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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Uteki, Akioka

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Akioka Uteki
Akioka Uteki
Male Posts : 17
Ryo : 1050

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Uteki, Akioka Empty
PostSubject: Uteki, Akioka   Uteki, Akioka EmptyMon Feb 13, 2012 6:35 pm

Uteki, Akioka 2gv3e49

Uteki, Akioka Whoare14

First Name: Akioka
Last Name: Uteki
Alias: Not Available
Gender: Male
Age: Fifteen
Height: Five foot and Ten inches
Weight: One hundred and fifty pounds
Birthday: May 7th
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationships: None currently
Affiliation: Boufuugakure
Rank: Genin
Element: Ranton - Raiton - Suiton
Specialization: Ninjutsu - Kenjutsu - Fuuinjutsu

Uteki, Akioka Tellme11

Personality: Humans as a living entity have always had repressed lusts for a wide variety of things, most in particular is the lust of violence and combat. This is can never be proven to be more true then in Akioka. Akioka does not necessarily wish to kill and maim, but instead prefers to use fighting as a means to prove his worth and prove to himself that he is capable of doing whatever he sets his mind to. With an outlook like this, Akioka usually feels insecure about himself thus never having the confidence to talk to people and this has left him with few friends. Though when he is placed into a combat situation his outlook does a total 360, leaving him with both confidence and the willpower to win and protect the ones around him. Akioka thrives in high-stress situations where combat is to be had, but out of combat he can hardly speak to the ones around him.

Though he may relish and seek action, Akioka is not so shallow that this would be his only personality perk. His loyalty to his village is unquestionable, fully ready to serve as a tool that may eventually just be thrown away. This sense of undying loyalty has left him with a strong sense of patriotism and nationalism, never afraid to stand up and beat the hell out of someone that has insulted his home - he may not be good with using words with people he doesn't know, but his fists are a whole different story. This loyalty trickles down to a grassroots level, causing him to feel immense loyalty towards his fellow shinobi and even more so to his closest friends. Loyalty leads progress, progress leads to power, and power leads to a sense of existence and self-worth.

Likes: Akioka tends to like the simple things of life, one example is spending time with his friends and comrades. Akioka also enjoys eating instant cup ramen while watching martial arts movies at his house. Akioka enjoys lazing around Fenrir's grove, wandering aimlessly in it for hours on end. Akioka enjoys being in the prescience of immensely stronger shinobi then himself so that he may learn and grown from their knowledge. Above all things that Akioka likes to do is fight - Akioka won't go out of his way to start one but when a fight comes to him he can't help but oblige.

Dislikes: Akioka strongly dislikes people who would push their work off onto others, letting themselves be lazy instead of productive. Akioka dislikes those that throw away the lives of others to protect themselves, cowardice is not acceptable. Akioka dislikes when people talk about his home, it is what made him who he is as a person and that makes it more important to him then anything else in the world. Akioka dislikes people who mindlessly slaughter those weaker then them, mindless violence is to waste energy, to waste energy is to die. Above all else, Akioka dislikes birds. The dislike stems from an experience during his childhood that he was never able to get over.

Motivation: Akioka has one goal in the long run of his career, or that's how he sees it and that one goal is to attain power. Many shinobi seek to attain power for self-gain and to bend others to their knees, but this is far from the reason that drives Akioka. Akioka wants to gain power in order to prove himself not to those around him, but actually to himself. He seeks to gain power to prove he is worth something, not the hopeless nothing that his father would of had him believe. It is his quest to prove himself that would drive Akioka to the gates of hell and back just so he can be proud of who he is.

Fears: There are very few things Akioka fears but the things he does fear are dreadful to him. His first fear is his fear of dying alone with out ever having made friends. Akioka also fears burning alive, believing it to be the worst way to die. Akioka has a huge phobia of birds, due to the fact his father was a practitioner of falconry and would often use his falcon to attack Akioka when he was just a toddler - this abuse causes him to shake and lock up whenever he comes face to face with a bird. Akioka's single greatest fear is the fear of being crippled beyond repair and becoming useless to himself and more importantly his village.

Uteki, Akioka Blood10

Uteki Ichizoku

Bloodline Name: Storm Release (嵐遁, Ranton)

Bloodline Ability: Storm Release (嵐遁, Ranton) is the advanced element resulting from the combination of Lighting release and water release. By combining the two elements, the element created is not actually a storm. Ranton is the creation of beams of lighting that flow like water, effectively creating lighting that can be molded, controlled, and used in any way that water could but still containing the electrocuting power of lighting.

Location: Boufuugakure no Sato

Clan History: Since the dawn of mankind, humans have always taken interest in the storms that nurtured their crops and gave them the food to live. This interest, then the advent of chakra control and jutsu led a man known as Masamune Uteki to attempt to create something similar to the storms that constantly soaked his homeland, an area that would eventually become known as Boufuugakure no Sato. Masamune was taught chakra control, and later advanced his control to control over common elements in his homeland - these being lighting and water releases. In an attempt to combine these to create a storm of his own, Masamune created a whole different kind of storm. What he create was lighting that had the fluidity of water, allowing him to bend it, fill up items with it, and completely manipulate as he saw fit. It was effectively liquid lighting. Using this new element, Masamune to conquer a small village of farmers in order to secure a body to make a small army out of. In this conquest, he won the heart of the former village chief's daughter, securing the Former chief's position of power in the new village and giving Masamune a means to create a lineage. After organizing and training the bulk of the village's men, he set out to conquer other farming communities, uniting them under one banner.

The new organization of communities merged into a larger shinobi community, with Masamune at it's head. This community was powerful but small, with just enough men to cover its current territory and not nearly enough to expand to conquer more. During the existence of this Shinobi community, Masamune fathered six sons, five of which would later die, leaving the youngest and newborn as the only heir to the throne. As the community flourished, so did the ambition of conquering this peaceful community. A powerful warlord decided that acquiring these lands would allow his empire to expand, as fertile farms feed vast armies. The warlord launched an attack that caught the majority of the forces of the community off guard, leading to the loss of 70% of bluefor within the first attack. Masamune, knowing that defeat was imminent gathered his remaining troops and his eldest sons and counter-attacked, so that the women and children may escape and carry on the heritage of the village. Trusting his wife with the information of how he created Ranton, he went to combat knowing he would never see them again.

With their homes destroyed, the women, elderly, and children eventually melded into the large settlement that would eventually become Boufuugakure. Decades later, the Uteki clan is almost no existent. Remaining descendants have failed to keep the Uteki clan name alive, with only one of them known being capable of still using Ranton. The known last user, has been the target of abuse and mistreatment by the other members of the clan.

Uteki, Akioka Histor11

History: Akioka Uteki, born on a day of one of the nastiest storms to hit Boufuugakure. Many took this as a good sign, a blessing from the gods for a child to be born on such a gargantuan storm. Akioka's father, had a different opinion of the new born as he had wished to get rid of the child only to have the mother protest. Two years after his birth, Akioka's mother died from a disease she had contracted during her time in labor that had stayed dormant for months after he was born. With her death, the already horrible father turned to alcohol in order to run from his pains. This alcohol addiction developed into abuse, both verbal and physical against Akioka. All of this abuse led to Akioka growing up with no sense of self-worth, always believing he was nothing just as his father had told him. Village authorities eventually caught word of the abuse and had a direct intervention with the abusive father. Being in a drunken stupor, he attempted to attack the village authorities that resulted in his death at their hands. Akioka was placed in a sort of half-way house for troubled youth in the village, where he would live until he was old enough to get into the academy. The loss of his father had not made him sad, but it left him feeling empty. Though his father did nothing but torture him, that was more attention he would get at the fake home he was living in. Akioka enrolled in the academy at the age of eleven, and with this enlistment he was capable of moving out on his own, being provided a spacious one room apartment by the village. Graduating from the village academy, he is extremely grateful for the attention and respect the village gave him. This left a huge impression on him, resulting in immense loyalty to the village itself. Now Akioka stands as one of the few genin in the mighty and proud village of Boufuugakure, and refuses to back down on his ideal that his village is the best in the world thanks to the mercy and kindness everyone in the village has shown him. Thankful and in debt to his village, Akioka stands ready to do anything for his village, even if he knows he may go to his death. But, Akioka is no prophet and he waits patiently for what the future may have in store for him.

RP Sample: Akioka crouched down to move his hand across the top of the dew-soaked leaf blades. Stopping his hand on a foot print impression, he'd look up following the trail that the prints made towards the forest. Thinking to himself, he stoop up to walk the trail of the foot prints. "These tracks are fresh and judging by the marks on the ground.... he was moving fast. This has to be the man we are looking for." Gathering the information he needed on the foot prints, he deducted that the man he was following wasn't a shinobi. The markings his target left were those of someone in full sprint, and they remained on the ground. A shinobi would have gone into the trees to throw a tracker off of their trail. Moving off of the ground in a series of rapid movements, he moved into the trees himself in order to get a birds eye view of the discreet destruction left behind by the man he was following. Scrapes against tree trunks, snapped branches, and over turned leaves would be all Akioka needed to find and silence this man. Vanishing from the tree he had just kicked off of, he caught sight of movement in his peripheral vision. Akioka drew his flat-tipped tanto from the sheath at the small of his back. The sound of blade coming out of the sheath gave off the fear-inducing "shink" that most men hear before a blade is plunged through their spine. Akioka reappeared out of his previous rapid movement before the man, with the tanto slicing diagonally with the momentum of Akioka's rapid movement caused the blade to shred through the majority of the target's torso. With a thump, the body collapsed on the forest floor. Flicking the blade to his side, any residue blood left on the blade went flying onto the dying leaves left behind by the stranglehold of winter. Sheathing the blade, Akioka vanished in a flurry of snow flakes.

Uteki, Akioka Extra10

Source: Google

Face Claim: Mitcheru by Pokefreak (With some slight photoshop changes)

Uteki, Akioka Accept10

Last edited by Akioka Uteki on Tue Feb 14, 2012 4:02 am; edited 1 time in total
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Skar Ryuishin Dazai
Skar Ryuishin Dazai
Male Posts : 56
Ryo : 4304

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Uteki, Akioka Empty
PostSubject: Re: Uteki, Akioka   Uteki, Akioka EmptyMon Feb 13, 2012 8:42 pm

I would like to go over this character as practice if I am permitted by a higher staff member that is willing to watch over it?
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Uteki, Akioka Empty
PostSubject: Re: Uteki, Akioka   Uteki, Akioka EmptyMon Feb 13, 2012 8:46 pm

I shall supervise, begin reviewing the application Skar
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Skar Ryuishin Dazai
Skar Ryuishin Dazai
Male Posts : 56
Ryo : 4304

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Uteki, Akioka Empty
PostSubject: Re: Uteki, Akioka   Uteki, Akioka EmptyTue Feb 14, 2012 3:54 am

Well, I like your app a lot. I can't say anything about your clan, because I haven't trained in clan approval at all yet, but your app looks good. Lots of description, it's in paragraph format, it's not canon, and overall a good app. Only one problem however. Your history has to have 400 words, and you have about 340. So just lengthen that up a bit to meet the minimum, and you should be alright.
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Akioka Uteki
Akioka Uteki
Male Posts : 17
Ryo : 1050

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Uteki, Akioka Empty
PostSubject: Re: Uteki, Akioka   Uteki, Akioka EmptyTue Feb 14, 2012 4:03 am

Bio edited.
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Skar Ryuishin Dazai
Skar Ryuishin Dazai
Male Posts : 56
Ryo : 4304

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Uteki, Akioka Empty
PostSubject: Re: Uteki, Akioka   Uteki, Akioka EmptyWed Feb 15, 2012 4:50 pm

Alright.. you fixed the elements already I see, and added to your history. Well, looks good to me. You'll have to wait for Takeshi to finalize it, but from me, you've been:

Uteki, Akioka Greybg1copy
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Uteki, Akioka Empty
PostSubject: Re: Uteki, Akioka   Uteki, Akioka EmptyWed Feb 15, 2012 9:37 pm

Since Takeshi isn't available, I have read over this application for Skar's moderation, and everything seems to be in place.

Uteki, Akioka Dom_ap12

You can casual RP, but cannot use anything pertaining to your clan until it is fully approved. Until then, your just to go by your name and nothing more.
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