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The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
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 Rael Kemuri

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Special Jounin

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PostSubject: Rael Kemuri    Rael Kemuri  EmptySat Feb 15, 2014 1:25 pm

Rael Kemuri  Yuki__with_16_by_xxyukix3mikanxx-d3dr29g_zps83ce9ec9

Rael Kemuri  Whoare14

First Name: Rael
Last Name: Kemuri
Alias: Jinchūriki of the Yonbi, The White Rabbit

Gender: Female
Age: 21
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 123lbs
Birthday: May 13th
Sexuality: Bi-sexual

Affiliation: Tsukigakure
Rank: Special Jounin
Element(s): Raiton, Suiton, Doton
Specialization(s): Medical, Ninjutsu, Taijutsu

Rael Kemuri  Tellme11

Personality: Rael is a kindhearted and loving person. She's always looking for a way to help those who need her, and won't take no for an answer. She has a pure soul, with a goal set on saving as many lives as possible, without ever taking one. So far, she has done just that, with the only blood on her hands being the blood of those she has saved. Aside from her friendly, outgoing, loving traits, she is also a very intelligent young women. Her skills and mindset allows her to understand and observe things very closely, from every direction that she can think of. This allows her to understand others rather well, and allows her to settle issues without too much trouble, if any at all.

Despite being so cherry and filled with good intentions, Rael does has a bit of a dark side. Though it is not violent or hateful, it does bare a bit of sorrow to it. Even though she is very optimistic and always smiling, deep inside she hurts. The wounds on her heart from losing her parents, being treated differently, not being able to save someone or be of use. All of these things still dwell inside of her like any other human being, though she hides them well, she still sends tears because of it, hiding from everyone else around her when she does. This is one of the only times in which Rael likes to be left alone, though she'll still be extremely polite when she asks of such.

Though Rael seems to be immune to hate, she does have a bit of an unappealing and rough relationship with the bijuu inside of her. Exchanging in mental arguments and holding a bit of distaste for the creature deep within herself, Rael tried her hardest to settle things with the Yonbi, so that she can change him.

Yonbi no Kuzuri: The Yonbi is considered one of the most aggressive bijuu, and is also one of the most cunning. Despite being very cunning, however, the Yonbi is also considered rather unintelligent and foolish, often picking fights with bijuu above his station in the hopes that he will prove himself stronger than all the others. The Yonbi seems to have a massive amount of hatred and strength, and relies on his wild ferocity and endless persistence to destroy his foes. Generally, the Yonbi simply uses its greatest attack as much as it can in an attempt to overwhelm and destroy any enemies. This makes the Yonbi one of the more dangerous, despite its low ranking among the bijuu.

His relation with his host, Rael, is far from ideal. He often refers to her as nothing more than a weakling, who isn't even worth the breath she breaths. Often, he will try to break her will and fill her head with doubts. Fear that she will fail, that she won't be of any use, that she isn't strong enough to make a difference when and where it matters. He finds her views and goals to be of nothing more than a fool's wish. False hope that won't work in the world of shinobi. Rael knows there is some truth in this, and the Yonbi often preys on this when she feels as such.

Likes: Rael loves many things. From sweets to cute and fuzzy creatures, to people and beautiful sights. She also likes to read, romance being her favorite genre of literature. As far as food and drink go, her favorite food is sushi and dumplings. Her favorite desert is ice cream of flavored ice of any sort, and her favorite drink is tea of all sorts. She's also a big eater for such a little thing, so it's wise to never offer to treat her. Aside from shoving her face though, Rael loves all living things. She believes that life is a sacred thing, that shouldn't ever be taken likely. Also that nobody should ever have the right to take another's life, unless it involves the food chain of survival for animals. Making freinds is her favorite activity, aside from eating, and her desire to see the sights and travel to provide medical treatment has been a small goal of hers for years.

Dislikes: Rael absolutely can't stand violence, especially when it has no purpose to it. She finds killing to be wrong and that those who start it are childish and just out right mean. Aside from those who hurt others and kill for fun, Rael isn't exactly a huge fan of bugs. Though she won't kill one, she certainly keeps her distance from them as much as possible. They crawl, slither, crunch, and just are extremely nasty as far as she is concerned. As far as food goes, there really isn't anything Rael doesn't like, or per say, hates. She isn't keen on slimy food, but she'll try at least anything once, as long as it is actually considered food. Aside from that, the only thing Rael dislikes is the Yonbi. Though she tries really hard to be friends with him and get along, she can't help but be annoyed and fed up with his anger and attitude. She also hates how he plays with her emotions and faults. She also doesn't like overly pushy men, as she is very shy when it comes down to romance, despite reading so many books about it.

Motivation: Rael's motivation is what drives her more than anything else. Her desire to save as many lives a possible without ever taking one herself. She has lived by this goal her entire life, and follows it no matter what. She believes that the best way to defeat her enemy, is by making them her friend instead. Though if she has to, she will fight to defend those who need her assistance, and once she had prevented her opponent from harming anyone else, she heals them so that they will be okay. It is this purity and kindness that gave her the title of the 'White Rabbit' and she loves the fact that she is known by something other than the Jinchūriki of the Yonbi.

Fears: Rael really only fears one thing, killing someone. She never wants to know what it is like to end someone else's life. Just the thought os it makes her nauseous and teary eyed. To a smaller degree, she is also afraid of not being able to save someone. Failing to prevent a death of someone she could save would just be an emotional burden she would carry. She's willing to fight, just never willing to kill or let others kill, even if it is to keep her safe. To a lesser extent, Rael is also afraid of what people think of her to a degree. Though she can come to understand and accept it, it still hurts her heart to know that people think she's a monster, despite what a good person she is.

Rael Kemuri  Blood10

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Rael Kemuri  Histor11



Rael Kemuri was born within the neutral village of Tsukigakure. She was born into a simple and pleasant family, her father and mother both being simple shinobi of the land. They were not rich, or powerful, or well known, simply common ninja in a relatively peaceful time. A perfect time for a them to start a family. Rael wasn't really different from any other child. She wasn't overly brilliant, or possessed any form of kekkei genkai. Nothing to make her life complicated other than just growing up and living life. She grew like any other child, she learned like any other child, maybe at most, a little faster, but really nothing special. The only thing that really made her stand out above anything was her personality. She was a bundle of kindness and joy, nothing but smiles and rainbows one could say. Which would play a huge role in her being able to make friends and become rather well liked with those who would meet her. However, the happy times of a child couldn't last forever, for is just how life is.

Tragedy, My name is Rael
At the young age of five, Rael would come to know her first real loss in life. The death of her parents. It was a tragic tale that commonly left children who's parents were both shinobi, orphans. Upon being assigned a difficult mission, Rael's mother and father left, with many other shinobi, to try to capture the four tails. The bijuu was a rather dangerous one, and the village feared that the beast would turn towards the village. Being so, they attempted to capture and seal the beast, however it proved too strong and killed many of the shinobi that were sent to capture it, including Rael's mother and father. Left an orphan, Rael was shattered at the loss of her parents. Such a young girl. So kind and innocent; she didn't deserve such a wound. However, she would not be left alone. Those around her who were good friends of her parents, would look after the girl, as well as the village. With such amazing people keeping her strong, Rael's smile lived on and continued to shine.

Twist of Fate: Rael, my name is Yonbi no Kuzuri
With the years to pass, the pressure of capturing the Yonbi became more and more of an issue. It continued to send countless Tsuki shinobi and travelers to their deaths each time it revealed itself, until one day, three years after its first appearance, the shinobi of Tsukigakure managed to capture it. Being how dangerous it was, it became the elder's goal to seal it away completely, however no containment seal on its own was strong enough to bind such a creature. They had no option but to seal it within one of the villagers instead. However, the candidates for such an ordeal were not exactly in large supply. It turned out that the bijuu would not be the easiest bijuu to find a compatible host for. However, fate's cruel hands wrapped around a very specific girl. One who beyond any known reason, share the highest compatibility with the beast. Rael Kemuri. An orphan due to the beast showing up three years ago and killing her parents. A kindhearted and cheery girl, would wouldn't harm a fly. A fresh new student at the Tsukigakure shinobi academy, was the best suitor for the Yonbi. It truly was a twisted outcome, but it just had to be done. So at the young age of eight, Rael was taken by the village elders and using their fuinjutsu, sealed the tailed beast within the young girls body, starting a nightmare that she would have to live with for the remainder of her life.

Yonbi no Kuzuri, an Unwelcomed Guest
Once the sealing of the Yonbi was successful, and Rael survived such an ordeal, her life was permanently changed. She now had a beast who destroyed and killed within her. The very thing that murdered her parents, survived within her very being. It made her sick. People that once were friendly towards her, no kept their distance, looking on with pity that out of anyone, she was the one who had o bare such a creature. It was for the good of the village, and she understood that, but why did it have to be her? Regardless of the circumstances, Rael tried her hardest to keep herself smiling. Even though people treated her different now, she wouldn't treat anybody any different. Her mother taught her well that you treat people how you wanted to be treated and live life with a smile, and that's just what Rael would do. After all, it came naturally to the girl. She was a pure soul and bared a happy heart, despite all the scars it now bore.

Academy Days

Upon having the bijuu sealed within her, Rael had recently just started attending the shinobi academy within Tsukigakure. She had a goal, which was to become a strong ninja like her parents, and to study the medical arts so she could save as many lives as she could. That way, nobody would have to go through the same pain she did. Twas truly a noble desire, especially for one so young. It's what Rael wanted, more than anything else. However, the Yonbi being inside her made things extremely difficult. She was avoided by all the other students, regardless of how kind she always was to them. She was treated differently by everyone for what was inside of her, and she knew it. She often cried herself to sleep for having to be so along, and the Yonbi loved her suffering. He called her weak, pathetic, and it angered him that he was stuck in a body of such a weakling. Despite this, Rael would hide her pain, her loneliness, and mask the influence of the Yonbi, for her own sake. She continued to smile and work hard, wanting ever so much to obtain her goal. She got good grades, trained hard to make herself strong, and she did it all by herself, within the Yonbi breathing down her next, taking every chance he could to break her. Rael would not give in though. She just had too much to prove.

Rael, the Genin
As the years within the academy passed, Rael finally graduated at the age of eleven. The teachers were a little hesitant to allow her to pass, with the Yonbi within her. Many thought that she should never be a shinobi at all, that she would only be trouble. However, her grades could not be disregarded, nor could the fact that she would be a very strong member of the village. However, her training wouldn't stop there. Upon graduating from the academy, the Village elders thought it important that she be trained and overlooked by a powerful and experienced shinobi. One that could help her understand and maybe even control the bijuu within her, and that's exactly what they did.

Rael was assigned a rather competent fuinjutsu user of the village. Matter of fact, it was the very man who had sealed the beast within her. A man by the name of Shiro Magitama. He told her exactly why the beast was sealed within her, and as to why she had been assigned to him as his student. Before she was allowed to go on missions, be assigned the a squad, or contribute to the village, she first had to be taught about the monster inside of her and how to control it. Though controlling such a creature of such power and anger would not be something she would be able to do overnight, if at all. Regardless, Rael worked hard to try to learn about the Yonbi. She wanted to be able to understand him, so that maybe one day she would be able to make him her friend.

Over several months of training, Rael's attempts to bond with the Yonbi were going all but splendidly. The beast just couldn't get along with Rael, no mater how much she tried to get along with him. It was frustrating for all three of them. Shiro was at a loss of what to do. The beast saw Rael as nothing more than a weakling, and more or less, she was. Her heart was too kind, to gentle for such a creature to come to respect, and he vowed to one day devour her whole and take his freedom.

Road of the Shinobi
Once it became a well known fact that Rael wouldn't be able to control the Yondi anytime soon. Shiro, her teacher of sorts, decided that she should get some experience as a shinobi. Being so, he took Rael out of special missions and normal ones, allowing her to get the feel for the shinobi lifestyle. However, it became a well known fact that Rael just wasn't you standard shinobi. She didn't have it in her to kill anyone, a trait that was not exactly useful in such a world, especially for a shinobi. Rael was a medical ninja, a supporter, not a fighter. None the less, she needed to know how to defend herself, so Shiro decided that he would expand on not just her medical knowledge, but her physical strength and ninjutsu capabilities. In the mean time, Rael continued with her training to co-exist with the Yonbi, so one day she could use his strength.

As the years went by, Rael started to become a rather talented young genin. She was rather skilled with her medical techniques, and even developed rather well with her taijutsu and ninjutsu. However, the more she grew, the more restless the Yonbi became. He began to mentally assault Rael more and more, trying to break her will. This would lead to the first additional seal added to Rael's body to help keep the bijuu's rage within her controlled. As time would pass, there would be a total of three seals placed on her, each acting as a restraint that would keep the bijuu in check. With the seals in check, Rael would be free to do as she wanted, with Shiro carefully watching over her.

Rael, the Chunnin
Once Rael was allowed to proceed with her career as a shinobi, nothing could stop her from going on missions. She was paired with other teams for harder missions, but over all was left to the easier ones. Before she knew it, five years had passed, and she had reached the age of sixteen. Her skills were rather impressive at that time, as was her mission count. The only bad side was that she wouldn't be allowed to take the chunnin exams that were around the corner. Due to the Yonbi being inside her, the elders didn't want to risk the chance of something happening. Being so, they left the task to Shiro as to how they should test her. The test he granted, was the learning of the sealing and release jutsu for her bijuu restraints. If she could master them on her own, then she would be promoted to Chunnin. With the task at hand, Rael quickly got to work in learning what she needed. Of course, it would be a lot harder than she could ever imagine.

With the Yonbi dwelling inside her, he just waited until Rael tried to release the first seal. Upon doing so, he pounced, assaulting her mentally and emotionally. It rattled the girl greatly, and the Yonbi could only laugh as she suffered. Regardless, she continued on and released the second restraint, which to his surprise, allowed for another devastating mental assault. On the ground in tears, Rael could barely manage to keep her thoughts in line. The beast was far more powerful than she was. So much that she didn't even understand what allowed her to maintain him in the first place. The truth was, she didn't, he merely remained at rest, due to weakness from the sealing within Rael's body. With the beast fully awake and angry, he could deliver blows of the highest caliber to her, and being how he was, that's exactly what he did. He was going to break her will, eat her heart, and gain his freedom. However, Rael was too proud and hopeful to allow such a thing. She may not have been able to control him, but she knew how to collar him, and even with all the stress and wear he placed on her heart, mind, and will, Rael took it upon herself to place the restraint seals upon herself once again, and trap the vicious beast within her core once more. Impressed of both her judgment and strength, Shiro gave Rael a passing grade and in term, her chunnin rank.

The White Rabbit
With the bijuu sealed up and not out of control, Rael worked on trying to improve her reputation a bit and really get out there. She accepted whatever missions she was given, worked with various teams, healed the wounded and sick. After all these years, she only kept being pegged as the Jinchūriki of the Yonbi. Now, she was being seen again as the kindhearted, pure, timid little thing she was. This would be the very thing that would lead to her being called the 'White Rabbit' of Tsukigakure. Medics that were available to be sent out in the field were limited as well, so Rael, having no team of her own, was often assigned to various squads when they required a medic. This allowed for many different opportunities for Rael to meet other shinobi and experience different missions and places, which over all helped her name spread even more. What really stood out though, was that no matter what mission Rael went on, everyone on the team would come back alive. Where ever she went, she made sure that she did her best to save lives, and that is just what she would continue to do.

Rael, the Special Jounin
With her name quickly spreading through positive means, instead of her just being the Jinchūriki of the Yonbi, people started treating her better again. There were still those who thought differently of her. Who thought that no matter how much good she did, there would be no changing the monster inside of her. Rael didn't blame them though, as most of them that thought as such were directly hurt by the Yonbi in some way, shape, or form, just as she had been. What was more important though was that the elders saw her as a beneficial shinobi to their village. Her medical skills and versatility on the front lines were splendid. Not exactly what they hoped for with the Jinchūriki of the Yonbi, but it worked none the less. Being that she had managed to advance so much over the years even caught the eye of the Oujoukage. She was still a young girl, but Rael had what it took to become something great, and her skills far exceeded that of a chunnin. With her skills and hard work t show for it, she was promoted to Special Jounin, for exceedingly high skills in medical ninjutsu. Honored by how much she had grown, Rael decided there was just one thing she could do to increase herself further. Get in touch with the Yonbi and finally get him to acknowledge her strength.

To Master the Demon Inside
Rael, with her goals in sight, had one last thing to do. She knew it wouldn't be easy, nor would it even be successful, but she had to try. Rael wanted to help people. She wanted to save as many lives as she could, with never taking a single one. It was her nindo, her ninja way. Her kindhearted actions and purity turned her enemies into friends, and dangerous animals into peaceful creatures. Yet she still couldn't get the Yonbi to open up to her or acknowledge her. He still wanted his freedom, and her head on a platter. None the less, Rael trained to tame the beast and make him her friend. Not just for herself, but for him too. His strength could be used to save people, to make Rael stronger so she could protect those who needed to be protected. To help the village however she could when it would need her. So with her eyes set on the goal and her heart filled with determination, Rael focused her time to training her connection with the Yonbi. The only question was, would she be able to do it? Only time would tell.

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