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The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
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TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
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 A view of a Moon {Oura members ONLY}

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Male Posts : 611
Ryo : 195504

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PostSubject: A view of a Moon {Oura members ONLY}   A view of a Moon {Oura members ONLY} EmptyThu Jul 11, 2013 10:26 pm

A man slowly made his way into the light, on the snowy mountain top just outside the Tsukigakure. It was a place that he wasn't completely unfamiliar with as he recalled visiting it...one other time in the past. He was actually presently surprised that there was even a mine close to where he had come from, and quite a number of them networked about, it was quite the something. But, he figured this would also be a nice enough place to have a small gathering. The land of Tsukigakure was a nice enough place, its temperature was not unbearable, far better than the lands of the ruined Kazangakure.

Lee wore his normal Ouraboros attire, black fabric with red clouds with metal bits as embroidery along it and white gloves and boots that stood out but went together nicely enough. The more note worthy thing was the sword that rested on his back but for the time, he simply stood a few feet from the cliff to gaze upward.
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Female Posts : 734
Ryo : 598400

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A view of a Moon {Oura members ONLY} Empty
PostSubject: Re: A view of a Moon {Oura members ONLY}   A view of a Moon {Oura members ONLY} EmptyFri Jul 12, 2013 1:06 pm

Hisame walked through the snow as she progressed further and further up the mountain side. She quickly was becoming more and more annoyed with the meeting place that was picked for their mission. A mountain top, really?! Hisame grumbled to herself, using one of her hands to block the wind and snow from directly blowing into her face. It was bothersome weather, which made Hisame very glad she had worn her heavier shinobi attire underneath her black Ouraboros cloak, detailed with its crimson clouds. She wore white snow boots to allow herself to make it through the snow easier and gloves to protect her hands from the cold. She also kind of wished she brought along a scarf or something, as it was getting colder as she got further up towards the peak, to where they all told to meet. Hisame thought back to when she lived in Tsukigakure not to long ago. She didn't mind the weather, matter of fact she kind of enjoyed it. However she never had to deal with the chills of the mountain like this while she was living there, but then again it was better than their sticky, hot, ash covered hideout back in Kazan.

After about ten more minutes of traveling upwards,she had finally made it to the meeting spot. She found Lee there, looking up for some reason. Is he day dreaming or something? Hisame wasn't sure. She didn't know Lee very well, after all it had only been a short time since she had joined the organization. She stood up on the snowy cliff they were located on. They needed one more member to show before they could do anything. Being this, Hisame walked over to the ledge with Lee and looked down. She could see some of the reaches of her home down below, the sight clouded by the wind and drifting snow. Even with the slight shroud and distance, she could still make our her former home. Hard to believe she had to return to it so soon after having abandoning it.
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Female Posts : 73
Ryo : 534500

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A view of a Moon {Oura members ONLY} Left_bar_bleue250/250A view of a Moon {Oura members ONLY} Empty_bar_bleue  (250/250)

A view of a Moon {Oura members ONLY} Empty
PostSubject: Re: A view of a Moon {Oura members ONLY}   A view of a Moon {Oura members ONLY} EmptyFri Jul 12, 2013 4:27 pm

Rina pops out the snow as everyone gathered up on top of the snowy mountain. Her extremely white body and hair blended in well with the snow. Rina starts to stretch as she had been waiting for awhile for everyone to come. She wore her regular collar and a black shirt that went down to her knees saying sweets on it and to top off her outfit she wore black tights with a hole in the back for her tail. Rina starts to fold her ears down so they look like her hair with her tail hidden under her shirt. Staring off into the sky she sees a bird flying by and begins to drool. Rina attire never consisted of her Ouraboros cloak, but always consisted of something black to represent them. Rina goes and sits down playing with her shoeless feet.
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Male Posts : 611
Ryo : 195504

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A view of a Moon {Oura members ONLY} Left_bar_bleue305/305A view of a Moon {Oura members ONLY} Empty_bar_bleue  (305/305)

A view of a Moon {Oura members ONLY} Empty
PostSubject: Re: A view of a Moon {Oura members ONLY}   A view of a Moon {Oura members ONLY} EmptyFri Jul 12, 2013 5:25 pm

Lee kept his attention toward the sky as he continued to smile the smile that was so special to him. His eyes still formed into the slits that made it seem like he wasn't looking at all. When Hisame arrived, he kept his attention toward the sky still as if nothing had changed and his company was still his own. There was a shuffling coming from not to far back as Rina popped up from the snow to make herself known. Lee slowly moved his arms back and then let his hands hold one another behind him as he looked to Hisame and then back toward Rina as he would speak in a joyful tone "Everyone enjoying themselves? Have any trouble finding the place? I figured it was a nice little area with a pleasant view." He would then move his hands around and hold them out in front of himself as if to give the view of the village to his two companions.

He then turned his attention toward Hisame "You were from Tsukigakure weren't you? How does it feel?"
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Female Posts : 734
Ryo : 598400

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A view of a Moon {Oura members ONLY} Empty
PostSubject: Re: A view of a Moon {Oura members ONLY}   A view of a Moon {Oura members ONLY} EmptySat Jul 13, 2013 6:31 am

Hisame kept looking down at her former village. She couldn't stop staring at it and she didn't know why. She certainly wasn't home sick or anything, after all she wasn't the kind of person to be like that. However perhaps it wasn't the place that was getting to her, but what was inside of it. Her thoughts would quickly change though as she heard something from behind them. Looking over her shoulder, Hisame saw Rina popping out of a snow pile. Had she been here this entire time, just hiding in the snow? she thought to herself. Hisame was aware that Rina was in fact a strange girl; not even human actually. Hisame looked over the girls attire with one eye as before turning back and sighing, speaking out loud. "You should really wear some warmer clothes, Rina." Her attention would drift over as Lee would then start to move a bit. He was such a strange man from what Hisame had known about him. For some reason he always seemed a bit cherry in a sense, mixed with that of an eerie feeling. It actually unsettled Hisame a bit, though she would never show it.

Hisame listened closely as Lee spoke. There he was, seeming so cheerful and such. It bothered her, that here they were, meeting on a mountain top just because of the view? It was ridiculous. She would say something, however she decided it would be better to just mind her tongue, for once and leave the snide comments to herself. After all, Lee may have seemed like a fool to Hisame by nature, but she was all too aware that he was a strong fighter. So with that she just threw in her two cents and left the attitude out of it. "Probably would have been better to pick a location that wasn't so out of the way. After all we are lucky we can even see the village from here." She closed her eyes for a moment, aggravated by the wind and opened them again,setting her sites back to the village. It was then that Lee spoke with her, asking her about once being from Tsuki and her feelings of returning. She smiled lightly and said. "I won't lie, it's a bit nostalgic having to look over it again. I know a lot of people within this village's walls after all. I will have to make sure to be extra careful to not give myself away."
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Female Posts : 73
Ryo : 534500

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A view of a Moon {Oura members ONLY} Left_bar_bleue250/250A view of a Moon {Oura members ONLY} Empty_bar_bleue  (250/250)

A view of a Moon {Oura members ONLY} Empty
PostSubject: Re: A view of a Moon {Oura members ONLY}   A view of a Moon {Oura members ONLY} EmptySat Jul 13, 2013 5:45 pm

Rina turned to Lee nodding her head when he asked was they enjoying themselves. She quickly turns to Hisame trying to figure out what was wrong with her clothes, but shrugs it off letting the adults talk and look at the village. Rina dives into the snow throwing it in the air giggling. She didn't care much for what Lee and Hisame had to say as long as she could play around. Rina turns and starts eat the snow stopping when she sees a snow rabbit. Rina runs after the fleeing rabbit chasing it around the top of the mountain until it ran to the edge falling off killing itself stopping short from the edge. Rina begins to walk over to Hisame sneezing with her pale white nose turning red. She was getting sick from the clothes being wet from the snow and due to the fact the wetness of the clothes were leaving her powerless. She was waist deep in the snow and couldn't feel her face no more.
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Male Posts : 611
Ryo : 195504

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A view of a Moon {Oura members ONLY} Left_bar_bleue305/305A view of a Moon {Oura members ONLY} Empty_bar_bleue  (305/305)

A view of a Moon {Oura members ONLY} Empty
PostSubject: Re: A view of a Moon {Oura members ONLY}   A view of a Moon {Oura members ONLY} EmptySat Jul 13, 2013 8:49 pm

The tall silver haired man would turn back toward Rina as Hisame spoke of her wearing warmer clothes. He himself enjoyed the weather but knew that it wasn't for everyone. He came from a cold natured village and with that, learned of ways to keep the cold at bay though the wind chill did tend to get on his nerve. Rina paid this little mind as she soon found herself preoccupied by a hare in which she took off after. He would then turn his attentions back toward Hisame as she replied to his question. She spoke about the location and how it would have been nicer to pick an area that held a better view of the village and wasn't so far away. He would nod in agreement as she then went on to speak about how nostalgic it felt to her and how she would have to take that extra precaution to keep herself hidden.

He was about to speak when Rina walked over to Hisame, sniffling and sneezing. He let himself crouch down as he flipped the bottoms of his cloak outward behind him so he wouldn't sit on it. "It might not be the best view of the village but it has a view all its own and I think it compensates well." He would then place a hand under his chin and tilt his head to the side "It let's you have that feeling of being so much greater that those below you. Even a red-nosed Rina stands above the crowd."
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Female Posts : 734
Ryo : 598400

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A view of a Moon {Oura members ONLY} Left_bar_bleue315/315A view of a Moon {Oura members ONLY} Empty_bar_bleue  (315/315)

A view of a Moon {Oura members ONLY} Empty
PostSubject: Re: A view of a Moon {Oura members ONLY}   A view of a Moon {Oura members ONLY} EmptyMon Jul 15, 2013 8:33 pm

Hisame could hear Rina playing in the snow behind them. She was obviously getting into something, as was pretty normal for children, especially ones so young. She was used to such by now though and kept her attention on what Lee had said. She couldn't deny it, the place did in fact have it's own unique view and qualities to it, though she still would have rather been a bit closer and out of the cold. Hisame wouldn't pout over such unimportant matters though, for they were here and they had their reasons. Changing her attention back over to the young Rina, Hisame notices her rather damp and cold, her nose red from playing in the snow for too long. Kneeling down, she opens her cloak and reaches out towards Rina, motioning for the young girl to come her her. As she did, Hisame would wrap her cloak around her and pick her up, bringing her in so that she could be safe from the cold.

Hisame could feel how cold and damp Rina was from playing in the snow. She certainly over did it, though rarely did she not. Keeping her young one close, Hisame walked over to the cliff. She pointed through the fog at the village below and said. "Look Rina, that's mommies old village, my old home. We get to visit it, won't that be exciting?"
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Female Posts : 73
Ryo : 534500

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A view of a Moon {Oura members ONLY} Empty
PostSubject: Re: A view of a Moon {Oura members ONLY}   A view of a Moon {Oura members ONLY} EmptyWed Jul 17, 2013 8:58 pm

Rina looked at the village nodding her head quickly to Hisame question. Rina points to the village mimicing a explosion. Rina was dying to destroy something due to her demon nature to cause terror, but the kid in her wanted to go and play in the village with the children. Looking over the cliff she begins to sniff as hard as she could trying to build up as much mucus as her small body could possible produce. After she build up enough she spat it out or better yet she tried to spit it out as it got stopped on her tongue. Looking at it dangle she slurps it back into her mouth and begins to play with it using her tongue and grabbing it with her fingers while it was still on her tongue. She then proceeds to put it back in her mouth, with her mouth open she rotates her tongue around the substance making it go in a circle formation like a whirlpool.
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Male Posts : 611
Ryo : 195504

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A view of a Moon {Oura members ONLY} Empty
PostSubject: Re: A view of a Moon {Oura members ONLY}   A view of a Moon {Oura members ONLY} EmptyThu Jul 18, 2013 12:46 pm

Lee stood there was he watched the on goings of the two girls that were in his company. He wondered just what it was they were capable of, surely it would be something to see, that much was for sure. The possibilities were endless and it excited him to no end but surely he wouldn't just burst forward in an inconsiderate manner, that was below him...sometimes. He listen as Hisame spoke to Rina in a motherly fashion and even proclaimed to be as such...were they? He didn't know them or anyone in the Ouraboros to any real degree so it could very well be true though he saw little to no resemblances between the two. She spoke to Rina about that being her old village and they were going to be visiting it.

Rina replied with a usual manner, wishing for its destruction or at least some sort of explosion, maybe that was the jutsu she specialized in but with the way she didn't speak, it was always hard to tell just exactly what she wanted. He looked away as she began to spit and hid his laughter to the best of his abilities but kept his attention on the village, it was surely something to gaze on. "I do have to wonder, how did you leave your village?" He would turn his attention ever so slightly toward Hisame awaiting a reply of some sort. He left it open ended if Rina would wish to reply but he knew better to assume things.
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Female Posts : 734
Ryo : 598400

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A view of a Moon {Oura members ONLY} Left_bar_bleue315/315A view of a Moon {Oura members ONLY} Empty_bar_bleue  (315/315)

A view of a Moon {Oura members ONLY} Empty
PostSubject: Re: A view of a Moon {Oura members ONLY}   A view of a Moon {Oura members ONLY} EmptySat Jul 20, 2013 9:04 pm

Hisame stood there with a look on her face of total disgust at the sounds and actions, of which she was getting a front row seat to. Rina, being the child she was, continued to cough, mix , swirl, and play with the mucus in her mouth. She leaned forward a bit, trying to make it easier for Rina to spit out the mucus and cease her disgusting game, if it could even be called that.  She kept her words short and sweet. "Rina, spit that out, it's disgusting and not something to play with." She really hoped that the little one would listen, even though she rarely did on any other occasion of which Hisame asked her to do something. She would usually have to bride or threaten the girl by some means to get a result but this time she just prayed that the girl would comply without hassle.

As Hisame was dealing with Rina, Lee, who was looking on at the village once more. How she escaped the village he asked. It was a good question, after all,leaving a village wasn't exactly an easy feat, especially when eyes are on you all the time. It was something that Hisame has thought about on numerous occasions as she looked back on her old life as opposed to now, so answering it wouldn't be difficult. She turned to Lee, as a means to acknowledging the question, then looked back at the village and said. "Well I was labeled a traitor for seeking power beyond and against the village's will. Due to this I had to flee, which is more or less what I did. One did try to stop me though,one strong enough to do so. However when the time came, he couldn't bring himself to do so and let me go." She stared at the village for a while, a slightly sullen look in her eyes as she thought to herself. Could you really not bring yourself to do it...Eden.
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Female Posts : 73
Ryo : 534500

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PostSubject: Re: A view of a Moon {Oura members ONLY}   A view of a Moon {Oura members ONLY} EmptyMon Jul 22, 2013 7:38 pm

Rina begins to pout before spitting out her small yet disgusting bundle of fun. Rina turns around in the cloak to look at Hisame as she told her story about how she escaped her village. Rina stared at Hisame face for a while before hugging her tightly. She knew something was wrong with Hisame the way she was looking at the village. Rina may have been a fickle, disobedient, and hyper-active carefree child, but she could tell when something wasn't right around her and she didn't like it definitely if it troubled Hisame. Rina gets out of the cloak walking to the edge and dusting the snow away so she could sit and let her feet dangle off the edge. looking off into the the clouds with a dull look on her face. She begins to rub her eyes and yawn at the sky. Rina was feeling a little bored and wanted to do something exciting and if she didn't get what she want she was going to throw a temper tantrum until she got it or unless she fell asleep which one came first.
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