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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Genesis vs Zehl

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Male Posts : 235
Ryo : 102726

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Genesis vs Zehl Empty
PostSubject: Genesis vs Zehl   Genesis vs Zehl EmptyMon May 27, 2013 7:30 pm

Waiting for participants to enter stadium.
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Female Posts : 14
Ryo : 3502

Genesis vs Zehl Empty
PostSubject: Re: Genesis vs Zehl   Genesis vs Zehl EmptyMon May 27, 2013 11:24 pm

Genesis, after a long journey from Kusamuragakure, had finally arrived in the village known as Tsukigakure. It seemed a rather gloomy place in comparison to her home as she walked through the place to the area where the Exams were being held. She had arrived at the arena by the time the sun had just begun to set and the air was somewhat thick in her throat. It was different from the weather out in Kusamuragakure where it was extremely humid and wet. The building was extremely large though it would've had to be if it was to hold the Chuunin Exams within its halls. As she walked in, there were already people up ahead. Most likely other ninja who would be watching the battles and judging skill aptitudes. It was somewhat chilly within the large building's walls in comparison to the somewhat warm but comforting weather outside and throughout the village. She continued to walk forward until she had reached the group of ninja standing in wait of the Chuunin Exam participants. Genesis did not know who she was going to be up against, but she was prepared to not show any mercy, no matter who her opponent may be. Alright. Jojo may be watching so I have to do my very best here. For her and for me. I'm fired up and ready to rock the foundations of these exams. This time, I will not lose. Not to anyone.
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Male Posts : 18
Ryo : 1002

Genesis vs Zehl Empty
PostSubject: Re: Genesis vs Zehl   Genesis vs Zehl EmptyTue May 28, 2013 2:56 am

At the brink of dusk the shippugakure genin representative would arrive in the stadium. His crimson eyes would flick back and forth taking in the historic and culture influenced architecture of the coliseum. Making his way down the long hallways the boy would hide his head with his green hood, keeping to himself and not to grab unwanted attention. For if people realised he was the Hachibi jinjuriki then his safety was not ensured, especially at a village like Tsukigakure.

Zehl had no trust toward the village hidden in the moon, being a merchant village concentrating solely on it's exports and cash flow, selling Zehl was an easy way to gain a lot of cash and power. The thoughts of capture was soon shaken off as his attention was brought to the entrance to the arena, a crowd of what seemed to look like other genin in wait of their turn of the action. A smirk would slide across the side of his lips whilst his hands dugs into his pant pockets. His blood began to boil as his eyes widened flicking back and forth and the future prey. Who will be my prey? Zehl thought to himself as he made his way to the check-in desk.

But an urge inside him began to break loose, an eerie voice could be heard from his subconscious. Who will be your prey? Pfft. You humans and your fighting. The voice became fierce and Zehl knew exactly who it was. The great Hachibi afraid of fighting huh? That explains how my ancestors sealed you with such ease. Their conversation inside Zehls mind became heated, but was short lived when the chunin exams instructor gave a yell for everyone to sign in. Zehl would make his way toward the registration desk before exclaiming to the instructor. "Zehl Kano, representing Shippugakure, signing in." Zehl had the reputation of Shippugakure riding on his shoulders and he was not gonna let them down.
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Female Posts : 2298
Ryo : 1597319

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Genesis vs Zehl Empty
PostSubject: Re: Genesis vs Zehl   Genesis vs Zehl EmptyTue May 28, 2013 5:57 pm

Eden stood at the 'back' of the building, waiting for the two genin contenders to arrive. As he waited, he wondered how the Chuunin Exams would run this time around and if the genin this year will be just as promising as last year's Chuunin Exam contestants. It was odd being the proctor twice in a row, but he figured it could not be helped as he was often the best suited for it considering all of his battle experience. His eyes were most likely the most well-trained of all the other jounin in his village in terms of fighting, so he knew too well what things to look for in such a setting as the Chuunin Exams. After a couple of hours, standing in the exact same spot, he watched as the first genin walked into the building. This was Genesis Alexandria from the village of Kusamuragakure, where Eden had met that beautiful woman Jojo Kaguya. The girl seemed ready enough as she waited for the other contestant in front of Eden. Soon after, a few minutes after, the other genin came in and stood opposite Genesis. The other was Zehl Kano who was from Shippugakure. Hmm...so that is the jinchuuriki from Shippuugakure. It is best that he remain under the radar as his village's elders had instructed. This was going to be an interesting match to say the least. "Alright, now that you both have arrived, lets get started. Please keep the fight clean. No lethal strikes. The fight will continue until either one of you gives up, passes out, or if I deem one of you unable to continue fighting. If you both are ready, then..." He paused a moment, giving the two genin a second to breathe before the fight began. He then shouted aloud in a serious, judge-like manner. "Begin!"
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Female Posts : 14
Ryo : 3502

Genesis vs Zehl Empty
PostSubject: Re: Genesis vs Zehl   Genesis vs Zehl EmptyWed May 29, 2013 4:18 am

Genesis stood at the ready, in front of her opponent who was from a different village. She immediately locked her eyes onto him and relaxed her body so that her movement would not be restricted by tense muscles. That was the last thing she needed. She let her mind go completely blank except for the fight with the other genin and her surroundings, allowing her senses to go to their full range and ability. It was somewhat chilly in the building, though she had no trouble at all since her body was naturally extremely warm due to her native homeland country. As was known to her, she was accustomed to battle and knew well what to expect from other genin of her level. Well trained in the arts of nintaijutsu and taijutsu, she was a master already of her own body for her rank and she smiled on the inside for the hard work she had put into her training. No matter what, she wasn't going to lose this fight. So much rode on the Chuunin Examinations for her. She didn't have time to lose and try again. Not for the goals she has in mind for her future. For herself and for her best friend Jojo, she would stop at nothing to win the Chuunin Exams. Back to the matter at hand though, Genesis would focus again on her opponent, making sure her eyes were trained only on him and his actions. Her senses would would be just as vigilant in noticing other signs of her opponent's movements. She would tense up only her legs and place chakra within her legs just enough to increase speed for the lift-off of movement she would take depending on where her opponent would move first. She would also keep in mind the techniques at her disposal if the opportunity presented itself. She spoke not a word as the proctor began the match between her and the boy. She did not move. Not a single inch. Her face showed no signs of expression. Her mind and body were calm and focused on the task at hand. She spoke a single word to herself before the fight would inevitably begin. Ready.
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Male Posts : 18
Ryo : 1002

Genesis vs Zehl Empty
PostSubject: Re: Genesis vs Zehl   Genesis vs Zehl EmptyFri May 31, 2013 2:14 am

Zehl stood silently awaiting the match to begin, his crimson gaze would squander back and forth between his opponent and the match proctor. His eyebrows would raise to the proctors words, with no introduction given he had no idea what the name of his opponent was or where she was from. He'd giggle at the irony as he stood poised with his legs kept together and his right hand scratching the back of his head. It was the moment of truth as the proctor began the match. Zehl would keep his posture straight with arms stuffed in his pockets. His mind would awaken an abyss of memories, his elders scowling at him to represent Shippugakure for the chuunin exams, where Zehl would kindly refuse but he had no say in the matter even though he had no obligation to go. Arg. Fuck it. Let's do this.

His legs would crouch as his fists would clench he'd immediately kick off the ground, and began to run toward the girl in front of him. Her stature was unique to what Zehl had seen before. But was she a match for his developed nintaijutsu? His mindset was driven and his body was tamed, the past year had lead up to this moment as only a few meters separated the two. "No more." A sharp pain would arise in his chest, Zehl would stop in his tracks as his right hand gripped his left pectoral where the bijuu seal was displayed. Torn in agony Zehl would repeat a message to the bijuu in his head. Not now. Not now. His head would tilt back whilst looking at the proctor. "Please, get me out of here."
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Female Posts : 2298
Ryo : 1597319

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Genesis vs Zehl Empty
PostSubject: Re: Genesis vs Zehl   Genesis vs Zehl EmptyFri May 31, 2013 2:30 am

Eden would watch the two genin as they stood in front of one another, not a single move being made for a few moments. He wondered what they were going through in their heads. Kind of made him giggle to himself wondering such a thing, though on a serious note he did wonder what was going on. Especially with the boy, Zehl Kano. The Hachibi jinchuuriki; indeed it was cause for worry because the beast could try to crawl out at any moment. Knowing this, Eden kept on his toes and he opened up his mind in order to keep an eye on the boy's chakra though he could only tell by the wavering of the boy's own chakra since he couldn't see the Hachibi's unique chakra signal.

A few moments had passed and he watched as the boy took stance and began a solid run toward the girl from Kusamuragakure. The boy's form was somewhat untrained and seemed off-balance, though he was on-track to his opponent. However, just a few meters from the girl, he stopped and clenched his left pectoral and spoke to Eden in a strained tone. "Please, get me out of here." Hearing this, Eden quickly ran to the boy and lifted him up and onto his right shoulder, then speaking aloud to the other ninja in the room including the girl Genesis. "Genesis wins this match by default. Congratulations." With that, he ran off at top speed out of the building and somewhere safe from civilians so that the boy could regain himself.

{Exit and Topic End with Genesis as the victor of this match}
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