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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
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 Hachūrui, Kuroyume

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Female Posts : 28
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PostSubject: Hachūrui, Kuroyume   Hachūrui, Kuroyume EmptyWed Jun 20, 2012 5:48 am

Hachūrui, Kuroyume Ueda_ryo-t2

Hachūrui, Kuroyume Whoare14

First Name: Kuroyume
Last Name: Hachūrui
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Height: 5'6
Weight: 130
Birthday: May 1
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationships: None

Affiliation: Defected from Tsukigakure, Yūgure
Rank: Jounin
Element: Doton, Suiton
Specialization: Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Hijutsu

Hachūrui, Kuroyume Tellme11

Personality: The only thing that can really describe her personality is shadowed. Kuroyume has two different sides that change frequently, the dark chasing the light. Her first and most natural side is the one most referred to as 'Yume'; as for her other, malevolent, more violent and bloodthirsty side, it can be labeled 'Kuro'. Both are obviously broken halves of her name and the one referred to when calling 'Kuroyume', is the hollow body in which they reside.
Yume is more of a quiet, honest personality. This side is more likely to help someone, and fall for traps. She is more sensitive, and is usually formal and polite. Meanwhile, Kuro is a devious trickster who loves to tease others. She is vain, and most likely to be the one to make an appearance during a battle. She enjoys the scarred physical and mental state of others. Both sides are loners, tending to act alone, and can be prideful.
Neither side is conscious of the other, therefore Yume should not be held responsible for something done by Kuro, though she often is.

Likes: Both likes and dislikes depend on which side is more conscious; however, both sides love silence. Snakes are another thing, a connection is established between them all by the Hachūrui clan. Yume loves sleep and is prone to losing herself in daydreams. Kuro enjoys fighting of any form, bringing pain (though not receiving it), and training. Power is important to her.

Dislikes: Kuroyume holds a distaste for close-minded people, those who whine, or would backstab another for power. Something she is not very fond of is sweets; that, and anything too bland: Zaru Soba, for example! Loud or rambunctious people are disliked by Yume, just as know-it-alls irritate Kuro.

Motivation: Pride is their motivation. Kuroyume would do anything to protect her pride. This, combined with the challenge of moving on, gives her the will to keep going. Challenges are something admired, and living in the world of shinobi is a task in itself. She takes pride in her accomplishments. Also, her want to keep her clan name going is why she strives to live as long as possible.

Fears: Like everyone, Kuroyume has things to fear. Unfortunately for her, the first and foremost thing to be afraid of is failure. She- they- hold a strong distaste and hidden fear of failing. Failing anyone they have chosen to work for/under, sends a wave of anger, resentment, shock, and fright through them. Needles. Using and/or the mere sight of any needle will scare her into submission almost anytime. Another thing that frightens the Hachūrui member would be fire. Flames that mar skin, the tool that can etch something into anything, permanently. Last but not least, being alone. They both fear being the only one left of their clan, and hope to remedy the low population of it.

Hachūrui, Kuroyume Blood10


Bloodline Name: Naga

Bloodline Ability: The clan has an apparent affinity with snakes that, in addition to impacting the appearance and composition of their true form, has caused them to learn a number of snake-related abilities. One such ability is being able to summon giant snakes to fight alongside them in battle, made possible by the summoning contract tattooed on their arms.

Location: Tsuki

Clan History: Not much is known about the history of Hachūrui due to them being a highly secretive clan, their need to keep secrets is the main reason that they moved the entire clan into Tsuki where very few know of it's existence much less how to enter and discover those within.

Hachūrui, Kuroyume Histor11

History: Hachūrui is a clan that moved to Tsuki long ago. This was because of their need to keep secrets... secret. The clan itself is a mystery, just as the people within it. Few people in Tsuki even knew the clan existed, making it easier for the people to create a life. Fortunately, as was the same for Kuroyume's parents and grandparents. Though, that is about as far as her parents had made it. After giving birth that afternoon in May, the young girl's mother died. She was simply too weak to handle the birth after just getting over a sickness. Kuroyume's mother was prone to sickness after the death of her father. Depression had resulted in her mother refusing to carry on. There were no suicide attempts, but a reluctance to eat and exercise was expressed.
This resulted in the young snake-lover being placed with one of the villigers. None of the Hachūrui clan could affored to keep another, doing well enough only for themselves. In the eyes of the Tsuki people, everyone born of different origins you were to be wary of; because of this, Tsuki tended to keep to itself, the Hachūrui doing the same. So, where was Kuroyume placed? No where. The empty space between both was where she was stuck; it was confusing. The people of Tsuki would whisper things about her, about the way every one of the outsiders had pale skin and green eyes. She was shuned by Tsuki. On the other hand, her clan would not fully accept her with the knowledge that she was being raised by anyone but her family. The knowledge that, if it was not for her, her mother would be alive.
Her adoptive family of three was not very pleasent, nor were they completely horrid. They spent time with her... but only to teach her the proper ways of a ninja of Tsuki. As time rolled by, she was torn between her ninja training, keeping up with her clan, and trying to uphold her adoptive family's pride in the shinobi ways. Slowly, the pressure clawed at her consciousness, creating something- no someone, that would be able to handle part of it all. The other half of Kuroyume. The work was divided.. as were the emotions. On side gained all negative feelings, dealing only with work that stressed the body; while the other was much more fragile, dealing with light-hearted emotions and things that applied little to no strain on her mind. Consequently, there was chaos around her. Some feared her, while others were disgusted and dispised what Kuroyume had become. The now seven-year-old girl was starting to rip apart at the seams. Something she feared most was what she had become: A failure.
With the new knowledge came a spark of power that started a fire. The darker half of Kuroyume pushed on, training despite the condemning voices; when she came to know the story of Juro Ookami, she found him to be her idol. School was a better enviorment than home, the children did not seem to know as much as the adults. Fortunatly, it seemed even some teachers did not mind her presence. Even so, she refused to make friends. It was mostly Yume's mindset during these hours, so she was polite about avoiding conversation. Around this time, one of her clan came to her. It was winter, the snow began to fall outside of the school as everyone was released. The male was in his fourties, with shinning green eyes in contrast to her steadily dimming ones. "Now, you'll never learn the things your father knew with what they teach you," He stated, easily preforming something only classified as a C-Rank jutsu. Two snakes slithered from his shirt sleeves. With wide, admiring eyes, the girl watched until a look of waryness slid onto her features, "..and you'll teach me?" He merely nodded, a grin on his face.
Needless to say, spending her time focusing on training, she soon entered the Chūnin exams. The Hachūrui female passed, though nearly ruined her families already marred reputation in the process. "The monster was willing to kill her own family!" Some exclaimed in frustration. It was true, to a point. Megumi was an adoptive sister, though. Not a biological one. They were set against one another, and Kuroyume was provoked into fatally injuring her. Kuro had had enough of the girl's teasing words, her snide comments. Day to day, this girl had harassed her at home, claiming that their 'parents' never wanted her, that Hachūrui Kuroyume was unloved. It was the truth, she assumed. But who was this girl to tell her so? In the end, Megumi was left with two broken ribs and internal bleeding. The snake-girl was passed, though, due to her potential, and recovered soon enough. Consequently, of course, she was kept under watch because of her instability.
At sixteen (Three years later) she was sent on another C-rank mission, meant to be an escort for Rei Uetake. Unbeknownst to them, they had allowed a skilled jounin into Tsuki. Something in Rei scared and enticed Kuro, bringing the twisted side of Kuroyume to conciousness. The Uetake turned out to be a Yūgure member. She was, ironically, sent to retrieve information on the one who was assigned to be her escort. Rei initiated the attack, sending Kuroyume into a tree after about an hour of walking towards the Mountain Country. Shocked at the spontaneous outburst, the girl could only retaliate with an attack of her own. Kuro had the most visible wounds, the most prominent being a gash on her right forearm. The battle was drawn out for a good hour until Kuro snapped, a laugh only labled as dark raising as she released her clan's S-rank ninjutsu. With her new body, she was able to kill off the Yūgure female. It was then that she was asked by another Yūgure member to join them in their ranks; it was after her final attack that she was labled a jounin. Kuroyume stepped away from the body of 'Rei Uetake', a sickening smile on her face. She had not failed her idol... She was not a complete failure..

RP Sample: Within seconds, Kuroyume found herself slammed brutally into a tree. The resounding smack could only be the sound of her head hitting the tree's trunk none-too-gently. She coughed, green eyes now fixated on the girl she was sent to escort, "You are not as strong as they say, Hachūrui." Rei called monotonously, "I excpected as much, though." Kuro gave a slow smirk, a sign that she was now n control.
"You better re-think then, bitch!" Kuroyume stood, hearing her neck pop from the position she was placed in. Rei only gave a sigh of annoyance, staring at the crazed snake-girl when she made a move to throw a few shuriken. A hidden agenda was easily seen; after all, what chunin would do something as simple-minded as that? Rei side-stepped, ignoring the girl. However, when the feeling of chakra charging sent a miniscule wave through the air, Rei stopped, knowing the fight had officially begun.

Hachūrui, Kuroyume Extra10

Source: Top Ten RP Sites

Face Claim: OC

Hachūrui, Kuroyume Accept10

Last edited by Kuroyume on Fri Jun 22, 2012 4:19 am; edited 2 times in total
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Male Posts : 338
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Hachūrui, Kuroyume Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hachūrui, Kuroyume   Hachūrui, Kuroyume EmptyFri Jun 22, 2012 4:04 am

"They were set against on another, andKuroyume was provoked into fatally injuring her. Kuro had had enough of the girl's teasing words, her snide comments. Day to day, this girl had harrassed her at home, claiming that their 'parents' never wanted her, that Hachūrui Kuroyume was unloved. It was the truth, she assumed. But who was this bitch to tell her so? In the end, Megumi was left with two broken ribs and internal bleeding."

First: First sentence, two typos.
Second: Did your adoptive sister die? You said fatally wounded, but I would just like you to specify.
Third: Please take the word 'bitch' out.
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Hachūrui, Kuroyume Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hachūrui, Kuroyume   Hachūrui, Kuroyume EmptyFri Jun 22, 2012 5:01 am

Hachūrui, Kuroyume Approv10

Haku told me too~
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