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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Ookami, Yoshima

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Yoshima Ookami
Yoshima Ookami
Posts : 13
Ryo : 750

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Ookami, Yoshima Empty
PostSubject: Ookami, Yoshima   Ookami, Yoshima EmptyFri Jan 13, 2012 1:27 am

Ookami, Yoshima Juuzou

Ookami, Yoshima Whoare14

First Name: Yoshima
Last Name: Ookami
Alias: n/a
Gender: Male
Age: 6
Height: 3'4"
Weight: 65 lbs
Birthday: April 20th
Sexuality: Girl's have cooties, ewwwwwwww
Relationships: n/a
Affiliation: Boufuugakure
Rank: Genin
Element: Earth/Fire/Wind
Specialization: Taijutsu/Ninjutsu/Fuuninjutsu

Ookami, Yoshima Tellme11

Personality: Much like any child this age, Yoshima is usually pretty full of life and wonderment, almost always happy go lucky and seeing the glass as half full. It's very hard to bring him down from his natural high from life, but thats not saying it can not be done. Around new people he tends to be very shy around, but takes very little time to warm up to them, even less if they give him candy. Now being so young make Yoshi a bit of an attention hog, and will do just about anything to get the attention of those near by, even pulling pranks on the locals if he isn't paid attention to in a while.

Likes: CANDY!!!: Come on now guys, what child doesn't love the sugary goodness that is called candy. Coloring just so happens to be one of Yoshi's favourite pass times other then playing games, so you will almost always see his bag filled with crayons and coloring books. Being a descendant of the Ookami clan, Yoshi finds a strong connection with the canine species, and just loves to play with them while in wold pup form. Being in wolf pup form and having his belly rubbed also makes him very happy.

Any kid who likes these vegetables is definatly one weird child who will be bullied throughout school, plain and simple. Scary looking people just creep him right the hell out. Yoshi will go to any means to get people to pay attention to him, even pulling pranks around the village if at all possible. If anyone even mentions the word bath, Yoshi will absolutly run away with terror each and every single time it happens. So don't suggest it, if you want him clean, suggest going swimming.

Motivation: To be the bestest ninja ever while playing with his friends, and eating as much candy as possible. When he first joined the academy Yoshi didn't really see a meaning behind being a ninja, however that all changed when he seen Takeshi fend off those rogue ninja. It was truely a sight to behold. In other words, Takeshi is his motivation in becoming a ninja.

Fears: THE BOOGEYMAN: Mainly this is just his mind playing tricks on him, such as shadows on the wall and the house making weird noises. However this also means any frightening looking individuals that he will associate that title to as well. Another thing that Yoshi fears is being punished, he absolutely hates being punished, so he will do whatever he can to make sure that he doesn't.

Ookami, Yoshima Blood10


Bloodline Name: Ookami

Bloodline Ability: This clan has the ability to utilize the instincts of the wolf, and even transform themselves into a wolf. They are masters of taijutsu. Their speed, strength, and reaction is about 50% higher then normal humans without any jutsu in place. The clan's senses is also like that of a wolf's, and can even smell chakra if it is powerful enough. Clan focuses on Taijutsu and Ninjutsu
**NOTE** The clans power is increased by 50% under a full moon.

Location: Scattered

Clan History: It started long ago, in a small camp site deep in the forests of Shippuugakure. A young couple had just concevied their first child, but it was grim. He was born sick, weak, frail. The couple went to every doctor in the village, yet none could help. The couple lost hope, and laid him to sleep. They watched everyday, and night, waiting for the time to come, when their child would soon die. On the day when the parents knew the time would come, a small white wolf came into the house. The father, weak with greif, didn't do anything to it. the wolf came up to the child, their parents doing nothing. The white wolf looked into the childs eyes, and in a flash of bright light the wolf was gone, the child awake and healthy. the parents could not believe what happened, a miracle. The child smiled, and the mother noticed his teeth were sharper. years went on, and the boy kept changing. When he was 10, his eyes became wild. At 13, a tail grew, and at 18 wolf ears. by 21, we could turn into a wolf. His parent were always proud of him, as he excelled in everything. From running, to fighting. He married, and had a child. He two, was born with the wolven features. Time passed, more people with the wolf in them sprang. Though they had diffrent elements, they decided to band together to make a clan. They decided to name the clan the Ookami clan, after the wolf who started it.

Ookami, Yoshima Histor11

History: It was about 6 years ago in the village of Boufuugakure when a woman spent a gruelling forty two hours in labor with a child who would grace the world with his presence. Now you see the child is being born out of wedlock because the mother really did not know who the father was at the time, as she..... Well lets just say she had fun in her youthful times. Now after the intense labor the woman went through she did not survive the process but the child was sure able to pull through. This left Yoshima an orphan at birth with no family that he knew of near by.

Within a couple weeks of being born it seemed that a woman had decided to adopt the poor child, to give him a family, a home. He lived a pretty good life before he had joined the ninja academy, spending almost all of his waking hours running around with his friends. oh what fun they would have, playing ball, chasing each other around, going on their own mini adventures, and even causing some mischief around the village from time to time. Not to mention all the candy he was able to sneak out of sight from his adopted parents, which he still does not know aren't his real parents.

It was shortly after his fifth birthday that the young boy had entered the ninja acdemy, and it was a sight to behold. Of course he was shy at first, what child wasn't nervous their first day of school, but it just had to take some time. However his nerves settled a bit when he seen the kage at the entrance ceremony. He looked like a superhero, and from what he heard thats exactly what he was in the young genin's mind.

It was a couple months into his time at the academy when a raid had occured in the village by an opposing country. The attack was quick, precise and to the point, cause as much damage as possible, and Yoshima was caught right in the middle of it. He was so scared at the moment that he was uable to move, these guys looked as though they came right out of his nightmares. They were doing so much harm to the village and it's inhabitants. Thats when he saw him again, the great hero of the village. It all happened so quickly that Yoshima couldn't even see it, but as quickly as the raid started, it had ended just as quickly. It was after seeing this act that Yoshi tried his very best to get through the ninja academy as fast as possible. And after a few short months he showed enough promise in the academy that he was given the rank of genin for the great village of Boufuugakure

RP Sample: A teen aged boy walked down an alleyway on his way to school one day. It was still an hour before his classes for the day would start, but he liked being there early. It would allow him to putz around on the computers before he had to do some school work. However when he was about a half block away from school a group of fellow students called out to him. "Hey, you wanna come over here and join us for a &@^$&?" one skater looking kid said. Now the teen had just finished smoking a &@^$& before he left home for school and figured what the hell right. So he joined the group for a quick five minute session and shot the shit with them. The teen and the skater hit it off rather quick, and over the next few years became quite close friends. Flash forwards five years the two are now living together along with four other people in a cramped two bedroom apartment. The teenager now in his early twenties same with the skater, the two may live together but their relationship has faded due to the skaters drinking and heavy drug use habits. "So why don't you and I drink anymore, your the one that taught me to drink" The skater asked as he passed a &@*^& to the former teenager, who took it and took a hoot from it. "I've been drinking almost all my life man, I don't like the taste any more, let alone what it does to people. Plus I know what you did to daniel and his girlfriend last week" After a few more minutes of talking and blazing the conversation turned into a fist fight. As you can probably guess their friendship had now ended, and they never spoke again.

Ookami, Yoshima Extra10

Source: Ka Takai's ALT

Face Claim: Juuzou : Hime kami

Ookami, Yoshima Accept10

Last edited by Yoshima Ookami on Sat Jan 14, 2012 11:08 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Neji Hitogumo
Neji Hitogumo
Female Posts : 637
Ryo : 800

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Ookami, Yoshima Left_bar_bleue260/260Ookami, Yoshima Empty_bar_bleue  (260/260)

Ookami, Yoshima Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ookami, Yoshima   Ookami, Yoshima EmptySat Jan 14, 2012 8:40 pm

Firstly, motivation and fears need to be longer
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Yoshima Ookami
Yoshima Ookami
Posts : 13
Ryo : 750

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Ookami, Yoshima Left_bar_bleue140/140Ookami, Yoshima Empty_bar_bleue  (140/140)

Ookami, Yoshima Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ookami, Yoshima   Ookami, Yoshima EmptySat Jan 14, 2012 8:55 pm

edit bump
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Male Posts : 2435
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Ookami, Yoshima Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ookami, Yoshima   Ookami, Yoshima EmptySat Jan 14, 2012 10:20 pm

The core personality needs a little expansion. And you dont have to right now but before you start RPing your avatar needs to be of your character
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Yoshima Ookami
Yoshima Ookami
Posts : 13
Ryo : 750

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Ookami, Yoshima Left_bar_bleue140/140Ookami, Yoshima Empty_bar_bleue  (140/140)

Ookami, Yoshima Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ookami, Yoshima   Ookami, Yoshima EmptySat Jan 14, 2012 11:12 pm

Edited fixed, and the avatar is of Yoshi's wolf pup form, can change it back if you want me to
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Neji Hitogumo
Neji Hitogumo
Female Posts : 637
Ryo : 800

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Ookami, Yoshima Left_bar_bleue260/260Ookami, Yoshima Empty_bar_bleue  (260/260)

Ookami, Yoshima Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ookami, Yoshima   Ookami, Yoshima EmptyMon Jan 16, 2012 6:17 pm

And Boom goes the Dynamite... I approve the character
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