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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
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 Tenryù Makasu

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Tenryù Makasu Empty
PostSubject: Tenryù Makasu   Tenryù Makasu EmptyThu Jun 20, 2013 2:48 pm

Tenryù Makasu 4758-912813658

Tenryù Makasu Whoare14

First Name: Makasu
Last Name: Tenryù

Gender: Male
Age: 17
Height: 1.81m
Weight: 70kg
Birthday: 8th August
Sexuality: Straight

Affiliation: Shippuugakure
Rank: Chuunin
Element: Lightning and Water
Specialization: First: Ninjutsu     Secondary: Genjutsu


Tenryù Makasu Tellme11

Personality: Maksu is a quite calm individual while being with and won't lose cool unless being extremely agitated. He will comply to almost every activity since he doesn't have much else to do. He is a very patient man. He doesn't really trust people and and tries to be counted on instead. He is very intelligent and is capable of solving the most difficult problems. He is polite and somewhat loyal. He rarely connects with people and will stand true for the few he may call friends.

In battle his personality changes somewhat. He keeps his cool demeanor, but he gets very serious and turns merciless in battle as he viciously yet calculative destroys his enemies with any means neccesary. He ignores his allies and keeps fighting against the odds and prevail anyway. If he gets into it enough he will start attacking furiosly and burst out into a hysterical laughter in the middle of combat. He will resort to any method to win. He doesn't care for things like honour. you win or you don't, that's it.

Likes: He enjoys a good meal and could be considered a gourmand for his excuisite taste. He enjoys fighting to a certain degree. He is quite the charmer and will hit on any girl meeting his standards. Due to his upbringing he enjoys the feeling of travelling. He respects the strong and will gladly challenge them to battle.

Dislikes:  He dislikes those who are weak but still insists to fight since they're throwing away their lives for nothing..
He was attacked by a cat once and that led to the dislike of feline creatures. Crybabies since they obviously don't know how to handle themselves in combat.

Motivation:  He strives to become stronger so that he may prove that he's not the weakling his father called him.

Fears:  He is afraid that his friends will leave him if he shows weakness.

Tenryù Makasu Blood10

Nibi No Kani

Bloodline Name: Nibi No Kani

Bloodline Ability: Can create a foam (lots and lots of tiny, sticky bubbles) to hide itself and can use several jutsu using the properties of foam. Has a hard shell that protects against most taijutsu or weapon-style jutsu, is immune to Katon jutsu (though very weak against earth ninjutsu), and can breathe underwater. It can also use its long claws to reach long distances and either cut or grab with the pincers.

The host can also create foam from their mouth or any water sources and use jutsu utilizing the foam. At the first tail form, they gain the same shell on their back, which can block most taijutsu techniques and can breathe underwater, along with the light blue chakra cloak that allows them to create foam anywhere the blue chakra is touching. At the second tail form, they become the Nibi no Kani and can use all of its abilities.

Location:  Shippuugakure

Clan History:  N/A

Tenryù Makasu Histor11

History:  Makasu was born in the far east, in a large tent towering in the desert. Makasu's family consisted of a large group of wanderers and pilgrims traveling the world merely for the enjoyment. Or so they said. The travelers were in fact a clan of powerful shinobi which name have been lost through time. 

Makasu grew up amongst the travelers and learned many things as they traveled the world, Including eating some of the perhaps strangest dishes in history. He was also taught the way of ninjutsu and strived to become as good as the rest of his family. But one day, something happened. The travelers was assaulted by a foreign shinobi faction. A lot of people was killed and Makasu was just standing there, watching the calamity. Then it suddenly went black.

He woke up to find himself surrounded by corpses of both bandits and his friends. He started to cry and everything just seemed to fade into nothingness. Then his father appeared with a group of his friends and approached Makasu. "What happened here" his father asked with a deafening tone. "I don't know father, i passed out". 

Makasu's father left with his friends and things seemed to be back to normal but he soon realized that no one would come near him. He tried to play with his friends as usual but no one would play with him. none would talk to him, none would look at him and none would care for him. Then one day his father finally talked to him and told him to meet him in the middle of camp.

He arrived to see his father and some other people from the camp. They looked at him coldly until his father spoke. "After recent events involving the massacre of several of our comrades, you have been deemed a coward and embarassment for our people". He stopped to catch his breath as Makasu turned cold. "What's going on, i don't get it. Stop it!". His father took word once more "You are unworthy of being a part of our people! As chief, i banish you from our grounds never to return!"

Makasu's mind went blank as his father spilled the words. There was but one sentence on his mind: Why father?

The chief approached him and hit him hard on the side of his head with his cane. Makasu lost conciousness at contact. He woke up a couple of hours later only to see that he was alone in the wastelands with no human being in sight. He gradually realized what had happened and just there for hours muttering the words: Why father....Why father?

He eventually rised and started walking through the sands doing the only thing he knew how: Traveling. He kept traveling in hopes of finding his family and friends so that he could be with them once more. But he couldn't find them. No one he asked had seen nor heard of anything even somewhat related to them. After 2 years of searching his 10:th birthday was approaching and he felt devastated.

Then he had an idea. What if they took him back if he showed he was worthy? He tried to think of a way as he traveled and eventually heard this one interesting rumour. They say there's a monster lurking in the seas to the west. He set his sight to the sea and traveled west.

He heard that the monster was very hostile against fishermen and requested work at a ship. The ship was supposed to stay at sea for at least 2 weeks. He kept working with the other fishers and awaited the inevitable. Then as they were to fish in of the bigger reefs, the monster came. A giant crab rised from the waters and large bubbles started to appear. The bubbles pushed the ship away and the monster dived. Maksu marveled at its strenght and found himself admire its abilities.

He dismissed the thought and attacked the beast with a kunai. The kunai bounced off and the beast was staring directly at him. It kept getting closer as Makasu kept throwing kunais. The beast finally reached him and Makasu braced himself for an attack. But nothing happened and Makasu looked up to see the beast towering before him. 
"Why do you insist on attacking me?"

Makasu tried to comprehend his situation, He was very sure that the giant crab just spoke , but that shouldn,t really be possible. He decided to with the flow and answered it. "I'm going to kill you, of course!".
The crab simply watched him with its eyes and sighned.
"Is that so....?" 
The beast released another round of bubbles which sent Makasu's ship floating away. He shouted at the beast to fight him but the monster simply dived into the seas once more. 

The ship got back to shore a few days later and the crew was happy to be alive. Makasu didn't even care to get his pay and stayed the night at an inn. A man sitting at the table across the hall asked what happened to him and Makasu told him of his encounter with the crab. "Ahh, you met the Nibi!"
Nibi? Two tails? Now that he thought of it, it had two tail like things at its back. The innkeeper told him what he knew and explained that the beast was actually quite harmless if you left it alone.

Makasu thought over it until morning and decided to let the Nibi go as it wasn't a threat at all. He decided to take another trip by boat and ventured out once more. He was being quite enthustiastic this time around and helped out with various chores around deck.

After two weeks of traveling they met another ship. A pirate ship they believed but they were in fact a Shinobi ship sent from Shippu to counter the advances of the Nibi be. The Shinobi invaded the ship and started killing people to the left and right. The sailors couldn't fight so Makasu had to fight the shinobi himself. He fought and defeated most of them but his chakra was at its limit and they overwhelmed him. The shinobi eventually pinned him down and the leader approached him with a sword in hand. Makasu blacked out and found himself in a small room tied to a pole. The Shinobi leader entered the room and started asking him questions about the Nibi. He claimed he didn't know anything and was exposed to torture. Makasu wouldn't budge from the pain.

 The leader got angry and in a fit of rage he ripped Makasu's left eye out. Makasu endured but he was starting to get desperate, What was he supposed to do?
Then one day the ship suddenly shoke and Makasu could hear a rumbling sound. He heard desperate screams and cries for help and even a couple of explosions. Then the room was suddenly split in two and he was released from the pole. He went flying through the air and landed on the Nibi's back.

The Nibi didn't seem to have noticed him, so he stayed quite and witnessed.
He witnessed the slaughter from the bijuu's back and was greatly impressed by its destructive power. He snapped out of it as he saw a familiar shape float towards them.
It was that man from the inn
The man stood up and watched the boy riding the bijuu.
"A storm is brewing in this world, I believe it may throw the very world itself into chaos. I don't know if its the right thing to do, but...."

He paused and took another look at the two.
"I think you two will make a great team"
Those were the last words he uttered before he started making hand signs. Makasu was blinded by the light and felt a sharp pain in his stomach. He suddenly lost foothold and fell down towards the water.
While falling time seemed to slow down and he that man still standing in the same place.

"The Nibi has been in hiding for far to long, this world needs more heroes to survive the coming calamity. I just know that you have the potential to do so, stay true to your own path and protect this world."

"I'm sorry I didn't ask for your opinion, but that's to late now."

"Good luck"

The last thing Makasu saw before falling into the water was hoe the man dissappeared in a cloud of dust with his only his clothes being left.

He fell into the water and was caught into a current created by the Nibi's previous actions and crashed through various pieces of tree and rocks. He washed up on shore and was found by the Shinobi squad leader who had miraculously survived the attack. He approached him to deal the deathblow but the Nibi took over Makasu's body as a reflex and slaughtered the man brutally.

Makasu regained conciousness inside a forest the Nibi had run into.
Makasu was to say at least, Shocked to find out that he shared body with the Nibi but it didn't upset him.
He didn't hate it and it didn't hate him.
So they agreed to be companions as of that day.

Makasu wandered away once more and suddenly felt something in the distance, An ominous presence quite similiar to the Nibi. He suddenly felt something rising in his body as the Nibi panicked over detecting the chakra of another Bijuu
The Nibi went berserk and destroyed a lot of the enviroment.

he woke up a couple of days later in Shippuugakure and was told that they found him while investigating the possible sighting of a bijuu. Makasu explained the situation and was offered to stay in the village. His identity was concealed so that none would know of the Nibi's new host. He was shorly after accepted into the academy, though he proved to be to good for it and was promoted to genin. He later took the chuunin exam and passed with his ease. He's been biding his time getting to know the bijuu and eventually started to like it as they both shared a common trait. They would both rather have a good meal than fight a battle, though they both enjoy battles anyways.

He is currently doing missions as mere habits and spends his freetime traveling and training.

RP Sample:  Makasu was on his way from the village by boat and suddenly felt the Nibi's surfacing in his mind.

"What do you want?"

"Can i go for a swim?"

"Well why not?"

He jumped of the reeling and started swimming around in the water.
Makasu would often do this at the Nibi's request and he enjoyed it to.
He could just swim around for as long as he wanted and just observe the various wonders beneath the surface.

"I should get back up now"

Nibi didn't disagree and Makasu returned to the ship with a bag of fish.

Another good thing about being the Nibi's host.

Tenryù Makasu Extra10

Source: I followed an ad from One piece Adventures

Face Claim: Zwei-Hiro no kakera

Tenryù Makasu Accept10

Last edited by Tenryu on Sat Jun 22, 2013 8:53 am; edited 8 times in total
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Tenryù Makasu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tenryù Makasu   Tenryù Makasu EmptyThu Jun 20, 2013 3:52 pm

Cornelia was promised the Sanbi a week ago by Eden, sorry. Nibi is the only available Jinchuuriki now.
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Tenryù Makasu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tenryù Makasu   Tenryù Makasu EmptyThu Jun 20, 2013 9:10 pm

Fixed, I changed it and made him the Two-Tail instead.
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Tenryù Makasu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tenryù Makasu   Tenryù Makasu EmptyThu Jun 20, 2013 10:49 pm

I thought you were trying for Tsukigakure chuunin?
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Tenryù Makasu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tenryù Makasu   Tenryù Makasu EmptyThu Jun 20, 2013 11:13 pm

Yeah that's right, sorry about that. 
It's fixed now
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Tenryù Makasu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tenryù Makasu   Tenryù Makasu EmptyFri Jun 21, 2013 10:07 am

Nibi belongs in Shippuu.
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Tenryù Makasu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tenryù Makasu   Tenryù Makasu EmptyFri Jun 21, 2013 12:45 pm

Changed to Shippuu
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Tenryù Makasu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tenryù Makasu   Tenryù Makasu EmptyFri Jun 21, 2013 7:21 pm

Reserving is useless. Any new spec will come as your tertiary if you only have two because it was learned last. I'd put Ninjutsu as the primary because Nibi has a lot of offensive Ninjutsu techniques.
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Tenryù Makasu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tenryù Makasu   Tenryù Makasu EmptyFri Jun 21, 2013 9:43 pm

I set Senjutsu as tertiary
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Tenryù Makasu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tenryù Makasu   Tenryù Makasu EmptySat Jun 22, 2013 5:06 am

Nono. That isn't what he meant haha. Leave the third one completely blank. As that is what you'll be using senjutsu in, you won't need to put a placeholder for it. When you achieve senjutsu, that will become your third specialization.
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Tenryù Makasu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tenryù Makasu   Tenryù Makasu EmptySat Jun 22, 2013 6:59 am

Alright, its fixed
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Tenryù Makasu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tenryù Makasu   Tenryù Makasu EmptySat Jun 22, 2013 9:41 am


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Tenryù Makasu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tenryù Makasu   Tenryù Makasu EmptySun Jan 05, 2014 6:41 am

Archived until member comes back to become active.
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