWAldOmE9A3fDTfRtMYugsFiu7dMnZBqjoXigyYl8V_r55Sfw

Honō Kōri DONE Whoare14

First Name: Honō
Last Name: Kōri
Alias: The Peaceful Giant

Gender: Male
Age: 25
Height: 7'9
Weight: 389 lbs
Birthday: 2-12-87
Sexuality: Straight
Relationships: None

Affiliation: Kusamuragakure
Rank: Jounin
Element: Earth, Fire, Wind
Specialization: Weapons. Specifically Claymores(Scottish Long Sword).

Honō Kōri DONE Tellme11

Personality: Honō is a very gentle man by the nature of his clan. Nothing ever really gets at him. You could throw his food and drink across the room, beat him down, and then spit on him and he wouldn't have a problem with you. He always tries to see the good in people, he believes that everyone has some in them and that they can be brought out to shine and turn those from evil to good. He is a very gentle man by the nature of his clan as well, he often takes care of small animals and children when he sees that they are in need of assistance.

He is very loyal to the village that he is allied to, doing as they say when they say it so long as it does not harm other members of the Kōri clan. Despite being loyal to the village, he is loyal to his clan beyond all else. Nothing could ever get him to leave his clan, nor can anything get him to attack another member of his clan. Whenever someone attacks his clan members or his friends, he then, and only then, will actually attack someone with the intent of bringing serious injury, perhaps even death upon them.

Outside of all of this, he is very passive and he decides not to chose when there are conflicts that are affecting his village. He prefers to let the others decide and then to follow the majority rule on many things. He enjoys being with others because most tend to stay away from him due to his large size and because his mannerisms often involve him moving his arms about and that tends to knock people and objects over.

Likes: He enjoys others company as stated above for the same reasons that were stated above. He enjoys eating ramen on his days off, he especially likes trying new kinds of ramen and combining two or more different styles of ramen into a whole new one. He enjoys walking at a leisurely pace, he doesn't like appearing to be too hasty. He loves small animals and things that are generally regarded as being cute. He enjoys taking long walks under full-moonlight, so as to take notice of the affect that darkness has on any area.

Dislikes: He dislikes people that judge others based on appearance, for many have seen him and had thought that he has a grand warrior based on his size alone. He also dislikes it when people kill others for no reason, even if it is within a battle. He sees that there is always a choice to make, you save your foe, and he will return the favor one day. He dislikes it when others go out to intentionally harm animals for no reason, just to see what it felt like.

Motivation: He wants to ensure that his clan continues to survive after years of persecution due to their large size and immense strength. His clan was hunted down as a means for some men to enter adulthood because it was thought that they were fierce warriors.

He also wants to help others succeed in any way possible, so long as it is a way that does not harm others. He wants to help others in training and in life as well.

Fears: He fears those that would wish to continue hunting his clan members for the right to be called a man for killing one of the "Fierce Giants." He fears killing others and what it could do to a man if he were to do so. He fears the night under a new-moon, for that was when many attacked his clan.

Honō Kōri DONE Blood10


Bloodline Name: Kōri

Bloodline Ability: Magma Make, it allows the ability to make weapons out of obsidian from magma that the user summons up from the ground. It also physically alters the arms and hands of the user to where they're covered in rock as to protect them from the heat.

Location: Scattered

Clan History: In the beginning, the Kōri clan was a nomadic clan. They traveled wherever they wished to go whenever they wished to go there. They were originally seen as people of no harm, but like everything, there are those that wished to harm them. These people formed hunting parties that went down and slaughtered whole groups of them without warning nor hesitation.

As such, the clan began to split into smaller and smaller groups as to keep them from being slaughtered so much. Over time, these groups of people that would slaughter the Kōri clan had spread lies throughout the land. Making other villages suspicious of the Kōri clan, and even leading out expeditions as forms of missions to hunt them down and eradicate them.

Eventually, the clan leaders came together and they knew that they had to fight back. But they did not want to give up their stance as peaceful wanderers. They thought about this decision for a many months. Until they decided to fight back. This lead to a war, a bloody, and violent war. A war in which the Kōri clan stood the victors. And then they handed all of the power back to all of the people that they took it from. When the leaders of the villages asked why. the leader of the Kōri clan said, "We are peaceful people, we never wanted to fight. And we care less for power, we just wanted to stop the massacres that were happening to our people."

This brought attention to the eyes of the village leaders and they saw the wrong in what they had done. They all then offered homes within the villages for the Kōri people. Many refused and had such continued their nomadic life, whereas some stayed behind in the villages to ensure that this never happened again. That was ten years ago.

Honō Kōri DONE Histor11

History: Honō Kōri was born under the time of which his clan members were being hunted down and killed. His family was one of the many that formed smaller groups that would leave on their own ways. After many years of dodging villages and small towns, he eventually found himself in the middle of a village raid on his group.

They fought valiantly, not for themselves, but for the other members of the group. In the end of that bloody skirmish, only Honō survived. He then joined in another group that was headed for a meeting of the clan leaders. Once there he was decided to be one of the leaders since he was the last one of his group. Which as you can imagine would be horrible thing to put a child through. But he was still up to go for it, he wanted to be one. He was the youngest of the group, so he would have never been a group leader if it had never happened. Which is not to say that he was happy that his group was killed, he was traumatized by it. But he saw that he could help, so he went for it.

In the meeting he put in his input that he didn't enjoy harming any other being and that he wished for there to be peace. He then stated that we would not vote on anything since there was an even number, he knew that it would come to a standstill if there was an even number of voters. By the end it was up for one of two things, either continue living in fear of attack or go to war with them and to stop all of this from happening.

The vote was cast and as Honō had expected, if he had voted then it would have been a tie. So, the vote was cast and the result was that they would go to war. As stated above, the war was bloody and violent. Honō was there for the fist victory of the war when the Village Hidden in the Jungle was taken, he lost many friends that day. Many of which were killed without mercy. However, the clan took prisoners of war and they kept them well fed and looked after. Needless to say, this confused them because they had all heard stories of them murdering people like animals. They were even told that they were nothing more than animals. And that they would kill them and eat their carcasses if they had the chance. But from what they had seen they were nice and gentle, only acting if one of their clan members had been hurt, never if they themselves were hurt.

Honō was in several other battles during this war as well. He was in the battle of the valley. Hundreds went in, and only seven came out. Needless to say, he was one of the seven. During the battle of the valley, the villages had decided to unleash an experimental weapon during it. This weapon is what destroyed all of the troops. Only two troops were killed by fighting each other that night. It was a genetic weapon, a beast made from both Jutsu and science. The beast knew neither friend nor foe, only destruction, so it was clearly a failed experiment. It took two armies to destroy it, while it decimated them without need for alarm.

After the war, Honō went to live in the village that he had helped capture. By this time he was around fifteen years of age. He had enjoyed it there and he thought that it was a nice place to be. Once he was there he signed up for the ninja academy there. There we went through all of the requirements for both the Genin and Chounin exams.

The Chounin exams were not as easy as he would have hoped. During the exam, there were several attempts on his life from ninja that had either heard stories of his clan, or that had been raised to hate his clan. He did not fight back for any of the attacks, and as such was subjected to serious injury. He was then forced to leave his first attempt at the Chounin exam due to his injuries.

His team mates however, went on at his request and they succeeded. They then went to the hospital to see how his injuries were healing. They were surprised to see several ninja guarding his bed. For there were several other attempts on his life after he had been sent to the hospital. When he was first sent to the hospital, he had burns and major lacerations from all of his attackers. But after being in the hospital, he had several broken bones and many more lacerations and contusions from attackers coming at him again.

He then continued training with his original team from the Chuunin exams for the Jounin exams and so, he became a Jounin at age 23. During the exams, he was attacked again by several teams. His team had been on the look out for some of the teams that had attacked them last time. The team that had sent him to the hospital was there, and they looked extremely surprised. They had thought that they had made it to where he could no longer be a ninja. Obviously, they were quite surprised to see him there.

His team had found out that they were tracking them, so they led out a trap for them. They went around and they started following them, constantly leading them into dangerous situations and the like. Until eventually, they figured out what was going on and they turned around and they went forth to attack Honō's team. The battle was brief and quick, with Honō's team coming atop as the obvious victors.

He now lives with himself, doing missions and waiting for caravans of his clan members to come through.

RP Sample: Is this really necessary?

Honō Kōri DONE Extra10

Source: Fairy Tail RP.

Face Claim: I don't know who this guy is, I just found him online.

Honō Kōri DONE Accept10

Last edited by Honō Kōri on Tue Jul 31, 2012 6:38 am; edited 14 times in total
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Honō Kōri DONE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Honō Kōri DONE   Honō Kōri DONE EmptySat May 12, 2012 7:23 pm


You have until May 19th to finish this app or else it will be archived.
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Honō Kōri
Honō Kōri
Posts : 20
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Honō Kōri DONE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Honō Kōri DONE   Honō Kōri DONE EmptySat May 19, 2012 5:44 pm

Sorry Luxy-Girl, but I haven't had time to deal with this. Until today, May 19th.
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Male Posts : 223
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Honō Kōri DONE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Honō Kōri DONE   Honō Kōri DONE EmptySun May 20, 2012 6:59 am

Hey, I'm Yoshi. First of all, awesome job trolling Luxin xD. No offense, Luxin:/ . Second, I replied your pm. So, here's what you have to change/correct:

1. Your appearance: I can't seem to view it. Please send me the image of the link and I'll help you.

2. Rank: Everyone starts as a genin. If you would like an open starter rank as a jounin, apply here , and you would also need to have a 1,000 word history to be a jounin.

3. Alias- Only for B rank shinobis.

4. Specialization. Just include Weaponry, nothing else.

5. Clan : Your clan name is Kori, rite? But in your clan application, it says Hono. Which is the right one? Also, I won't be able to approve you until you finish your clan app, and only after it is approve.

6. Rp sample : Yes, yes it is. Please copy+paste something from your history, or just type out a new one.

7. what do you mean you don't do face claims.
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Honō Kōri
Honō Kōri
Posts : 20
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Honō Kōri DONE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Honō Kōri DONE   Honō Kōri DONE EmptySun May 20, 2012 7:19 am

I don't do face claims because that makes my character something else. I make my characters unique, I don't like making an appearance of another character and having to painstakingly look for a pic that looks like my character. And thanks for the tips. I'll get to work on that right away. Hmm... a twenty five year old Genin, I guess he's the special kid that got held back a lot.
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Honō Kōri
Honō Kōri
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Honō Kōri DONE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Honō Kōri DONE   Honō Kōri DONE EmptySun May 20, 2012 7:25 am

Odd, there is nothing in the template for character description.
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Honō Kōri DONE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Honō Kōri DONE   Honō Kōri DONE EmptySun May 20, 2012 9:00 am

For rules, check here : http://www.narutomirage.com/t4347-character-rules

The template is under the topic, scroll down till the end
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Honō Kōri DONE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Honō Kōri DONE   Honō Kōri DONE EmptySun May 20, 2012 9:01 am

But you need a face, so either draw it your own, or pick a character.
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Honō Kōri DONE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Honō Kōri DONE   Honō Kōri DONE EmptySun May 20, 2012 9:03 am

bump when done
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Honō Kōri DONE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Honō Kōri DONE   Honō Kōri DONE EmptySun May 20, 2012 4:44 pm

Yoshi... You seem to be doing a lot of work. I'll take this one.. if that is okay?
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Honō Kōri DONE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Honō Kōri DONE   Honō Kōri DONE EmptySun May 20, 2012 11:15 pm

Sure, thanks! But dont hold any grudges against him, 'kay;)
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Honō Kōri
Honō Kōri
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Honō Kōri DONE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Honō Kōri DONE   Honō Kōri DONE EmptyWed May 23, 2012 9:20 pm

Okay, I am mad. I had this finished last night and when I got on it was back to not being done.
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Honō Kōri DONE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Honō Kōri DONE   Honō Kōri DONE EmptyWed May 23, 2012 11:28 pm

I think you forgot to post it, or you closed before it finished posting.
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Honō Kōri DONE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Honō Kōri DONE   Honō Kōri DONE EmptyWed May 23, 2012 11:39 pm

Okay... If you do not know what your face claim is... just write in "Unknown".
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Honō Kōri
Honō Kōri
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Honō Kōri DONE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Honō Kōri DONE   Honō Kōri DONE EmptyWed May 30, 2012 5:06 pm

and I hate you writers block
only 200 some words away, so close. And yet so far away.
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Honō Kōri DONE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Honō Kōri DONE   Honō Kōri DONE EmptySun Jul 01, 2012 8:13 pm

You have until July 7th to finish this app or else it will be archived.

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Honō Kōri
Honō Kōri
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Honō Kōri DONE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Honō Kōri DONE   Honō Kōri DONE EmptyMon Jul 02, 2012 5:35 am

Shy, I've been waiting for someone to check it.
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Hakumei Shinkirou
Hakumei Shinkirou
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Honō Kōri DONE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Honō Kōri DONE   Honō Kōri DONE EmptyMon Jul 02, 2012 6:41 am

Honō Kōri wrote:
and I hate you writers block
only 200 some words away, so close. And yet so far away.
That was the last thing you said about it. You didn't say that you were done. If I read that I would assume that you still need to add more words in and you would bump it once you did so. Honestly, people need to just make the edits and say they did so instead of commenting on what they need to do.

Anyway. Are you done?
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Honō Kōri
Honō Kōri
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Honō Kōri DONE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Honō Kōri DONE   Honō Kōri DONE EmptyMon Jul 02, 2012 5:51 pm

I do believe so.
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Hakumei Shinkirou
Hakumei Shinkirou
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Honō Kōri DONE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Honō Kōri DONE   Honō Kōri DONE EmptyMon Jul 02, 2012 6:32 pm

Specialization: Weapons. Specifically Claymores(Scottish Long Sword).
This means things like Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Taijutsu, etc. You've only listed one: Weaponry/Kenjutsu.

RP Sample: Is this really necessary?

Face Claim: None. I don't do face claims.
Well you do now.
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Honō Kōri
Honō Kōri
Posts : 20
Ryo : 0

Honō Kōri DONE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Honō Kōri DONE   Honō Kōri DONE EmptySat Jul 07, 2012 7:14 am

What the hell? I posted everything there. Crap... this sucks... now I have to redo everything... screw my life.
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Hakumei Shinkirou
Hakumei Shinkirou
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Honō Kōri DONE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Honō Kōri DONE   Honō Kōri DONE EmptySun Jul 15, 2012 9:43 pm

So... is this done now?
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Honō Kōri DONE Empty
PostSubject: Re: Honō Kōri DONE   Honō Kōri DONE EmptyMon Aug 06, 2012 2:08 am

You have until August twelfth to finish this or it will be archived. Your clan is approved so you need to pick up the pace.
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PostSubject: Re: Honō Kōri DONE   Honō Kōri DONE Empty

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