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The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
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 Don la Flamingo (WiP)

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PostSubject: Don la Flamingo (WiP)   Don la Flamingo (WiP) EmptyMon Nov 25, 2013 6:40 am

Don la Flamingo (WiP) Doflamingo_by_konb4126-d4910iv

Don la Flamingo (WiP) Whoare14

First Name: Don
Last Name: Kyūketsuki
Alias: Flamingo

Gender: Male
Age: Seventeen
Height: 8'7 1/2''
Weight: 345 lbs
Birthday: 9/11
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Don la Flamingo (WiP) Tumblr_magufqnPst1r0eq28o1_500

Affiliation: Tsukigakure
Rank: Special Jonin
Element: Wind, Lightning, Earth
Specialization: Genjutsu, Taijutsu, Puppetry

Don la Flamingo (WiP) Tellme11

Don la Flamingo (WiP) Doflamingo+schichibukai

- Don is what you would call a people person, oddly enough he actually enjoys engaging
with others and in a social situation he is far more talkative than one would expect a ninja to be.
He is always one to speak his mind and will often go out of his way to
discuss and debate with others. He recharges himself from being around others which is extremely
odd considering the normally reclusive nature of his fellow clansmen.
Don is by far the odd one out in that regard and will even talk to people he hates rather than be by himself and bored.
In fact Don does his best works in crowds even though he will often stick out like a sore thumb,
his main tactic is that of slowly wearing down a targets psyche until he can place them under
a genjutsu and apprehend them.
- The one called Flamingo is known to be a performer and when allowed he will show off,
or create some fabricated play. Showmanship is very important for Don, and he believes that being humble is simply
spitting on your past achievements. Even his hand gestures and grand and ornate deals and his living
quarters are decadent to the point of ridiculousness. While he does enjoy the finer things
often he will go to far. For example one time his second great uncle once removed came into the
possession of one of the most expensive
paintings in the ninja world. Naturally Don got ahold of the masterpiece and decided to rework it
by turning it into an expressionist piece. Namely slash it up and drop it in his Great Uncle's
bed before pouring a can of paint over the lot of them.
- Vindictive and harsh Don is quite the judge and assesses everyone he comes across,
he is an excellent judge of character. However this can get the best of him as he is used to being right,
so often once he has met you his opinion has already been formed and set in stone.
He is a very analytical man and will view each situation from every possible angle oftentimes in just a few moments.
Don also judges actions and can quickly pick up on a person's style and guess what they will do next
fairly accurately.
- Growing up Don studied many books, chiefly about the tactics used by ninja around the world.
Large scale battles were always his favorite, although over the years he has been able to create traps and elaborate strategies on the fly.
His mind is suited for battle and he has been trained in many different scenarios and knows exactly
what to do in each. With his extensive training he will often be able to think multiple moves ahead in the middle
of combat even if it is extremely daunting. He can also keep a level head despite the gravest of situations as well.
- Don is an excellent liar, not only because he does not show or have any tells but also that he can convince himself of certain lies and even trick ninjas with sensory.
It takes quite the mind to be able to lie without remorse but the ninja can easily do it to those he does not respect.
Oftentimes Don will lie and make up fabricated stories of how he had been alive for hundreds
of years and thanks to his clan most never call him out on it. When caught in one of those,
which are his more obvious lies,
Don will begin to chuckle before slamming his palms together and just as
quickly force them away and flip his hands into a position where they point at the person who caught him.
While pointing he will often shout out 'bingo'.
Don will lie if it is needed however if he does not respect the person he will sprinkle in lies at
his leisure just for his own entertainment. He has a silver tongue and the brain to use it,
Don can think up a web of lies in a second and will be able to remember each lie he told and who to what people. One of his most impressive feats was lying to five ninja in his village.
Each ninja blamed the other for something fabricated by Flamingo himself, all the while the blonde was chuckling internally.
- Flamingo is a man who has his head in the stars, he enjoys to think of abstract concepts
and debate them with people he views as intelligent. Don enjoys to speak about morality,
the meaning of white and wrong, the most however and his views seem to stem from a view he holds on history.
Don believes that history is written by the victor and thus too that morality is decided by the strongest power.
In his world many things are grey but he does have some strong believes that are in black and white.
- Don is manipulative to people he does not care about, he believes that people
like that are nothing more than soulless dolls for him to play with. While he does have empathy it is selective,
and he would more than willingly drown a retarded puppy if the creature had bit him.
Don is also charming, disarmingly so and he does not display his thoughts at all
leaving everyone around him to believe he is simply focusing on entertaining while he plans how to entertain himself in his sick way.
To him Humans without souls are just like his puppets, shells to just be lead and controlled by
another, smarter individual. Thus Don justifies manipulating people into doing what he wants to have done.
- Don does have a soft spot however, and will do random acts of kindness for people he actually likes.
Of course in his twisted head he oft refers to these sorts of people as his subordinates or his chosen ones.
Oftentimes the ninja will feel empathy for the weak whom are honest and the young. While he would never admit that fact
to anyone that does not change the fact that those he judges as good he will be able to sympathize with.
- Fiercely protective the Flamingo will go into a fit of rage if something he enjoys
(a person or item, often the same thing in the mind of Don) is harmed or destroyed.
There is nothing he would not do for someone who had won his respect, even admitting he is wrong.
In a fight if there is someone weaker than him he will automatically go all out against his opponent in order to make sure they do not
get hurt or killed. While it seems like a blood lust to the outside observer it is simply Don being enraged over the
possibility of a person of value getting damaged or destroyed.

Don la Flamingo (WiP) Tumblr_mwiupiZ82E1s79rkko1_500

* Intimidation -
Don enjoys to Intimidate others whether it be with his genjutsu, force of personality, strength, or just his general size. Don enjoys seeing fear in another's face and he also enjoys to make someone pall at him or back up in his presence. The ninja enjoys standing out and would rather provoke someone he wished to fight, although he does know the importance of stealth some times. Still there quite isn't anything like driving his enemies before him as they flee in panic.
* Performing -
Anytime when Don can steal the spotlight or perform in some various way he enjoys to take the opportunity. This is usually done in a social situation and while most would view it as attention whoring they would forget the most important thing about Don. He is so self centered that he literally cares only for his own opinion on matters pertaining to himself. As such he performs, jokes, and does most things for himself.
* People he finds interest in -
When Don finds interest in a person he will begin to like them, even if it is just as much as a person would like a tool. He will also try to make sure that they live and will think of ways to make that person beneficial to himself. It is simply how his mind functions on facts of these matters, and is not meant to be so wildly offensive it simply is not to someone as arrogant as Flamingo. To him most people are better off being used so that they do not make horrible decisions on their own.
* Knowledge -
Knowledge is power and the man with Immortal Blood knows that he will have a long time to acquire the power of it and so he continues to hone his ability to get it. Don will explore, read books, and question others among multiple other things to acquire knowledge. He is a glutton for knowing things and this has allowed him to be on top of any situation he finds himself in, it is an extremely useful and beneficial part of his personality.
* Books -
While he may not look like it Flamingo actually enjoys reading books, and has spent many a night staying up later than he wanted eyes glued to the writing on the pages. A book is one the best things to have of physical possessions in Flamingo's book. He has a single room that is devoted solely to books, his own personal library with rows upon rows of book cases filled all the way to the ceiling. He has multiple chairs or couches set to his size in there, making anyone who comes in feel like a small child.
* Philosophy -
The special jonin loves to debate and discuss various philosophical subjects, he believes that it expands his mind and also actually enjoys the experience of how others think so he can easily get into a different mindset when needed. Many an hour has he spent at night sitting awake and debating differing things in just his own mind with himself.
* Logic -
Logic is the cornerstone of the temple that is Don Flamingo, the man is logical to a tee always deciding the most rational choice. A logical being his ends always justify his means and no matter what deplorable action or deed he commits he will be able to explain himself in the end(even if it is a complete lie to hide the true reasoning). Any lie he tells to anyone he respects is for a logical reason, and every action he takes is meticulously planned even if it is improvised on the spot.
* Strategy -
Strategic to a tee due to his training and countless hours of strategy games when he was younger lead Flamingo to end up enjoying strategy. Many books in his personal library are devoted to strategy and he is so good at it that he is able to think up over two hundred possible situations for up to fifteen moves ahead in each in the span of a few seconds. The amount of neurons that fire when he is involved in something strategical is nigh unbelievable.
* Challenges -
Don enjoys a good challenge and if he thinks the person is honorable he will accept and fight fairly. Most of the time Don fights to win but when he deems someone as worthy he will instead work to prolong the fight just to enjoy it more. In all aspects of life Don enjoys being challenged and he will only accept people into his inner circle if they can challenge him in some way. This promotes a race to always become better in order to catch up with others.

* Ignorance -
Dont hates ignorance of any kind, which is to say he hates more the refusal to learn or things he deems as need to know information. Someone who does something like that does not need their brain according to Flamingo. He believes that if you are not going to use something that precious then you do not deserve the gift of having it. As such he believes that the brain is one of the most important things that someone can have and use.
* Humanity -
Don hates humanity on a whole, to him, people are dumb stupid and panicky while persons can be smart and competent. This ties in with his hatred of group mentality and he sees the stupidity of it all and becomes sickened by it painting his view on most people until they prove themselves as intelligent. Don is extremely biased on this and it affects how he treats a person.
* Group Mentality -
Group mentality is one of the worst things in the opinion of Flamingo he believes that the more minds you get into a group the more likely you are to come into those unfit to suggest ideas. Don believes that some people just need to be controlled and lead since they are incapable of doing it for themselves. He views them as cattle or tools, not even people just soulless puppets unable to do anything productive with their own brain.
* Weakness -
Weakness of those without an excuse is viewed as pathetic to Don, he believes wasted potential is a grave sin. When someone does not attempt to better themselves they may as well just not exist in the eyes of Don. While an extreme view most of Don's views are and his personality and actions are reflected by that.
* Abusiveness -
Those who prey solely on the weak to bring about their own sense of power is viewed as deplorable by Don, while some view that as ironic it is actually just a part of his small good side. Parents beating their children is especially heinous to Don as he believes that if someone is protecting another they should never harm them. This is one of his moral views that is in-flexable and is core to his twisted worldviews.
* Lack of Honor
Lacking honor, even if it is an odd sense of honor which is to say a set of guidelines to live by, irks Don more than most anything else and he has been known to go into a rage over this issue. He refuses to deal with those without honor as he believes that they would betray him for nothing. It just does not seem wise to him and he has an obvious bias against someone who shows that they are without honor, it is an essential thing he believes that all beings should have no matter how worthless they are.

Don la Flamingo (WiP) EskRRXd



Losing his treasures, whatever they may be.

Don la Flamingo (WiP) Blood10


Bloodline Name: Fushi no Ketsueki 'Immortal Blood'.

Don la Flamingo (WiP) Doflamingo-1

Bloodline Ability: Kyūketsuki possess 20% more strength and speed than that of a human, complete with incomparable grace, a different sort than the animalistic fluid nature of lycanthropes. They are able to sap the life out of their targets and therefore have a much bigger lifespan. Kyūketsuki do not have a sense of taste as they cannot ingest food and don't need to.

Age: As the Kyūketsuki can have a longer lifespan and even reach immortality their ages might differ from their appearance. Many people might want to be older than they look, to have the advantages of having a young look and yet a wiser personality. There is a standard +200 words required if you want to apply for being older than you look and besides that you'd need to calculate how many words extra per age.

The added wordcount per age is 50 words. So what you need to do is take the age you want to be minus the age your appearance looks like and multiply it with 50. If you want to be 50 years old and your appearance is 20 years old you'd get 50 - 20 = 30. Now multiply 30 with 50 and you get 1500. This is the number of extra words you'd need to write to 50 if your appearance is 20.

Location: Tsuki.

Clan History:  The Kyūketsuki is one of the hailing clans in Tsuki. Many Kyūketsuki and Ookami are constantly fighting. Their history is quite unknown for Kyūketsuki are quite mysterious and don't show themselves much. In order to stay secretive yet show power in the village they always have a representative in the board of regents. While the Ookami are fairly scattered among themselves in smaller groups the Kyūketsuki managed to be more organized. Over the years they managed to own some land and buildings near Tsuki such as the Fortuna castle.

Don la Flamingo (WiP) Histor11

Don la Flamingo (WiP) Doflamingo


Saga of the Birth/Flight of the Birds

Growing up in the manor Don was always told that he was better than the other people, and also receiving training so that he could prove that he was. He grew up in the clan of the immortal blood and thus he was given the top class service, but he was also pushed hard. Perfection comes at a cost of ones childhood along with quite a few other things. As such he was treated as an adult ever since he was six, he had the rights of an adult, the responsibilities of an adult, and he was treated to the same standard as an adult. Luckily this would help him later in life, but some think that they would not wish to go down his same path. While Don did not mind and actually enjoyed the challenge, his older sister did not like it all and constantly rebelled from the family and the clan. Oftentimes she would just rebel for the sake of it, if she had been able to justify it there would not be a wedge that began to form between her and Don. Fiona, his sister, was soon not even speaking to him she would just shut herself up in her room for absolutely no reason. Don was much too busy with other things than to give false pity to his sister since he could not agree with her there was no way he could have actual empathy with her situation. This lead to his sister leaving the clan when he was 12, up until two years before the duo was thick as thieves but with how odd and erratic she had become it was like she left before to Don. As such he has recently adjusted to being an only child further hammering away the childlike innocence that some form during that period. It changed the man obviously, however most of it was objectively good with him getting more training and studying allowing him to surpass many others.

Before his sister had left and before he joined the academy at the age of eight Don had ended up getting lost in the woods for three days. It was quite an experience for him, at first he had left the manor just to explore outside and try to find something interesting. Even though most seven year olds would look to make a fort or craft fake swords from their imagination and a stick, Don instead went out there just to watch nature and breathe in the environment. Unfortunately for him he ended up losing track of time and before he knew it the sky had darkened and he wound up in an area he had never been to before. Unable to judge correctly where to go he wandered the rest of the night before spending five hours sleeping and continuing onwards. When they finally found him he simply stated that he needed training in judging direction and how to navigate forests in a deadpan voice while shivering.

Academy Arc/Spreading His Wings

Joining the academy was an exciting moment for Don only because he thought he would be challenged, however with his previous training he would himself far past the pace the class was going at. Thus he graduated in only a year after proving himself capable of becoming a genin. As such the abnormally big, blonde haired ninja became a genin at the age of nine. While he was only there for a year he still managed to get involved in quite a few 'adventures'. The first one of course was the time he was almost suspended due to throwing one of his fellow students off the top of the roof of the Academy building. The only reason he was allowed to continue was the fact that witnesses backed up the fact he only did it since the other child was trying to break another's arm. Without speaking to the ninja he saved, or anyone else directly after he threw the kid off the building Don simply walked back into the classroom and opened up his text book. He was still there when several high ranking ninjas came in to question him. While he never regretted his actions that was the last time he did anything like that in public. This experience taught him that if he wished to enact his own justice he would have to be sneakier about it. He did not wish to end up in trouble due to his differences in beliefs than that of the village laws. It was not all bad and during the academy Don quickly became popular among the other students and teachers, many have whispered that the true reason he did not get in trouble was due to this fact but that is open to debate.

Genin Saga/Hunting from the Skies

As a genin Don got involved in quite a few dangerous missions, it seemed that a copious amount of his missions ended up becoming more deadly than he had expected or been told going in. However that may have been due to the fact that his team was the strongest in the village. His leader was an old jounin whom had been one of the strongest of the village back when he was in his prime. As he was now however he was an excellent teacher and leader and thanks to him Don learned how to teach and lead as well as become a better ninja in every way. The difference in amount of skill from graduation until his first Chuunin Exam two years later was immense and Don had become an even better ninja through all of the trials that the team had encountered...

A Chuunin Tale/Soaring Above

RP Sample:

Don la Flamingo (WiP) Extra10

Source: One Piece

Face Claim: Donquiote Doflamingo

Don la Flamingo (WiP) Donquixote_doflamingo_by_ippez-d5xn4ic

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