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 Chuunin Exam semi-finalists "meet & greet"

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Male Posts : 1428
Ryo : 396513

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PostSubject: Chuunin Exam semi-finalists "meet & greet"   Chuunin Exam semi-finalists "meet & greet" EmptyFri Jul 12, 2013 2:59 am

Semasu stood in the garden and admired the beauty of the cathedral, the building and architectural work itself was quite old and in quite the contrast to the ever-vibrant flowers and plants growing in its garden. The scene was like something out of a gargoyles movie from the stony walls and statues resting atop the cathedral in their ever-vigilance. The plants gave it a serene peace and the lack of the bustling village gave music through the animals, mostly birds chirping their melodious music and the baby birds squawking for their daily food. The sounds around her made her think of how simple life really was and how little oneself was compared to that of nature or the vastness of the sky.

Semasu was content to just sit on a bench in the middle of the garden, it had just rained so everything was fresh and smelled wonderful- roses were fully bloomed and the many different flowers exuded their wonderful natural perfumes in the peaceful wind. The wind blew these wonderful smells her way, almost as if nature just wanted her to admire and appreciate its simple wonders. Semasu enjoyed quiet and peace- much more than the company of others, mostly from loud and self-centered people. True Semasu had a god-complex and she disliked people in general; thus her desires to be alone most of the time... very few people could stay in her presence and her not mind them. Even people she did not know annoyed her just by being too near or in her line of sight, she was an easy person to get along with because she masks her emotions and discontent- but that's just her being polite.

Here at the cathedral around back, she could be herself and not care about the things or people around her, if anyone came here- it was to admire nature's wonders and not bother her. She knew that sooner or later someone would disturb her serene peace, she just hoped they were worth her time.
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Female Posts : 812
Ryo : 360042

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PostSubject: Re: Chuunin Exam semi-finalists "meet & greet"   Chuunin Exam semi-finalists "meet & greet" EmptyMon Jul 15, 2013 3:43 pm

Yuen would be wandering about with a very bored expression on her face. This day was not like a few days ago when she had every bone in her body crushed and then reformed in mere moments. No, today was a different pain and it was boring. She hoped to relieve some of it by just going out and fiddling with some flowers or possibly even training within the training grounds of Tsuki while she could still do so. After all, her motivation for being here in the village was quite adept and to put it blatantly she was always interested to see how the Tsuki ninja trained. Here in the cathedral she was told to be the training place for most of the newer Tsuki ninja. Granted she had no qualms with them so she would merely observe, why bother attacking them unless she was provoked?

With a calming sight of her eyes fueling and in doing so viewing all the individuals in her sight until she found someone, a lone wolf so to speak as she noticed the way she was staring at just the flowers along a garden while Yuen would blink. Watching seemed to be all that was for until she realized something, this was a Chuunin Exam participant. With calm watchful eyes she would move in, walking towards this individual as she would pop her neck. A lick to her lips was reflected from within her as the Rokubi inside her would also do this. The Rokubi loved fighting random individuals, while Yuen liked to gauge opponents. She could only gauge that this person’s experience was not heavy, just around a genin level so her smile would only grow. She would merely walk around and watch the flowers too, not speaking a word however she was always listening, paying attention while initially battle ready.

Clothed in a normal desert wear of a white cloak and tunic while her red hair accentuated her body and her red eyes glaring at the flowers as if they did something wrong to her. A smile to her face though as she would be there waiting, never hesitant at all while she had her weaponry hidden about her clothing. It was ideal to say the least. However she was silent, wondering if she would be noticed or if this person would say anything at all. None the less, she did get awkward stares from those around her for her Boufuu headband, but that was one of the fewer worries.
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Male Posts : 1428
Ryo : 396513

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PostSubject: Re: Chuunin Exam semi-finalists "meet & greet"   Chuunin Exam semi-finalists "meet & greet" EmptyMon Jul 15, 2013 4:40 pm

Instantly Semasu knew that someone was near, she disliked people enough to have a keen awareness when someone was close to her- almost like she had an extra large "comfort zone" She didn't bother to turn her head or acknowledge the person right away- usually this happened every once and a while when some genin thought they would approach her, only to be ignored and finally leave. This person was not leaving though and Semasu could feel their hungry eyes upon her, curiosity picked at her as she tried to ignore the person intruding upon her peaceful moment. Moments of peace were sometimes hard to come by, Semasu was always helping the elderly of the village and doing small missions for them- she had planned on just relaxing today, but it would seem that this would not be the case.

Semasu set down the flower she had been twirling between her fingers and rested her left hand on the hilt of Uchūhametsu; the handle was always cool in her grip and she could feel the sword's desire to get away- this sword and her were a perfect match for each other. She suppressed her feelings for avoiding conflict for the time being, this person watching her was watching her for more than just curiosity and Semasu did not like to be in the dark when those around her were scheming- especially since the Chuunin exams were going.

She stood up suddenly and whirled about to inspect the people in the area, only three people were in her line of sight and two of them were leaving in different directions: only one remained and was watching her. A female cloaked in a white tunic and dessert cloak was eyeing her; the girl wore a Boufuu headband and seemed as if she were watching Semasu with red eyes. Instantly Semasu could guess that this was one of the very Chuunin exam competitors- rules stated that during the exams, there was to be no fighting amongst competitors... but that wouldn't stop Semasu from defending her life if necessary...

She lowered her hand from the interesting looking sword Uchūhametsu and waved at Yuen half-heartedly, she hadn't expected to get any attention from other Chuunin exam competitors- this could be troublesome if the person liked to fight.

State your name; and why are you watching me?

She didn't give out any information in her speech, if possible- she wanted to feign innocence and avoid confrontation; maybe it was just a coincidence and the genin wouldn't recognize her.
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Female Posts : 812
Ryo : 360042

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PostSubject: Re: Chuunin Exam semi-finalists "meet & greet"   Chuunin Exam semi-finalists "meet & greet" EmptyTue Jul 16, 2013 4:15 pm

Yuen would smile seeing that even though she seemed to have irked this girl, she also happened to present the possibility to actually speak to her. But she knew the speech was constrained as her eyes would look out and steadily onto Semasu as she would wonder just what kind of participant this was. Granted how her own battle was a means to an end she was able to watch all the other fights with high interest. “I am Kanai Yuen, genin of the storm. Perhaps you would not mind me keeping another chuunin examinee company for the moment.” She spoke with the feel of a snake, slithering within and out of which she would only smile. Granted her aura if one could ever feel it was that of the wolf-like creature inside her. She would smile though as her eyes would never leave Semasu.

Yuen smiled once more, she loved playing as a sheep once in a while and even though there was a rule against fighting against other examinees, which Yuen detested highly. She did not mind training with them as she would only smile and twirl a kunai in her hand, one that she had taken out of her leg pack with a light twirl. “So might I ask how you think you did?” She would ask curiously, certainly a question of its own while asking another. She would hope for a good response but if there were none then she would probably hope for a spar just to see how good and worthy this person was to the Chuunin Exams, after all Yuen had already killed many in her time. She only hoped that the Chuunin Exams would sate the blood lust of Rokubi to the point that she would not have to feed him for a long time.
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Male Posts : 1428
Ryo : 396513

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PostSubject: Re: Chuunin Exam semi-finalists "meet & greet"   Chuunin Exam semi-finalists "meet & greet" EmptyTue Jul 16, 2013 10:47 pm

Kanai Yuen of the Storm, Semasu had heard rumors of this genin during her fight in the Chuunin exams... apparently this girl had a bloodlust for battle- things were not looking too bright for Semasu, she had unwillingly caught the attention of probably the most battle-monger examinee. Yuen's request for simple companionship at the moment somewhat caught Semasu offguard, she hadn't expected the girl to just want to "talk"

Normally I do not like others approaching me or talking to me, but since you are not from this village and are a contestant like myself, it is better to know you somewhat.

The girl's nature seemed that of a predator, while she may genuinely want to chat or get to know Semasu- there was an underlying reason for doing this, Semasu felt that the girl was simply studying her. When the girl inquired about her battle with Niernen, Semasu automatically thought of that psychotic genin from her own village of Tsuki- why was it that Semasu was always attracting he attention of weird ninjas?

She reached down subconsciously to her arm and thought of the chakra blades that Niernen had inflicted beneath her skin, she had done the same to him...but he had seemed to almost enjoy it. Truly it had been tough battle because she could not find a way to undermine his confidence and only managed to win from a defensive stance at nearly all the time....she needed to train before the exams continued into the Semi-finals.

I faired just as well as any other, it seems that our genin this age are quite adapt in learning troublesome ninjutsu to fight against. My opponent and I fought with bare fangs and trying to rip each others arms off, he truly was psychotic. What about you? I did not witness your fight.
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Female Posts : 812
Ryo : 360042

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PostSubject: Re: Chuunin Exam semi-finalists "meet & greet"   Chuunin Exam semi-finalists "meet & greet" EmptyWed Jul 17, 2013 3:51 pm

She was intrigued about that failure of an opponent Semasu went up against, indeed it was something interesting to her as she had never seen something like it yet she understood it quite well. A flex of her mind as she could almost feel the battle wearing upon Semasu as if she were actually there. It was a gift and curse of the beast in her to want to fight all people while at the same time being able to know how they were in battles from their battle experience, quite the precognition in most cases. “Well my battle never took place, my opponent never showed up for the battle. I hear the individual never even came to the hall to place the absence so I could not quite reflect my battles.” Of course that was before she had her bones pulverized by this Eden Shinteki, an individual who was friends with the demon of the moon she was quite fond of.

Yuen peeked around as she noticed the halls were empty and then sighed lightly, “Well if you think some of the others are going to pull out slick moves in their fights then I suggest us train a little. I mean, if we can manage that then we can pull off our best in the exams yes? Of course if you do not want to then I have no qualms for that, we can stay to admire the gardens.” Yuen did not mind either way, she was highly trained warrior as it was and aside from that the Rokubi aided her immensely in all fronts of the battle field. She only hoped he did not cause her problems in the battles to come as she was going to give it her all and reveal just how terrifying she was in accordance to the massacre so many years ago.
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Male Posts : 1428
Ryo : 396513

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PostSubject: Re: Chuunin Exam semi-finalists "meet & greet"   Chuunin Exam semi-finalists "meet & greet" EmptyWed Jul 17, 2013 10:57 pm

Semasu was not surprised to hear that Yuen's opponent did not even show up, the girl gave off a bad vibe. the lust for battle in this girl was very tangible and Semasu knew that the girl really wanted to fight with her, if not to spar a little. She entertained the thought herself, she did need to train some... but sparring with this girl wuld also allow her to gleam valuable information in the Chuunin Exams if she were to later face this girl in a battle. The benefit outweighed the danger and Semasu agreed upon it, she would be as less-revealing as possible in hopes that she could obtain more from her opponent than her opponent could from her- little did she know that this girl was the Jinchuuriki of the Rokubi, it was very likely that Yuen would obtain more than adequate information on her.

I like the idea; I imagine that you are dissatisfied with your opponent not showing up for the match. We can both benefit from a spar session and it will help you keep your edge.

Semasu paused and looked around, she didn't wish to ruin the flowers and scenery- she glanced to the side and noticed the bare ground where genin often practiced their skills. Patches of the dirt were charred from fireballs and other parts of the ground had small holes in it from greater impacts. She pointed over there.

Let's go over there before we spar, I would have to ruin the scenery that I come to enjoy every so often.

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Female Posts : 812
Ryo : 360042

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PostSubject: Re: Chuunin Exam semi-finalists "meet & greet"   Chuunin Exam semi-finalists "meet & greet" EmptyFri Jul 19, 2013 7:53 pm

Yuen would smile and nod, she was appreciative that she was able to agree to the spar. It was something very few ever actually agreed to, of course when it came to Yuen challenging individuals who were twenty times stronger than her it was quite unnatural. Granted she still trained and still possessed the properties of such views. She would pop her neck and then move forwards with a steady look of her eyes when she moved towards the bare field of charred rock and craters. Frankly she was surprised such remains were there when this place was mostly used by genin. Such a thing as this would surprise her. A lick of her lips would move towards and from that she would smile and evenly pop her neck. A single look of her eyes and the eagerness of battle, it was fuming from her but also from the Tailed Beast that resides in her.

Yuen smiled more and with a grin a little smirk furrowed from her as she would already have the chakra fuming through her systems with a simple eye about her. She mostly had medical skills, however the headband of her village covered her Hyuuga eye and yet she would not activate it yet, it was not necessary to do yet as she happened to enjoy the idea that against this girl she would be able to utilize and surpass most objectives. A smile and a smirk as she would prepare herself in readiness as she would only smile and then form a defensive stance to her very combative personality, “Ready when you are.” She hoped to be at the least ten feet away when preparing her stance, however ever since the beginning of her meeting this girl she had her Rokubi sense looking at her and analyzing everything she could.
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Male Posts : 1428
Ryo : 396513

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PostSubject: Re: Chuunin Exam semi-finalists "meet & greet"   Chuunin Exam semi-finalists "meet & greet" EmptySat Jul 20, 2013 8:36 am

She could tell that Yuen was eager for the spar, Semasu was not so eager...but she understood this as an opportunity to understand a potential opponent. The concept of starting the fight in an offensive stance did not appeal to Semasu, she preferred to be defensive and incorporate effective counterattacks; she believed she was still far too inexperienced to through out effective offensive stances against opponents she knew virtually nothing about. Yuen had diplomatically assumed the defensive one in the start of the spar however and it provided her the advantage of first counterattack; Semasu would have to be quite clever to catch this genin offguard.

Since you said you know some medical jutsu, let's agree on drawing blood- no broken or fractured bones though- we would need adequate time to heal before the Chuunin Exams continue. I would hate for the two of us to end up against different opponents and lose because of our injuries.

Her decision was not cowardice, but a calm and logical decision- being from the Rankujo clan, she was accustomed to pain- it truly would be a shame if they did injure themselves enough to impede a victory from either of them. On the other hand, Semasu didn't think she could provide a effective sparring session without drawing blood- this way she would prevent creating possible hostilities between them by unspoken disagreements during the sparring session.

since you're so kind as to let me start it off...

Semasu decided to start out with simple forwards and backwards weapon used in taijutsu. She reached down to her pouch and drew a kunai from her leg, she brought it up high enough intentionally for Yuen to see- she had hoped Yuen would comply and also take up a kunai, it would be a shame to draw blood so early in a match. One single powerful leap brought her closer to Yuen as she lunged forwards with the kunai; on a simple level, it would appear tat she was going for a simple jab, but her footwork suggested that she would follow up with a mid-air roundhouse kick if the opponent was strong enough to stop her thrust full-force.
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Female Posts : 812
Ryo : 360042

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PostSubject: Re: Chuunin Exam semi-finalists "meet & greet"   Chuunin Exam semi-finalists "meet & greet" EmptyMon Jul 22, 2013 3:29 pm

Yuen was happy that Semasu would begin, and it would happily allow something that easily allowed one to understand that Semasu was a complying individual, and to Yuen that was not so bad most times. She would think to herself though, “I’ve healed bone before, so if that happens there should not be anything to worry about,” granted all healing took time but in her head as she thought of this she knew she was a better healer due to her general knowledge of medical forms of such. Her hand came up and now she was all the more happy to begin her work against Semasu. The Genin had brought out a kunai while Yuen would instead bring up a saké cup and flask, filling it with one sips worth she would smile, “I normally do not drink in a fight, but I think it can help you in the forms of Taijutsu at the best.”

Indeed that was the assumption as she would smile with a kindred glance as she would sip that saké away while Semasu was charging forwards, the drunken fist frenzy was already beginning and she would happily take any amount of force from this girl just to prove the better… Drunk? Indeed Yuen was drunk as she had seen that incoming jab from the kunai coming at her, and yet her drunken frenzy easily took in all around her. She smiled and ducked down to dodge the jab of the kunai while she would smile with a leg coming up with a speed filled kick of unreadable styles. She would kick upwards, directly towards the face of the genin though that followed roundhouse kick blocked her kick. It was something that she was not completely accustomed to though she did take the time to counter the counter.

Her body moving with a rush as she would then use the momentum from the roundhouse kick and began to spin with that momentum and once up she would already utilize speed and accuracy with unreadable precision to punch rapidly with a kick every three to five punches, not completely following such patterns it would seem. A giggle to her lips as she continued to attack with such easy pleasures of her mentality. The fighting ability of the drunken fist in full swing was meant to be a frenzy of a berserker and as it would seem she pulled it off very well with the Rokubi making some of her attacks in her head by locating and allocating any weak spots.
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Male Posts : 1428
Ryo : 396513

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PostSubject: Re: Chuunin Exam semi-finalists "meet & greet"   Chuunin Exam semi-finalists "meet & greet" EmptyTue Jul 23, 2013 10:42 pm

The thought of fighting a drunken fist-style ninja annoyed Semasu: Semasu was an expert taijutsu fighter for someone of her age... but the drunken style was very unorthodox and very easily berserked- yet even though this girl Yuen was fighting wildly, she had a sense of control and influenced over her actions. Semasu wonderedif this girl was a better taijutsu fighter than herself: or was there more here than Semasu could see?

Semasu had been wise to anticipate a counter with a double counter, just as she had aassumedthe girl had not triple-countered her. Assumptions could he dangerous however and she would be more cautious... especially against this drunken berserker. The overall amount of time to get the girl drunk was very short... Semasu could only reason that this girl could not hold alcohol very well: or even... was it okay for the grnin to be drunk?

Semasu did not have much time to think on that, Then was coming at her with fists and feet of fury; no real pattern was revealed in her fighting style and even her berserk state was providing little openings for Semasu touse as an advantage. While Semasu was a taijutsu wxexpert for her age, she had yet to create her own fighting style and was now clearly at a disadvantage. She back stepped as she blocked and evaded blows from the berserking drunk, it was difficult to anticipate the movements so Semasu was certain she would lose if she just defended.

Semasu bid her time until Yuen trusted another punch at her, Semasu bricked with her arms in a cross-guard and then used Yuen's weight to Summersault over and behind Yuen. Semasu dropped down low in anticipation of a back swing and swept her own foot towards Yuen's legs to trip/off-balance her. Her body followed the flow of her foot in anticipation of the sweep: her intent was a forward Summersault above Then if her sweep landed and then she would reverse pile-drive the girl's body.
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Female Posts : 812
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PostSubject: Re: Chuunin Exam semi-finalists "meet & greet"   Chuunin Exam semi-finalists "meet & greet" EmptyFri Jul 26, 2013 7:46 pm

Yuen would smile in her drunken state when she was dodged by such a summersault maneuver. Prior to that her attacks were being dodged and blocked but essentially she would find the attack to be completely on guard and then the summersault had occurred. Her body would perform an attack of a very unorthodox method, her punch and weight pushed forwards and her arms hitting into the ground her legs were brought up with a readiness to kick the girl’s body during the landing of her summersault. Given how this was made, it was directly before any attempted or thought of attacks made by Semasu. Due to Yuen’s body being the weight of the summersault, she had ample time to perform the kick into Semasu’s body when she did such a summersault over and behind her. It was speed and very unorthodox to the methods behind her style of attack. She would only smile while her attack was made. The push off of the ground made for her body to rocket off and the kick to have higher intensity as she would be pushing towards and directly into whatever lie ahead. It was ample in the form of which she would only smile and aim for pure attacks. Such attacks were rapid as immediately after this attack, whether or not it connected with Semasu, Yuen would go right back in with her rapid motions.
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Male Posts : 1428
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PostSubject: Re: Chuunin Exam semi-finalists "meet & greet"   Chuunin Exam semi-finalists "meet & greet" EmptySun Jul 28, 2013 9:41 pm

Semasu's attempt had been fooled nearly at the beginning of the complicated combo, her summersaukt had been met with a uplifted kick and had caught her straight in the hip. She thought her momentum would carry her over the drunk girl, but then she realized that Then had used her hands to bolster her upwards kick. Semasu gaspdd at the pain that exploded in her hip but did not lose her focus- she needed a way to fight this drunk gen in efficiently.

Semasu used her quick thinking to allow the kick to shift her weight and direction, then she brought her legs up close and kicked off Yuen's upward striking body. This move would throw Yuen off balance and allow Semasu to gain even more air advantage from the drunk genin who would probably be pushed into the ground from both of Semasu's legs kicking off her. Semasu curled her body into a tight ball as she flipped upwards into the air and still when she began to descend: the speed and momentum of her attack was greatly increased from the distance. Semasu unculred as she was flipping near above Yuen, directly above the sun and brought both of her feet downwards in a combo kick- doing thus would afford her the opportunity of a strike as well as a counter attack and defence whether her kicks landed or not. Once the kicks landed, she would vault backwards a short distance and then use her feet against the ground to launch herself forwards at Yuen again before she had the opportunity to recover from the downward air kicks and strike at her with a punch at her midsection.
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Chuunin Exam semi-finalists "meet & greet" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chuunin Exam semi-finalists "meet & greet"   Chuunin Exam semi-finalists "meet & greet" EmptyMon Jul 29, 2013 3:43 pm

Yuen would smile, the drunken fist was still heavy while slowly fading and the kick to her side dragged her out of it as she would still act drunk, her body swiftly analyzing as she watched the girl. Now with the numerous downwards kicks she would move her body with slight shifts to reduce the maximum amount of damage from this attack while she would then notice and still pulling off the drowsy drunken stupor she would then feel a fist punching into her gut. However, she was prepared as she arm would slide upwards with her hand shaped as a blade with the attack aimed to cut deep into the tissue from the bad hip of Semasu on up diagonally to the shoulder. The attack was just as unpredictable as he drunken movements but the style of the attack was enhanced by the Chakra Scalpel technique where the attack would be able to cut the muscles and tendons and cause much destruction. A slight smile and a giggling laugh would ensue as she would then begin to go complete offensive to rush forwards and keep her arms swiping and slicing with the enhanced hands, and with her general medical knowledge, the precision of such attacks were that much more.

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