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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Sakurakage's Office (Missions - WIP)

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Sakurakage's Office (Missions - WIP) Empty
PostSubject: Sakurakage's Office (Missions - WIP)   Sakurakage's Office (Missions - WIP) EmptySat Jan 04, 2014 2:01 am


Name: Water The Flowers
Difficulty: D
Location: Kusamuragakure, Sakurakage Office
Reward: 5,000 Ryo
Experience: 25 Experience
Objective: Water the Sakurakage's plants while he works.
Description: You are to water the plants of the sakurakage's office, big to small, there is about fifteen in all. Please describe in 600 words how you water the flowers, or don't as sometimes people get curious in the Kage's office. Do not roleplay the kage.


Name: Running Errands
Difficulty: D
Location: Kusamuragakure no Sato
Reward: 5,000 Ryo
Experience: 25 Experience
Objective: Run errands for your kage.
Description: The Sakurakage has asked you to go pick up a few things for him and you must describe in 600 words how you procure these items. They are as follows: Watering Pail, Pot Soil, Pots of three sizes, Plant food, Spritz bottle. There are plenty of shops that sell these, but you can always steal them if you feel the need to.


Name: Collecting Taxes
Difficulty: D
Location: Kusamuragakure no Sato
Reward: 5,000 Ryo
Experience: 25 Experience
Objective: Taxes are a part of every society, but not every one wants to pay them, visit those who refuse to give up their ryo, and convince them otherwise.
Description: You are to go to three homes in the village and convince three people to pay their taxes. One is the blacksmith, one is the baker, and the third is the old man who lives down the street from the Kage's manse. You must describe in 600 words or more how you procure the money and by which means you do so. Keep in mind, the objective is not to hurt anyone, so no open conflict, but intimidation is okay.


Name: Skipping School
Difficulty: D
Location: Kusamuragakure no Sato
Reward: 5,000 Ryo
Experience: 25 Experience
Objective: A child has decided to leave the academy early, which disappoint the kage due to his stance on hard work. Bring the child back.
Description: You must describe in 600 words how you non-violently bring the child  back to his class room, and convince him the academy does important things for a budding ninja. You can roleplay out what the child looks like but his disguises are horrible and he is squeamish around new people.


Name: Romeo and Juliet: Opening
Difficulty: D
Location: Kusamuragakure no Sato.
Reward: 5,000 Ryo
Experience: 25 Experience
Objective: A concerned father has qualms about a young man seeing his daughter and speaking to her through her window, he's asked us to deal with it.
Description: Go and talk to the man codename: "Romeo" and convince him not to talk at the young girl's window. Explain the situation to him in ways that he can understand and do so non-violently with 600 words or more. After you finish, talk to the father and the girl, getting their side of the story and report back to the Sakurakage.


Name: Missing Marmosets
Difficulty: D
Location: Kusamuragakure no Sato
Reward: 5,000 Ryo
Experience: 25 Experience
Objective: Four of the messenger marmosets from the village have gone missing, and it's up to you to find them.
Description: The messenger marmosets are important to the village as they deliver needed messages back and forth between members of the village and other villages, it's up to you to locate and capture them, bringing them back in a provided cage so they don't escape again. The marmosets are quite small and hide in dark places, be sure not to harm any of them, using 600 words or more to describe your chase and capture.


Name: Stop! Thief!
Difficulty: D
Location: Kusamuragakure no Sato
Reward: 5,000 Ryo
Experience: 25 Experience
Objective: A man has stolen an old woman's purse, track him down and retrieve it.
Description: The man is a six foot tall and brawny guy, anything else about him is up to the user. He is a coward though, and runs when he sees the ninja approaching, after about five minutes of chasing, he'll drop the purse and run off, leaving you to grab it and take it back to the old woman. Describe in 600 words or more your venture into this and how you take the purse back and what not.


Name: Teaching Jutsu
Difficulty: D
Location: Kusamuragakure no sato
Reward: 5,000 Ryo
Experience: 25 Experience
Objective: You're charged with helping the academy student learn their jutsu, and showing them your own.
Description: You're simply going to observe the form of the academy students and help them along, afterwards showing them your own jutsu to help inspire them to become stronger and learn more powerful jutsu. It will be outdoors, so please, no destruction. Describe in 600 words or more how you teach them and what you teach them, do no use any jutsu you do not have prior to starting this mission.


Name: Trouble Youth
Difficulty: D
Location: Kusamuragakure no Sato
Reward: 5,000 Ryo
Experience: 25 Experience
Objective: Spend some time with the kage's nephew/niece.
Description: The niece/nephew of your Sakurakage feels neglected because their uncle is always so busy with official things, that they began to feel depressed. Describe in 600 words or more what you do with them, and how you help them cope. Their appearance is completely up to you, you may say it is one, or two of them. The gender is also your choice.


Name: Day Job
Difficulty: D
Location: Kusamuragakure, Sakurakage Office
Reward: 5,000 Ryo
Experience: 25 Experience
Objective: The Sakurakage needs you to do some paperwork for him. It sucks, but be courteous.
Description: Describe in 600 words or more your day at the office and how you file his paperwork or simply hide it to where he'll never find it. Make sure everything is in order before he comes back, or you do not get your ryo (this is just incentive, don't be lazy). There are about three stacks of paperwork that are annoyingly thick (about three feet high each) and most of them simply require a signature.



Name: The Hillside Cave
Difficulty: C
Location: Just outside Kusamuragakure
Reward: 15,000 Ryo
Experience: 50
Objective: Find the source of the strange noises and deal with them.
Description: For the past few days, villagers have been hearing loud, strange noises coming from a cave outside Kusamuragakure.  It could be many things, but the village higher-ups seem to think it is a group of bandits or maybe some large animals.  Use of deadly force is authorized.


Name: Missing Livestock
Difficulty: C
Location: Grazing areas of Kusamuragakure
Reward: 15,000
Experience: 50
Objective: Find out who/what is taking the livestock and capture them.  If it is an animal, kill it or drive it away.
Description: Livestock has begun to continuously disappear from the groups and the farmers are have reported it to the Sakurakage.  It is most likely a poacher or some type of large, carnivorous animal.  Deal with the issue and report back to claim your reward.


Name: Bullies
Difficulty: C
Location: Kusamuragakure
Reward: 15,000
Experience: 50
Objective: Alleviate the threat of bullies on the Academy Students.
Description: Over the past few weeks, Genin have taken to picking on the Academy Students about their lack of skill and ability.  It is your job to put an end to this... teach them a lesson if you have to.  Do NOT use deadly force, or you shall face brutal consequences.


Name: A Sensei
Difficulty: C
Location: Kusamuragakure Shinobi Academy
Reward: 15,000
Experience: 50
Objective: Teach the technique to the Academy Student.
Description: There are a shortage of teachers at the Shinobi Academy.  As such, the Sakurakage is requesting for anyone who has the time to select a student in the Academy and to teach them an E or D Ranked technique.  We are counting on you to help raise our next generation of Genin.


Name: Delivery
Difficulty: C
Location: Cottage in the Jungle of Kusamuragakure.
Reward: 15,000
Experience: 50
Objective: Deliver the message safely and swiftly.
Description: There has been an important notice sent to all residents of Kusamuragakure.  However, there is a certain cottage in the Jungle that cannot be trusted to be delivered to by ordinary mailmen.  The reason for this is the path to get to this cottage has been reported to have an unusual amount of wolves and carnivorous animals and we cannot risk lives for a simple message.


Name: Guard Duty
Difficulty: C
Location: Kusamuragakure
Reward: 15,000
Experience: 50
Objective: Make sure no citizens enter the restricted area.
Description: There has been a large flood in the center of the village that maintenance is having a hard time getting rid of.  You must stand guard and be sure no citizens enter the area, for it can be highly dangerous to the unwary.  It is calm as of the moment but anything can happen.


Name: Scouting
Difficulty: C
Location: Jungle near Kusamuragakure
Reward: 15,000
Experience: 50
Objective: Find and report any dangers within the Jungle
Description: Once in awhile, Shinobi are sent out to scout the surrounding Jungle of Kusamuragakure.  It is a Jungle after all, and dangers can constantly appear, such as an area infested badly with parasites, or a weak or fallen bridge.  It is your job to find anything like this and report them to the Sakurakage to be dealt with.


Name: Guarding The Village Gate
Difficulty: C
Location: Kusamuragakure
Reward: 15,000
Experience: 50
Objective: Guard the entrance to Kusamuragakure.
Description: It’s quite simple really.  This is a routine mission and all you need to do is keep an eye on the entrance to the village.  Make sure no one gets through without ID, residence, or valid reasons to enter.


Name: Outlying Homes
Difficulty: C
Location: Outside Kusamuragakure
Reward: 15,000
Experience: 50
Objective: Check on the outlying homes.
Description: There are many houses outside Kusamuragakure that do not have the benefit of a protective wall or Shinobi.  Go out and check on these homes in the Jungle and be sure the residents are okay and not otherwise in danger.  Report any sicknesses, major injuries, or missing people.


Name: Evacuation Drills
Difficulty: C
Location: Kusamuragakure
Reward: 15,000
Experience: 50
Objective: Make sure the citizens know the evacuation drills.
Description: You have been given a list of homes.  You are to check on these homes that they know the evacuation drills in case of attack from other villages.  Run through the drills once at each home and teach any household who does not know their drill.



Name: Escort the Miners
Difficulty: B
Location: Jungle of Kusamuragakure
Reward: 30,000
Experience: 100
Objective: Protect the miners along their trip.
Description: The miners of Kusamuragakure want to move to a new mine for a bit because the one they were at has become dangerous.  You are to escort them to the new mine a few miles further from the village than their current mine.  There has been reported suspicious activity in the area, so bandits or even low-ranked Shinobi wouldn’t be a surprise.


Name: Kidnappers
Difficulty: B
Location: Kusamuragakure
Reward: 30,000
Experience: 100
Objective: Find the kidnapping victim and return them to safety.
Description: A mother has filed a missing person’s report, stating that her daughter has not been seen for 8 days.  There were signs of a struggle in the daughter’s bedroom and neighbors claimed to have heard strange sounds.  It is assumed the victim was forced along with whomever did this and that they are not Shinobi, for a Shinobi would have offered a much cleaner job.  You must retrieve the victim and escort her to safety, back to her mother.  Use of deadly force on the kidnapper is authorized.


Name: Missing Genin
Difficulty: B
Location: Jungle outside Kusamuragakure
Reward: 30,000
Experience: 100
Objective: Bring the missing Genin team back to the village.
Description: A team of Genin were sent out on a D-Ranked mission in the Jungle two days ago. Their mission should have taken a maximum of an hour, however they have not been seen since. Though it was most likely nothing too dangerous, anything could have happened to them. Therefor it is your mission to find the missing team and bring them back to the village safely, eliminating any hostile threat. It is not unlikely that the missing team is dead as well. Venture carefully.


Name: Delivery
Difficulty: B
Location: Neighboring countries.
Reward: 30,000
Experience: 100
Objective: Deliver the message safely.
Description: There have been reports of hostile threats within the Jungle. We are not sure exactly of their nature, intentions, or motives, but it is clear that they will not be playing nice. You need to take a compiled report to the allied countries near us to be sure that they are aware of any threats which may pose a danger to their countries. Do NOT let this message fall into enemy hands.


Name: Supply Retrieval
Difficulty: B
Location: Border of Sakura country
Reward: 30,000
Experience: 100
Objective: Being back the stolen supplies.
Description: A supply caravan was supposed to check in three days ago.  It has not been seen and there have been reports of hostile activity in the area.  Your mission is to eliminate the threats and to retrieve the stolen supplies.  There will likely be Genin to Chuunin level missing nin among your enemies, so if you kill any Shinobi, you MUST identify the bodies in your report.  The supplies are mostly food and money, so fast retrieval before it spoils is vital.


Name: Reconnaissance
Difficulty: B
Location: The border of Sakura country
Reward: 30,000
Experience: 100
Objective: Identify the amount, affiliation, and speed of travel of the enemies.
Description: Reports have shown a large amount of enemy Shinobi in the area.  Their intentions, affiliation, and quantity are completely unknown.  Your job is to figure that all out without being detected.  If anyone knows you were there, you may as well have specifically told them to change their plans.  You must also determine the direction and rate of travel of the hostile force. Casualties will not be accepted.



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