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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
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 Obitus Umakaze(WIP)

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Male Posts : 6
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PostSubject: Obitus Umakaze(WIP)   Obitus Umakaze(WIP) EmptyFri Apr 26, 2013 3:29 am


Obitus Umakaze(WIP) Whoare14

First Name: Obitus
Last Name: Umakaze
Alias: Shi no gekido

Age: 23
Height: 6'1
Weight: 130
Birthday: 02/10
Sexuality: straight
Relationships: none

Affiliation: Kusamuragakure no Sato
Rank: Jonin
Element: Katon and Raiton
Specialization: ninjutsu and taijutsu

Obitus Umakaze(WIP) Tellme11

Personality: When around others, Obitus is one of the few that can make the term 'Looks can kill' into an actual statement. His mask of Being cold, uncaring, and unforgiving has given him the title of Ice King. After the horrific accident from his earlier years, he keeps people at a distance. Even his 'friends'....if you can call them that are on a mutual respect level and nothing more. When around friends, Obitus is calm and relaxed but always ready to defend or strike back if there is need. Emotionless, he is but its just a mask he has sewn himself in order to keep those from tearing him apart again. He has yet to find the one that can change and make him better.  

When away and distant from humanity, His mask drops and cracks as his emotions flood through his unguarded stature. He holds back the tears of the past as the pain of the present takes its toll on his body. No one ever sees this pain because of him shutting off from humanity. He wishes it could end someday but realizes that no one will ever help ease this pain of his.  His past and present pain are always there. When he walks down the streets, on a mission, or even in a restaurant. The truth is his pain is one that will only be healed by the right people but with his cold exterior...well that's a long shot to a dream.

In words that cannot be explained. Obitus knows how the world works and will do anything to keep them from harming his village. His view on the world is something of dull and cold. The sun never shines in his eyes nor does the grass become greener on the other side. Although on occasional nights he is seen on top of his house, staring at the moon for hours on end in deep, consuming thoughts.

Do not let what you see think differently. Especially in battle, Obitus is known as the 'Shi no gekido', Due to his Tai and kenjutsu skills. Although not as great as the Taijutsu and kenjutsu specialists, He can take a toll on his enemies.When in battle he is calm and collected as he analyzes the situation and thinks of many strategies that can place him in favor of the battle and eventually become the victor but he also thinks of the ones that will and can throw him off battle thus leaning towards his death. When in battle, He only focuses on the battle and nothing else. Even his teammates are only a small thing in his mind as he battles.

Likes:He has very few likes since nothing can interest him much. The few things that can keep his interest is Training. That's it. Just training since he has little to no interest in humanity itself. Although there are some characters that pike his interest it never lasts long. If you ever do gain his attention then be sure to keep it that way. He is a good friend if you can get behind that mask of his.

Dislikes: His Dislikes mainly involves other nations. He may be cold and uncaring to his own village, but he loath other villages in general after he found out who killed his family. He utterly hates it when he cracks from his past pain because it is a sign of weakness and he never wants to have a repeat ever again.

Motivation:  Motivation? more like determination. In his own way he is determined to get stronger for everyone so he won't fail a second time. So with this determination his training had been known to be intense, even for himself who created it!! Even though its tough he does this because of his motivation to protect the ones he love.

Fears:  His only fear is that he might be betrayed by the very people he calls friends. Hence why he has so little to begin with. He is always weary and is ready in case they do turn their backs on him. He also fears that his past will show up and repeat itself with the very few people he considers friends.

Obitus Umakaze(WIP) Blood10

Place clan name here Umakaze

Bloodline Name:N/A

Bloodline Ability: N/A

Location:  N/A

Clan History:  N/A

Obitus Umakaze(WIP) Histor11

History: [spoiler=History]             Arc of Birth
                             Remember, Darkness does not always equate to evil, just as Light does not always bring good. - P.C. Cast, Betrayed

    Born on February 10. Umakaze Obitus was born into the world in which the Shinigami reigned and the impossible feats where possible. The World of ninjas. When he was born, he had something that no one would ever thing a baby had. His eyes, Instead of any normal color was red and not just any red. His eyes gave off an eerie red light glow when you looked at it. Other than that he was a healthy babe. Or was he?

    As obitus started to grow up. He had a regular life like any other child. A family to take care of him, people who he could call friends even if he was 2 yours old, and a big brother who he idolized as he was a ninja. A shinobi of skills no regular human can have or obtain. Then something strange started happening to him. At first he asked his big brother , Robert Umakaze, who didn't know what was happening. Then he went to ask his parents in which they simply responded by saying 'some other time'. Now you want to know what was the problem? Its simple. As he became 3 his body changed, not much but it was noticeable. His hair grew out at a slightly faster rate than others. His skin had a callous feel to it. This shocked the parents as they never knew what was happening to their son.

When Obitus turned 5, it was the day he was given a choice to read and study shinobi. Of course he took it with full excitement. Every book he got was finished within a week or two. Now this made his parents worry as any other child would give up interest and try other things before finishing the book. No, Obitus's brain grew a little bit, enough to make him crave for information. And like a sponge, He soaked up the knowledge as he grew older. Then The Tragedy occurred.  

                        The Tragedy Arc

On the Night of April 12th, an 8 year old Obitus walked home after spending hours in the library, studying on the history of the great shinobi war and also learning chakra. Obitus was amazed that there was energy in his body that could allow him to use those jutsu's he saw the shinobi occasionally do in the training fields. He was excited to be able to do those eventually. With that excitement on his brain he rushed off, making a speedy approach towards his house.

Nothing is what we expect to happen.

Obitus noticed something was wrong when he saw the house front door wide open and hanging on its last hinge. Scared for his family, he blindly went inside yelling out for his family. What he came to was something he will remember for the rest of his life. There, on the floor side by side was his parents...or what remains of them. The only thing left to decide it was his parents where their hands entwined together with their wedding rings on their hands.  He looked on in disgust and fear with sorrow swirling into the mix. He fell to his knees as he just stared at his now deceased parents. Tears soon started silently falling down onto the bloodstained carpet as he remembered their happy expressions when the family was together. The tears stopped as his head snapped up with only one thought on his young mind. "Brother!"

Racing upstairs, Obitus rammed into his older brothers room only to fall to his knees again in shock and sadness. His brother was on a wall with three swords stuck in his vital areas. The lungs, Stomach, and finally the heart. That set the flood gates open as he cried and cried over his family's death. His cries to the heavens where heard as a storm started to appear above the village. As he cried he felt something inside him snap which made him scream in anguish and sadness. His Chakra, which he unlocked unconsciously, started flowing out and around him. First as wisps at first then began to swirl around him, his chakra grew in size and speed rotation as he screamed/cried for his family. Soon Lightning and thunder mixed in with his screams. His chakra grew faster and faster and was soon felt by all the shinobi as they rushed to the source of the immense chakra output. Anger, sadness, pain, loss, These where the feelings Obitus was experiencing as the chakra output increased more and more. Finally, after a few minutes, Obitus collapsed and cried.

As the Shinobi entered the house, they were saddened to see another family dead. They ran upstairs, finding the boy whose heart and soul was dying from having to experience the loss of his family at such a tender and young age. One of the Shinobi picked up the young boy and Shunshined to the Sakurakage.

                          The Academy Arc 

3 days after the Incident, Obitus was placed in the orphanage until he count become independent or someone adopted him. His time there was not pleasant. Not even 2 days after he was placed in the orphanage, he was bullied. Two teenagers around the age of 12 and 13 were always taking his money that he earned rightfully, Stealing his items, and lastly teasing him to no end. His life wasn't always that bad as he made a friend there. His name was Toko Yuminaki and he was around the same age as the two bullies. After a day of hanging out and fighting off the bullies for the day, He and Toko usually hung outside and on the roof to watch as the sun set and as the moon rose. Life was ok for Obitus but he never knew what was about to change his life in a year.

A year later and we see Obitus training his body before going out to do his work to make himself money. After he got done he headed out towards his destination for the day...The Sakurakage's tower. As he neared the tower, millions of thoughts went through his 9 year old mind. As quickly as they came, they vanished as he thought of protecting the ones he has close. After entering the tower and asking for an audience from the Sakurakage, Obitus started explaining what he wanted to do since he was 5...To be a Ninja. The Kage chuckled in his seat but soon looked at Obitus and saw the determination in his eyes. Nodding the kage accepted on one term...To be the best he could be. Being the child Obitus is he soon yelled and hollered with joy and glee.  The kage chuckled at his antics then sent him to finish whatever he was going to do.

Entering the Academy at the age of 10, Obitus found more information of chakra and how to control it. He also started the leaf exercise where he had to focus his chakra at one point and make the leaf stick to his forehead for as long as he can. Everyday from the day he entered the Academy, Obitus trained when at the orphanage while also learning the hand signs for jutsus.  He went to the library and qas able to get access into the ninja's section, but only academy to genin was allowed for him until he rose in ranks.

Four Years later

Graduating the Academy was easy but he had to work on his chakra control to do the Bushin no jutsu. because of learning that he now has almost perfect chakra control even though it took forever to get it just right. As he reached the gates to the orphanage, he noticed the changes on his body. After started working out four years ago, his muscles were stronger and gave him a sort of built look to him. His hair was grown out to the point where it covered his eyes and the base of this neck. But what stood out the most was his chakra capacity. Even though his is considered a Genin. His chakra rivaled that of a low Jonin.
After walking through the Building, he packed his bags and left to find an apartment...

                                   From the Ground Up

A week after passing the Exams, Obitus Left the Orphanage to move into an small house.
RP Sample:

Obitus Umakaze(WIP) Extra10

Source:: Via E-mail
Face Claim: Obitus Umakaze is known to have Crimson red eyes that could turn ones blood cold, Hair as black as night with silver linings every now and then in the hair, His face is devoid of any baby fat and shows some of his cheek bones. He is usually seen with no expression whatsoever on his face unless its really important to him. Even if he shows emotion, he hides it well when around people.

Obitus Umakaze(WIP) Accept10

Last edited by Obitus on Mon Jun 16, 2014 8:54 pm; edited 44 times in total
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Obitus Umakaze(WIP) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Obitus Umakaze(WIP)   Obitus Umakaze(WIP) EmptyFri Apr 26, 2013 3:39 am

1) The birthday is the day your character was born, not you.
2) Your name cannot be Uzumaki because a staff member has to make that clan, as it is canon.
3) Affiliation is a village. Pick one of them.
4) You can't have all elements. You can have a maximum of 3.
5) You can only have a maximum of 3 specializations as well.
6) Personality, likes, dislikes, motivations and fears must all have at least three complete sentences each.
7) Put N/A for all of the Clan section.
8) Your history has to be at least 400 words for genin rank.
9) Your RP sample has to demonstrate how well you can roleplay and must have a word count of at least 250.

Fix all of this and we can move on.
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Obitus Umakaze(WIP) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Obitus Umakaze(WIP)   Obitus Umakaze(WIP) EmptyWed Apr 30, 2014 2:57 pm

i am currently redoing most of it. So check back later
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Obitus Umakaze(WIP) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Obitus Umakaze(WIP)   Obitus Umakaze(WIP) EmptyWed Apr 30, 2014 6:36 pm

Add a "WIP" to your thread title so that staff know not to grade it yet. Thanks :)
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Obitus Umakaze(WIP) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Obitus Umakaze(WIP)   Obitus Umakaze(WIP) EmptyWed Apr 30, 2014 6:38 pm

i will do that but firs i got to find it lol. god i am such a noob here
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Obitus Umakaze(WIP) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Obitus Umakaze(WIP)   Obitus Umakaze(WIP) EmptyThu May 01, 2014 11:46 pm

Hey, Obi! Let's get right down to the app, shall we?

  • Your personality, Likes, Dislikes, Fears, and Motivation all need to be paragraphs, so expand on all of them however you can, go as in depth as you possibly can.

  • You are allowed to start out with a maximum of three Specializations, so remove one accordingly.

Bump this topic as soon as you're done!
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Obitus Umakaze(WIP) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Obitus Umakaze(WIP)   Obitus Umakaze(WIP) EmptyFri May 02, 2014 1:42 am

Alright, Obitus. Everything seems to be in check.

Welcome to Legacy, you are approved!
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