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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Uchiha Kyo

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Kyo Uchiha
Kyo Uchiha
Posts : 16
Ryo : 1500

Uchiha Kyo Empty
PostSubject: Uchiha Kyo   Uchiha Kyo EmptyMon Apr 07, 2014 6:01 pm

Uchiha Kyo MnsgibM

Uchiha Kyo Whoare14

First Name: Kyo
Last Name: Uchiha
Alias: -

Gender: Male
Age: 16
Height: 181 cm (5'11")
Weight: 75 kg (165 lbs)
Birthday: December 12
Sexuality: Hide your ladies Heterosexual
Relationships: None yet

Affiliation: Shippuukagure
Rank: Genin
Element(s): Katon
Specialization(s): Taijutsu - Ninjutsu

Uchiha Kyo Tellme11

Personality: Overconfident in his natural abilities, lazy, more interested in enjoying life than having to partake in any particular responsibilities, Kyo is quick to dismiss subjects that don't interest him and will often carry out his actions with a devil-may-care attitude, which makes him the less serious member of the Uchiha clan. Hot-blooded and with a passion for fighting stronger opponents, Kyo believes that only by putting yourself to test by taking on people who are stronger than you, you can improve yourself and become not only a better fighter, but a better man: things like training and studying are pointless and boring in his eyes, and
he won't do anything to hide these convinctions of his.

Despite his seemingly arrogant and rude demeanor, he treasures his friends and family, enjoying their presence and being willing to do whatever it takes to protect them: he also has a strong sense of justice, but unfortunately he is often too lazy to make the step from the generic "would do whatever it takes" to the actual action. Unless, of course, it involves taking on strong foes.

An interesting trait of Kyo's personality is that he takes his clan's responsibilities on a more personal level, disregarding ancient legends and predestined events as any reason for his actions. His strong sense of justice and his zeal to fight stronger opponents are what he believes to drive him to carry out his destiny. In other words, he thinks that the legacy of a clan is something to be proud about, even something that justifies the innate abilities of a person (then again, this could be just an excuse on his part to be lazy, as in "I am a genius from an elite clan! I don't need to train!"), but not something that should influence the decisions of an individual, and the path (s)he must follow in life.

His extreme disinterest in studies has led to his chronic inability to graduate from Ninja Academy: only at the age of 16, which is very late in the shinobi world, did he manage to finally get through the Academy and become a Genin. He hates to be mocked about it, but this won't stop people from constantly making ironic remarks about it.

Likes: Kyo likes to fight. He enjoys the thrill that comes from locking horns with strong opponents, which partially makes up for his lack of motivation for becoming a shinobi.

He is also fond of girls: not that he is particularly prone to nosebleeds, but he does enjoy the company of females his age, and he constantly tries to impress them, which can often turn into a distraction during missions, if a female is present. A one-on-one, hand-to-hand fight with a skilled and good-looking kunoichi could prove an interesting experience for him, to say the least.

Also, Kyo likes dressing in many different outfits to express his personality, averting the usual "limited wardrobe syndrome" other ninjas often suffer from. He is proud of being a member of the Uchiha clan, and it shows it by engraving the symbol of the clan on the back of his gloves and his jackets.

Dislikes: Uniforms. There is absolutely no chance in hell that Kyo is ever going to wear an uniform, much to the annoyance of his father Saisyu. expressing his individual personality in any possible way, up to and including by wearing casual clothing even during missions, is just that important for him.

He dislikes people who think too higher of their motivations and take everything they do too seriously, and this goes double for the members of his own clan: while it is true that he is proud of being an Uchiha, he cannot stand those who constantly blather about the superiority and the legacy of the clan to be carried on, and this is one of the reasons why he is not in good terms with his father Saisyu.

He dislikes to be reminded or lectured about the importance of stuff like studying and training, that he has never taken seriously in his life: also, be rude towards a female in his presence, and you are in for a fiery beating. Literally.

Motivation: Kyo's father, Saisyu, is one of the most prominent member of the Uchiha clan: a former accomplished, world famous elite shinobi, he recently retired to become a politician, being involved in all the important matters of Shippuukagure and constantly working to increase the prestige and the dominance of his own clan. Needless to say, he is the kind of man who wants his heir to follow in his footsteps, so he forced Kyo to become a ninja, despite the latter being more interested in hanging out with girls and friends, rather than going down the dangerous path of the shinobi.

As a result, we shouldn't be talking about Kyo's motivation, but rather of Kyo's lack thereof: his studies at the Academy were a total failure exactly because of this, as he not only was absolutely uninterested in studying in general, he also lacked a motivation to desire to graduate.

Now that he has finally managed to become a Genin, he has higher chances to get involved in real action, and thus it is likely that, untill he finds his own path, his willingness to take on strong opponents will act as a motivation for a while.

Fears: The combination of Kyo's laziness and self-confidence make it very difficult for him to have any fears: as long as he can avoid boring things like studies and training he is fine with whatever life puts in his way, and his willingness to put himself to challenge leads him to see anything as a challenge, which leads him to charge head-on into danger and to take on opponents that are far stronger than him, without realising that doing so in a real combat environment may cost him his life, and put his companions in danger.

Untill this side of his personality is broken (which is pratically bound to happen somewhere down the road, as part of character development), it is highly unlikely that he will ever understand what fear truly is.

Uchiha Kyo Blood10


Bloodline Name: Sharingan, Mangekyou Sharingan

Bloodline Ability:

Location: Shippuukagure

Clan History:

Uchiha Kyo Histor11

History: Born and raised in Shippuu, Kyo had a happy, uneventful childood during which nothing noteworthy happened: he had his clan protecting him, his mother loving him and always being by his side, he had friends to hang out with, he had all the time he wanted to develop his personality and explore his interests. During that period, he would never think about what he wanted to do in his life, being content with just living his life day by day. He would find happiness in the small things, and be happy with it.

The problems started when his father Saisyu, a world famous elite shinobi, retired to pursue a career in politics: being the kind of person who would do anything to increase the prestice and the dominance of his clan, Saisyu naturally expected one o his children to follow in his footsteps and become an elite shinobi capable of living up to his legacy. Unfortunately, his only son was Kyo, who found himself forced to be a ninja despite having no interest nor motivation for embracing such a strict way of life.

The first time Kyo told his father he didn't want to be a ninja, he didn't get any reply: his father just ignored him. The second time, his father simply showed him a document: he had officially enlisted him to the local Ninja Academy, so there was no turning back at that point. Kyo was going to be a shinobi, wether he liked it or not.

His time at the Academy was a dreadful one: uninterested in studies, lacking any motivations, with his father constantly lecturing him and punishing him for very failure, Kyo dragged himself throughout his studies, often sleeping during lessons and skipping classes whenever possible. Kids younger than him kept on graduating before him, and it wasn't long before people started mocking him, and making all sort of remarks about it.

Now that he is finally through the Academy, Kyo is desperately trying to find his own dimension, his own path, in a world he feels he doesn't belong to. And he is doing it the only way he knows - by living life day by day, trying to enjoy the most out of every moment, possibly impressing as many young ladies as possible along th way. Of all the people who have a lot of expectation for him, he is the only one who doesn't expect anything from himself, and just tries to find his way. It is hard to be a normal guy, when you have special powers, and you live a special life in a special world...

RP Sample:
In spoiler to save space:

Uchiha Kyo Extra10

Source: Found the link on an affiliated forum.

Face Claim: Kyo Kusanagi from the King of Fighters franchise.

Uchiha Kyo Accept10
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Kouri Ten'nou

Male Posts : 1688
Ryo : 109976

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Uchiha Kyo Left_bar_bleue810/810Uchiha Kyo Empty_bar_bleue  (810/810)

Uchiha Kyo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Uchiha Kyo   Uchiha Kyo EmptyMon Apr 07, 2014 8:16 pm

Looks good to me. Approved
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Female Posts : 2298
Ryo : 1597319

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Uchiha Kyo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Uchiha Kyo   Uchiha Kyo EmptyMon Apr 07, 2014 8:47 pm

This application has been moved to the character database.
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