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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Meeting Point

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Male Posts : 81
Ryo : 67750

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Meeting Point Left_bar_bleue105/105Meeting Point Empty_bar_bleue  (105/105)

Meeting Point Empty
PostSubject: Meeting Point   Meeting Point EmptySun May 26, 2013 10:18 pm

Pris walked out of the village, ear pieces in his ears; he was listening to some cool music. Pris was headed for the top of the Lamina Peak, he needed some of peace of mind and some time to think alone. Pris walked slowly, he was in no hurry to get on top of the Peak, he wanted to save his energy. Pris got to the bottom of the Peak, he looked upwards he could barely see the top. He took in a deep breath, he braced himself.

Pris began to jump high getting to the top of the mountain, due to his training getting to the top was easy and quite fun. It was only a matter of minutes before he reached the top of the Lamina Peak, he sat there just admiring the area. He wasn't expecting anyone to come here, so it was a perfect place to think.
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Female Posts : 22
Ryo : 6503

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Meeting Point Left_bar_bleue100/100Meeting Point Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

Meeting Point Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting Point   Meeting Point EmptyMon May 27, 2013 7:20 am

"Ayame, are we even there yet?! My legs are killing me..." Both Misora and Ayame were hiking their way up what people called Lamina Peak, a huge fat rocky mountain. Why were they even here in the first place again? Oh yea, Ayame had to go collect herbs and Misora had agreed to go with her. Now that she thought about it, why had she even volunteered herself to tag along? She could be sleeping her ass off at home right now, in that cosy bed of hers without even getting blisters on her feet. This wasn't the first time she had been grumbling about walking and all, and if someone had counted, she'd already said that about 5 times since they made it past the first few meters of Lamina and she was just itching to pull on Ayame's arm and jump down, but that would most likely result in death. Meh, what's done is done, not like she could reverse time anyways. "Stop complaining ya' twit, you're the one who insisted on coming with me!" Ayame was practically yelling back at her even though she was just infront of Misora. The blind lass let out a sigh of defeat, turning her head around to check for any chakra. No... No... Wait, what was that at the top? Yes! That was another ninja like her, it had to be! Misora sped up her climbing a little, small scratches appearing on her arms and legs and she climbed up, stopping every now and then to feel around for somewhere to grab onto. Ayame was nagging at her yet again, going on about how she could fall off any time and blablabla. Pfft... Naggy whore.

Finally, after what seemed like an hour of climbing, the two had reached the top, breathless by then. The view Ayame got from there was just wow, and she began saying idiotic stuff like 'Hey look Sora, the sun's so close!' What was she, dumb or something? Misora couldn't even see a single piece of shit, how was she even supposed to see a gigantic ball of fire? She would've pushed Ayame off by then, if she didn't know that they were way too high for any safe landing. Ayame, you're one lucky bitch... The girl was grumbling about Ayame's little slip up with her words, even though that medic-nin had an IQ level of 150! Man... Sometimes this girl could just get people worked up without even breaking a sweat...
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Female Posts : 2298
Ryo : 1597319

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Meeting Point Left_bar_bleue500/500Meeting Point Empty_bar_bleue  (500/500)

Meeting Point Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting Point   Meeting Point EmptyThu May 30, 2013 4:15 am

Eden was already atop the large mountain by nightfall. As always it was very peaceful and there were no signs of that peace being interrupted. A cold breeze blew through the mountain's peak where Eden stood and it felt refreshing in comparison to the lukewarm temperature down in the village. It was peaceful and Eden was glad for the change in scenery. Tonight was to be a night to enjoy nature and take a break from the village lights and events and bustle. Though he enjoyed the events that went on in the village, he was more used to silence and peace of mind than really anything else. He wondered what Saigai was up to at this point in time. He wondered if his friend was still in Boufuugakure. Maybe he met someone he likes. At least, that is what I hope is the case... With this thought, he looked up into the sky and smiled, looking to the glimmering moon and stars hoping the future continues to follow the path of peace it is currently on.
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Male Posts : 81
Ryo : 67750

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Meeting Point Left_bar_bleue105/105Meeting Point Empty_bar_bleue  (105/105)

Meeting Point Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting Point   Meeting Point EmptyFri May 31, 2013 3:34 pm

Drained in his thoughts, he couldn't notice anybody that was near him; he was thinking about his first life threatening fight against such a very ferocious opponent. Pris sighed, it was quite an interesting day, that day. Pris was still drained in his thoughts as he stared into the even sky, the stars seemed to shine more brightly tonight than any other. Pris got up after some moments, he guessed it was time to go for some sight seeing, it would be more fun at night anyways.

He got up and began heading towards the mining areas of the great Peak, he wondered what mysteries and interesting stuff he would find whilst exploring. He hoped that no one would be around at this time though because it could prove very dangerous for him.
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Female Posts : 22
Ryo : 6503

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Meeting Point Left_bar_bleue100/100Meeting Point Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

Meeting Point Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting Point   Meeting Point EmptySat Jun 01, 2013 4:58 am

By then, the sun was down and all Misora could hear was the sound of leaves being stepped on on the ground and the howling of a sudden gust of wind that blew past her, her straight purple hair flapping wildly infront of her face poking at her eyes. Misora ignored that, pushing some strand out of her face before sensing another chakra signal. This one seemed of a higher level than the previous one, again worrying Misora a little. "Ayame, mind telling me who's here other than us?" she asked, Ayame staring at a bandaged up man who looked rather intimidating for her and another boy who looked a little younger than the two girls. "A mummified guy and another walking off one." Okay... A brief one that sounded as if Ayame was about to freak out on the spot. "Right... Uhm, hello! I'm Misora and this is Ayame, who might you be?" Ayame was practically giggling at Misora, seeing that she was facing a... Tree. Oh come on, what did she expect from a blind girl?
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Female Posts : 2298
Ryo : 1597319

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Meeting Point Left_bar_bleue500/500Meeting Point Empty_bar_bleue  (500/500)

Meeting Point Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting Point   Meeting Point EmptyWed Jun 05, 2013 7:13 pm

{OOC: Please skip me a few times. My brain is not working correctly and I'm getting things packed so I have a lot on my mind. Sorry for the inconvenience.}
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Male Posts : 81
Ryo : 67750

Character sheet
Meeting Point Left_bar_bleue105/105Meeting Point Empty_bar_bleue  (105/105)

Meeting Point Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meeting Point   Meeting Point EmptySun Jun 09, 2013 11:58 am

Pris looked over a distance not too far, he noticed a man; he was tall and slender and the most peculiar thing was that he was covered in bandages. Pris had seen this figure a few times around the village but not this close before, he seemed like a weird man. Pris then turned to see two other figures, they were female and seemed around his age; these two he had never seen before. They seemed to be saying somethings but he couldn't hear a word since he had ear-pieces inserted into his ears. Pris looked at one of them with a confused face, she seemed to have turned to face and tree and seemed to be talking to it, quite strange. He noticed the other one was giggling at her friend, what a strange duo he thought of them to be.

Pris removed the ear-pieces and said softly but loud enough so they could hear, "Did you say something?" He couldn't help but wonder what people were doing here at this time, it was dark now and the sky was lit with the moon and the stars. The wind blew more gently now, and the scarf tied around his neck began to fly about. He would then begin to scratch his head in a bit of confusion...
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