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The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
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TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
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 Kotaro Kuya

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Kotaro Kuya
Kotaro Kuya
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PostSubject: Kotaro Kuya   Kotaro Kuya EmptySat Jun 22, 2013 1:49 am

Kotaro Kuya Appearance

Kotaro Kuya Whoare14

First Name: Kotaro
Last Name: Kuya
Alias: N/A

Gender: Male
Age: 17
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 182 lb's
Birthday: November 6th
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Mosaro Kuya-Father(Ninja)
Kira Kuya-Mother(Musciscian)
Mika Kuya-Sister(Academy Student)

Affiliation: Hyougagakure
Rank: Genin
Element: Lightning, Wind, Fire
Specialization: Ninjutsu, Fūinjutsu, taijustsu 

Kotaro Kuya Tellme11

Personality: Kotaro is quiet and intelligent as well as a curious teen, which tends to get him in trouble, mostly because he forces it upon himself. When he sees a problem, he can't rest until its fixed and resolved, even if he ends up hurt in the process. He has an undying need to protect those close to him even at the cost of his own life. Because of this, he was continuously injured in the academy due to bullies and forcing himself into others problems, though he has miraculously survived without any major damage to his body. Most of the time it’s just dumb luck, which he graciously praises once he survives.

Kotaro is quite easy to get along with, making him seem very naïve. This is true in a sense, because even after someone causes harm and proves he has done wrong, he will try to see if they change their ways. This causes consequences which he in turn attempts to correct to no end. 

He is often used due to his naïve personality, which can get him into trouble, and has many times had to clear his name from wrongs he had been thought to have caused. Luck seems to always be on his side on these occasions, usually prevailing. Though luck can only take him so far, he believes that it is an actual force in the universe and is a random occurrence to life.

In combat, Kotaro’s personality takes a slight change. Although he keeps his positive outlook, even smiling when he is in danger, he becomes far less trusting, making sure not to stop fighting unless he is sure he is the victor, or he knows there is no one left to protect and needs to run. He usually tries to avoid fights, but accepts that in this world it is needed to make a change. However, that doesn’t stop him from attempting to find peaceful solutions in life.


  1. Cats: Kotaro has an almost crazy love for cats, any species at any age. This stems from when he was a child and nursed sick cats from the shelter his mother ran to health. Just the mention of one of these felines can immediately catch his attention from almost anything he is currently doing.
  2. Traveling: Kotaro longed to travel the world from an early age. As he grew up, he left his home at the age of 14, traveling the roads as a young academy student. He enjoys his time on the road, loving to be out in the open world and its beauty and hates being restricted to the confines of the village.
  3. Training: Although Kotaro tries his best to keep situations from getting violent, he is firmly aware a ninja must fight and is a military force for his village. Because of this, he enjoys training in order to make himself better prepared for not just conflict, but for the bonding it gives him and his partners as well as making him stronger and more dependable.


  1. God-Complexes/Superiority: Kotaro absolutely despises those who follow a god complex or see themselves as a superior being to others. He has a strong sense of equality (Which helps explain his naive attitude.) to everyone, no matter what it is they have done in their life or how strong or weak they are.

  2. Warmongers/ Fighting Enthusiasts: Although understanding fighting is necessary in this world, Kotaro dislikes those that see fighting as a fun sport rather than a necessary action needing to be taken.

  3. Being Useless: Even with what little power Kotaro has, he uses his full abilities to help and protect those around him. Because of his desire to protect, knowing there is nothing he can do is one of the few things that enrages him.


  1. Sight of Equality: After witnessing the Caste system in effect and inequality of the people, Kotaro became disgusted with how it is those seen as lesser beings could be stepped on. Committing himself to achieving perfect equality for the people of the land, Kotaro is pushed on by the memory of witnessing the consequences of those who step up for themselves, seeing their deaths firsthand. Its the memory of those deaths that drives him.
  2. Finding his Purpose: Although not a deep believer in fate, Kotaro believes that everyone in life has a purpose to their life. Still unsure of what his purpose is, Kotaro is determined to discover it before his life ends.


  1. Absolute Silence: Being accustomed to loud sounds and music, Kotaro like hearing something, even the wind. During his travels, Kotaro was captured by thugs and left in an old bunker where they had taken shelter. Without a sound around him, he was trapped in a dimly lit room for a full week, not a sound heard except for when food was shuffled his way. The less sound present, the more paranoid and hectic he acts.

  2. Confined Spaces/Claustrophobia: having been stuck in a small room for an entire week, Kotaro has a strong case of claustrophobia, tending to become anxious and paranoid in crowds. However, it must be less than 2 yards fully inclosed around him.

  3. Failing to Protect: Kotaro’s desire to protect is so strong, that he fears failing even once. The fear is so powerful that he will throw himself at death's door in order to fulfil his objective of protection. If he does fail, he will enter a powerfully angry and depressed state, separating himself from everyone and refusing to do anything but sulk.

Kotaro Kuya Blood10

Kuya Clan

Bloodline Name: Kuya Clan

Bloodline Ability: Eremento jōmyaku (Element Vein)-The Kuya clan has the ability to use their chakra to create a unique form of chakra thread. While chakra threads are used mainly for manipulating puppets, traps, or other objects, the Eremento jōmyaku allows the clan member the ability to transfer jutsu from their bodies into the threads. These threads can also be used in a more physical sense as they can actually restrain an opponent of they manage to snare around them. Like the normal chakra threads, they come from the fingertips; However, they ability used to stem from the entire body. Because of this, the user's chakra was depleted quickly because of the inability to focus where the threads originated from.

In order to combat this, there are 3 seals placed upon every Kuya member, one on each hand, and a final one along their backs. Beginners can only create these threads on their fingertips like most puppet masters. Chunnin gain one seal unlocked, allowing threads (3) to come out of the casters arm. Junnin gain their last arm seal and gain the same effect as the previous arm seal. Once they reach their peak, the final seal on their back is taught to be unleashed, allowing 5 more threads to emerge from the points on his back. The clan member must release the seals individually in order to use them, and then reactivate them in order to keep their chakra from being drained.

Location: Hyougagakure

Clan History: The Kuya Clan was started when long ago hidden in a small village known as the Hidden Sky Village. The leader was known as the Hoshikage and was also the leader of the Kuya Clan. The Hoshikage believed the in order to remain neutral and safe from the major nations, seclusion was the best possible answer. Because of this, the Hidden Sky Village has no real records other then what the Kuya clan has kept in their vaults. The terrible reason the village is kept a mystery to others is because the Kuya Clan had eradicated it in a completely accidental training accident with the Hoshikage. Upon releasing the seal on his back to train in the use of his kekkei genkai, the Hoshikage made the grave mistake of using the wrong sign, eradicating the seals from his body completely and causing his chakra to going ballistic, threads firing out of his body in all directions, killing the majority of the clan and destroying the infrastructure of the village as a whole. In order to keep his clan from utter destruction, the Hoshikage ordered the the Hidden Sky Village be wiped out to the last man and speck of dirt.

Although reluctant, the clan did as ordered and then took the records left, migrating from their old destroyed home. The clan, after months of nomadic travel, finally settled in Hyougagakure for their new found home. However, Nomadic life left the clan in near extinction from the hardships, their numbers barely over 70 people. Keeping their bloodied past a secret, they hid all evidence and only the clan leader and his council may go into their vaults. Although nearly extinct, the clan flourishes in their new home.

Kotaro Kuya Histor11

History: Kotaro Kuya, of the Kuya clan, was born to Mosaro and Kira Kuya on November 6th of November. Like all males of the Kuya Clan, he had silver/White hair and crimson eyes.  His father, Mosaro, was a ninja of Hyouga and part of the Kuya Clan's coucnil, his mother a musician who originated from Hyouga. As a todler Kotaro was wild and inpatient, though polite, to his parents. He seemed to revel in going outside and running around, playing ninja and being like his dad. On his 7th birthday, Kotaro's Seals were placed on his body, though he had decided that he wanted to become a musician like his mother.

Although his father accepted his decision, he decided he would train Kotaro to be a man and not some simple instrument playing traveler. From the moment the seals were placed on his his father drilled him into physical training and research, deciding if his son would not use chakra, he would learn how it functioned as so he could make sure if his seals were bad, he could fix them. Kotaro wasn't against it and learned well, though every day his father still gave him a gentle push towards becoming a ninja.

When Kotaro was 13, he refused to enter the academy so he could work on his music. His father finally gave up and let Kotaro go his own path. At the age of 14, Kotaro left his home to become a traveling musician as his mother did, albeit at a younger age than his mother, who had left at 19. Given provision from his mother and father, who told him where to start his journey, Kotaro set out to find his own path in life.

Kotaro was often ridiculed for traveling on his own at such a young age, but was also offered charity. Every time he was offered something, he worked to pay it all off no matter what the person said to him. Because of this, everywhere he visited he became liked, playing in houses, taverns (Despite his age) as well as small performances. 

At the age of fifteen, precisely one year after being set on his own, Kotaro was kidnapped by a group of thugs on the road. After learning his identity, they sent a ransom order to his parents. They shoved him into a small room lit only with a half burnt out light bulb, he was left there for an entire week. It wasn’t until he was rescued by the authorities that he learned even though the ransom had been given, they refused to let him go. The time in the room gave him claustrophobia as well as a fear of total silence.

Refusing to return to his family, Kotaro returned the ransom by mail and continued to travel. His eyes opened to what the world truly was, he began to learn to defend himself by speaking to ninja he met, learning basic taijutsu that his dad had taught him along with what they had to input.

It wasn’t until he reached a small town with its own individual government that he put his training in practice. Seeing the unjust caste system and the god complex the village leader had appointed himself, Kotaro became enraged and ended up imprisoned after getting into a fight with guards who abused their power to steal money from the innocent civilians.

Set to be executed by the village leader, Kotaro was set before the population on a large stage. He watched as three children were killed in front of him because they tried to steal rations from a guard. Enraged once again, Kotaro freed himself from the guards and brought back his arm, sending a strong straight armed punch into the leaders temple, carrying enough strength to send the leader to the ground unconscious. Still enraged, Kotaro took on every guard that came after him. He came out victorious, but many wounds from weapons attacking him now covered his body, including an upside down crescent on his chest from a curved blade.

Saved and cared for by the people of the village, Kotaro was looked after until his wounds healed and formed scars, the first of many that would cover his body. Kotaro left the town after he had completely healed and scarred up.

Upon his 16th birthday, Kotaro returned to his village after receiving a message that while he was gone his parents had another child, a girl by the name of Mika. Arriving home and rejoining his family, he saw their shocked faces when they noticed the large scar on his back. Relaying what had happened, Kotaro put down his instruments and decided that the best way to keep what had happened at the village from happening anywhere else was to become a ninja.

His sister, Mika, was only 12 and would be entering the next year as Kotaro enrolled at a late age. Due to his fathers tutelage and his previous experience in battle, he finished his first year and became a qualified genin at age 17, his sister just starting the academy.

RP Sample:  Kotaro takes in a large gasp of breath as the blade that would've hit him suddenly disappears along with the pain that should have followed. A large bright light above him makes contact with his eyes, blinding him temporarily. He moves a hand to block the lights and winces as his left side stabs a jolt of pain through his body. He is still breathing hard and his vision is blurry. What happened? Where was the blade that should have struck him? His vision clears some more and he takes in his surroundings.

He is in a brightly lit room, a window on his left with a small pot with a single flower for fragrance and decoration on the sill. The walls are bright teal colored, the bed surrounded by a large light blue curtain. He is laying on his back in a bed, his body covered with a blue comforter and naked from the waist up. Rising into a sitting position he winces again and grasps his left side. 

He feels not skin but an artificial covering. Noticing his body wrapped in bandages from his waist and around his left shoulder, his mind wanders to the blade. It had hit him. But where was he now? What was this place?

"Wait.....its a hospital room." He told himself, mostly because he had semi-forgotten what his own voice sounded like. He tried to remember why he was here. He remembered that he had been training when one of his kunai had ricocheted from its target and back into his gut. At least it seemed to have not hit a vital area. Still, that was such a rookie mistake to make, he should have reacted quicker.

Luck seemed to still be on his side.

He drew the curtain closed as he heard someone approaching from outside the door. He heard the door open, then close, then someone approach him. Pulled, the curtains revealed a woman in a nurses outfit looked at him, a shocked expression on her face. She immediately called for a doctor and Kotaro was face to face with a blonde haired man in a doctor's coat. They talked to Kotaro calmly and checked his bandages and vitals as well as the monitors around the bed. After they were sure everything was fine, they left Kotaro alone.

Kotaro waited till they had gone before looking outside the window beside his be. It looked early in the morning. Taking in a deep breath Kotaro laid back down. "Guess that's another scar to the collection."

Kotaro Kuya Extra10

Source: Advertisement on RPG-Haven.forumotion.com

Face Claim: Adam Blade-Needless

Kotaro Kuya Accept10

Last edited by Kotaro Kuya on Sat Jun 22, 2013 6:50 am; edited 1 time in total
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Kotaro Kuya Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kotaro Kuya   Kotaro Kuya EmptySat Jun 22, 2013 5:09 am

In order to have nintaijutsu, you must have ninjutsu and taijutsu as specializations.

Also, you must have an affiliation. Affiliation pertains to the village your character belongs to.
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Kotaro Kuya
Kotaro Kuya
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Kotaro Kuya Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kotaro Kuya   Kotaro Kuya EmptySat Jun 22, 2013 6:50 am

Fixed it!
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Kotaro Kuya Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kotaro Kuya   Kotaro Kuya EmptySat Jun 22, 2013 9:31 am


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PostSubject: Re: Kotaro Kuya   Kotaro Kuya EmptySun Jan 05, 2014 6:22 am

Archived until member comes back to become active.
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