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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Shirou Gessekai

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Shirou Gessekai
Shirou Gessekai
Male Posts : 21
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PostSubject: Shirou Gessekai   Shirou Gessekai EmptySat Aug 13, 2011 6:54 am

Shirou Gessekai Aidan_Shoubel_by_UdonNodu

Tell me something about yourself.
Ninja Application


First Name: Shirou
Last Name: Gessekai
Alias: -
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Height: 5’7”
Weight: 125lbs
Birthday: April 4th
Sexuality: Straight
Relationships: Zenshi - Childhood friend.
Affiliation: Sabakugakure
Rank: Genin
Element: Cosmic, Lightning, Earth
Specialization: Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Ijutsu

Personal v2

Personality: Shirou has a strong sense of right and wrong. He sees the world in a black and white type of way; there are good people and there are bad people. However, he isn’t narrow-minded. He knows that there are people who do bad things, yet aren’t bad themselves and vice versa. He will always do what is right, to attempt to stop people doing wrong things. When considering crime and corruptness, he looks like your typical hero. Shirou isn’t arrogant, rather he’s modest, and even more so, he had low self-esteem. In a way, he likes to do heroic deeds to make himself feel like he has worth. He usually puts on a happy face, although occasionally, he finds himself to be too stressed and acts angst and depressed. Shirou often questions his morals and values, whether or not what he’s doing is right because of his reasoning behind it. When dealing with people, Shirou would rather talk first, fight later. However, he will fight if he needs to, although when fighting friends or loved one, he’ll show more mercy.

Likes: Shirou likes to surround himself with friends rather than enemies. He’s always initially friendly and polite, never meaning to offend strangers. He also likes to travel often, although he still enjoys his home village. He prefers sweet food over sour food, and enjoys hearing stories of travellers.

Dislikes: Shirou dislikes criminals and sins. He has no tolerance of somebody committing a felony, or an evil deed, and will interfere even if it isn’t any of his concern. He also hates killing, as he sees it as a horrible thing to do, although he will if he is forced to, and only as a last resort. Other things he hates are liars, betrayers, thieves, people who kill without reason, and other criminal type people. He also hates dogs.

Motivation: Shirou’s primary motivation is to rid the world of evil…or at least, as much evil as he can do. He aspires to be the kage of his village one day, taking care of all the villagers. However, a part of his motivation comes from his strive to be useful and to be a hero type, so people can look up to him. He often struggles internally about whether or not he should even try to be a hero, as he’s doing it to just better himself and not to be a good person just because it’s in his nature.

Fears: Shirou fears failure most of all. He fears not being able to live up to the standards of other people, and letting down his friends and loved ones. He is also afraid of being alone in the end, no friends or family to help him. And, of course, he fears death and dying.

Clan Information

Place clan name here Gessekai

Bloodline Name: Tenchi no Rikugo

Bloodline Ability: The ability of the Tenchi no Rikugo is an advanced Chakra Nature called Cosmic Release (Uchuton). The Uchuton is an advanced Nature made up of the Raiton (Lightning) and Doton (Earth). All Clan that want Cosmic release need Raiton and Doton as their secondary and tertiary chakra natures (or reversed). The chakra of the Uchuton Nature doesn't deviate much from normal chakra except that not only can it replicate celestial bodies, but it can also harness the energy from them to create jutsu such as the Arrow of Sagittarius (see jutsu below). One member every Seven Generations has snow white hair and dog ears much like the founding member of the clan. Those born with the dog ears have an extra 10% proficiency in Uchuton, but cannot use any other elemental ninjutsu. These members also appear to age faster and die younger.

Location: Shippugakure

Clan History: The clan started with one person, a baby, one who was still-born. Seven Generations before Seiryoku Gessekai, a baby was still-born. At the time, medical sciences were unsure of how to explain it to the parents and decided not to try. The parents of the baby decided to pray to the Goddess of the Moon, Tsukuyomi, for help. One the eve of the third day of praying, she came down to see the child with her own eyes. She decided to lend the baby enough of her power to last him a life-time. However her power twisted his appearance slightly. His hair turned snow white and his ears displaced to the top of his head and turned into those of a dog. All seemed normal until about 14 years later when he first displayed the Uchuton. After that, it was apparent that Tsukuyomi's power had more than just a change in his appearance, it created a new Chakra release altogether. He then spent the time until he was 30 perfecting the Uchuton, developing it into the modern version. When he was 32 years old, he married and had children. His children seemed to be normal, as if the gifts of Tsukuyomi had not been passed on to his children, however they did possess the Uchuton. In fact all 5 of them did. As time progressed they in turn had children and their children did as well. Seven Generations later a single child is born with the same traits as the original user of the Uchuton, Tsukuyomeo Gessekai.


History: Originally born in Shippugakure, Shirou did not live there long enough to know what the village was like, or know any people in it. His parents came from different villages; his mom from Shippugakure and his father from Sabakugakure, which is how he was born in the village. Their relationship was long distanced, of course, and with the expectancy of Shirou, his father planned on moving in with his mother to Shippugakure. However, due to a mission assigned to his father at the last minute by his village, he was sent to go assassinate somebody who was on the way to visit the village. The assassination was messed-up. While he got his target, his face was revealed. Through an odd twist of fate, the target was a member of Shippugakure, and he became wanted by the village. This forced his wife to run away and move to Sabakugakure, rather than the other way around.

As a child, Shirou went to the Academy and started learning the ways of a shinobi. He grew up with Zenshi Xanadu, due to their families being close with each other. They grew up as friends. Around the age of eight, everything changed for Shirou. His father was captured and tried for crimes against the village and country of Shippugakure. He was executed. His mother soon went into a depression, not bothering to work or do anything. Eventually, her parents had to take care of Shirou as she slowly recovered. It was from that day that Shirou decided to never be in that situation and to be a hero praised by all.

He eventually grew and continued on with school. He wasn’t the top of his class; rather, he was average. He failed his exams to be a genin once, passing the second time after training rather hard. He continued to train after, honing his skills and his jutsu. However, due to his father’s early death and his mother falling into a depression, he had no knowledge of his clan’s abilities.
Shirou trained with Zenshi, while also spending his time with him. He didn’t socialize with many other people, and only relied on his child hood friend for social activities. He regarded Zenshi with much respect, since he’s the only person other than his family that he knew and was friendly with. If wondering for advice, he turns to Zenshi.

His mom eventually got through her depression, although she wasn’t her true self. She was always more sad and more absentminded, yet she was still better than before. After hearing that Shirou passed his exams and became a genin, she decided it was time to teach him the secrets of his clan. Shirou, seeing it as a way to help people, was ecstatic about it.

He was taught how to use a rare element, called the Cosmic nature chakra. However, he also had to learn how to use the Raiton and Doton elements as well. It took a while, but with the help of his mom returning to her somewhat old self, he was happy nonetheless.
Eventually, he mastered the clan’s initial abilities, being only a genin. Meanwhile, he decided that he should socialize more. He grew a hero complex, wishing to help people more and more, and more publicly. He started with stepping into problems on the streets of his village, breaking up fights, and stopping muggings, although there were very few of those.

RP Sample:
Abeovita wrote:
Abeovita Xanadu sat on the doorsteps of the local church, known as the Temple of Thor. The moon was nearly full, although the young ninja was cast in the shadows. The seemingly eternal night sky was clear and countless stars sprinkled the empty, black canvas above. The night air was slightly chilly, although his clothes had protected him from feeling it, although he didn't pay any attention to the temperature. Lanterns lit up the church, so the church wasn't coated by the dark shroud of the night.

Abeo stared up at the sky. It had been night for weeks, with no sun or shine. He wondered what was going on, and if somebody was going to do something about it. While Abeo didn't mind the night, it did make it a hassle for seeing things. He figured that one of these days, he had to learn a jutsu which allowed him to see in the dark as if it were day. It would make assassinations easier, as well as he wouldn't run into trees while visiting the Black Forest.

A sigh was emitted from the shinobi's lips. He dropped his head, tired of viewing the night sky. He wasn't at the church to pray or to confess; he didn't even plan on entering the holy building. He just liked the location. He was able to view the village from the hill that the church was perched upon. Unfortunately, since the curse of the dark night had started, his view had gone dark. He could no longer watch the daily, yet useless, activities of the villagers. He was thinking about travelling, but where would he go? Not to mention the higher risk of him getting lost. Who knew how long this damned curse would last. Somebody really ought to do something; like the sloth-like Kages the countries held.

Unconsciously, he flexed his hands, balling them into a fist and then unfurling them into wide spread fingers. He did this because of his recent attire, which was his gloves. They were called Susano, whatever that meant. At first, he thought they were regular battle gloves, things one used to block and punch. But, upon wearing them, he discovered that they kept him healthy. He felt his wounds heal faster and his strength return quicker. Although it was at a slow pace, it was still quite helpful.

With another sigh, Abeo stood up. He visited the church so often, yet he had only stepped foot into it once. He figured that there would be more interesting stuff within the church than sitting on the doorstep. Maybe he'd meet somebody, or maybe he's find a secret passage. He half hoped that he'd find a demon, lurking in the depths of the church. Why in a church of all places? Well, a demon had to take refuge somewhere. He spun on his heel towards the doors and pushed them open, entering the holy grounds.


Source: Alt of Abeovita.

Face Claim: -

Last edited by Shirou Gessekai on Sat Aug 13, 2011 6:03 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Nahaji Sankuro
Nahaji Sankuro
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Shirou Gessekai Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shirou Gessekai   Shirou Gessekai EmptySat Aug 13, 2011 2:58 pm

You need to re-copy the app code then refill in everything since the code is supposed to be red. Also in your history give more in depth detail of how, why, and when you came to Sabaku from Shippu.
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Shirou Gessekai Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shirou Gessekai   Shirou Gessekai EmptySat Aug 13, 2011 4:04 pm

Actually, that is the new template Haji. It has been changed to suit the format Shy has created.
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Shirou Gessekai
Shirou Gessekai
Male Posts : 21
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Shirou Gessekai Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shirou Gessekai   Shirou Gessekai EmptySat Aug 13, 2011 5:42 pm

Uh, edited.
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Seiryoku Gessekai
Seiryoku Gessekai
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Shirou Gessekai Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shirou Gessekai   Shirou Gessekai EmptySat Aug 13, 2011 6:06 pm

He has my permission to join the Gessekai Clan
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Shirou Gessekai Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shirou Gessekai   Shirou Gessekai EmptyTue Aug 16, 2011 5:35 am

All is in order, approved
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