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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
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 Shin'nen Kyūketsuki

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Male Posts : 12
Ryo : 1000

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Shin'nen Kyūketsuki  Empty
PostSubject: Shin'nen Kyūketsuki    Shin'nen Kyūketsuki  EmptyThu May 23, 2013 11:34 pm

Shin'nen Kyūketsuki  Anime_boy_white_hair_graphic-31592

First Name: Shin'nen
Last Name: Kyūketsuki
Alias: N/A

Gender: Male
Age: 14
Height: 5'5
Weight: 175
Birthday: April 1st
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationships: N/A

Affiliation: Tsukigakure
Rank: Genin
Element: Lightning, Wind, Water
Specialization: Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Nin-Taijutsu

Shin'nen Kyūketsuki  Tellme11

Physical Appearance: Shin is five foot and five inches tall with a impressive physical build that were the results of non stop Taijutsu training. His skin is pale and the color of the iris in his eyes are Vermilion with a shade of orange going around the edges of the pupil as his hair is as white as snow. His clothing consists of a black full body suit with white T - shirt above it and a black down jacket styled vest with black stripes going down the back of the fabric over the T - shirt. The jacket does not have a hood attached to it and is usually left unzipped unless Shin is participating in a mission. He wears black finger- less gloves and for bottoms he wears full length black trousers, with a pair of laces on each leg, respectively a few inches below the waist and his knees and two white belts around his waist. His forehead protector is wrapped around his head and he wears black sandals on his feet.

Shin is a silent yet selfish and cocky individual who normally likes to stay away from large groups of people. He can be over observant and sometimes he can be a little too lax for his own good. He rarely shows too much emotion unless he bantering about his achievements or trying to prove himself to others. Shin could also pass as cryptic and mysterious, given what his Clan represents but his arrogance can easily cloud his judgment and he on many occasions he may underestimate the situation he has to deal with. His arrogance also gave birth to a cynical outlook on people around him and he doubts that even the adults around him were worth speaking to and they will do nothing but try and tear him down.

He can be rather odd and in some circles, a very difficult person to speak to. In the heat of battle, he has a fortunate tenancy to keep his cool even in the most heated situations which tends to give him something of a mental advantage over his enemies. He is intelligent but not a total genius, however he does have his occasional golden moments when it come to planning but that is only when someone actually manages to wrench open that stubborn mouth of his. He can also come off as cold and cruel, having no problem severing a few limbs or hitting a few pressure points to make sure his enemies does not escape. He does have a his good points however because when he wants to be, he can extremely hard working and efficient and most of the things he does. He finds it difficult to pull off being kind but he can be sympathetic although he does not enjoy doing such a thing. Why should he take time out of his day because some dude lacks confidence or sucks at doing something when he can just put forth the effort required to get the job done?

The moon, the silence of the night, the words of a good book and a day of intense training are some of the few things that Shin enjoys in his life. Shin enjoys looking up in the mood because he feels connected to it somehow, he doesn't know if it was just it's magnificent glow or the Kyuketsuki blood coursing through his veins but whatever it is, it sure is relaxing to look up at the moon. Along with moon watching comes the silence of the night, helps Shin clear his mind and indulge in the peace and quiet. Shin also enjoys reading a good book because it also allows him to still be able venture to numerous mystical lands or gain vasts amount of knowledge while still being able to enjoy the peace and quiet that comes with his secluded lifestyle. About the most noisy thing that Shin likes to do is train and perfect his Taijutsu skills as well as polish his Ninjutsu skills as well and this it because it helps him relive some of his stress that comes from the day, give him a bit of bragging rights from working so hard and take another small step forward to being the best shinobi that this world has ever seen.

His secluded lifestyle really gives Shin a bit of a odd and negative outlook on a lot of things. So he claims that he hates almost everything but in actuality he hates socializing, crowds and being underestimated. Socializing is overrated to Shin because anyone can put on a fake smile and say some kind words before stabbing you in the back the second the sap walks away. Crowds are noisy and really makes Shin feel nervous and somewhat insecure since he thinks that he will be seen as the 'average' shinobi with no special talents. Being underestimated is like throwing a kunai into his gigantic ego which is never good in Shin's mind. If someone dares to sell him short then they best be prepared to prove that he is as weak or as dumb as they say.

Motivation: What kind of motivation can be given to someone who thinks they have all they need? One of the very few things Shin fights for is admiration and respect from his peers and his enemies for his past of being bullied had left a hole in his soul that has yet to be filled despite trying his hardest to repair his bruised ego. He still has his insecurities and will silently welcome a 'Thank you' here and there even if his expression says otherwise. To be the best isn't always best but despite that, another one of the things that Shin fights for is achieve the skills and power necessary to become an extraordinary ninja. One in which this Ninja world has never seen and finally prove to everyone that he is needs to be feared. The third and final thing that motivates Shin comes from his cynical out look on the world. There is always someone trying to make a fool of him but their negativity will only fuel Shin's pride and dedication so he can gain the physical ability to inflict great misery upon them all.

Fears: Failure is Shin's greatest fears. He cannot stand failing at things that are of vital importance. Not only does his fears of failing rock his very soul but it also never fails to infuriate him beyond his own comprehension. He will do anything he can to stay on the ‘winning’ path and try to avoid a complete and utter failure by almost any means necessary. Even if he has to end up risking his life.

Shin'nen Kyūketsuki  Blood10


Bloodline Name: Fushi no Ketsueki 'Immortal Blood'

Bloodline Ability: Kyūketsuki possess 20% more strength and speed than that of a human, complete with incomparable grace, a different sort than the animalistic fluid nature of lycanthropes. They are able to sap the life out of their targets and therefore have a much bigger lifespan. Kyūketsuki do not have a sense of taste as they cannot ingest food and don't need to.

Location: Tsuki

Clan History: The Kyūketsuki is one of the hailing clans in Tsuki. Many Kyūketsuki and Ookami are constantly fighting. Their history is quite unknown for Kyūketsuki are quite mysterious and don't show themselves much. In order to stay secretive yet show power in the village they always have a representative in the board of regents. While the Ookami are fairly scattered among themselves in smaller groups the Kyūketsuki managed to be more organized. Over the years they managed to own some land and buildings near Tsuki such as the Fortuna castle.

Shin'nen Kyūketsuki  Histor11

History: Shin was born within Tsukigakure on April 1st inside the Kyuketsuki Clan. He was born underneath a mother who went by the name Kazuki Kyūketsuki, had always despised the life of a Shinobi despite such a life being Shin's destiny because of the danger that a Ninja had to face was what she believed was far too much for anyone to endure. She was always such a worry wort and pampered Shin as much as she possibly could and this babying from such a young age stained Shin's personality and during his ninth birthday, Kazuki had finally noticed a very smug and selfish side to his personality. This ever growing arrogance worried her even more then the life of a Shinobi and after weeks of having to deal with it, Kazuki decided that she could take no more of it and hesitantly enrolled him into the ninja academy where he will have a bit of attitude adjustment.

At first, Shin raged when he heard that he was going to become a Shinobi, what spoiled kid doesn't but after numerous weeks of training, disciplinary lessons and training; Shin started to get use to his time in the academy and even started to like it. These feelings of being entertained by such difficult work started to confuse Shin since he always thought that the shinobi life was rough and gruesome but this play play stuff really was not that bad at all. Of course, that was because he has yet to experience the pain of being a Shinobi and the hellish life it holds but of course he thought that he was a natural at being a ninja and his ego ended up increasing ten fold.

This arrogance ended up hindering him in the long run and he ended up flunking from the ninja academy in the long run and this failure poked such a huge whole in his ego that he silently broke down in tears. He was so confused. He had no idea what he was doing wrong despite his instructors telling him time after time that he took things too lightly but that went from one ear and out the other and still left Shin wondering on the subject. His failure not only devastated him but during his second year at the academy, he was bullied and teased by his former classmates who did graduate and became full fledged Genin because of the constant boosting and bragging that Shin did when they were classmates.

The constant teasing was the key to turning Shin into a silent and cynical child. One night, he took a knife and cut the palm of his hand and made a oath that he will graduate the Ninja Academy and he will become the greatest ninja in this accused village whether everyone likes it or not! With an actual goal fixed in his brain and new found determination, Shin worked his ass off and gave the ninja academy everything he had to offer and before he knew it, he finally was able to graduate from the academy and become a Genin. Upon graduation, he decided to continue polishing his Taijutsu and Ninjutsu techniques on his free time and see where his hard work takes him from there.

RP Sample: The pale moonlight shined down on a single tree that stood on top of one part of twin mountain that towered above a large forest. An illusive shadowy figure sits beside the bark of the tree with his eyes shut and his ears open. Shin heard a small flicking noise shoot across the very tree he was sitting under as a single leaf falls in front of him. As the leaf descends, Shin opens his eyes and stands. He then leaps up into the air while flipping backwards and landing on the tree branch behind him. “So he’s come eh…?” Shin said as he looks over the lush forest below the mountain. He let out a long sigh and then fell backwards with both of his hands over his head. He landed on his hands and then pushes off of them to flip backwards before darting forward with tremendous speed like he was shot out of a gun. The Genin reached into the small carrying pack on the right side of his bottom with his right hand and pulled out a single kunai before leaping off the mountain ledge towards the second part of the mountain that was on the other side of the gap that Shin leaped over.

While in mid air, he swings his right arm over so the Kunai could dig into the rigid stone pillar that waited for him on the other side. He then swings his entire body around that pillar while using his Kunai as leverage and uses his shifting body weight to pull the Kunai out of the pillar as his feet touches the dusty path on the second mountain. He then continued to run down the dusty path before once again taking another massive leap forward as he shot diagonally into the air swinging his Kunai. A second looming shadow moved in from the opposite side as the sound of clashing blades echoed through the night sky and both Shinobi found them selves falling down towards the forest below them. Recognizing the danger of crashing, Shin positioned his feet below him and folded his body with his hands above his head. When he fell behind a tree branch, his Kunai blade sunk into the wood as his left hand grabbed on to the thick branch at the same time. He then swung his body forward to he could flip forward while folding in his body so his feet could land on top of the tree branch as he remained in a crouching position.

The shadow had landed below the tree and looked up at Shin who stood up on the tree branch. “Not bad..” The shadow said before stepping into the moon light. The shadow was non other then an identical shadow clone of Shin and in a split second it’s form dispersed into a cloud of white smoke as a confident smirk cracked through Shin's lips and he leaped down from the tree. “Not bad at all but a little more practice would not hurt…” He thought as he once again dashes forward and through the forest to continue his training with his Kunai still in his hand.

Shin'nen Kyūketsuki  Extra10

Source: Advertisement

Face Claim: Unique

Shin'nen Kyūketsuki  Accept10

Last edited by Jinsei on Tue Jun 11, 2013 8:16 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Male Posts : 12
Ryo : 1000

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Shin'nen Kyūketsuki  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shin'nen Kyūketsuki    Shin'nen Kyūketsuki  EmptyTue Jun 11, 2013 4:44 pm

Prepared for the first round of grading.
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Jojo Kaguya
Jojo Kaguya
Male Posts : 1347
Ryo : 493454

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Shin'nen Kyūketsuki  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shin'nen Kyūketsuki    Shin'nen Kyūketsuki  EmptyTue Jun 11, 2013 7:07 pm

Hello, I am Jojo and I will be grading your app today. Just a couple things to take care of for some formality of grammar and such...

  • There is no picture of appearance description. Please have one or the other.
  • Specialties: The appropriate term is Nintaijutsu, not Tai - Ninjutsu, please edit.
  • Motivations: A minimum of three motivations or at least three very nicely detailed sentences about your one motivation to pass my approval.

Once you finish these post a bump.
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Male Posts : 12
Ryo : 1000

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Shin'nen Kyūketsuki  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shin'nen Kyūketsuki    Shin'nen Kyūketsuki  EmptyTue Jun 11, 2013 8:02 pm

Problems (I think) have been addressed.

On to the second round of grading.
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Jojo Kaguya
Jojo Kaguya
Male Posts : 1347
Ryo : 493454

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Shin'nen Kyūketsuki  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shin'nen Kyūketsuki    Shin'nen Kyūketsuki  EmptyTue Jun 11, 2013 8:55 pm

I can approve of this, unless another mod/admin says so...


(Just bug an admin for you to be put in Tsuki colors and you'll be set.)
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Shin'nen Kyūketsuki  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shin'nen Kyūketsuki    Shin'nen Kyūketsuki  EmptySun Jan 05, 2014 6:37 am

Archived until member comes back to become active.
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