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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
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 Rina Mara

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Female Posts : 73
Ryo : 534500

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Rina Mara  Left_bar_bleue250/250Rina Mara  Empty_bar_bleue  (250/250)

Rina Mara  Empty
PostSubject: Rina Mara    Rina Mara  EmptyFri Jul 05, 2013 2:47 am

Rina Mara  Tumblr10

Rina Mara  Whoare14

First Name: Rina
Last Name: Mara
Alias: Rina

Gender: Female
Age: 8
Height: 4'0
Weight: 75
Birthday: June 6
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationships: None

Affiliation: Ouraborus
Rank: jonin
Element: Lightning, Water, Fire
Specialization: Ninjutsu and Taijutsu

Rina Mara  Tellme11

Personality: Rina is a super hyper child who loves to get into things she doesn't have any business getting into. Rina can't speak and the only way she knows how to communicate Is with sounds and crying. Rina hates to not get her way causing her to throw a temper tantrum until she get it or something equal to it. Rina is a easily distracted girl who would stop in the middle of something that is interesting moment for something else.

Likes: Rina loves to do things normal kids like to do such as eating sweets and playing, but some of her most funniest activities are eating trash and disobeying her mother. When Rina see something shiny she would do anything for it. Rina loves to climb in people shirts and just sit there stretching the collar.

Dislikes: She dislikes water since it saps her energy and the sun since It can cause her serious burns and pain all throughout her body making her cry out in agony. Rina hates anything a parent might find health for a child. She hates when someone else is shown more attention when she is. Rina also hates being alone now that she has a mother and prefers to be with her mother when out on a mission instead of being locked up in the house.

Motivation: Rina has no real motivations except to have a family or just a mother that will let her cause chaos and love her unconditionally. Rina wants a sister more then anything so she can follow in her sister foot steps when she is older. Rina is motivated by Sparkles and Sweets

Fears: Rina fears the sunlight due to her lack of having any pigmentation in her skin. Water because it cause her to lose energy. Her fear for water and the sunlight is due to her demon nature. She fears anything that has been purified with a prayer. Rina fears her mother when she does something that will  cause her to get in trouble such as using the bathroom on herself.

Rina Mara  Blood10

Place clan name here

Bloodline Name: n/a

Bloodline Ability: n/a

Location:  n/a

Clan History:  n/a

Rina Mara  Histor11

History:  Loneliness. That is what this was. When a group of villagers came to the outskirts of town to a little shack owned by a happy wedded couple all they found was a child and a huge disastrous mess of blood and gore. A lone child, sitting in a shack alone. there was an eerie sensation traveling through the air. There was a baby carriage with a name on it, which was assumed to have been made for the baby, this is where she would get her name. The child was crying, so the villagers, although reluctantly would take her into their care. When she was born something snapped in the world. She wasn't normal that was obvious. The outcome of her birth surely showed this. Both parents gruesomely exploded onto the walls when she emerged. That shack was now restricted to just about everyone, and no one really wanted to see it anyways. It was to become the basis of many legends and horror stories later.

The Villagers noted that she had a different body structure then any normal human should. Was it a kekkei genkai? They honestly had no idea, and the parents were so indescribable deformed that they were unable to tell. Her appearance was demonic in a sense, but she was still a child. They wouldn't just kill her, although many were tempted to. She had shown a great dislike to water, and the chief, who toke responsibility for taking care of her, toke note of this and found alternative ways to getting her clean. Her distinctive hatred towards the sun had also been realized by then, so they would never force her outside. People kept mysteriously dying in the village not much sooner then Rina was found. People did suspect her, she looked evil after all, so riots started forming outside the chiefs house. He assured them though, that the cute little thing wouldn't hurt a fly. In reality, she would just kill it faster then its pain receptors could respond.

The insecurity of people was truly a marvel to behold. Just because something is different doesn't always mean it is bad, but for so many people, they could care less, It is different and they want it gone. Even small differences can upset people. Prejudice. People were, are, and always will be full of it. Too scared of change, even if its right in front of them. Was it a natural instinct or an emotion the brain developed after a while? Whatever one argues, it is still terrible. Why is the world we live in full of so much hate? Maybe, that's how life is programmed, to only care for oneself, maybe it is all one huge survival game.

After half a year filled with numerous deaths, it was official, they would kill the child. The child was growing tremendously in this time, her demonic features becoming ever so prominent, it was only a matter of time before they could no longer recognize her as a human being. They had brought her to the town square and chained her up. They had the chopping block positioned and it was all prepared. The chief disapproved of this greatly, but it was the only way to keep the hungry beast happy. They could no longer handle it. After nightfall had started to come and the villagers had enough of throwing rocks and any other item they could muster at her, they finally let the ceremony proceed. After the priest showed up and sprayed holy water in her face, which she snarled and let out screams about, he began to pray. The prayer would echo out through her entire body. It was painful to listen to. It was making her angry, so much more angry.

The priest stopped, but it was a little too late. Rina would start to bashfully thrash about. Her strength actually starting to break the chain. The ax was about to cut off her head when the chains snapped. She disappeared for a second, almost if she had used a body flicker technique. She reappeared on top of the executioner, whose head was on backwards. She made what could have been a giggling sound almost. Silence fell among the crowd. The horror was indescribable. Even the Chief was aghast. She soon stepped off the falling body of the Executioner, and her face rose, bloody and smiling. A demented smile.

To this day you can still visit the village, see the rotting bodies. No one was found alive from the village, and it would have remained quiet if traders hadn't seen it. It could have been described as a ghost town in a way. The houses were all stained with blood. Damage was everywhere. Some of the poor sobs were killed in the most horrific way. Some died of internal injuries with no external sign, some were burnt into ashes, others were just plainly beat to death. All the women, children, even pets and livestock, they were all in the afterlife. The perpetrator of the massacre never found, and people were hoping it would stay that way.

Living in the woods wasn't nearly as tough as one would have thought it would be for a small girl, mostly due to her demon like features, she was able to live among the fauna quite easily. She played many games with the wild animals, such as tag, where she would chase bunnies till she got tired, and then she ripped their necks out and eat them whole. One couldn't tell if she enjoyed it or not, after all she was alone. A child alone in the woods, usually brings one sad thoughts, this one? Not so much. She thrived in the outdoors, she was at home, like an animal. There were very little travelers in these woods to bother her, so she would roam freely playing with the plants and animals, marking territory and just doing kid things, it was an interesting life.

One day a traveler did pass through these woods. He was off to some other village and he decided to take a new route, in hopes that it would be faster. He wasn't travelling with much, just a backpack full of goods, rather light though. He wandered the woods, he was going at a nice pace, thinking about home, and also the village he was going towards. He started noticing a large number of animal carcasses through the woods, more then anyone would ever expect. It looked like enough to thin out the animal population by the thousands. It didn't seem to be hunting though, it was more animal-like, ripped by teeth. It was rather scary, all the animals everywhere, rotting down. He was starting to quicken his pace. Whatever predator it maybe, residing in this forest, he didn't want to meet it. He started rushing through, going faster and faster. Till out of the corner of his eyes, he saw something. No, it wasn't something, it was someone. He saw a small girl shaped creature, covered in deer blood and ripping the carcass of the deer apart. The man was horrified. It was a little gremlin creature covered in blood. The man then toke of screaming, trying to get out of the forest as fast as humanly possible.  

As soon as he got to the next town, he busted down the door to the nearest public building. It just so happened that he bust into a bar. He started telling his story, how he found the demon, the wreck it had caused to the forests ecosystem and animal population, and other crazy fantasies his imagination had came up with. He was no longer able to think straight, infused with so much fear. The bar folk just laughed at the man. They all assumed he was drunk or taking some strange medication. It was hard to believe his story, after all, it was so far-fetched. Who has ever heard of a demon girl living in the woods? It sounded like a children story, to keep youngsters from wandering too far. So the man walked away, now doubting what he had seen. 

Many people would wander the woods, trying to find this mysterious legend, if only so they could laugh about it later, but that wouldn't be the case. People who entered the woods wouldn't comeback. This attracted the attention of many townsfolk and ninja villages. Soon missions, to find what was taking the people were held, but again, to no avail. People had even started speculating it to be a tailed beast. One particular visitor really caught the eye of the little tyke Rina. It was a shadowy figure in a robe of some sort. The figure found Rina, sitting in a flower bed, covered by enemy ninjas, their blood painting over the flowers. A crimson pool. The figure had a smile over its face as it looked at the devil child. "Why don't you come play with us?" It said, to Rina in a friendly yet somewhat sinister voice as he/she bent down and put his/her hand out. Rina just gurgled an inexplicable message and then started walking towards her new friend.

RP Sample:  Laying in the center of the floor of a farmer's house surrounded my bodies was a little girl who was covered in their blood. Rina laid their looking out the open door into the blood covered streets that she created when she slaughtered everyone in the small farming town this had to be on of the best places Rina founded that had a large supply of meat that she could eat. Rina got up looking turning towards something shining on a dead cow's neck running out the door she heads towards the cow snatching off the bell around the cow's neck. Rina starts to toss the bell in the air and shaking it until storm clouds came in causing the sun to disappear behind them. Rina tosses the bell away with anger because of the sun not shining on the bell like it was before. Sniffing the air Rina ran back inside sensing that it was about to pour down raining. Rina laid under a cover looking at the rain bead off the steps of the house this had to be one of the most messed up situation she had to be in because of the continues pounding of the rain against the top of the run down house. Water started to leak through the ceiling of the house making a puddle behind the terrified Rina who was hiding under the covers hoping that the rain stopped soon so she could head home.  

Rina Mara  Extra10


Face Claim: original artwork

Rina Mara  Accept10

Last edited by Rina Mara on Mon Jul 08, 2013 3:52 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Female Posts : 2298
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Rina Mara  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rina Mara    Rina Mara  EmptySun Jul 07, 2013 8:31 am

Okay. I shall address the issues here instead of PM.

  • Please spell check your application. It doesn't have to be perfect, but fix the in-your-face ones at least, such as the gender.

  • If you are applying for Ouraborus, your character needs to be at least 25, as they are in fact elites so fix your application age-wise accordingly. Also, the rank need no say "N/A." Instead, change it to the rank of Jounin, asas the other 3 members are Jounin as well.

  • Dislikes, Motivations, and Fears: Please add 2-3 more sentences to each of these sections. They lack description such as why she has such things. Is it a condition? Is it just frailty? Etc., etc.

There. That should be all of them, so post a bump here and take the WIP out of the title once you make the changes. :)
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Rina Mara  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rina Mara    Rina Mara  EmptyMon Jul 08, 2013 3:53 pm

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Rina Mara  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rina Mara    Rina Mara  EmptyMon Jul 08, 2013 5:03 pm

Okay! :)

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